'TRUMP +5' - Let the Liberal Weeping, Denying, Gnashing of Teeth Begin!

ou far right freekie dooshes are going to be crying so hard as the anti-Trump campaign ads on his anti-womanism roll forth

Tell me, were you one of those folks predicting Trump would never become the nominee?

No reasonable rational logical person looked at the situation and came to the conclusion, 10 months ago, that Trump would win.

actually many of us rational logical people did predict a Trump win. You libs and dems are out of touch with real America, you live in libtardian fantasy land.

You are neither rational nor logical and that you think so is hilarious.

Post your Trump prediction.

I am not interested in indulging your fantasy. Months ago I said that I thought Trump could win the primaries and the general. I am batting 1000 so far. the rest will happen in November. Watch!

You switched after Trump got a big lead.
ou far right freekie dooshes are going to be crying so hard as the anti-Trump campaign ads on his anti-womanism roll forth

Tell me, were you one of those folks predicting Trump would never become the nominee?

No reasonable rational logical person looked at the situation and came to the conclusion, 10 months ago, that Trump would win.

actually many of us rational logical people did predict a Trump win. You libs and dems are out of touch with real America, you live in libtardian fantasy land.

You are neither rational nor logical and that you think so is hilarious.

Post your Trump prediction.

I am not interested in indulging your fantasy.

So you have no evidence of any such prediction, aka guess.
Liewinger is fakey...that makes sense.

If you watch the writing style and far left bullshit factor, I think they are the same person. Its also interesting that they are never posting at the same time.
Liewinger is fakey...that makes sense.

If you watch the writing style and far left bullshit factor, I think they are the same person. Its also interesting that they are never posting at the same time.
I do believe you're right.
Tell me, were you one of those folks predicting Trump would never become the nominee?

No reasonable rational logical person looked at the situation and came to the conclusion, 10 months ago, that Trump would win.

actually many of us rational logical people did predict a Trump win. You libs and dems are out of touch with real America, you live in libtardian fantasy land.

You are neither rational nor logical and that you think so is hilarious.

Post your Trump prediction.

I am not interested in indulging your fantasy.

So you have no evidence of any such prediction, aka guess.

I am not going to go back and search thousands of posts to satisfy your curiosity. I don't give a flying shit if you believe me, your opinions are of zero value to me.
Tell me, were you one of those folks predicting Trump would never become the nominee?

No reasonable rational logical person looked at the situation and came to the conclusion, 10 months ago, that Trump would win.

actually many of us rational logical people did predict a Trump win. You libs and dems are out of touch with real America, you live in libtardian fantasy land.

You are neither rational nor logical and that you think so is hilarious.

Post your Trump prediction.

I am not interested in indulging your fantasy. Months ago I said that I thought Trump could win the primaries and the general. I am batting 1000 so far. the rest will happen in November. Watch!

You switched after Trump got a big lead.

Says the Silly Brigade above as all the major polls of women, Hispanics, blacks, millennials, etc., say that Trump is headed for massive defeat. You all are leading with your "feelz".
care to put up a wager on that, Jakey boi? er Rightwinger, or whoever you are today.
If you are taking your meds and realize you are not Correll today, consider it a victory.

A bet, sure. Go to Trump cries when called out for attacking women and study the graphs and articles on it and the two pages before it. You are leading with your "feelz" not the facts.
Says the Silly Brigade above as all the major polls of women, Hispanics, blacks, millennials, etc., say that Trump is headed for massive defeat. You all are leading with your "feelz".
care to put up a wager on that, Jakey boi? er Rightwinger, or whoever you are today.
If you are taking your meds and realize you are not Correll today, consider it a victory.

A bet, sure. Go to Trump cries when called out for attacking women and study the graphs and articles on it and the two pages before it. You are leading with your "feelz" not the facts.

Trump talks like us normal people talk, He is not PC and he does not engage in poly-speak. That is exactly why he is winning and will win in November. The American people are tired of politicians who pander to every group and never get anything done-----------but they speak nicely.

As to attacking women, Bubba Clinton is a real physical woman attacker, and the hildebeast has been his enabler and the leader in trying to destroy the women he attacked.

Face it, the Clintons are terrible people who should be living in a trailer park in some remote part of Arkansas.
Redfish can ignore it, but the fact and data are condemn Trump's candidacy. What were we going to bet? Your sanity?

Here is more.

Election 2016
Clinton Trump Spread [clinton is ahead in the average]
RCP Average 45.8 42.7 Clinton +3.1

Electoral Map 227 143 Clinton +84
Clinton Trump Spread [clinton is ahead in the swing states that will give her overwhelming victory]
Florida 46.5 42.2 Clinton +4.3
Ohio 45.5 42.5 Clinton +3.0
Pennsylvania 45.8 38.8 Clinton +7.0
New Poll Shows Strong Support For Paid Family Leave Programs
Source: Associated Press : Top News

CHICAGO (AP) -- Time off from work to care for a child or relative is codified in federal law. Now, an overwhelming majority of Americans 40 and older want that time away from the job to be paid.

An Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll released Friday said 72 percent support paid family leave. Democrats were more likely to back it, but Republicans also expressed strong support. Overall, support was stronger among people age 40-64 and among women.

At least 19 states are considering paid family leave laws, but only three have active programs. New York, the latest to approve it, will launch its program in 2018.

"There is a lot of interest and a lot of momentum," said Ellen Bravo, executive director of Family Values @ Work, an advocacy group. "We hope that over the next five years a critical mass of states will win these policies."

Bravo said the state wins are paving the way for a federal law.

