Trump addiction?

If this isn`t TDS just what is? One of these nuts has been to 29 of his Klan rallies.
'It's Kind of Like an Addiction': On the Road With Trump's Rally Diehards

Another weak, liberal blowhard effort to try to attack, deride and discredit people for not voting Democrat!

GOOD! Just one more reason why people are voting for Trump.
Without Hillary running he has no chance this time around. As much as she is despised she still had 3 million more votes than orange Bin Laden. I feel so much safer knowing that Trump`s goons have her locked up. :)

LMAO Oh he has a very good chance. The economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been in 50 years and there are jobs all across the country.

You might not see that as worth voting for but anyone with a working brain cell will.

Oh and its Trump appreciation. Not Trump addiction.

You sure are a whiny little lefty loon shit.
Coal mining is dying and auto plants are closing. The farmers aren`t farming and John Deere has lost orders. Trump has raised the DOW 24% but at this time of his presidency it was up 48% for Obama. What Trump is selling people aren`t buying. Even your friends from the pig squealing contest are catching on.

Its the economy, stupid. That's what people are looking at and its doing great right now.

Another whiny little lefty loon shit.
If this isn`t TDS just what is? One of these nuts has been to 29 of his Klan rallies.
'It's Kind of Like an Addiction': On the Road With Trump's Rally Diehards

Another weak, liberal blowhard effort to try to attack, deride and discredit people for not voting Democrat!

GOOD! Just one more reason why people are voting for Trump.
Without Hillary running he has no chance this time around. As much as she is despised she still had 3 million more votes than orange Bin Laden. I feel so much safer knowing that Trump`s goons have her locked up. :)

LMAO Oh he has a very good chance. The economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been in 50 years and there are jobs all across the country.

You might not see that as worth voting for but anyone with a working brain cell will.

Oh and its Trump appreciation. Not Trump addiction.

You sure are a whiny little lefty loon shit.
Coal mining is dying and auto plants are closing. The farmers aren`t farming and John Deere has lost orders. Trump has raised the DOW 24% but at this time of his presidency it was up 48% for Obama. What Trump is selling people aren`t buying. Even your friends from the pig squealing contest are catching on.

Its the economy, stupid. That's what people are looking at and its doing great right now.

Another whiny little lefty loon shit.
The economy is usually a factor but not when the president is a dangerous nut case. Trump won only because of the hatred for HRC. She`s not running this time and people are tiring of his nonsense and most of them know that Trump walked into an economy that was doing just fine. The DOW rise so far under Trump is 24%. At this time of Obama`s presidency it had risen 46%. Our orange Bin Laden domestic terrorist inspirer is trailing badly and the people are catching on surveys tell us.
Another weak, liberal blowhard effort to try to attack, deride and discredit people for not voting Democrat!

GOOD! Just one more reason why people are voting for Trump.
Without Hillary running he has no chance this time around. As much as she is despised she still had 3 million more votes than orange Bin Laden. I feel so much safer knowing that Trump`s goons have her locked up. :)

LMAO Oh he has a very good chance. The economy is doing great. UE is the lowest its been in 50 years and there are jobs all across the country.

You might not see that as worth voting for but anyone with a working brain cell will.

Oh and its Trump appreciation. Not Trump addiction.

You sure are a whiny little lefty loon shit.
Coal mining is dying and auto plants are closing. The farmers aren`t farming and John Deere has lost orders. Trump has raised the DOW 24% but at this time of his presidency it was up 48% for Obama. What Trump is selling people aren`t buying. Even your friends from the pig squealing contest are catching on.

Its the economy, stupid. That's what people are looking at and its doing great right now.

Another whiny little lefty loon shit.
The economy is usually a factor but not when the president is a dangerous nut case. Trump won only because of the hatred for HRC. She`s not running this time and people are tiring of his nonsense and most of them know that Trump walked into an economy that was doing just fine. The DOW rise so far under Trump is 24%. At this time of Obama`s presidency it had risen 46%. Our orange Bin Laden domestic terrorist inspirer is trailing badly and the people are catching on surveys tell us.
Poor Stupid Lying Never-Trumpet:
  • Dangerous nut case: Do tell us Little Trumpet what is "dangerous" about protecting our borders? From backing out on policies which hurt us while doing nothing about the actual environmental enemies? About trying to curb China from a further stealing of our technology and taking over the world market? DO TELL US how any of that was dangerous but socializing our banks wasn't, how taking over the auto industry wasn't, how federalizing 1/6th the US economy (healthcare) wasn't, how trying to "fundamentally changing" our society toward greater globalization wasn't?
  • Hatred for HRC: Have you seen his record capacity rallies? People hated Hillary, but at least she was sort of centrist for a Democrat. Wait till people get an earful of the nutcases you are running now with their socialist and Communist ideas. Meantime, people love Trump more than ever.
  • Trump raised the DOW 24% but it was up 48% for Obama: Remember the Obama Recession? The biggest mini-depression since the 1920s? Being up 48% from nothing is still nothing my friend. Rebounding from the shit Obama handed us might have saved us from total collapse, but his burger jobs were the EASY part. The hard part was building another 24% on top of an already record employment.
  • Orange Bin Laden domestic terrorist trailing badly surveys tell us: Good! Good! You take those surveys right in with you into 2020 like you took all your polls in 2016 saying Hillary was a landslide! In another year, you'll be wiping your ass with them! :21:

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