Trump, 16 years to change mind on guns, obama, changed mind on gay marriage 2 years in Presidency...

I use to be balls to the floor second amendment like you 2aguy. The past 3-4 years have had one mass killing after another and I've been listing to my mother in law and wife more and more as time goes by. I am starting to agree with them about the need for back ground checks.

Some people shouldn't get guns. It is logical and makes my life easier. ;)

We already have background checks.....and mass public shootings have not gone up....we had a total of 4 last year, and two of those were muslim terrorists.......and criminals get around background checks they are useless......they use people with clean records to buy guns for them...and mass shooters have nothing in their records until the mass shooting so they can pass multiple background checks.

You do realize that we already have mandated, federal background checks...right? You could explain that to your wife and mother in law......
Please...can you left wingers stop printing that image of Trump on shows on the bottom it was from 2000....16 years ago......your god...obama....changed his mind on gay marriage 2 years into his please.....think before you post....don't hurt yourselves.....

President Barack Obama's shifting stance on gay marriage

In 2008, he said: "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage."

On Wednesday, by contrast, he said: "I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married."
Because gay marriage shoots and kills people. False equivalence.
Neither you or pogo understand the point he was making.

But for the record --- gay marriage does not kill people but it is helping kill society in ways you never consider.

Plus it kind of ruined it for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Just an aside...

Why were Soddom and Gomorrah destroyed?

They were completely and irredemably evil......
The OP is bitching that Trump took longer to change his mind on guns than what Obama did on gay marriage.

But a question for the OP. Wanna talk about how fast Trump changed his mind on abortions and birth control when he finally announced that he would run for president?

He changed his mind on that issue quicker than Obama changed his mind on gay marriage.

And...............that flip flop is just one of many. that time line......I don't remember him changing his mind publicly on that........and you guys put up the photo with the date 2000 on it...not us....
Please...can you left wingers stop printing that image of Trump on shows on the bottom it was from 2000....16 years ago......your god...obama....changed his mind on gay marriage 2 years into his please.....think before you post....don't hurt yourselves.....

President Barack Obama's shifting stance on gay marriage

In 2008, he said: "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage."

On Wednesday, by contrast, he said: "I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married."
Because gay marriage shoots and kills people. False equivalence.
Neither you or pogo understand the point he was making.

But for the record --- gay marriage does not kill people but it is helping kill society in ways you never consider.

Plus it kind of ruined it for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Just an aside...

Why were Soddom and Gomorrah destroyed?

Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
As the homophobic Right Wingers warn against homosexuality by citing Soddom and Gomorrah, they fail to learn the lesson. They weren't destroyed because of homosexuality, they were destroyed because, like the Right Wing, those towns were intolerant and inhospitable.

No moron, they were completely evil.......with not even one good man left in them.....
Because gay marriage shoots and kills people. False equivalence.
Neither you or pogo understand the point he was making.

But for the record --- gay marriage does not kill people but it is helping kill society in ways you never consider.

Plus it kind of ruined it for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Just an aside...

Why were Soddom and Gomorrah destroyed?

Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.
Please...can you left wingers stop printing that image of Trump on shows on the bottom it was from 2000....16 years ago......your god...obama....changed his mind on gay marriage 2 years into his please.....think before you post....don't hurt yourselves.....

President Barack Obama's shifting stance on gay marriage

In 2008, he said: "I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage."

On Wednesday, by contrast, he said: "I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married."

Donald Trump Thinks You Should Be Able To Bring Guns Anywhere, Except His Own Hotels
Neither you or pogo understand the point he was making.

But for the record --- gay marriage does not kill people but it is helping kill society in ways you never consider.

Plus it kind of ruined it for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Just an aside...

Why were Soddom and Gomorrah destroyed?

Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.

Ezekiel 16:48-50 God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying "Sodom never did what you and your daughters have done." He explains that the sin of Sodom was that "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."
Because gay marriage shoots and kills people. False equivalence.
Neither you or pogo understand the point he was making.

