Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

One thing I can't deny is that I'm having the best years of my life. I was doing great under Obama but I'm doing even better now.

Overall Trump isn't worth it but I can't say he ruined the economy around me, yet.

Gore lost when the economy was great. He should have been elected based on the economy and so should have Hillary. Trump and Republicans convinced the voters that things weren't great in 2015 but they were. I was doing great. Manufacturing was doing great. We 80 straight months of adding jobs to the economy, no steps backward.

Republicans denied the unemployment number was real and didn't care that the stock market was doing great. They said what about blue collar. Well? What about them? They are still struggling. Far from maga.
/ā€”ā€”/ Iā€™ve made money no matter who was I office, and having Hildabeast as president would mean Iā€™d leave my investment strategy untouched from Obozo. I voted for Trump because he is not part of the swamp and truly cares about MAGA.
Bullshit. Trump's only motivation to be president was to line his own pocket and the pockets of his family.
/ā€”ā€”/ And I can tell by all the proof you provided................. crickets
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law

And when he was running for president he lied to us and told us taxes on people like him would go up.

But he didn't completely lie. In his tax bill he fucked rich people in blue states. Basically he punished any state that he didn't win.

Trumpā€™s tax cuts are punishing states that voted for Clinton, data suggest

Using data from the IRS and the U.S. Census Bureau, people in ā€˜Trumpā€™ states pay an average of $7,800 in federal taxes per person versus $11,070 per person in states that voted for Hillary Clinton.

Trump is greedy, power and fame hungry, likes to be in control. I think it's funny when Republicans can't fathom why a rich 70 year old billionaire would be greedy and be anti middle class. These people don't realize that when FDR passed the new deal the rich called him a traitor to his class. Rich people know class warfare exists. They think business owners should make more not employees.

Mr. Trump himself lives in the deep blue state of New York- he's paying the same taxes as others there. His friend , the Maha Rushdie, suggested that The Donald move to Florida, Trump just can't see it.

He signed a tax law that goes against his own interests, because he knew that New Yorkers weren't paying nearly enough.
One thing I can't deny is that I'm having the best years of my life. I was doing great under Obama but I'm doing even better now.

Overall Trump isn't worth it but I can't say he ruined the economy around me, yet.

Gore lost when the economy was great. He should have been elected based on the economy and so should have Hillary. Trump and Republicans convinced the voters that things weren't great in 2015 but they were. I was doing great. Manufacturing was doing great. We 80 straight months of adding jobs to the economy, no steps backward.

Republicans denied the unemployment number was real and didn't care that the stock market was doing great. They said what about blue collar. Well? What about them? They are still struggling. Far from maga.
/ā€”ā€”/ Iā€™ve made money no matter who was I office, and having Hildabeast as president would mean Iā€™d leave my investment strategy untouched from Obozo. I voted for Trump because he is not part of the swamp and truly cares about MAGA.
Bullshit. Trump's only motivation to be president was to line his own pocket and the pockets of his family.
/ā€”ā€”/ And I can tell by all the proof you provided................. crickets
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law
/ā€”ā€”/ That doesnā€™t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trumpā€™s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist ā€“ perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (ā€œI enjoy leadingā€). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (ā€œWhatā€™s in it for me?ā€). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (ā€œOther people think Iā€™d be an effective leaderā€).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trumpā€™s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim ā€“ Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trumpā€™s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of ā€œfreeā€ coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trumpā€™s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.
/ā€”ā€”/ Iā€™ve made money no matter who was I office, and having Hildabeast as president would mean Iā€™d leave my investment strategy untouched from Obozo. I voted for Trump because he is not part of the swamp and truly cares about MAGA.
Bullshit. Trump's only motivation to be president was to line his own pocket and the pockets of his family.
/ā€”ā€”/ And I can tell by all the proof you provided................. crickets
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law

And when he was running for president he lied to us and told us taxes on people like him would go up.

But he didn't completely lie. In his tax bill he fucked rich people in blue states. Basically he punished any state that he didn't win.

Trumpā€™s tax cuts are punishing states that voted for Clinton, data suggest

Using data from the IRS and the U.S. Census Bureau, people in ā€˜Trumpā€™ states pay an average of $7,800 in federal taxes per person versus $11,070 per person in states that voted for Hillary Clinton.

Trump is greedy, power and fame hungry, likes to be in control. I think it's funny when Republicans can't fathom why a rich 70 year old billionaire would be greedy and be anti middle class. These people don't realize that when FDR passed the new deal the rich called him a traitor to his class. Rich people know class warfare exists. They think business owners should make more not employees.

