Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

A good guy Ninja couldve stopped it. A good guy with boss throwing skills couldve stopped it. A good guy with a black belt in Wing Chun couldve stopped it.

Anyone with anything COULDVE stopped it
300 people packed into a night club, minus the ones who went down 1st, could have stopped him had they charged the SOB while he reloaded. Human nature being what it is, the self-preservation mode kicking in...

And there you have it!

Someone COULD'VE stopped him with their bare hands unfortunatly this "good guy with a gun" myth pretends that human nature isnt to run away from the trouble.

300 people there couldve mobbed him, they didnt. Having a gun had nothing to do with it
There wasn't adequate armed security for a gun free zone. It's really that simple.
There is no doubt in the mind of reasonable people of average and above intelligence that Donald Trump is both a charlatan and a demagogue. His comments over the past few days have proved this.

Sorry, but 'because you say so' is not good enough. Have a nice day.

I didn't say so, The Donald's own words are sufficient proof those of us of average and above intelligence that he is a demagogue and a charlatan. That you don't understand is likely because you lack the brain power to do so and probably don't know the meaning of demagogue and charlatan.
Donald Trump Wishes There Had Been More Armed Orlando Clubgoers Shooting Blindly In The Crowded Room

There actually was a security guard with a gun. That didn’t stop the massacre.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, believes that if there’d been more people with guns at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Saturday night, the horrific massacre that resulted in at least 50 people dead wouldn’t have been as bad.

“If you had some guns in that club the night that this took place, if you had guns on the other side, you wouldn’t have had the tragedy that you had,” Trump said in a CNN interview Monday morning.

Trump is pushing the “good guy with a gun” theory, a favorite of groups like the National Rifle Association that want to stop any gun control measures. The argument is that mass shootings can be stopped more quickly if other people have guns and are able to fire back at the shooter.

But as CNN pointed out to Trump, there actually was a good guy with a gun at the Orlando nightclub. As the Los Angeles Times reported:

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said an off-duty police officer working security at the club in uniform traded gunfire with the attacker.

Officials said that after police responded to reports of the violence, the attacker retreated to a bathroom with hostages. Police held back because the attacker made statements about having explosives, they said.​

Trump, however, insisted that the answer was simply more people firing guns in dark, crowded nightclubs.

“If you had guns in that room, if you had — even if you had a number of people having them strapped to their ankle or strapped to their waist where bullets could have flown in the other direction right at him, you wouldn’t have had that tragedy,” Trump said.

Attempts by armed civilians to stop mass shooters are incredibly rare — and they often end up being deadly for the well-meaning civilians. It’s also hard in those chaotic, fast-moving situations for untrained civilians to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.

More: Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Trump failed to realize, or acknowledge, that there WAS a good guy with a gun there who traded gunfire with the attacker - an off-duty police officer in uniform.

I wish there had been more "good guys with guns" there too.

Perhaps one of them could have gotten a good shot at the guy before the Death Toll reached 50.

The idea that armed civilians stopping mass shootings being rare, is pretty stupid.

When you consider that mass shootings are rare.

Yeah, it would have been sooo much better with a bunch of NRA gun nuts shooting blindly in the dark.

Thank goodness only the bad guy was shooting, eh? Asshole!
And there you have it! Someone COULD'VE stopped him with their bare hands unfortunatly this "good guy with a gun" myth pretends that human nature isnt to run away from the trouble. 300 people there couldve mobbed him, they didnt. Having a gun had nothing to do with it

It takes extreme courage to run empty-handed and leap over dead and wounded bodies to take on the terrorist who caused such death and is about to cause more.

on 9/11/01 a group of men knew they would probably die but had an opportunity to save lives by storming a cockpit empty-handed. Despite knowing they could all die they chose to face that threat anyhow.

I am not going to judge anyone else for their decision, but had they chose to take on the terrorist I am sure that SOME could have taken him down. Hard decision to make, though when you have no weapon.

Anyone who says that had someone had a gun in the club they had the opportunity to stop the terrorist that they would not have been able to do it, that it was just a myth is ignorant as hell. Someone with a gun has at least a fighting chance, more so than a bunch of unarmed people.

You don't think someone would have made a difference. Great, that's your opinion....a dumb one, but it's your opinion. Got it.
There is no doubt in the mind of reasonable people of average and above intelligence that Donald Trump is both a charlatan and a demagogue. His comments over the past few days have proved this.