But for the record --- gay marriage does not kill people but it is helping kill society in ways you never consider.

Plus it kind of ruined it for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Just an aside...

Why were Soddom and Gomorrah destroyed?

Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
As the homophobic Right Wingers warn against homosexuality by citing Soddom and Gomorrah, they fail to learn the lesson. They weren't destroyed because of homosexuality, they were destroyed because, like the Right Wing, those towns were intolerant and inhospitable.

No moron, they were completely evil.......with not even one good man left in them.....
Their evil was manifested by their intolerance and inhospitality. Perhaps they called other people 'moron' for no good reason.
Neither you or pogo understand the point he was making.

But for the record --- gay marriage does not kill people but it is helping kill society in ways you never consider.

Plus it kind of ruined it for Sodom and Gomorrah.
Just an aside...

Why were Soddom and Gomorrah destroyed?

Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.
Then let us praise God for our secular government. A government of law rather than false interpretation. A government of, for and by the people, not an ecclesiastical regime subject to the petty fears and prejudices of unelected clergy. A government under which anyone may worship as she sees fit and not a state where one particular set of Biblical interpretation is imposed on all citizens.
Just an aside...

Why were Soddom and Gomorrah destroyed?

Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.

Ezekiel 16:48-50 God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying "Sodom never did what you and your daughters have done." He explains that the sin of Sodom was that "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."

I do not see how that refutes my points?

Question for you: Do you think God views homosexual relations as wrong or as no big deal either way? Or maybe you are far from convinced this God is even a viable being so you become even less concerned as to what He may be communicating?
Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.

Ezekiel 16:48-50 God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying "Sodom never did what you and your daughters have done." He explains that the sin of Sodom was that "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."

I do not see how that refutes my points?

Question for you: Do you think God views homosexual relations as wrong or as no big deal either way? Or maybe you are far from convinced this God is even a viable being so you become even less concerned as to what He may be communicating?
I never thought you would see. I just put out there so you could read for yourself. Weird how he never mentions it was due to gays. Dont you think if that was the reason he would at least mention it?

I dont believe in made up gods. I was just pointing out when he was explaining the reasons for destroying the place he didnt mention gays as a primary reason.
Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.

Ezekiel 16:48-50 God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying "Sodom never did what you and your daughters have done." He explains that the sin of Sodom was that "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."

I do not see how that refutes my points?

Question for you: Do you think God views homosexual relations as wrong or as no big deal either way? Or maybe you are far from convinced this God is even a viable being so you become even less concerned as to what He may be communicating?
I don't understand how God's view, or the interpretation of God's view of homosexuality should have anything to do with the laws of this nation. For that matter, I don't understand how God's view, or anyone's interpretation of God's view of anything has anything to do with the laws of this land.

If you want a theocracy, I suggest you immigrate to Vatican City or Saudi Arabia or Iran where theocracies are the law of the land. But here in the United States we enjoy a secular government, flexible enough to accommodate the interpretations of God's views and tolerant enough to allow citizens to live according to their wishes and dreams.

God's views also include mandating sin for touching the skin of a dead pig. I like football. Am I a sinner? Are the varsity of Notre Dame sinners? God's views include sinfulness for wearing cloth of two different threads. Are my cotton/polyester t shirts an abomination before the eyes of God?

If you live by the sword, said Jesus of Nazareth, you die by the sword. If you live by the books of Exodus and Leviticus, you must adhere to the laws in those books.

Or perhaps you think that the musings of a Bronze Age philosopher no longer apply in 21st century America.
Just an aside...

Why were Soddom and Gomorrah destroyed?

Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.
Then let us praise God for our secular government. A government of law rather than false interpretation. A government of, for and by the people, not an ecclesiastical regime subject to the petty fears and prejudices of unelected clergy. A government under which anyone may worship as she sees fit and not a state where one particular set of Biblical interpretation is imposed on all citizens.
Fine, just don't act so naive.

