Trump addresses crowd in Miami, once again tells socialists to fly a kite


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Was great to watch. I hope the low performers in Toronto, Ontario and coast to coast in Canada are watching. America will NEVER be a socialist nation, even as we try really hard to export are backwards system.

Ditto for Cuba, China, England, most of the E.U, and other state patsy run shyteholes.
the only thing socialist about this country is the F'n RW idiots who keep drooling on their shirts.
Was great to watch. I hope the low performers in Toronto, Ontario and coast to coast in Canada are watching. America will NEVER be a socialist nation, even as we try really hard to export are backwards system.

Ditto for Cuba, China, England, most of the E.U, and other state patsy run shyteholes.
Socialism, the newest bright shiny object that the low IQ Trumptards can gape at.

Ask numbnuts Trump what socialism is, he stand there with his yap open.
Note to Trump: We are not Venezuela

We operate under a Constitution
Obviously, socialism and its long history of documented horrors and failures will be a big part of Trump's 2020 campaign, since socialism is what the Democrats will be preaching.
Obviously, socialism and its long history of documented horrors and failures will be a big part of Trump's 2020 campaign, since socialism is what the Democrats will be preaching.
Looks like since Trump has lost his wall, he needs a new Strawman for his fear mongering.

Used to be ....Fear Mexicans
Now it is ...Fear Socialism
Obviously, socialism and its long history of documented horrors and failures will be a big part of Trump's 2020 campaign, since socialism is what the Democrats will be preaching.
Looks like since Trump has lost his wall, he needs a new Strawman for his fear mongering.

Used to be ....Fear Mexicans
Now it is ...Fear Socialism

"You were supposed to destroy the Sith, not join them."

History records the horrors of socialism. All Trump need do is give history lessons.

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