Sorry, but 'because you say so' is not good enough. Have a nice day.

I didn't say so,

Funny, I was sure this WAS YOU:

There is no doubt in the mind of reasonable people of average and above intelligence that Donald Trump is both a charlatan and a demagogue.
A good guy Ninja couldve stopped it. A good guy with boss throwing skills couldve stopped it. A good guy with a black belt in Wing Chun couldve stopped it.

Anyone with anything COULDVE stopped it
It wasn't a No Ninja Zone, or a No Good Guy With Boss Throwing Skills zone. It was a No Gun Zone, and if the people in there were armed, they'd have stopped it.
A good guy Ninja couldve stopped it. A good guy with boss throwing skills couldve stopped it. A good guy with a black belt in Wing Chun couldve stopped it.

Anyone with anything COULDVE stopped it
It wasn't a No Ninja Zone, or a No Good Guy With Boss Throwing Skills zone. It was a No Gun Zone, and if the people in there were armed, they'd have stopped it.
They would have had a better chance than being 'fish in a barrel'...
There wasn't adequate armed security for a gun free zone. It's really that simple.

Only to the simple

Stop with the lamo insults.

It really is not complicated. A gun free zone is of course a soft target. An establishment like Pulse must certainly now look at their security preparedness and review the lack thereof and take measured steps to protect their patrons.

It's a fucking no brainer.
There wasn't adequate armed security for a gun free zone. It's really that simple.

Only to the simple

Stop with the lamo insults.

It really is not complicated. A gun free zone is of course a soft target. An establishment like Pulse must certainly now look at their security preparedness and review the lack thereof and take measured steps to protect their patrons.

It's a fucking no brainer.

Why won't Republicans allow guns at the Republican National Convention?
Donald Trump Wishes There Had Been More Armed Orlando Clubgoers Shooting Blindly In The Crowded Room

There actually was a security guard with a gun. That didn’t stop the massacre.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, believes that if there’d been more people with guns at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Saturday night, the horrific massacre that resulted in at least 50 people dead wouldn’t have been as bad.

“If you had some guns in that club the night that this took place, if you had guns on the other side, you wouldn’t have had the tragedy that you had,” Trump said in a CNN interview Monday morning.

Trump is pushing the “good guy with a gun” theory, a favorite of groups like the National Rifle Association that want to stop any gun control measures. The argument is that mass shootings can be stopped more quickly if other people have guns and are able to fire back at the shooter.

But as CNN pointed out to Trump, there actually was a good guy with a gun at the Orlando nightclub. As the Los Angeles Times reported:

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said an off-duty police officer working security at the club in uniform traded gunfire with the attacker.

Officials said that after police responded to reports of the violence, the attacker retreated to a bathroom with hostages. Police held back because the attacker made statements about having explosives, they said.​

Trump, however, insisted that the answer was simply more people firing guns in dark, crowded nightclubs.

“If you had guns in that room, if you had — even if you had a number of people having them strapped to their ankle or strapped to their waist where bullets could have flown in the other direction right at him, you wouldn’t have had that tragedy,” Trump said.

Attempts by armed civilians to stop mass shooters are incredibly rare — and they often end up being deadly for the well-meaning civilians. It’s also hard in those chaotic, fast-moving situations for untrained civilians to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.

More: Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Trump failed to realize, or acknowledge, that there WAS a good guy with a gun there who traded gunfire with the attacker - an off-duty police officer in uniform.

I wish there had been more "good guys with guns" there too.

Perhaps one of them could have gotten a good shot at the guy before the Death Toll reached 50.

The idea that armed civilians stopping mass shootings being rare, is pretty stupid.

When you consider that mass shootings are rare.

Yeah, it would have been sooo much better with a bunch of NRA gun nuts shooting blindly in the dark.

There is also the high likelihood of a terrorist perpetrating such an act will be wearing full body armor. The "good" citizen would have to be a crack shot on most likely a moving target. Head shots are rare under those circumstances. Unless your "pistol has a laser pointer attached or a scope, going up against the AR15 is stupid. The terrorist was trained with weapons. Your "good" citizen would also need the kind of close in combat training necessary.