This nation became because of Christian people fleeing oppression. Despite the pleadings of agnostics that our forefathers were nothing but deists, they were also surrounded by God fearing men including Washington. This nation was permeated by Christian schools and Christian universities for its first 150+ years or more. This nation was filled with men, women, children and organizations that far and away conducted their affairs with God and the Bible in mind. Now if you think it is all a coinicidence that the U.S. has been blessed, gifted, and prospered for all these years and has nothing to do with its Christian roots and habits, I would consider that person incapable of recognizing important truths.
Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.
Then let us praise God for our secular government. A government of law rather than false interpretation. A government of, for and by the people, not an ecclesiastical regime subject to the petty fears and prejudices of unelected clergy. A government under which anyone may worship as she sees fit and not a state where one particular set of Biblical interpretation is imposed on all citizens.
Fine, just don't act so naive.

This nation became because of Christian people fleeing oppression. Despite the pleadings of agnostics that our forefathers were nothing but deists, they were also surrounded by God fearing men including Washington. This nation was permeated by Christian schools and Christian universities for its first 150+ years or more. This nation was filled with men, women, children and organizations that far and away conducted their affairs with God and the Bible in mind. Now if you think it is all a coinicidence that the U.S. has been blessed, gifted, and prospered for all these years and has nothing to do with its Christian roots and habits, I would consider that person incapable of recognizing important truths.
Are you sure they were reallying fleeing oppression? Seem to me they brought a whole lot of it with them and practiced it on the natives and then the Africans.
Lots of people like to say they were destroyed by God because of homosexuality.

If you read the original Hebrew texts, you would see that the actual crime of those two cities were because of their treatment of strangers.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.
Then let us praise God for our secular government. A government of law rather than false interpretation. A government of, for and by the people, not an ecclesiastical regime subject to the petty fears and prejudices of unelected clergy. A government under which anyone may worship as she sees fit and not a state where one particular set of Biblical interpretation is imposed on all citizens.
Fine, just don't act so naive.

This nation became because of Christian people fleeing oppression. Despite the pleadings of agnostics that our forefathers were nothing but deists, they were also surrounded by God fearing men including Washington. This nation was permeated by Christian schools and Christian universities for its first 150+ years or more. This nation was filled with men, women, children and organizations that far and away conducted their affairs with God and the Bible in mind. Now if you think it is all a coinicidence that the U.S. has been blessed, gifted, and prospered for all these years and has nothing to do with its Christian roots and habits, I would consider that person incapable of recognizing important truths.
As they owned slaves. committed genocide against the native population and drove those who they thought preached heresy from their homes and systematically killed them until those persecuted fled to an inhospitable place on the high desert of Utah.
It was far more than that. They were sexually depraved, they were wicked, they were in hospitable as well. But the city had abandoned God and was going nowhere but towards evil. Yes, many argue that it was not homosexuality but I do not buy it. You cannot separate the unnatural perversions from the rest of their sins --- else it would not have been well noted. Also, the Bible is rather clear about sexual sins and how they cause the destruction of the soul.

I am not railing against homosexuality in my earlier post --- I am condemning gay marriage. Because when society formalizes a such a practice and celebrates it, then it turns society into a darkness. Maybe not as dark as legalizing abortion, but still very bad.

But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.

Ezekiel 16:48-50 God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying "Sodom never did what you and your daughters have done." He explains that the sin of Sodom was that "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."

I do not see how that refutes my points?

Question for you: Do you think God views homosexual relations as wrong or as no big deal either way? Or maybe you are far from convinced this God is even a viable being so you become even less concerned as to what He may be communicating?
I never thought you would see. I just put out there so you could read for yourself. Weird how he never mentions it was due to gays. Dont you think if that was the reason he would at least mention it?

