Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Lakhota you are an embarrassment to humanity. How have you made it this far in your pathetic life with zero intelligence?

The fact that ONE guy with a weapon didn't stop this guy doesn't mean that SEVERAL people with a weapon wouldn't have been able.

That is the whole idea of why the fuck the SWAT team sent an entire team in instead of ONE FUCKING guy.

Real life isn't fucking Rambo where one cop can heroically rescue the entire world.
Donald Trump Wishes There Had Been More Armed Orlando Clubgoers Shooting Blindly In The Crowded Room

There actually was a security guard with a gun. That didn’t stop the massacre.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, believes that if there’d been more people with guns at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Saturday night, the horrific massacre that resulted in at least 50 people dead wouldn’t have been as bad.

“If you had some guns in that club the night that this took place, if you had guns on the other side, you wouldn’t have had the tragedy that you had,” Trump said in a CNN interview Monday morning.

Trump is pushing the “good guy with a gun” theory, a favorite of groups like the National Rifle Association that want to stop any gun control measures. The argument is that mass shootings can be stopped more quickly if other people have guns and are able to fire back at the shooter.

But as CNN pointed out to Trump, there actually was a good guy with a gun at the Orlando nightclub. As the Los Angeles Times reported:

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said an off-duty police officer working security at the club in uniform traded gunfire with the attacker.

Officials said that after police responded to reports of the violence, the attacker retreated to a bathroom with hostages. Police held back because the attacker made statements about having explosives, they said.​

Trump, however, insisted that the answer was simply more people firing guns in dark, crowded nightclubs.

“If you had guns in that room, if you had — even if you had a number of people having them strapped to their ankle or strapped to their waist where bullets could have flown in the other direction right at him, you wouldn’t have had that tragedy,” Trump said.

Attempts by armed civilians to stop mass shooters are incredibly rare — and they often end up being deadly for the well-meaning civilians. It’s also hard in those chaotic, fast-moving situations for untrained civilians to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.

More: Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Trump failed to realize, or acknowledge, that there WAS a good guy with a gun there who traded gunfire with the attacker - an off-duty police officer in uniform.

I wish there had been more "good guys with guns" there too.

Perhaps one of them could have gotten a good shot at the guy before the Death Toll reached 50.

The idea that armed civilians stopping mass shootings being rare, is pretty stupid.

When you consider that mass shootings are rare.

Yeah, it would have been sooo much better with a bunch of NRA gun nuts shooting blindly in the dark.

What makes you assume it would have been done blindly?

It's apparent the limp wrists in the club couldn't take care of themselves.
It wasn't a No Ninja Zone, or a No Good Guy With Boss Throwing Skills zone. It was a No Gun Zone, and if the people in there were armed, they'd have stopped it.

Right and because they werent armed they all decided trying to live isnt worth it? Guns make people brave!
Now you're just showing how ignorant you are. If they had guns, they'd have been able to shoot him from a distance. Without said guns, they were just either trying to escape or being shot... or both. Or do you not think that holding a gun significantly increases your chances of survival? If that's the case, feel free to try protecting your house and family from an armed burglar with your bare hands. I'm sure it'll work out great.

"IF" a lot of things but you guys arent even considering the fact that some people were more interested in saving themselves than saving everyone.

I mean, could someone with a gun make a difference? Sure. Will they because they have a gun decide to act? No.

COULD THEY? Yes. I mean, if we're playing the anything is possible game then sure!

We are playing the anything is possible game.

You lefties are playing WI there was tight gun control.

We righties are playing, WI there was one or more, more guys with guns.

Both are legitimate in discussions of policy.

In a nightclub? I thought they had security there...Didnt they?

I doubt the security was armed, and anyway it was 2 AM and prior to that time people entering the club were patted down for weapons but this guy wasn't, indicating to me that the night was about over and security had already left the premises.
A good guy Ninja couldve stopped it. A good guy with boss throwing skills couldve stopped it. A good guy with a black belt in Wing Chun couldve stopped it.

Anyone with anything COULDVE stopped it
It wasn't a No Ninja Zone, or a No Good Guy With Boss Throwing Skills zone. It was a No Gun Zone, and if the people in there were armed, they'd have stopped it.

Right and because they werent armed they all decided trying to live isnt worth it? Guns make people brave!
Now you're just showing how ignorant you are. If they had guns, they'd have been able to shoot him from a distance. Without said guns, they were just either trying to escape or being shot... or both. Or do you not think that holding a gun significantly increases your chances of survival? If that's the case, feel free to try protecting your house and family from an armed burglar with your bare hands. I'm sure it'll work out great.

"IF" a lot of things but you guys arent even considering the fact that some people were more interested in saving themselves than saving everyone.

I mean, could someone with a gun make a difference? Sure. Will they because they have a gun decide to act? No.