Read more: News from The Associated Press
Slothrop, that's unnecessary. Trump is far more foul a human being than a woman using her assets in a male-dominated world.
What will you do if Trump is looking for a way out and never makes it to the general election?

What will you do?

Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America?
Is Donald Trump Looking For An Exit Strategy To His Long Con Of America? | RedState

Who are you gonna' call? :0)
The delusion in your fucked up brain is running deep today.
Where do you get this stupid shit from?
Trump is about to spend billions of his own dollars to kick Hillary's ass and you think he is secretly planning to lose? Lay off the meth asshole.

It's just mindboggling how stupid you assclowns are. :0)

NOBODY runs a campaign that insults the voters and groups that Trump has unless they want to lose. Even if he believed the stupid shit he says, he wouldn't say it unless he wants to lose.

He's hoping not producing his taxes will get him disqualified .. and he's demanding the taxes of his VP choices to highlight this attempt at an exit strategy.

Additionally .. oh brainless one .. that article is from Red State, a decidedly conservative / right-wing publication. :0)
Conservative Blog & Conservative News Source for Right of Center Activists | RedState

Care to see more dimwit?

Conservative Review: Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?

  • His goal will be to get back all the money and pop culture popularity lost by way of running for president as a white nationalist Republican. Along with his new consumer base, trashing Republicans and conservatives – who are loathed by the pop culture gatekeepers Trump will seek to make peace with – as “cheaters” and “losers” will allow Trump to say “I could’ve been a contender” to his grave. Never will Trump have to own up to the fact that he lost because the allegedly excellent businessman with a very good brain, who always wins, never built a real campaign. There is exactly zero chance Trump will do anything noble or honorable that doesn't benefit him directly in some way. Therefore, once he comes to the conclusion he won't be the nominee, he'll act like some low-class tenant who gets evicted and trashes the place on his way out.
So which path will Trump 2016 choose?

Given his new Wormtongue ridiculously comparing Cruz to the Nazis on Meet the Press Sunday morning, it looks like it's the latter. Which means “Make America Great Again” is about to become “The Trailer Park Boys.”

Is Trump Preparing His Exit Strategy?

It's above your pay grade to know such things, but as Mitt Romney has demonstrated, losing a run for president can be very profitable .. AND ..:0)

Trump's Businesses Have A New Profit Center: His Campaign

"So far in this election cycle, the campaign of Republican nominee-to-be Donald J. Trump has spent $47 million. And among the biggest vendors to the campaign happens to be one Donald J. Trump.

Companies that Trump owns or controls have charged the campaign for an array of expenses. The biggest line item is air travel — a Trump company called Tag Air, which operates Trump’s aged 757, collected $3.7 million as of the end of March. But the campaign makes its headquarters at Trump Tower ($35,457 a month), and takes meetings downstairs at the Trump Grill. (“The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill,” Trump boasted last Thursday to mark the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo. “I love Hispanics!”) It pays salaries for Trump company employees, puts them up in Trump-owned hotels, and occasionally rents Trump ballrooms for campaign events.

All told, the campaign has paid Trump entities $4.3 million through March 31, according toFederal Election Commission records. That amounts to nearly ten percent of the campaign’s total expenditures, and taken together are second only to Rick Reed Media, a G.O.P. advertising consultant.

If Donald Trump were spending his own money to fund his campaign, as he often claims in his speeches, there might not be much more to say than to applaud his good business sense — why pay a competitor when you can just pay yourself? But in fact, Trump has taken outside contributions totaling $12 million as of the end of March, or a quarter of what he’s spent so far in the primary. The balance came from loans by Trump to his campaign, which could repay the debt with contributions raised in the general election. And indeed, last week the real estate celebripreneurmade clear that he would raise money to finance some portion the general election campaign, which could cost more than $1 billion.
Trump's Businesses Have A New Profit Center: His Campaign

Where did I get this "stupid shit" from? Republicans .. and the master mind of this .. Bill Clinton. :0)

Trump has no intention of ever being the president .. and he's using idiots like you to ensure that his good friend Hillary gets elected. :0)

Don't worry dummy .. you don't have to figure this out.
Whatever you say 'Baghdad Bob'.
You are the most delusional forum member I have ever encountered in twenty years.
For someone who purposely setting out to lose the race he's not doing too well.
No REP candidate in history has got the number of hard core supporters AKA voters than Trump.
Where will you be when Trump is inaugurated?
Standing on a fucking street corner with a sign claiming the 'real Trump' is living in Patagonia.
You're a fucking idiot!

:0) I guess that's what passes as vanilla humor .. AND, I don't give a rats ass about someone calling me "delusional" while supporting a talk show host for president.:lol: Talk about DELUSIONAL why don't cha'.:0)

Newsflash for the mentally impaired .. Trump is profiting from his fake run for president. He's making money off morons like you.

He's PT Barnum .. and "the sucker born every minute" is YOU .. and you have lots of company. Although Barnum didn't actually say it, it's attributed to him and you fit that mold perfectly.

The large numbers of republicans who support Trump is just more demonstration of the hopelessness and acceptance of the abject FAILURE of their causes. I guess a Black president in their faces for 8 years has sapped all the remaining intelligence they had left. Now you're going to have a Woman as president in your faces for the next 8 years .. AND, you'll have no way to affect the Supreme Court. Like the rest of America, it will shift Left .. and, it's only going to get worse for people like you.

:0) Keep your head up though.

Question for you dummy .. why do so many republican insiders believe that Trump is nothing more than a democratic plant?
I frankly do not credit you with having enough intelligence to bother responding to your delusional claims.
I suspected you were a negro from your low IQ posts.

Proving once again that a racist douche is always a racist douche, and will find a way to show his ass no matter the topic or discussion.

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