Just sayin...
Donald Trump Wishes There Had Been More Armed Orlando Clubgoers Shooting Blindly In The Crowded Room

There actually was a security guard with a gun. That didn’t stop the massacre.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, believes that if there’d been more people with guns at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Saturday night, the horrific massacre that resulted in at least 50 people dead wouldn’t have been as bad.

“If you had some guns in that club the night that this took place, if you had guns on the other side, you wouldn’t have had the tragedy that you had,” Trump said in a CNN interview Monday morning.

Trump is pushing the “good guy with a gun” theory, a favorite of groups like the National Rifle Association that want to stop any gun control measures. The argument is that mass shootings can be stopped more quickly if other people have guns and are able to fire back at the shooter.

But as CNN pointed out to Trump, there actually was a good guy with a gun at the Orlando nightclub. As the Los Angeles Times reported:

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said an off-duty police officer working security at the club in uniform traded gunfire with the attacker.

Officials said that after police responded to reports of the violence, the attacker retreated to a bathroom with hostages. Police held back because the attacker made statements about having explosives, they said.​

Trump, however, insisted that the answer was simply more people firing guns in dark, crowded nightclubs.

“If you had guns in that room, if you had — even if you had a number of people having them strapped to their ankle or strapped to their waist where bullets could have flown in the other direction right at him, you wouldn’t have had that tragedy,” Trump said.

Attempts by armed civilians to stop mass shooters are incredibly rare — and they often end up being deadly for the well-meaning civilians. It’s also hard in those chaotic, fast-moving situations for untrained civilians to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.

More: Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Trump failed to realize, or acknowledge, that there WAS a good guy with a gun there who traded gunfire with the attacker - an off-duty police officer in uniform.

I wish there had been more "good guys with guns" there too.

Perhaps one of them could have gotten a good shot at the guy before the Death Toll reached 50.

The idea that armed civilians stopping mass shootings being rare, is pretty stupid.

When you consider that mass shootings are rare.

Yeah, it would have been sooo much better with a bunch of NRA gun nuts shooting blindly in the dark.

YOur assumption that your fellow citizens are incompetent morons is noted.

Me? I assume that there is a good chance that an armed citizen, if there, would have attempted to defend himself.

Maybe he would have succeeded. Maybe he would not have.

If he had, dozens of people who are dead today could be alive.

If he had NOT, it would be unlikely the situation would be any worse.
Let's be honest instead of partisan a-holes....

Had his co-worker or bosses reported him for 'constantly talking about killing people'...
Had the FBI been able to keep surveillance on this guy...
Had the night club not suspended their metal detection at the door (I read...)
Had there been more than one security guard positioned better / more strategically...
Had there been several people (or one, who knows) with legal concealed carry permits and weapons....

This terrorist could have been taken out a lot of different times and different ways along the 'road' to this happening. Trump says one guy with a gun inside the club could have made a difference. Maybe it would have. The jackass stops to reload and you step out, walking towards him, and empty your weapon into his head and chest.....Maybe it doesn't happen.

Claims that it would have helped are speculation.
Claims that it wouldn't are speculation.
Liberals latch on to such speculations and seek to attack as if theirs is 'fact''s just political rhetoric / BS....

"If 'if's and 'but's were candy and nuts every day would be Christmas."

There WAS a guy with a gun inside the club - a policeman.
Yeah, what's up with that? He's kept a completely low profile. Haven't heard a word about him since 7:00 a.m. yesterday. He must feel absolutely awful that he couldn't stop this guy.
A good guy Ninja couldve stopped it. A good guy with boss throwing skills couldve stopped it. A good guy with a black belt in Wing Chun couldve stopped it.

Anyone with anything COULDVE stopped it
It wasn't a No Ninja Zone, or a No Good Guy With Boss Throwing Skills zone. It was a No Gun Zone, and if the people in there were armed, they'd have stopped it.

Right and because they werent armed they all decided trying to live isnt worth it? Guns make people brave!
There wasn't adequate armed security for a gun free zone. It's really that simple.

Only to the simple

Stop with the lamo insults.

It really is not complicated. A gun free zone is of course a soft target. An establishment like Pulse must certainly now look at their security preparedness and review the lack thereof and take measured steps to protect their patrons.

It's a fucking no brainer.

Why won't Republicans allow guns at the Republican National Convention?

