Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Was he killed?
No. I found out last night. He wasn't injured, but he was "outgunned." He was calling L.E. as he shot, but he couldn't stop the guy. He has to feel AWFUL, poor guy.

Another case of Pumpkin flat out not knowing what the fuck shes talking about but does that stop her? Hell naw
Hasn't stopped you, either. This actually means there was no security, which is even better.

Ahh yes, You said the Security guard wasnt real security because he was dead. Now you find out that not only is he not dead but he exchanged gun fire with the nut job. And to you that means "there was no security"

Great a dead guy whos not dead and security who was there "wasnt there". Anything else you'd like to get wrong since you're doing so great at it?
Considering he ended up surviving and allowing a ton of people in the bar to die, yeah, I'd say he wasn't real security.

Because when you're security no one gets hurt says the keyboard security specialist. But he's not dead tho, so no matter how you spin it he's alive and was there. 2 things you said werent true. You lied purposefully for no reason.

Also, considering someone in this thread said that he was shot, and we haven't had other information up until now, it's easy to come to the conclusion he was dead beforehand. Sounds to me like he failed and then ran off.

Someone on the internet is to blame for why you lied twice? Well sheesh, since the buck doesnt stop with you who's responsible for you saying he was dead only to find out hes not?

Who's fault is it you said he wasnt there and he was?

Where is that guy?
No. I found out last night. He wasn't injured, but he was "outgunned." He was calling L.E. as he shot, but he couldn't stop the guy. He has to feel AWFUL, poor guy.

Another case of Pumpkin flat out not knowing what the fuck shes talking about but does that stop her? Hell naw
Hasn't stopped you, either. This actually means there was no security, which is even better.

Ahh yes, You said the Security guard wasnt real security because he was dead. Now you find out that not only is he not dead but he exchanged gun fire with the nut job. And to you that means "there was no security"

Great a dead guy whos not dead and security who was there "wasnt there". Anything else you'd like to get wrong since you're doing so great at it?
Considering he ended up surviving and allowing a ton of people in the bar to die, yeah, I'd say he wasn't real security.

Because when you're security no one gets hurt says the keyboard security specialist. But he's not dead tho, so no matter how you spin it he's alive and was there. 2 things you said werent true. You lied purposefully for no reason.

Also, considering someone in this thread said that he was shot, and we haven't had other information up until now, it's easy to come to the conclusion he was dead beforehand. Sounds to me like he failed and then ran off.

Someone on the internet is to blame for why you lied twice? Well sheesh, since the buck doesnt stop with you who's responsible for you saying he was dead only to find out hes not?

Who's fault is it you said he wasnt there and he was?

Where is that guy?
In order for someone to lie, they have to intentionally mislead someone. I thought I knew information I didn't. So, among other things you know nothing about, we can add the definition of "lying".

I wouldn't use false information intentionally, it would invalidate a part of my position in a debate, making my position pointless. Now that I have new information, while my position hasn't changed, I can argue my point better.

You're only harping on me being wrong on a small detail because you have no facts to debate with. Being a Liberal must be sad.
Trump is correct, but he's a bit unclear in the way he stated it. If it wasn't a gun-free zone. the shooter wouldn't have attacked the club. All of these shootings have one thing in common; they all happen in gun-free zones. Shooters like this guy don't like people fighting back.

Yeah, he was just like a good democrat in that way... then again, he was a registered democrat.
Yes he was...because we know that registered Republicans never ever do anything wrong or violent.
Trump is correct, but he's a bit unclear in the way he stated it. If it wasn't a gun-free zone. the shooter wouldn't have attacked the club. All of these shootings have one thing in common; they all happen in gun-free zones. Shooters like this guy don't like people fighting back.

Yeah, he was just like a good democrat in that way... then again, he was a registered democrat.
Yes he was...because we know that registered Republicans never ever do anything wrong or violent.

When has a registered republican gunned down 100 gay people?

Come to think of it, in very gun controlled Norway, an extreme right winger did gun down leftists. That's the only case I can think of that...The gun control did not stop him, as it didn't stop the terrorists in France. So perhaps it's time to admit that these extremists, particularly the Islamic terrorists, are a problem.
In order for someone to lie, they have to intentionally mislead someone. I thought I knew information I didn't.

Lmao! No, actually you claimed facts that never occurred actually occurred. Ignorance isn't a pass for presenting stories that you've never heard from anywhere else.

