Trump Admin Tells Minnesota Governor To Get Bent Over $16 Million Aid Request Following Riots

Democrats are going to turn out in November. They're driven by nothing but HATE. We better not be complacent and sit at home or Biden's vp will be president in a year!

Democrats are being drive by love of country. Trump cultists think that a desire to have a decent, law abiding country and leaders who have their best interests are heart "hate".
Democrats are going to turn out in November. They're driven by nothing but HATE. We better not be complacent and sit at home or Biden's vp will be president in a year!

Democrats are being drive by love of country. Trump cultists think that a desire to have a decent, law abiding country and leaders who have their best interests are heart "hate".
Is THAT what you call burning down cities and murdering cops and innocent white folks?
Well let’s see here. This idiot running the state ALLOWED rioters to burn and destroy businesses and other buildings. Now wants everybody else to pay for fixing it. NO! YOU caused it, it’s YOUR problem. Not allowing Trump to send in the military to put down these animals is on YOU, not the rest of the country.
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
The governor did NOTHING to control the riots. If MAINE wants to send aid to Minnesota, that's your business, not ours
This goes way beyond doing nothing. The city and state governments caused the riots that did the damage and Minneapolis is a disaster area precisely because of the actions of the governor and the mayor and city council of Minneapolis, which erroneously charged the cops with murder before the investigation had been completed based on the assumption that Floyd had died from asphyxiation which the autopsy found was incorrect.

This was all caused by the race based politics that dominates the thinking of Democratic politicians. The governor and the city government gave the mobs false information about Floyd's death which started the riots that spread all across the country, and far from receiving aid from the federal government, which means from all other states, the state of Minnesota should be charged with paying for all the damage in the rest of the country caused by the riots it started.
Good points, and I hope the investigation continues into Floyd's death, otherwise to see exactly what did cause him to claim his stomach was hurting, and to find out whether or not he swallowed drugs maybe.. ...... Not looking for that in hopes there of, but rather to get a fair assessment of the entire situation. The cop was wrong for using a knee like that, where as it showed his frustration with Floyd for fighting them. Still not justified, and the cops can do better if brought in for evaluations for PTSD if working in high crime areas for to long.

The main take away however, is stop resisting and fighting the law. Hopefully some reform can take place, but it has to be across the board not just one-sided.


I guess what we watched with our own eyes was bullcrap eh ?? I saw a man resisting arrest in the video I watched, where as they attempted to place him into a cruiser, but he refused and began resisting. They started on one side of the vehicle, and ended up going out the other side of the vehicle with Floyd being detained on the ground outside of the vehicle on the opposite side/street side.

Are you so sure that you ain't talking about Rayshard in Atlanta ?
Jus more proof of Trump’s gangster-style presidency.
The "gangstas" are the vermin in BLM and the people who support him. That includes the governor.

Only an utter douchebag would claim that declining to pay for someone else's stupidity makes you a "gangsta."

You are off the scale when it comes to pure idiocy

Poor little moron snowflake. You missed the point. I guess being among the most stupid posters I expect nothing less.

View attachment 362433
Apparently the point is that mob violence should be rewarded and that innocent people should be made to pay for it.

You're a Marxist thug.
You Putinist fascist dolt, if you understood that disaster relief is routinely given in situations like this and not used for political purposes, you would rethink your posts but as you are a Russian useful idiot I expect nothing less from you.
The so called disaster was allowed to happen for political purposes, you idiot. The Mayor and Governor could have stopped it. Moron.
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
The governor did NOTHING to control the riots. If MAINE wants to send aid to Minnesota, that's your business, not ours



Obama was one of the best leaders the country has ever seen. That you fools continue to deny it, shows how clueless you really are.

Saved the world's economy. Best economic numbers since the Great Depressions.

I guess you figure none of us lived through the Obama/Biden years eh ?? Now stop your lying.
I love our President; he wont play little Woketard games.

The Trump administration has denied a request by Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (D) for $16 million in federal aid to help rebuild widespread damage in Minneapolis caused by rioters protesting the death of George Floyd.
Late Friday, Walz spokesman Teddy Tschann confirmed that the July 2 federal aid request to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was denied.
"The Governor is disappointed that the federal government declined his request for financial support," said Tschann in a statement. "As we navigate one of the most difficult periods in our state’s history, we look for support from our federal government to help us through."
Yup, welp, if Trump were a REAL potus, he'd call off the phony national emergency, fire Faucci, and take back seatle with a huge mission accomplished banner on the front of some military vehicle.

But he's not doing any of that, is he Jim, so much for leadership when America needs it

America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
They could just dump Trump in Nov. and elect Joe for President. Putting a mature sensible person with character could solve many problems.
Or we could just tell the governor that the state has to pay for the damage he allowed...

