Trump,a man with no cards to play


Gold Member
Nov 25, 2016
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.
While Donnie Dealmaker fooled the American voter, he has no credibility on the world stage

He is not trusted, he is mocked and has given up Americas role as a world leader

Trump has already given up our leadership in Western Europe, now he will show he is powerless in Asia
While Donnie Dealmaker fooled the American voter, he has no credibility on the world stage

He is not trusted, he is mocked and has given up Americas role as a world leader

Trump has already given up our leadership in Western Europe, now he will show he is powerless in Asia
And when the shit is hitting the fan...trump takes a 12 day trip
Breaking news: Hillarys campaign colluded with Russia so she would lose the election.

That is all.
While Donnie Dealmaker fooled the American voter, he has no credibility on the world stage

He is not trusted, he is mocked and has given up Americas role as a world leader

Trump has already given up our leadership in Western Europe, now he will show he is powerless in Asia
And when the shit is hitting the fan...trump takes a 12 day trip

Our president has mocked the deals made by previous presidents
Yet, after close to a year in office, he has no "deals" to show for it.

Let's see if he comes back with anything more than embarrassing his nation
Perhaps Trump is a true "believer" in world democracy, allowing such countries as China, India and maybe even Russia to take the lead in becoming world leaders over the U.S.???
Perhaps Trump is a true "believer" in world democracy, allowing such countries as China, India and maybe even Russia to take the lead in becoming world leaders over the U.S.???
trump towers will spring up world wide while America sinks in the trump quagmire
While Donnie Dealmaker fooled the American voter, he has no credibility on the world stage

He is not trusted, he is mocked and has given up Americas role as a world leader

Trump has already given up our leadership in Western Europe, now he will show he is powerless in Asia
And when the shit is hitting the fan...trump takes a 12 day trip
By shit hitting the fan do you mean the economy is roaring?
no big deal , i'm having a fine breakfast and USA is still the best and strongest super power the world has ever seen . Icing on the cake is that the USA is once again being run , steered by an American President named Trump Ladies and Gents , Whiners and Losers !!
no big deal , i'm having a fine breakfast and USA is still the best and strongest super power the world has ever seen . Icing on the cake is that the USA is once again being run , steered by an American President named Trump Ladies , Gents , Whiners and Losers !!
--------------------------------------- :afro:
We finally have a president who knows how to fix the problems others created.
While Donnie Dealmaker fooled the American voter, he has no credibility on the world stage

He is not trusted, he is mocked and has given up Americas role as a world leader

Trump has already given up our leadership in Western Europe, now he will show he is powerless in Asia
And when the shit is hitting the fan...trump takes a 12 day trip
By shit hitting the fan do you mean the economy is roaring?
Yes gramps it is roaring and I'm doing "very very greatly " but giving Trump credit for low interest rates and great earnings is pissing in the wind Trump not guilty of collusion?? He keeps saying that so it must be true??

How God damn blind are you? All economic indicators are going UP NOT DOWN.

Now, isn't THAT amazing, while Trump has done NOTHING legislatively to help the economy?.......Should you be thanking someone else's policies?

Ho on., its allowed.......LOL
We finally have a president who knows how to fix the problems others created.


no big deal , i'm having a fine breakfast and USA is still the best and strongest super power the world has ever seen . Icing on the cake is that the USA is once again being run , steered by an American President named Trump Ladies and Gents , Whiners and Losers !!
Trump is not an American

He was born in Jamaica
The president is beginning his tour of a bunch of Asian countries, and he's already thrown away all his winning cards. The tour will be a bunch of photo ops and not much else.

When he arrives in China, he might have said, "I represent the 12 nations of the TPP. We represent about 40% of the world economy. If you don't stop trading fuel and materials across the N. Korea border that they can use to make nukes and icbms, we in the TPP will greatly reduce our trade with you, in order to reduce trade with N. Korea.

Or he might say, :The South China Sea is international waters that all of the TPP want to use as international waters. Please remove your militarized islands that you have created there, and allow us all free passage."

Or he might say, "Please protect the intellectual property of all TPP members, and protect TPP patents, and written material, or trade with China by TPP members will be greatly reduced."

But he can't because he has thrown away the TPP card. Everyone is now on their own, and many Asian countries can't afford to go it alone against China. No country, including the USA, can compete economically with China alone.

And as far as Russia is concerned, we still don't know what cards he has given to Putin, but clearly the president has given away all his cards there as well. So many that the president is clearly scared to say or do anything that might bother Putin.

A good negotiator? Really?? It's hard to negotiate anything when you don't have any cards. Of course, he might just say, "I'm crazy, do what I say or else." I'm sure every country, everywhere has already tough about that. And that's why they are all simply going to wait until Trump is gone for anything significant.

It's a chess game. Who cares what he does with cards?

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