That's just a lie. I can't say you live in Florida and then when caught say it was unintentional. Especially when you've said 5 or 6 times the guy was dead and he's not. Then claim security being there means security wasn't there.

You lied. Period
In order for someone to lie, they have to intentionally mislead someone. I thought I knew information I didn't.

Lmao! No, actually you claimed facts that never occurred actually occurred. Ignorance isn't a pass for presenting stories that you've never heard from anywhere else.

That's just a lie. I can't say you live in Florida and then when caught say it was unintentional. Especially when you've said 5 or 6 times the guy was dead and he's not. Then claim security being there means security wasn't there.

You lied. Period

You're going to keep claiming I lied, because you have no facts to debate with, but here's the definition of the word, since you clearly have no idea what it means. I thought I knew information I didn't, I was wrong. I saw someone say the guy was shot, it's a statement that makes sense, since if he was guarding the place, he'd be near the entrance, a guy with a weapon too big to conceal would need to get rid of the biggest threat first, the biggest threat being the guard. I made a mistake and did not check that piece of information, when I should have.

Really, I should be trying to explain myself, since you're a Liberal, and Liberals are willfully and woefully ignorant.
Donald Trump Wishes There Had Been More Armed Orlando Clubgoers Shooting Blindly In The Crowded Room

There actually was a security guard with a gun. That didn’t stop the massacre.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, believes that if there’d been more people with guns at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Saturday night, the horrific massacre that resulted in at least 50 people dead wouldn’t have been as bad.

“If you had some guns in that club the night that this took place, if you had guns on the other side, you wouldn’t have had the tragedy that you had,” Trump said in a CNN interview Monday morning.

Trump is pushing the “good guy with a gun” theory, a favorite of groups like the National Rifle Association that want to stop any gun control measures. The argument is that mass shootings can be stopped more quickly if other people have guns and are able to fire back at the shooter.

But as CNN pointed out to Trump, there actually was a good guy with a gun at the Orlando nightclub. As the Los Angeles Times reported:

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said an off-duty police officer working security at the club in uniform traded gunfire with the attacker.

Officials said that after police responded to reports of the violence, the attacker retreated to a bathroom with hostages. Police held back because the attacker made statements about having explosives, they said.​

Trump, however, insisted that the answer was simply more people firing guns in dark, crowded nightclubs.

“If you had guns in that room, if you had — even if you had a number of people having them strapped to their ankle or strapped to their waist where bullets could have flown in the other direction right at him, you wouldn’t have had that tragedy,” Trump said.

Attempts by armed civilians to stop mass shooters are incredibly rare — and they often end up being deadly for the well-meaning civilians. It’s also hard in those chaotic, fast-moving situations for untrained civilians to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.

More: Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Trump failed to realize, or acknowledge, that there WAS a good guy with a gun there who traded gunfire with the attacker - an off-duty police officer in uniform.

Mr Trump is correct on this issue.

But Florida officials like Angela "the ugly witch" Corey like to scare the bejesus out of Floridians who choose to stand their ground.



Yeah, the club should have been packed with NRA patriots like George Zimmerman.
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say.
Donald Trump Wishes There Had Been More Armed Orlando Clubgoers Shooting Blindly In The Crowded Room

There actually was a security guard with a gun. That didn’t stop the massacre.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, believes that if there’d been more people with guns at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Saturday night, the horrific massacre that resulted in at least 50 people dead wouldn’t have been as bad.

“If you had some guns in that club the night that this took place, if you had guns on the other side, you wouldn’t have had the tragedy that you had,” Trump said in a CNN interview Monday morning.

Trump is pushing the “good guy with a gun” theory, a favorite of groups like the National Rifle Association that want to stop any gun control measures. The argument is that mass shootings can be stopped more quickly if other people have guns and are able to fire back at the shooter.

But as CNN pointed out to Trump, there actually was a good guy with a gun at the Orlando nightclub. As the Los Angeles Times reported:

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said an off-duty police officer working security at the club in uniform traded gunfire with the attacker.

Officials said that after police responded to reports of the violence, the attacker retreated to a bathroom with hostages. Police held back because the attacker made statements about having explosives, they said.​

Trump, however, insisted that the answer was simply more people firing guns in dark, crowded nightclubs.

“If you had guns in that room, if you had — even if you had a number of people having them strapped to their ankle or strapped to their waist where bullets could have flown in the other direction right at him, you wouldn’t have had that tragedy,” Trump said.

Attempts by armed civilians to stop mass shooters are incredibly rare — and they often end up being deadly for the well-meaning civilians. It’s also hard in those chaotic, fast-moving situations for untrained civilians to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.

