'TRUMP +5' - Let the Liberal Weeping, Denying, Gnashing of Teeth Begin!

White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

White House Watch
White House Watch: Trump 42%, Clinton 37%

"Donald Trump has now grown his lead over Hillary Clinton in Rasmussen Reports’ first weekly White House Watch survey.

Trump earns 42% support to Clinton’s 37% when Likely U.S. Voters are asked whom they would vote for if the presidential election were held today."


Trump has secured the GOP nomination and is focused squarely on Hillary.

Hillary, in the meantime, is having a hard time fending off 'Unca' Bernie 'Socialist' Sanders...her husband Bill 'Rapist' Clinton...Bill's Victims...the FBI...Putin...and her own e-mails.

Hillary has got to be freaking out, having flashbacks of 2008 when Obama, the newbie, came out of nowhere to spoil her 'It's my Turn '08' victory. 8 years later, it's Donald Trump raining on her parade. Just like in 2008 when Obama began passing her up, Hillary has pulled out the old 'birther' / birth certificate against her opponent, making it a prominent piece in her latest political ad...against Trump this time.

After a 6 primary losing streak Hillary declared herself to be the victor in a race too close to call (0.5 margin), violence at the DNC primaries, Liberals fear revolt at the convention, Putin declares he has Hillary e-mails and might release some or all of the 20,000 'TS' / classified e-mails he has, One of Bill's victims has come out declaring Hillary is a violent coke-snorting lesbian, Hillary still has to testify before the FBI soon, and Trump just called Slick Willy for being a Rapist during a highly televised interview.

To top it off, the majority of Americans believe Hillary is the least trusted candidate in this entire race while another poll shows more Liberals would consider switching to Trump than there are Conservatives who would consider switching to Hillary.

All of this potentially spells disaster for Hillary - look for that '+5' to grow...and for the Liberals, especially Hillary, to have a complete melt-down.

(It's not too late to call Biden from out of the 'bullpen', Libs! :p )

So where's all the gnashing you predicted?

HRC is gaining women: fact.

The new poll has her up six and pulling away.

She will not personally engage Trump over Bill, which will make her look great to women.

The ads are weakening Trump with every airing.
No Donald, the hundreds of times you have sued and been sued is not a qualification to pick a Supreme Court justice.

And the dozen or so federal laws that Hillary breached by destroying government property somehow qualifies her to pick them?
Non sequitur.

No one is going to have to be worried about Donnie picking SCOTUS nominations: won't happen.
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Donald "The Orange Gootan" Trump
Current projections, such as the one released by Real Clear Politics, have both Democratic candidates with just under the 270 electoral vote mark needed to win.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House
No one is going to have to worried about Donnie picking nominations: won't happen.

You should get a refund on the crystal ball shoved up your backside, Jake. And you obviously mistook that deck of 52 for Tarot cards. So can it, Nostradamus.
Yep, just like I called it about Romney when all of you were running around in victory laps.

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