I dont believe in made up gods. I was just pointing out when he was explaining the reasons for destroying the place he didnt mention gays as a primary reason.

FIrst of all, if you are the least bit interested in knowing God or knowing if heaven or hell exist, then I would not perseverate on this one point of contention in Scripture only. Other matters are far more clear.

But even if Sodom is not always referred to as their homosexual wanton practices as the main reason for its destruction, I still say it is clear enough in the story. You may want to refer to this passage below where it seems clear enough to me that Sodom's most egregious sins may still be their sexual depravity.

2 Peter 2: 6-10
6 if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7 and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless…9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.
But to blame the destruction of those cities on homosexuality alone is not only wrong, but also using something in the Bible that got twisted around by the Catholic Church (1st church of Christianity) as a way to bash gays or make them sound evil is even worse.

Besides......................the OT isn't a Christian book, it's actually a Jewish one. The first 5 books of the Bible are the Torah (translated over 4 languages into English), and then the rest is a history of the Jewish people, with sayings and hymns in Proverbs and Psalms.

If you're going to use the OT properly and get the true meaning of it, it helps to have it translated by a Jewish scholar so you can get the nuances of what it says as well.

For a show like that, I recommend watching God's Learning Channel, a program called "Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harrel".
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.

Ezekiel 16:48-50 God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying "Sodom never did what you and your daughters have done." He explains that the sin of Sodom was that "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."

I do not see how that refutes my points?

Question for you: Do you think God views homosexual relations as wrong or as no big deal either way? Or maybe you are far from convinced this God is even a viable being so you become even less concerned as to what He may be communicating?
I never thought you would see. I just put out there so you could read for yourself. Weird how he never mentions it was due to gays. Dont you think if that was the reason he would at least mention it?

I dont believe in made up gods. I was just pointing out when he was explaining the reasons for destroying the place he didnt mention gays as a primary reason.

FIrst of all, if you are the least bit interested in knowing God or knowing if heaven or hell exist, then I would not perseverate on this one point of contention in Scripture only. Other matters are far more clear.

But even if Sodom is not always referred to as their homosexual wanton practices as the main reason for its destruction, I still say it is clear enough in the story. You may want to refer to this passage below where it seems clear enough to me that Sodom's most egregious sins may still be their sexual depravity.

2 Peter 2: 6-10
6 if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7 and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless…9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.
Nothing in your post says anything about gays. Sexual depravity could be a number of things. They could be fucking goats for all you know. If thats the best you can do to in an attempt to prove it was due to homosexuality i would go back to the drawing board.
It is not wrong to blame the destruction of Sodom on homosexuality. You accuse us of overplaying that element and I accuse others of underplaying it. These were not monogamous gay couples two by two going about their business. They were a bunch of depraved lechers. That was emphasized and that made their sexual indiscretions all the more detestable.

Thanks, but I do not need a Jewish scholar or rabbi to properly interpret the OT for me. If you can realize that God of the Bible is the One and Only, then you will know He has not led His Church astray. They have hundreds and thousands of saints who have been gifted and enlightened to reveal the truth to the Church and its faithful. All sex outside of marriage has an element of sin to it. To what degree I will not judge. But do not think for a moment just because two gay men can live monagamously (rare as that may be) or some hetero couple can cohabitate that they still are not in some degree of transgression. Nowhere is God saying it's all good.

Ezekiel 16:48-50 God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying "Sodom never did what you and your daughters have done." He explains that the sin of Sodom was that "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."

I do not see how that refutes my points?

Question for you: Do you think God views homosexual relations as wrong or as no big deal either way? Or maybe you are far from convinced this God is even a viable being so you become even less concerned as to what He may be communicating?
I never thought you would see. I just put out there so you could read for yourself. Weird how he never mentions it was due to gays. Dont you think if that was the reason he would at least mention it?