More: Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Trump failed to realize, or acknowledge, that there WAS a good guy with a gun there who traded gunfire with the attacker - an off-duty police officer in uniform.

Mr Trump is correct on this issue.

But Florida officials like Angela "the ugly witch" Corey like to scare the bejesus out of Floridians who choose to stand their ground.



Yeah, the club should have been packed with NRA patriots like George Zimmerman.

George Zimmerman, when attacked was able to shot and kill his attacker.

That would have been a much happier ending to this tragedy.

It would have been HILARIOUS, if George Zimmerman had been there and managed to stop him.

You libs would be claiming that he failed because he didn't save the ones that did die.

You libs would be making homophobic slurs, and being too fucking dim to realize that makes you bigots.

Lord only knows what else stupid and dishonest you lefties would be doing.

Zimmerman murdered an unarmed teenager walking home with Skittles and iced tea.
Slight modification there. He shot a thug who attacked him and was bashing his head into the sidewalk. Sounds a bit different when you include accurate details.
So, what is the ratio?

If there are 300 people in the night club, do you need X number of guards per 50,75,100 people?

If there are 20,000 square feet in the night club, do you need x number of guards per 5,000, 7,500, 10,000 square feet?

No angle here…just wondering if there is an actual study out there that gives security recommendations based on the size of the venue or based on the size of the crowd.

See how the far left can not admit that their failed "gun free" zones do not work?

The upcoming Republican National Convention will be a "gun free" zone. What's up with that...?
You keep repeating this nonsense as if it were significant. Why do you do that? You know that the DNC will not allow anyone inside that does not present ID, yet fight tooth and nail against any effort to require ID in order to vote, so what's your problem?
If the police found a gay person with a gun, they would open fire in self defense. At least, that would be the argument. They would see it like a black guy carrying a toy gun in a store. Better safe than sorry. At least, that would be the defense.
What a remarkably ignorant thing to say.
You're going to keep claiming I lied, because you have no facts to debate with,

I presented facts and you countered them with lies you already admitted you told but your excuse was you're too stupid so you made it up.

You're the last person to complain about facts. You should be ashamed.
You're going to keep claiming I lied, because you have no facts to debate with,

I presented facts and you countered them with lies you already admitted you told but your excuse was you're too stupid so you made it up.

You're the last person to complain about facts. You should be ashamed.
You presented no facts, you're a very confused clown. It's so sad that people like you actually come to this forum to debate, but are apparently physically incapable of doing so.
There is also the high likelihood of a terrorist perpetrating such an act will be wearing full body armor. The "good" citizen would have to be a crack shot on most likely a moving target. Head shots are rare under those circumstances. Unless your "pistol has a laser pointer attached or a scope, going up against the AR15 is stupid. The terrorist was trained with weapons. Your "good" citizen would also need the kind of close in combat training necessary.

Just sayin...

Full body armor is rare, expensive and likely to attract FBI attention and depending on how "Full" could tip off security or others that you are about to do something.

AND still does not cover everything.

Head shots at 10 or 20 feet are not that "rare".
A head shot might not even be necessary.
Getting hit by a .357, .40, or .45, even with body armor + trauma plate, is going to HURT. Like getting bashed by a baseball bat kind of hurt.
Something like that would likely put someone out of action for at least a few seconds - seconds that could be used to either make an escape or close in to disarm or otherwise subdue.

People in bad situations don't react like James Bond. Many freeze. Many just lose their minds and just completely tune out. Only one in a hundred have the where with all to run TOO danger. I doubt if any of those types are homosexuals. Stop trying to view the world like in a Hollywood action movie. Average people can't afford to have stunt doubles follow them around to do the action shots.

ONE homosexual with a gun could have made the difference.

He would not have to run towards danger.

Take cover and when he could see the shooter, start returning fire.

ALSO keep in mind the SHOOTER is not a Hollywood action star either.

This may be true but don't you think in most cases someone with the intentions to do such an act would do some kind of training to prepare?

This guy spent a couple hours at the gun range the day he bought the weapons.
I wonder if the FBI had all this previous warning and didn't act on it then what the hell is going on? Are they allowing these nut cases to go out and do their damage so anti gun a-holes have these situations as ammunition to restrict gun ownership?

We get a whoops! Our bad! from the Feds and again we get the blah...blah blah from the Hillary and the Obama blaming gun ownership.