COULD THEY? Yes. I mean, if we're playing the anything is possible game then sure!
People save others with their guns pretty often. About as often as mass shootings happen. You're just trying to pretend that it wouldn't have made a difference. I guess you could say you're playing the "I'm a Massive Pessimist Liberal" game. I think I'd rather take the chance that having No Gun Zones will not only cause the deaths of criminals like this, but also discourage others from trying the same, rather than sitting on my hands, like you Liberals tend to do. You know, when you're not busy trying to take away our ability to defend ourselves, and backing Islamic Terrorism.
Donald Trump Wishes There Had Been More Armed Orlando Clubgoers Shooting Blindly In The Crowded Room

There actually was a security guard with a gun. That didn’t stop the massacre.

Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, believes that if there’d been more people with guns at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, Saturday night, the horrific massacre that resulted in at least 50 people dead wouldn’t have been as bad.

“If you had some guns in that club the night that this took place, if you had guns on the other side, you wouldn’t have had the tragedy that you had,” Trump said in a CNN interview Monday morning.

Trump is pushing the “good guy with a gun” theory, a favorite of groups like the National Rifle Association that want to stop any gun control measures. The argument is that mass shootings can be stopped more quickly if other people have guns and are able to fire back at the shooter.

But as CNN pointed out to Trump, there actually was a good guy with a gun at the Orlando nightclub. As the Los Angeles Times reported:

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said an off-duty police officer working security at the club in uniform traded gunfire with the attacker.

Officials said that after police responded to reports of the violence, the attacker retreated to a bathroom with hostages. Police held back because the attacker made statements about having explosives, they said.​

Trump, however, insisted that the answer was simply more people firing guns in dark, crowded nightclubs.

“If you had guns in that room, if you had — even if you had a number of people having them strapped to their ankle or strapped to their waist where bullets could have flown in the other direction right at him, you wouldn’t have had that tragedy,” Trump said.

Attempts by armed civilians to stop mass shooters are incredibly rare — and they often end up being deadly for the well-meaning civilians. It’s also hard in those chaotic, fast-moving situations for untrained civilians to sort out the good guys from the bad guys.

More: Trump: A Good Guy With A Gun Could Have Helped Stop Orlando Massacre

Trump failed to realize, or acknowledge, that there WAS a good guy with a gun there who traded gunfire with the attacker - an off-duty police officer in uniform.

Mr Trump is correct on this issue.

But Florida officials like Angela "the ugly witch" Corey like to scare the bejesus out of Floridians who choose to stand their ground.



Yeah, the club should have been packed with NRA patriots like George Zimmerman.

George Zimmerman, when attacked was able to shot and kill his attacker.

That would have been a much happier ending to this tragedy.

It would have been HILARIOUS, if George Zimmerman had been there and managed to stop him.

You libs would be claiming that he failed because he didn't save the ones that did die.

You libs would be making homophobic slurs, and being too fucking dim to realize that makes you bigots.

Lord only knows what else stupid and dishonest you lefties would be doing.

Zimmerman murdered an unarmed teenager walking home with Skittles and iced tea.

A Florida Jury DISAGREED.

My advise to our Homosexual friends - and Americans in general - is carry a firearm. IGNORE the sons of bitches in the 9th US Court of Appeals.

People save others with their guns pretty often.

Ok, I'm going to stop you right there. If you think my post says that people cant save others ever then we're finished here. If you dont think I'm saying people cant save others then you're just talking for no reason
It wasn't a No Ninja Zone, or a No Good Guy With Boss Throwing Skills zone. It was a No Gun Zone, and if the people in there were armed, they'd have stopped it.

Right and because they werent armed they all decided trying to live isnt worth it? Guns make people brave!
Now you're just showing how ignorant you are. If they had guns, they'd have been able to shoot him from a distance. Without said guns, they were just either trying to escape or being shot... or both. Or do you not think that holding a gun significantly increases your chances of survival? If that's the case, feel free to try protecting your house and family from an armed burglar with your bare hands. I'm sure it'll work out great.

"IF" a lot of things but you guys arent even considering the fact that some people were more interested in saving themselves than saving everyone.

I mean, could someone with a gun make a difference? Sure. Will they because they have a gun decide to act? No.

COULD THEY? Yes. I mean, if we're playing the anything is possible game then sure!

We are playing the anything is possible game.

You lefties are playing WI there was tight gun control.

We righties are playing, WI there was one or more, more guys with guns.

Both are legitimate in discussions of policy.

In a nightclub? I thought they had security there...Didnt they?
I don't think one guy that was transformed into a corpse at the door counts as legitimate security.
Right and because they werent armed they all decided trying to live isnt worth it? Guns make people brave!
Now you're just showing how ignorant you are. If they had guns, they'd have been able to shoot him from a distance. Without said guns, they were just either trying to escape or being shot... or both. Or do you not think that holding a gun significantly increases your chances of survival? If that's the case, feel free to try protecting your house and family from an armed burglar with your bare hands. I'm sure it'll work out great.