I dont believe in made up gods. I was just pointing out when he was explaining the reasons for destroying the place he didnt mention gays as a primary reason.

FIrst of all, if you are the least bit interested in knowing God or knowing if heaven or hell exist, then I would not perseverate on this one point of contention in Scripture only. Other matters are far more clear.

But even if Sodom is not always referred to as their homosexual wanton practices as the main reason for its destruction, I still say it is clear enough in the story. You may want to refer to this passage below where it seems clear enough to me that Sodom's most egregious sins may still be their sexual depravity.

2 Peter 2: 6-10
6 if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7 and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless…9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.
Nothing in your post says anything about gays. Sexual depravity could be a number of things. They could be fucking goats for all you know. If thats the best you can do to in an attempt to prove it was due to homosexuality i would go back to the drawing board.
He was referring to Sodom and their sexual depravity in that passage. And if you do not think Sodom was filled with lustful immoral homosexual practices from the passage in Genesis then it's ok for you to pretend.
If you do not think gay sexual relations are not condemned in Scripture just as adultery is condemned, then ok by me.
But just because we dare make mention of it does not mean I am judging the soul of another based on their sexuality. Nor does it mean that gay sex is the worst of sins. There are so many to choose from. As I said, I do not dare judge but nor do I dare be a coward in the face of a nation destroying itself.
Ezekiel 16:48-50 God compares Jerusalem to Sodom, saying "Sodom never did what you and your daughters have done." He explains that the sin of Sodom was that "She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me."

I do not see how that refutes my points?

Question for you: Do you think God views homosexual relations as wrong or as no big deal either way? Or maybe you are far from convinced this God is even a viable being so you become even less concerned as to what He may be communicating?
I never thought you would see. I just put out there so you could read for yourself. Weird how he never mentions it was due to gays. Dont you think if that was the reason he would at least mention it?

I dont believe in made up gods. I was just pointing out when he was explaining the reasons for destroying the place he didnt mention gays as a primary reason.

FIrst of all, if you are the least bit interested in knowing God or knowing if heaven or hell exist, then I would not perseverate on this one point of contention in Scripture only. Other matters are far more clear.

But even if Sodom is not always referred to as their homosexual wanton practices as the main reason for its destruction, I still say it is clear enough in the story. You may want to refer to this passage below where it seems clear enough to me that Sodom's most egregious sins may still be their sexual depravity.

2 Peter 2: 6-10
6 if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; 7 and if he rescued Lot, a righteous man, who was distressed by the depraved conduct of the lawless…9 if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. 10 This is especially true of those who follow the corrupt desire of the flesh and despise authority.
Nothing in your post says anything about gays. Sexual depravity could be a number of things. They could be fucking goats for all you know. If thats the best you can do to in an attempt to prove it was due to homosexuality i would go back to the drawing board.
He was referring to Sodom and their sexual depravity in that passage. And if you do not think Sodom was filled with lustful immoral homosexual practices from the passage in Genesis then it's ok for you to pretend.
If you do not think gay sexual relations are not condemned in Scripture just as adultery is condemned, then ok by me.
But just because we dare make mention of it does not mean I am judging the soul of another based on their sexuality. Nor does it mean that gay sex is the worst of sins. There are so many to choose from. As I said, I do not dare judge but nor do I dare be a coward in the face of a nation destroying itself.
Yeah but I pointed out that sexual depravity could consist of a number of things. I'm sure there were some homosexuals in Sodom. Homosexuals have been around since the beginning of time. My point is that there is no evidence that gays were the primary reason Sodom was destroyed.
Please...can you left wingers stop printing that image of Trump on shows on the bottom it was from 2000....16 years ago......your god...obama....changed his mind on gay marriage 2 years into his please.....think before you post....don't hurt yourselves.....

First, you dont know when he "changed his mind" aka flip flopped. So thats a lie.

Second why is 16 years ago irrelevant but Vince Foster is?

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