Mr. Trump himself lives in the deep blue state of New York- he's paying the same taxes as others there. His friend , the Maha Rushdie, suggested that The Donald move to Florida, Trump just can't see it.

He signed a tax law that goes against his own interests, because he knew that New Yorkers weren't paying nearly enough.

How do you know he hasn't shown us his taxes?

We've heard Trump pays zero federal taxes. How do you know what taxes he's paying in New York? Have you seen his taxes?

In a tweet on Wednesday, after the New York Times reported that President Donald Trump lost over $1 billion between 1985 and 1994 and avoided paying income taxes for eight of those years, Trump wrote that in the 1980s and 1990s, almost all real estate developers took massive tax write-offs and deductions, calling it "sport."

While Trump now seems to ridicule those tax loopholes, almost 30 years ago he lobbied Congress to renew and expand them. Now as president, tax experts say Trump widened loopholes that benefit real estate developers like himself.

Stop pretending you know what's going on.

The sweeping, bipartisan law that Trump railed against was popular in both Democrat and Republican circles, as it got rid of numerous loopholes, reduced tax-code chicanery and lowered tax rates across income brackets.

"The 1986 tax law was the gold standard for tax reform because it removed loopholes and simplified the tax system," said Steve Wamhoff, director of federal tax policy with the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

"The real estate industry lobbied Congress to bring back loopholes that applied just to them, and they succeeded," Wamhoff said. ā€œDonald Trump was part of that."

Trump said in that 1991 hearing. "And I truly feel that this country right now is in a depression," he testified. At the time, the economic boom of the 1990s was just beginning.

"The real estate business, we are in an absolute depression," he said, blaming it in large part on the 1986 tax reforms.

"I bought things that were great deals in the middle 1980s and even the later 1980s but when the tax law kicked in," Trump said, "all of a sudden those deals which were good economic deals were no longer good economic deals because they changed the game on me."

Tax experts told ABC News that far from hurting Trump, the tax code, back then as well as today, bestows huge advantages on real estate developers.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, signed by Trump, did not touch these tax advantages. "Very little has changed since the 90s when Trump took all these loopholes," said Rosenthal, who explained that real estate developers even got a few benefits from Trumpā€™s tax bill, such as a lowered tax rate on rental income.
/ā€”ā€”/ Iā€™ve made money no matter who was I office, and having Hildabeast as president would mean Iā€™d leave my investment strategy untouched from Obozo. I voted for Trump because he is not part of the swamp and truly cares about MAGA.
Bullshit. Trump's only motivation to be president was to line his own pocket and the pockets of his family.
/ā€”ā€”/ And I can tell by all the proof you provided................. crickets
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law
/ā€”ā€”/ That doesnā€™t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trumpā€™s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist ā€“ perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (ā€œI enjoy leadingā€). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (ā€œWhatā€™s in it for me?ā€). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (ā€œOther people think Iā€™d be an effective leaderā€).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trumpā€™s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim ā€“ Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trumpā€™s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of ā€œfreeā€ coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trumpā€™s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23
Bullshit. Trump's only motivation to be president was to line his own pocket and the pockets of his family.
/ā€”ā€”/ And I can tell by all the proof you provided................. crickets
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law
/ā€”ā€”/ That doesnā€™t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trumpā€™s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist ā€“ perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (ā€œI enjoy leadingā€). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (ā€œWhatā€™s in it for me?ā€). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (ā€œOther people think Iā€™d be an effective leaderā€).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trumpā€™s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim ā€“ Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trumpā€™s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of ā€œfreeā€ coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trumpā€™s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.
/ā€”ā€”/ And I can tell by all the proof you provided................. crickets
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law
/ā€”ā€”/ That doesnā€™t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trumpā€™s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist ā€“ perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (ā€œI enjoy leadingā€). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (ā€œWhatā€™s in it for me?ā€). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (ā€œOther people think Iā€™d be an effective leaderā€).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trumpā€™s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim ā€“ Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trumpā€™s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of ā€œfreeā€ coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trumpā€™s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

/ā€”ā€”. How did Hildabeast win the primary if it wasnā€™t rigged against Crazy Bernie?
The Democrats who run Fannie Ma and Freddie Mac made $MILLIONS$
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the 2008 Credit Crisis
So that was like what more than 10 years ago?
Why does your kind always do that? Instead of defending your president you try to attack Democrats from some imaginary situation a decade or more ago.
Is that because the president is indefensible?

