True Republicans need to watch this...

10-12 minutes with five commies spouting the party line, propagandizing and bolstering this regime, damn and I can never get that time back.
10-12 minutes with five commies spouting the party line, propagandizing and bolstering this regime, damn and I can never get that time back.

You are calling Joe Scarborough a commie? He is the kind of republican that has a chance of saving the GOP from extinction. You need more of his kind.
Let me guess: Act like a Liberal?

You really don't get it, do you? The GOP and its Old White Man's attitude is in danger of disappearing. The Tea Baggers have pulled the party down and now are threatening to take away the soul of the GOP. Yes, the Republicans only answer is to try to restrict voters, gerrymander congressional districts, and pay lip service to emigration.

The leaders of the GOP are as clueless as you are. The one thing I am waiting for is the Battle Royal between the Neocons of Karl Rove and the Tea Party elite. It may decide the fate of the GOP for years to come.:clap2:

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