"IF" a lot of things but you guys arent even considering the fact that some people were more interested in saving themselves than saving everyone.

I mean, could someone with a gun make a difference? Sure. Will they because they have a gun decide to act? No.

COULD THEY? Yes. I mean, if we're playing the anything is possible game then sure!

We are playing the anything is possible game.

You lefties are playing WI there was tight gun control.

We righties are playing, WI there was one or more, more guys with guns.

Both are legitimate in discussions of policy.

In a nightclub? I thought they had security there...Didnt they?
I don't think one guy that was transformed into a corpse at the door counts as legitimate security.

Why? He didnt have good training?
Now you're just showing how ignorant you are. If they had guns, they'd have been able to shoot him from a distance. Without said guns, they were just either trying to escape or being shot... or both. Or do you not think that holding a gun significantly increases your chances of survival? If that's the case, feel free to try protecting your house and family from an armed burglar with your bare hands. I'm sure it'll work out great.

"IF" a lot of things but you guys arent even considering the fact that some people were more interested in saving themselves than saving everyone.

I mean, could someone with a gun make a difference? Sure. Will they because they have a gun decide to act? No.

COULD THEY? Yes. I mean, if we're playing the anything is possible game then sure!

We are playing the anything is possible game.

You lefties are playing WI there was tight gun control.

We righties are playing, WI there was one or more, more guys with guns.

Both are legitimate in discussions of policy.

In a nightclub? I thought they had security there...Didnt they?
I don't think one guy that was transformed into a corpse at the door counts as legitimate security.

Why? He didnt have good training?
More that one guy obviously wasn't enough. Again, if the people in the bar were actually armed, this wouldn't be an issue.
"IF" a lot of things but you guys arent even considering the fact that some people were more interested in saving themselves than saving everyone.

I mean, could someone with a gun make a difference? Sure. Will they because they have a gun decide to act? No.

COULD THEY? Yes. I mean, if we're playing the anything is possible game then sure!

We are playing the anything is possible game.

You lefties are playing WI there was tight gun control.

We righties are playing, WI there was one or more, more guys with guns.

Both are legitimate in discussions of policy.

In a nightclub? I thought they had security there...Didnt they?
I don't think one guy that was transformed into a corpse at the door counts as legitimate security.

Why? He didnt have good training?
More that one guy obviously wasn't enough. Again, if the people in the bar were actually armed, this wouldn't be an issue.

How do you know it was one guy with bad training?
We are playing the anything is possible game.

You lefties are playing WI there was tight gun control.

We righties are playing, WI there was one or more, more guys with guns.

Both are legitimate in discussions of policy.

In a nightclub? I thought they had security there...Didnt they?
I don't think one guy that was transformed into a corpse at the door counts as legitimate security.

Why? He didnt have good training?
More that one guy obviously wasn't enough. Again, if the people in the bar were actually armed, this wouldn't be an issue.

How do you know it was one guy with bad training?

Hey pinhead, it was one guy with probably a 9MM handgun against an AR15. Surely you understand the odds weren't in his favor.

Though tactically I suppose he could have stood back and sacrificed a few hostages until the guy had to reload then emerged to blow him away, police just aren't trained that way.
In a nightclub? I thought they had security there...Didnt they?
I don't think one guy that was transformed into a corpse at the door counts as legitimate security.

Why? He didnt have good training?
More that one guy obviously wasn't enough. Again, if the people in the bar were actually armed, this wouldn't be an issue.

How do you know it was one guy with bad training?

Hey pinhead, it was one guy with probably a 9MM handgun against an AR15.

Ok, was it one guy with bad training or are you guys just making it up on the fly?
I don't think one guy that was transformed into a corpse at the door counts as legitimate security.

Why? He didnt have good training?
More that one guy obviously wasn't enough. Again, if the people in the bar were actually armed, this wouldn't be an issue.

How do you know it was one guy with bad training?

Hey pinhead, it was one guy with probably a 9MM handgun against an AR15.

Ok, was it one guy with bad training or are you guys just making it up on the fly?
It was one guy. I also feel like you're suggesting he's poorly trained if he doesn't blow away the guy once he walks through the door. You're clearly an ignorant Libtard, trying to troll people.
The whole title is a lie, why do libs have to lie to make a point?

Because Libs have to lie to make any point

Are you still waiting for the great wealth to trickle down?

Has the Big Tent been enlarged?

Death Panels

47% pay no taxes

And let's not forget Benghazi, Solyndra, he's a Muslim, born in Kenya and those long missing nuclear weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

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