Trump-$1.2 Billion In Core Business Losses

The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.
It isnt damning at all. Under Clinton, Bush and Obama, they lost over 16 Trillion dollars. President Trump inst even in the big leagues compared to them.

Clinton - Bill Clinton: Added $1.396 trillion, a 32 percent increase from the $4.4 trillion debt at the end of George H.W. Bush's last budget, FY 1993.

Bush - George W. Bush:
President Bush added $5.849 trillion, the second-greatest dollar amount. It was the fourth-largest percentage increase. Bush increased the debt by 101 percent from where it started at $5.8 trillion on September 30, 2001. That's the end of FY 2001, which was President Clinton's last budget.

Obama - Barack Obama: Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most dollar-wise. He added $8.588 trillion. This 74 percent increase was the fifth-largest. Obama's budgets included the economic stimulus package. It added $831Billion by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits , and funding public works projects.


And Trump's on pace to add $9 trillion if he's in office for 8 years.
If only Obama didnt spend $1.15 trillion dollars a year during his 8 years of office, that debt has interest of $350 billion dollars added, thanks Obama.

Someone had to pay for Bush's TWO wars and unprecedented tax cuts during wartime.
Liberals don't cut taxes when the top rate is under 40%.

Yes, you are that moron.
We get it...Liberoidals are looters and proud of it...What else is new?

Conservatives spend just as much as Liberals. At least Liberals attempt to pay for it.
At least Liberals attempt to pay for it.
Finally the truth, yes they pay for it "WITH OTHER PEOPLES MONEY"...Mighty fucking white of you....
They're not interested in paying for anything...Were that true, the debt under their Mulatto Messiah wouldn't have doubled.

They're just garden variety freebooters.
Much of that debt was due to Bush's Great Recession, which killed revenue. But yes, despite your stupidity, taxes are raised to cover spending.
Basically...Trump is useless with money.

So...he sexually assaults women (and brags about it), is xenophobic, admires despots, is stupid, is a galactic liar, is lousy with money and cons people en masse.

Shit...what a piece of excrement this man is.

And Biden doesn't?
Who accused Biden of sexual assault?

Little girls. Lots of little girls.




Nope, you're lying again. Not one of them, nor any of their parents or any other family member standing next to them, levied any such accusation against Biden.

And you're going to say him putting his hands all over those little girls is normal?

And not a single person accused Trump of anything until he decided to run for president. And then all accusers disappeared into the limelight after he became president.
No worse than Trump putting his hands on his own daughter.


And Biden is running -- still, not a single accusation of sexual assault.

Welfare queen?? Moi? I have a 6 figure job and collect nothing from the government. I pay more in taxes than you earn in a year.
Bwaaaahhhaaaaaa, 6 figures dont mean having mannequins in the window.

$4,500.62 cents really isnt a 6 figure income? Now if you were making $500,000 a year and only pay 12% in taxes, you get back to me , wont ya.


Now if you were making $500,000 a year and only pay 12% in taxes, you get back to me , wont ya.

Still confused about your taxes I see.
Sorry that you dont understand the long term dividends taxes. I not only explained it, but showed you where you could find it. But you stay ignorant of the tax loophole, dont invest in dividend payouts, but if you do, then go see a CPA, they can explain it if you want...
Sorry that you dont understand the long term dividends taxes.

I already showed how your claim is fantasy.
Then explain to my CPA why I have a 12% tax on my dividends and tell the IRS that they are wrong for allowing that rate to stand. Damn there are such stupid people who say you cant do this, when every year I do exactly that.

1 year I overpaid my taxes on dividends, by about $10,000 talked to the IRS agent and we discussed how they would refund the money.

Then explain to my CPA why I have a 12% tax on my dividends

Why would I explain to your imaginary CPA that your idiotic claim is wrong?

Damn there are such stupid people who say you cant do this, when every year I do exactly that.

You're lying.


The Dividend Tax Rate for 2018

So, if you paid 0% on $38,600 in dividends, paid 15% on $387,200 and paid 20% on $74,200....
I come up with $72,920 taxes paid.

Maybe you should ask your CPA how 72920 / 500000 equals 12%?
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.
How many billions did Bill Gates lose in the late 90s from stealing software till he “left” MS and became a de facto congress critter?

Soros lost over a billion dollars the weeks after Trump was elected, is he a bad businessman? Again, losing money is the risk you take when you invest money. Trump suffered a loss and rebounded, it’s done hundreds of times a day. He has done what millions have done before him, bad business deals and bad investments. Not sure why this is an issue at all. The guy that owns a big internet company in Japan lost $70 billion and has only $10 billion left, I wished I was a loser like him.
The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

Now we know, from a financial standpoint, just how irresponsible, reckless, and utterly clueless this guy is as a business owner, and we want him running the country?

Uh, no. No, thinking people don't.
What a businessman!

How did anyone lose money in the 90s during the dot com boom?
How much is he worth, again?

(How much are YOU worth?)

The man is responsible for the most success (unemployment and economy) in the US in decades, in some cases 'EVER'.


No matter what the situation is, Dems and snowflakes fond a way to turn it 180 degrees. It's like a continuous shit storm, throwing shit at a wall to see what will stick....

BTW, I hope everyone notices how little Snowflakes care about the crime the NYT is involved in or in bringing those responsible to justice.
The NYT got hold of “transcripts” from Trump’s tax returns from the late 80’s and early 90’s.

He lost a shit ton of money. A top money loser. One of America’s biggest losers.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

This is damning.

No it isn't anyone with a brain knows that when you risk a lot of money, you can lose or gain a lot of money. Nine out of ten businesses fail, that is why I don't begrudge those who make it big.

Dude simply lost a ton of money. Good businessmen make money.
well if you werent such a dumb POS you would know even though he lost 1.5 he made 6 billion,,,,so whats that tell you other than youre just suffering from a major case of TDS

He doesn’t understand entrepreneurs and their mindset. He thinks putting money is a savings account and getting a pension is safe. Entrepreneurs think that is extremely risky and investing is safe.
The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

Now we know, from a financial standpoint, just how irresponsible, reckless, and utterly clueless this guy is as a business owner, and we want him running the country?

Uh, no. No, thinking people don't.

He is heavy into expensive real estate. You are forced into depreciation whether you want to be or not on investment real estate. Businesses can lose lots of money on paper and still generate lots of money at the same time. It is just how the world works. Eventually when the property is fully depreciated or the person sells it and those losses get recaptured, the tide turns the other way as far as taxes.
The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

Now we know, from a financial standpoint, just how irresponsible, reckless, and utterly clueless this guy is as a business owner, and we want him running the country?

Uh, no. No, thinking people don't.

You're about 2 1/2 years too late...….he already IS running the country
The numbers show that in 1985, Mr. Trump reported losses of $46.1 million from his core businesses — largely casinos, hotels and retail space in apartment buildings. They continued to lose money every year, totaling $1.17 billion in losses for the decade.

In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners. His core business losses in 1990 and 1991 — more than $250 million each year — were more than double those of the nearest taxpayers in the I.R.S. information for those years.

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses

Now we know, from a financial standpoint, just how irresponsible, reckless, and utterly clueless this guy is as a business owner, and we want him running the country?

Uh, no. No, thinking people don't.

To bad he has had the job for the last two years, and will have it for four more. Bet that gives ya the red ass don’t it?

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