'TRUMP +5' - Let the Liberal Weeping, Denying, Gnashing of Teeth Begin!

Hillary how many more fraud trials against you are scheduled ....

Why limit it to fraud? Just because her fellow strapon dykes wont bring evidence to trial doesnt mean she is innocent.

Anyone with a little intelligence understands that a candidate gets a "bump" in the polls immediately after getting the nomination.

Lamest of all lame post to date.
Wow, that was a really convincing post....NOT!
Anyone with a little intelligence understands that a candidate gets a "bump" in the polls immediately after getting the nomination.
WOW! This is headline breaking news Boilermaker!
Can you please provide a link that shows Trump has just got the nomination?
Fucking IDIOT!
What are you? Like twelve?
What's going to be your 'Baghdad Bob' excuse when Trump is being sworn in next January?
I know!
"THE REAL TRUMP is living in Patagonia!".
The first general election debate...

Trump: Hillary when was the last time Bill cheated on you?

Hillary: (hyperventilates)

Trump: Seriously I think the American people want to know.

Hillary: I will not respond to that question (gives Trump the stink eye)

Trump: So it was recently within the last 6 months?

Hillary: Hey...

Trump: Are you enabling him again I thought you were for women's rights?

Hillary: just...

Trump: God how many victims has he abused?

Hillary: I'M GOING TO CHOKE YOU (rushes Trump with hands reaching out, knocks over his podium)
First debate.

Moderator: How will you fix the country?

Hillary: I'll fix the country by doing this, and this, and this.

Trump: I'll fix the country by pure fucking magic because I'm Donald Trump and you aren't, and I'll tell you how after you elect me. By the way, your daughter is hot, is she busy on Wednesday?
Thanks. I'll believe Trump any day.
Sure you like liars.
Of course you would

The first general election debate...

Trump: Hillary when was the last time Bill cheated on you?

Hillary: (hyperventilates)

Trump: Seriously I think the American people want to know.

Hillary: I will not respond to that question (gives Trump the stink eye)

Trump: So it was recently within the last 6 months?

Hillary: Hey...

Trump: Are you enabling him again I thought you were for women's rights?

Hillary: just...

Trump: God how many victims has he abused?

Hillary: I'M GOING TO CHOKE YOU (rushes Trump with hands reaching out, knocks over his podium)
First debate.

Moderator: How will you fix the country?

Hillary: I'll fix the country by doing this, and this, and this.

Trump: I'll fix the country by pure fucking magic because I'm Donald Trump and you aren't, and I'll tell you how after you elect me. By the way, your daughter is hot, is she busy on Wednesday?
Thanks. I'll believe Trump any day.
They will blame fox news because the only way that any movement can exist is if the media artificially creates it. It kind of implies that they think that people are kind of stupid and can only be told what to do by 'elites', 'experts', and other people who know better.
D-Senator Feinstein could not find 1 single POSITIVE Hillary achievement / accomplishment, even using 'google'. Use google to look up all of Hillary's negatives, and there's no end to the list ('lost $6 billion as Sect of State, 4 dead Americans, War on Women, under investigation by the FBI....).

It must suck knowing the top Liberal candidate for President (barely) isn't qualified / couldn't cut it as Donald Trump's apprentice on a TV show without hearing, "You're FIRED!"


Trump - 42
Hillary - 37
Still too early BUTT this is proof positive that its not going to be a slam dunk for Mrs Clinton in the GE. States are in play that never would have been had it been any other Republican as the nominee.

Maybe we can just ban Trump all together? That seems to be the Modus opperandi of the left now days.
Really good news for you Trump Swallonists

Swallowing human faeces will cure disease, NHS say
Source: Telegraph UK

Swallowing human faeces will cure disease, the NHS has announces as it opens it first ever frozen faecal bank.

Frozen samples are being shipped around the country from a laboratory outside Portsmouth to relieve thousands sufferers of a previously incurable gut problem.

Every year in England more than 13,000 people suffer from Clostridium difficile, and one in five do not respond to conventional treatment.

The condition, which appears to be a side effect of antibiotics, causes people to lose control of their bowels.

Read more: Swallowing human faeces will cure disease, NHS say
Hillary : Mr Trump are you still have incestual thoughts about your own daughter ...have they subsided...
Does the thought of incest get you off, T? Perhaps that's why you support the Clintons. The thought of Slick Willy's sexual assaults, sexual harassments, rape, adultery, pedophilia and Hillary's lesbian exploits must really do it for you.

Explains a lot about liberals....
Really good news for you Trump Swallonists

Swallowing human faeces will cure disease, NHS say
Source: Telegraph UK

Swallowing human faeces will cure disease, the NHS has announces as it opens it first ever frozen faecal bank.

Frozen samples are being shipped around the country from a laboratory outside Portsmouth to relieve thousands sufferers of a previously incurable gut problem.

Every year in England more than 13,000 people suffer from Clostridium difficile, and one in five do not respond to conventional treatment.

The condition, which appears to be a side effect of antibiotics, causes people to lose control of their bowels.

Read more: Swallowing human faeces will cure disease, NHS say
So are you suggesting that swallowing Hillary will kill my cancer? I'll pass.
They will blame fox news because the only way that any movement can exist is if the media artificially creates it. It kind of implies that they think that people are kind of stupid and can only be told what to do by 'elites', 'experts', and other people who know better.

People who support a talk show host with no legislative experience for president ARE stupid. Monumentally STUPID.

Ron Paul was a 'movement' that went absolutely nowhere. I bet you were aboard that train to. :0)
Hillary, who will you appoint in charge of Bimbo Eruptions for this campaign, or will the job this time be such a daunting task that it will require a large dedicated team?

As a follow up, in the unlikely chance you get elected you've indicated Bill will serve in your administration in some capacity. Will you allow the Energizer to service him in the White House as he's accustomed?
People who support a talk show host with no legislative experience for president ARE stupid. Monumentally STUPID.

That's no way to talk about liberals, people who supported a Community Organizer and 1/2-term Senator with no real legislative experience, a guy who admittedly was tutored by communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alynski, was mentored by a racist hate-spewing anti-American pastor, and was friends with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed cops.

Actually you're being too kind - anyone doing that, especially twice, is beyond f*ing stupid.
People who support a talk show host with no legislative experience for president ARE stupid. Monumentally STUPID.

One of the only things worse than that is supporting an un-accomplished, elitist, incompetent, corrupt politician who could not even cut it as that TV show host's apprentice. :p
No Tantrum in his post.
You can't point to any & as a result you are now pointing at me in a desperate attempt to save face.

And if you're not a woman you sure post like one.

daws is neither male nor female; it's a fruit.

I'm more man than you could ever hope to be. .
If I were a woman I'd be more woman then you could possibly handle.
I win!
Mental midgets always think they win. The fact remains that you couldn't & didn't ever answer the question I posed. You simply changed the subject them proclaimed yourself the winner.

Typical douchebag liberal tactic

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