Because they practice what they preach dont cha know
It should be mandatory that everyone who attends the Republican National Convention be armed.
Let's be honest instead of partisan a-holes....

Had his co-worker or bosses reported him for 'constantly talking about killing people'...
Had the FBI been able to keep surveillance on this guy...
Had the night club not suspended their metal detection at the door (I read...)
Had there been more than one security guard positioned better / more strategically...
Had there been several people (or one, who knows) with legal concealed carry permits and weapons....

This terrorist could have been taken out a lot of different times and different ways along the 'road' to this happening. Trump says one guy with a gun inside the club could have made a difference. Maybe it would have. The jackass stops to reload and you step out, walking towards him, and empty your weapon into his head and chest.....Maybe it doesn't happen.

Claims that it would have helped are speculation.
Claims that it wouldn't are speculation.
Liberals latch on to such speculations and seek to attack as if theirs is 'fact''s just political rhetoric / BS....

"If 'if's and 'but's were candy and nuts every day would be Christmas."

There WAS a guy with a gun inside the club - a policeman.

ANd your point is?
Donald Trump Wishes There Had Been More Armed Orlando Clubgoers Shooting Blindly In The Crowded Room

There actually was a security guard with a gun. That didn’t stop the massacre.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, believes that if there’d been more people with guns at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Saturday night, the horrific massacre that resulted in at least 50 people dead wouldn’t have been as bad.

“If you had some guns in that club the night that this took place, if you had guns on the other side, you wouldn’t have had the tragedy that you had,” Trump said in a CNN interview Monday morning.

Trump is pushing the “good guy with a gun” theory, a favorite of groups like the National Rifle Association that want to stop any gun control measures. The argument is that mass shootings can be stopped more quickly if other people have guns and are able to fire back at the shooter.

But as CNN pointed out to Trump, there actually was a good guy with a gun at the Orlando nightclub. As the Los Angeles Times reported:

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said an off-duty police officer working security at the club in uniform traded gunfire with the attacker.

Officials said that after police responded to reports of the violence, the attacker retreated to a bathroom with hostages. Police held back because the attacker made statements about having explosives, they said.​

Trump, however, insisted that the answer was simply more people firing guns in dark, crowded nightclubs.

“If you had guns in that room, if you had — even if you had a number of people having them strapped to their ankle or strapped to their waist where bullets could have flown in the other direction right at him, you wouldn’t have had that tragedy,” Trump said.

Attempts by armed civilians to stop mass shooters are incredibly rare — and they often end up being deadly for the well-meaning civilians. It’s also hard in those chaotic, fast-moving situations for untrained civilians to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.

More: Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Trump failed to realize, or acknowledge, that there WAS a good guy with a gun there who traded gunfire with the attacker - an off-duty police officer in uniform.

There is no doubt in the mind of reasonable people of average and above intelligence that Donald Trump is both a charlatan and a demagogue. His comments over the past few days have proved this.

Turmp's is the only one offering serious policies to reduce the likely hood or number of such attacks in the future.
Let's be honest instead of partisan a-holes....

Had his co-worker or bosses reported him for 'constantly talking about killing people'...
Had the FBI been able to keep surveillance on this guy...
Had the night club not suspended their metal detection at the door (I read...)
Had there been more than one security guard positioned better / more strategically...
Had there been several people (or one, who knows) with legal concealed carry permits and weapons....

This terrorist could have been taken out a lot of different times and different ways along the 'road' to this happening. Trump says one guy with a gun inside the club could have made a difference. Maybe it would have. The jackass stops to reload and you step out, walking towards him, and empty your weapon into his head and chest.....Maybe it doesn't happen.

Claims that it would have helped are speculation.
Claims that it wouldn't are speculation.
Liberals latch on to such speculations and seek to attack as if theirs is 'fact''s just political rhetoric / BS....

"If 'if's and 'but's were candy and nuts every day would be Christmas."

There WAS a guy with a gun inside the club - a policeman.
Yeah, what's up with that? He's kept a completely low profile. Haven't heard a word about him since 7:00 a.m. yesterday. He must feel absolutely awful that he couldn't stop this guy.
He probably does since the last report I read was that he was DEAD! (I can NOT confirm that he is dead, but what is confirmed is...) The 1st shot reportedly fired was the terrorist at the policeman there.

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