The point is that Trump was also screwed-over like the middle class was by the Democrat Great Recession
Iā€™m sorry for you Mr. dumb, but Trump screwed over his workers. You should feel sorry for them not trump.
/ā€”ā€”/ And I can tell by all the proof you provided................. crickets
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law
/ā€”ā€”/ That doesnā€™t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trumpā€™s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist ā€“ perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (ā€œI enjoy leadingā€). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (ā€œWhatā€™s in it for me?ā€). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (ā€œOther people think Iā€™d be an effective leaderā€).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trumpā€™s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim ā€“ Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trumpā€™s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of ā€œfreeā€ coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trumpā€™s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

The Libs did TRY to rig 2016. Holding the Access Hollywood tape until the last possible moment when it was seen as too late for Trump to recover was a dirty trick designed to fix the election results.
Is it true that Trump lost more money than any other American three years in a row? Will that be a record no one ever breaks?
/ā€”ā€”/ Iā€™ve made money no matter who was I office, and having Hildabeast as president would mean Iā€™d leave my investment strategy untouched from Obozo. I voted for Trump because he is not part of the swamp and truly cares about MAGA.
Bullshit. Trump's only motivation to be president was to line his own pocket and the pockets of his family.
/ā€”ā€”/ And I can tell by all the proof you provided................. crickets
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law
/ā€”ā€”/ That doesnā€™t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trumpā€™s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist ā€“ perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (ā€œI enjoy leadingā€). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (ā€œWhatā€™s in it for me?ā€). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (ā€œOther people think Iā€™d be an effective leaderā€).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trumpā€™s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim ā€“ Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trumpā€™s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of ā€œfreeā€ coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trumpā€™s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.
/ā€”-/ Speaking of narcissist, do you think anyone here will read your long winded diatribe ? Are you that diluted? Delusions of grandeur?
The Democrats who run Fannie Ma and Freddie Mac made $MILLIONS$
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the 2008 Credit Crisis
So that was like what more than 10 years ago?
Why does your kind always do that? Instead of defending your president you try to attack Democrats from some imaginary situation a decade or more ago.
Is that because the president is indefensible?

The point is that Trump was also screwed-over like the middle class was by the Democrat Great Recession
Iā€™m sorry for you Mr. dumb, but Trump screwed over his workers. You should feel sorry for them not trump.

When did Trump "screw over" workers?

The only thing I've heard is that Mr. Trump has had complaints about the quality of work done on certain contracts. What should someone do if they aren't satisfied? Are all customers required to accept a half assed job and pay cheerfully?

Homey don't play that. Any contractor that disagreed was free to bring their claims to court. That's what courts are there for
Is it true that Trump lost more money than any other American three years in a row? Will that be a record no one ever breaks?

Donald J Trump was the poorest man in America for a while during the 1990's. But the real story is how he made a comeback and won bigly in the end.
/ā€”ā€”/ And I can tell by all the proof you provided................. crickets
I guess you're even dumber than I expected if you don't already know this.......

Trump signs sweeping tax bill into law
/ā€”ā€”/ That doesnā€™t prove your point, try again Cupcake.

some recent research presented here gave me some insight into Donald Trumpā€™s motivations to pursue the presidency. So, why did he want to become the President of the United States?

First and foremost, Trump is a narcissist ā€“ perhaps on the extreme end of the scale. In fact, Trump can be best classified as a Grandiose Narcissist.Grandiose narcissism is a flamboyant, assertive, and interpersonally dominant style, characterized by an inflated sense of self, overconfidence in making decisions, and an inability to learn from mistakes.

Research shows that narcissists are over-represented in high-level leadership positions, which can be a problem in and of itself, but back to Trump.

There are 3 basic motivations that explain why people take on leadership positions:

1. Affective motivation (ā€œI enjoy leadingā€). This is the motivation to lead simply because one enjoys leadership activities.

2. Calculative motivation (ā€œWhatā€™s in it for me?ā€). This motivation to lead focuses on the rewards or personal gains one will achieve through leading.

3. Normative motivation (ā€œOther people think Iā€™d be an effective leaderā€).This involves pressure from others to pursue leadership positions.

Trumpā€™s motivation to run for President may have been fueled by all three of these. He professes to enjoy being in charge, and has for some time (affective motivation). His serious candidacy was spurred on by backers who encouraged him to run (normative motivation). And, there may also be calculative motivation, as his detractors claim ā€“ Trump and his family may reap financial benefits from his presidency.

How does Trumpā€™s grandiose narcissism fuel his desire to be president?