I don't know about youz guys but this is just a scosh too convenient for those that feel the need to disarm America.

If the dumb ass Muslim had come outta nowhere I have no complaint.. But he didn't. He had been threatening the blacks and the gays OPENLY for several years.

He wasn't a matter of IF he was definitely a WHEN. It really pisses me off to see that ATF fuck and the FBI fuck whining about "needles in the haystack". This muslim POS was telling everybody that would listen that he wanted to kill him some niggas and some fags. What more could he have done to be more obvious of a threat?
I wonder if the FBI had all this previous warning and didn't act on it then what the hell is going on? Are they allowing these nut cases to go out and do their damage so anti gun a-holes have these situations as ammunition to restrict gun ownership?

We get a whoops! Our bad! from the Feds and again we get the blah...blah blah from the Hillary and the Obama blaming gun ownership.

I don't know about youz guys but this is just a scosh too convenient for those that feel the need to disarm America.

If the dumb ass Muslim had come outta nowhere I have no complaint.. But he didn't. He had been threatening the blacks and the gays OPENLY for several years.

He wasn't a matter of IF he was definitely a WHEN. It really pisses me off to see that ATF fuck and the FBI fuck whining about "needles in the haystack". This muslim POS was telling everybody that would listen that he wanted to kill him some niggas and some fags. What more could he have done to be more obvious of a threat?
Someone must have realized that something wasn't right about the shooter - he was investigated three times. Unfortunately, another someone cleared him each time.
I wonder if the FBI had all this previous warning and didn't act on it then what the hell is going on? Are they allowing these nut cases to go out and do their damage so anti gun a-holes have these situations as ammunition to restrict gun ownership?

We get a whoops! Our bad! from the Feds and again we get the blah...blah blah from the Hillary and the Obama blaming gun ownership.

I don't know about youz guys but this is just a scosh too convenient for those that feel the need to disarm America.

If the dumb ass Muslim had come outta nowhere I have no complaint.. But he didn't. He had been threatening the blacks and the gays OPENLY for several years.

He wasn't a matter of IF he was definitely a WHEN. It really pisses me off to see that ATF fuck and the FBI fuck whining about "needles in the haystack". This muslim POS was telling everybody that would listen that he wanted to kill him some niggas and some fags. What more could he have done to be more obvious of a threat?
Someone must have realized that something wasn't right about the shooter - he was investigated three times. Unfortunately, another someone cleared him each time.

As the saying goes......

"Leadership in Business – The Fish Stinks From The Head Down"
I wonder if the FBI had all this previous warning and didn't act on it then what the hell is going on? Are they allowing these nut cases to go out and do their damage so anti gun a-holes have these situations as ammunition to restrict gun ownership?

We get a whoops! Our bad! from the Feds and again we get the blah...blah blah from the Hillary and the Obama blaming gun ownership.

I don't know about youz guys but this is just a scosh too convenient for those that feel the need to disarm America.

If the dumb ass Muslim had come outta nowhere I have no complaint.. But he didn't. He had been threatening the blacks and the gays OPENLY for several years.

He wasn't a matter of IF he was definitely a WHEN. It really pisses me off to see that ATF fuck and the FBI fuck whining about "needles in the haystack". This muslim POS was telling everybody that would listen that he wanted to kill him some niggas and some fags. What more could he have done to be more obvious of a threat?
Someone must have realized that something wasn't right about the shooter - he was investigated three times. Unfortunately, another someone cleared him each time.

As the saying goes......

"Leadership in Business – The Fish Stinks From The Head Down"

It's my experience that in life as well as fish that what initially stinks is the asshole. Later on the head stinks and lastly the meat but, let's keep it simple stupid. This closet fag fuck had been an asshole in every job and relationship he was ever involved in. Too many people knew too much and nobody pressed for a harder look. My experience in Florida is that there is a high density of assholes. His father was the one that had to remove the a-hole's wife for her safety yet when interviewed all the father has to say is how surprised he is that his wonderful son was suspected. The father is a fucking liar who has been covering up for his wack faggot son the whole time. Mom didn't know a thing. These Muslim's and their fucked up family models can and obviously do hide truth "religiously".

I wouldn't go so far as Trump but we had better start taking harder looks at Muslim immigrants because some of them are definitely not "American ready" when they leave their country of origin. The Father was a wackadoodle also as seen in his videos. Then he tries to pass himself and his son off as "normal".

I don't know about you guys but my dad didn't make crazy political videos. Red Flags were flying all over that household.

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