Trump: A Rendezvous with Dysentery


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020

Cry Baby Loser has been a whiny boy for years, but nobody can say the tub of self-pity is going out with a whimper.

Well, yes, obviously they can, but it's a very strident whimper.


In November, the American electorate behaved precisely as any rational person would expect after four years of relentless disapproval of the failed casino operator and faded reality tv performer in public survey after public survey. He lost by 7 million votes. (The jewel in the crown of a hat trick in which he lost his Party the House and Senate as well as the Executive in a single term!)

(His insistence that he had a pandemic "under control", that there were "very few" people with it and that "They're getting better! They're all getting better!" as he led the nation to world leadership with 377,270 Americans dead and 22,556,555 confirmed cases is his glittering achievement that far exceeds his building a big, beautiful wall that he made Mexico pay for, or his replacing 'ObamaCare' with "something terrific!" that "covers everybody!" at "less cost!")

After the public verdict was issued, Fake Don did precisely what anyone who has been subjected to his reality-defying narcissism would expect: He brayed that he had won in a landslide!

After he had slipped the surly bonds of truth, rationality, decency, justice, and the American way, after all the re-counts confirmed the results, after all the frivolous legal challenges had been dismissed, after office holders of integrity had stood up to his pleading, his bullying, his threats, and his lies, he incited his goons to befoul the seat of our democracy and ravage the Capitol building in a lethal assault.

That failed, too.

His lickspittles once pleasured themselves with visions of his gormless gob on Rushmore.

Would they settle for Yucca Mountain?
The politics of personality "trumps" common sense- first widely used to elect the anointed one the first time he ran, by the perpetrators of said politics who have been the instructors for all to mimic and cry like little girls with the shoe on the other foot pretending outrage because, Orange man bad- fucking idiots (like the OP) are mimicing their betters parroting their bullshit and their lack of proper education in the Public Education system, subscribed to by BOTH sides, ensures the ignorance continues- good lord you fucking idiots are dumber than a box of hammers and a lot less useful except to your betters since they see you as a tool and you encourage them to keep using you that way- maybe they'll brand you so, in the old way of the cattle industry you can be returned to the rightful owner when found-
Trump can now compete with George Bush jr for the lowest approval rating of a president when he left office.
Trump can now compete with George Bush jr for the lowest approval rating of a president when he left office.
Dubya's subsequent conduct, like Carter's, has been relatively low profile, and at least mildly redemptive.

Loser Trump, his discordant swan song being a failed deadly insurrection by his goons to thwart democracy, will persist in being a lurid headliner for quite some time thanks to the highly precarious foundation he laid:
... Financial statements released on January 20, the day Trump left office, show that he owes hundreds of millions of dollars of debt, and most of it needs to be paid back by 2025... the pandemic has had a devastating financial impact on Trump Organization businesses—many of which are in tourism and real estate.​
Trump's reputation has also been sullied by the deadly attack on the Capitol building on January 6, which led to him being impeached by the House of Representatives for the second time. Since then, many leading financial institutions and banks have refused to lend to the former president. Among them are Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley.​
On top of this, the New York City government and the PGA of America pulled out of business arrangements with the Trump Organization, hitting the former president's income.​
The National Doral Golf Club outside of Miami, typically the biggest money maker of Trump's golf properties, made $44.2 million in revenue in 2020—$33 million less than the previous year.​
The Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., once a popular place for officials and lobbyists to stay in the capital, saw its revenue to drop to $15.1 million in 2020, down more than 60 percent from the year before.​
The Turnburry club, Trump's famous golf club in Scotland, took in less than $10 million in 2020, 60 percent lower than the previous year. The family's golf club in Aberdeen saw a similar fall in revenue...​
Phillip Braun, Clinical Professor of Finance at Northwestern University, believes that Trump's sources of funding are running out.​
"Trump has somewhere around $300 million in loans coming due in the next three years. Furthermore, Forbes estimates all his debts total close to $1 billion, just not all of it coming due in the next few years. With some of Trump's banks cancelling their business relationship with Trump, it will be difficult for him to access credit markets in the future to refinance these loans... Beyond his debt, we also need to take into account the losses that his businesses are suffering, due to the pandemic, loss of his brand value, and other factors. His most recent financial disclosure shows that his properties lost more than $120 million last year. That is an enormous cash drain on his businesses, and will be difficult for Trump to sustain in the future."..​
"It will be difficult for Trump to recover from this. When his loans come due, we can expect his current banks to try not to roll over his current debt into new loans. This will require Trump to search for new lines of credit. This will be hard for him to do. If he is able to raise new credit, that credit will be rated as junk debt and the interest rate on the debt will be very high (the current interest rate on CCC rated junk debt is just under 8 percent)."​
Like Braun, John Pottow, a commercial law professor at the University of Michigan, believes the president could face a barrage of lawsuits that could eventually lead to personal bankruptcy.​
"Absent the consent of the lenders, he has no option other than filing for bankruptcy," Pottow told The Hill. "I mean, that's just the way it works. If you owe someone money and you can't pay it, then they can either forgive it or they can sue you.​
"There's a bunch of corporate actors who are running away from him, like Deutsche Bank, so I think the last thing they want to do is to refinance him," Pottow added...​

A pale, flabby old man with a crimson, neck-suspended loin cloth, mewling copious self-pity and nebulous victimhood, will not soon be seen schlepping around Mar-a-Lago with a shopping cart, dumpster-diving for returnable bottles and cans, but his sleazy, ineluctable denouement has begun.

He is the man on the way down.

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