Research suggests that grandiose narcissists seek leadership positions for a couple of prime reasons:

1. Self-Enhancement. Narcissists seek powerful leadership positions to prove their superiority and to enhance their image.

2. Basking in the Limelight. Throughout his adult life, Trump has sought media attention and the sheer amount of ā€œfreeā€ coverage that he got certainly helped his campaign and the election.

So, the research on narcissism and motivation to lead explains Trumpā€™s behavior fairly well. But what might cause Trump to eventually regret attaining the presidency? Well, Howard Stern may have said it best:

"I know something about Donald Trump, he really does want to be loved," Stern said. "He does want people to really love him. That drives him a lot. I think that he has a very sensitive ego and when you're president of the United States, people are going to be very very critical."

Donald Trump has a notoriously thin skin and although his narcissism causes a feeling of superiority, it is fragile and, in the end, he may regret his motivation to this high, and very visible and vulnerable, leadership position.

One of the best ever......skip to 1:23

Boy was he wrong. I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections. If we did we would have rigged 2016 and we certainly would have won 2000.

I guess we know now that Democrats don't rig elections.

Don't sell yourselves short. You've still got 1960.....and Al Franken in 2008.
And 2000 only slipped thru your hands because the Supreme Court ended the shenanigans before
you could fake up enough votes for Gore.
Is it true that Trump lost more money than any other American three years in a row? Will that be a record no one ever breaks?

Donald J Trump was the poorest man in America for a while during the 1990's. But the real story is how he made a comeback and won bigly in the end.
How many other peoples lives do you think he ruined?
Only Republicans could make a cult leader out of the worst businessman in America. Three years in a row he was the worst businessman in America.
And Republicans see that as a success.
Billionaires like Trump lose billions of dollars in business ventures like us peons lose tens of dollars by not shopping the best bargains.
And yet he lost more than any other individual in the country.

The biggest loser, deadbeat donnie. Only a trump cultist would even try to spin that as anything other than what it is: horrible businessman losing his ass...

Okay, spin what he did since then.
Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

By the time his master-of-the-universe memoir ā€œTrump: The Art of the Dealā€ hit bookstores in 1987, Donald J. Trump was already in deep financial distress, losing tens of millions of dollars on troubled business deals, according to previously unrevealed figures from his federal income tax returns.

Mr. Trump was propelled to the presidency, in part, by a self-spun narrative of business success and of setbacks triumphantly overcome. He has attributed his first run of reversals and bankruptcies to the recession that took hold in 1990. But 10 years of tax information obtained by The New York Times paints a different, and far bleaker, picture of his deal-making abilities and financial condition.

The data ā€” printouts from Mr. Trumpā€™s official Internal Revenue Service tax transcripts, with the figures from his federal tax form, the 1040, for the years 1985 to 1994 ā€” represents the fullest and most detailed look to date at the presidentā€™s taxes, information he has kept from public view. Though the information does not cover the tax years at the center of an escalating battle between the Trump administration and Congress, it traces the most tumultuous chapter in a long business career ā€” an era of fevered acquisition and spectacular collapse.

The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses ā€” largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 ā€” more than $250 million each year ā€” were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

And this is the guy who is our president. He could not even run a small company. He lost over 1 billion dollars, but according to some here he is this great successful businessman. He has successfully conned his way into the presidency. And now he is conning people into believing he turned around an economy that was turned around when he got there and that a legitimate investigation is a coup.

How stupid are we in America?
/ā€”ā€”/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They are just rehashing old stale news. Itā€™s all they have.
/ā€”ā€”/ The NY Slimes ran this story in the 1990s. They
Got a link proving that claim?

Many New Yorkers suspected Trump was a lying sack of shit in the 1990s, but the research behind today's story was compiled after the Biggest Loser in US Business History became POTUS.

The Biggest Loser |

"A major implication of these tax documents, as well as the 2005 partial tax return obtained and other records, is that Trumpā€™s tax returns would not stand up under audit.

"For example, consider the paper real estate losses Trump took on his tax returns...."

"The real estate losses Trump took far exceed the value of his buildings and the limits enacted by Congress governing how much of that value can be written off each year.

"That means he also had large other losses, which was known generally, but not the scale of those losses."
/ā€”ā€”/ Orange Man makes $$$$ bad. Orange Man losses $$$$ bad.

Orange Man bad on a train.
Orange Man bad on a plane.
Orange Man bad at night.
Orange Man bad at first sight.
Orange Man bad bad bad.

The NPCs have spoken.

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