Trump admin source: Leaks to NYT are coming from DOD official


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

3.5 damn years and you morons STILL haven't removed all of these sacks of shit!? What he or she has done is TREASON and should be treated as such ASAP. Cuff that SOB and walk them out in front of the cameras for the world to see.
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3.5 damn years and you morons STILL haven't removed all of these sacks of shit!? What he or she has done is TREASON and should be treated as such ASAP. Cuff that SOB and walk them out in front of the cameras for the world to see.

The Constitution defines TREASON as " Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court".

The Declaration of Independence was an act of treason against the British Crown, so the Founders were very sensitive about the use of such charges, since they were technically guilty of treason themselves.
Barry replaced God-loving patriots with traitorous leftist...just as he filled the DOJ, Intel agencies, CIA, and FBI with Constitution violators, Rule of Law breakers, and traitors...


More likely a never trumper conservative hawk held over from Bush
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3.5 damn years and you morons STILL haven't removed all of these sacks of shit!? What he or she has done is TREASON and should be treated as such ASAP. Cuff that SOB and walk them out in front of the cameras for the world to see.

Meh. Comey, Brennan and the Traitors are still walking with free men, so what if they leak classified info?
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3.5 damn years and you morons STILL haven't removed all of these sacks of shit!? What he or she has done is TREASON and should be treated as such ASAP. Cuff that SOB and walk them out in front of the cameras for the world to see.
Why is it classified if nothing bad happened?
You really have to feel sorry for the brain dead left. Are you able to feed yourself?
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3.5 damn years and you morons STILL haven't removed all of these sacks of shit!? What he or she has done is TREASON and should be treated as such ASAP. Cuff that SOB and walk them out in front of the cameras for the world to see.
Why is it classified if nothing bad happened?

How do you know nothing bad happened? Sometimes intelligence is classified because it reveals information about our procedures and people/sources. Maybe some Afghan person got outted as a result of this leak if he/she was named. And I mean permanently outted.

Preacher: "3.5 damn years and you morons STILL haven't removed all of these sacks of shit!?"

Might've been quite a few sacks of shit, maybe a few have been laying low all this time.
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3.5 damn years and you morons STILL haven't removed all of these sacks of shit!? What he or she has done is TREASON and should be treated as such ASAP. Cuff that SOB and walk them out in front of the cameras for the world to see.
If this guy was under Obama and was doing the exact same thing you’d be calling him a hero. The rightwing would commend him for his bravery of being a whistleblower against tyranny. Such a courageous hero wouldn’t be a traitor! Non sense!
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3.5 damn years and you morons STILL haven't removed all of these sacks of shit!? What he or she has done is TREASON and should be treated as such ASAP. Cuff that SOB and walk them out in front of the cameras for the world to see.
If this guy was under Obama and was doing the exact same thing you’d be calling him a hero. The rightwing would commend him for his bravery of being a whistleblower against tyranny. Such a courageous hero wouldn’t be a traitor! Non sense!
Uh no, because it puts our military members in danger. 2 of my cousins are in the military 1 of which WAS in Afghanistan. Its sickening they did this JUST to try and crush Trump removing troops from Afghanistan.

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