If the people don't like that, they need to demand that the governor DO HIS JOB and maintain order, or be removed...

Or risk the possibility of Trump declaring martial law, and sending in troops to restore order and protect people...

That is never going to happen. Trump Speaks Loudly and carries a small stick.
I'm actually hoping that Trump DOESN'T step in...

Let the Democrats destroy all of their shit, then enjoy the consequences of their stupidity!!!!
I love it when you Trumpettes admit your are all rascist fucks. You are so fucking stupidf that you don't even know you just admitted it.
Hell, we're not racist....

We're just watching the racist Democrats say "black lives matter", while they pay "protestors" to kill blacks and destroy all of their shit!!!

That's getting harder and harder to convince people.

Tucker Carlson's top writer resigns after secretly posting racist and sexist remarks in online forum
Oooooh, did a white person say something naughty again? Bitch, black people are beating white people to death in the streets. You have zero moral high ground.

And they will go to prison for a long time for that. No one will excuse their actions like you are doing.
Naughty words arent illegal, dipshit.

Defend racism any way you want I suppose.
Youre the one who would rather bitch about the ultra rare incidents of cops doing something wrong, rather than addressing the rampant and super common violence we see committed by the black community. YOU are the racist, not me.

As of yet, I've never been able to understand this argument. If it's ultra rare why is it so controversial to address it?
Because it's ultra rare, now please address the murder rates in black communities, black clubs, rapper gangsta hollywood, and in these drug dens across America... You know, all the stuff that sooner or later involves cops to try and slow it all down.

Ultra rare???? Hardly!! Cities over 100,000 in population paid out a quarter of a billion dollars last year in excessive force claims. That money comes out of taxpayers pockets. They paid out a similar amount in 2018 too. That well over a half billion dollars in two years, just for "excessive force" claims.

American police killed over 1500 people last year - 1004 by shooting them. The rest died in police custody. That's an average of 3 people per day. The French police were #2 with 26 people - 8 of them in terrorist attacks. British police killed 8 - and three of them were terrorists on London Bridge. I don't call the killing of three people per day, an "ultra rare" event.

Trump has suggested that police not be "so gentle" in arresting suspects. He cancelled the
Democrats are going to turn out in November. They're driven by nothing but HATE. We better not be complacent and sit at home or Biden's vp will be president in a year!

Democrats are being drive by love of country. Trump cultists think that a desire to have a decent, law abiding country and leaders who have their best interests are heart "hate".
Is THAT what you call burning down cities and murdering cops and innocent white folks?

No, you'd rather standing behind the looting of the Treasury by billions of dollars for Trump's supporters, friends and billionaires. The Catholic Church got millions in PPP loans. Kanye West gor $3 million. Big restaurant chains got $10 and $20 million. These are loans they are never going to have to pay back, but small business on main street are closing. Unable to open during the pandemic, too small to get a loan, their life's work is being wiped out.

The guy stealing sneakers is chump change comparied to billions looted from the treasury while you focused on civil unrest.
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
The governor did NOTHING to control the riots. If MAINE wants to send aid to Minnesota, that's your business, not ours



Obama was one of the best leaders the country has ever seen. That you fools continue to deny it, shows how clueless you really are.

Saved the world's economy. Best economic numbers since the Great Depressions.

I guess you figure none of us lived through the Obama/Biden years eh ?? Now stop your lying.

You watched FOX News all the way through. You've been lied to for so long by everyone you've trusted, you don't have the first clue about truth or lies.
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
The governor did NOTHING to control the riots. If MAINE wants to send aid to Minnesota, that's your business, not ours



Obama was one of the best leaders the country has ever seen. That you fools continue to deny it, shows how clueless you really are.

Saved the world's economy. Best economic numbers since the Great Depressions.

I guess you figure none of us lived through the Obama/Biden years eh ?? Now stop your lying.

You watched FOX News all the way through. You've been lied to for so long by everyone you've trusted, you don't have the first clue about truth or lies.
What is a credible news source in your eyes?:auiqs.jpg:
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
They could just dump Trump in Nov. and elect Joe for President. Putting a mature sensible person with character could solve many problems.
Or we could just tell the governor that the state has to pay for the damage he allowed...

If the people don't like that, they need to demand that the governor DO HIS JOB and maintain order, or be removed...

Or risk the possibility of Trump declaring martial law, and sending in troops to restore order and protect people...

That is never going to happen. Trump Speaks Loudly and carries a small stick.
I'm actually hoping that Trump DOESN'T step in...

Let the Democrats destroy all of their shit, then enjoy the consequences of their stupidity!!!!
I love it when you Trumpettes admit your are all rascist fucks. You are so fucking stupidf that you don't even know you just admitted it.
Hell, we're not racist....

We're just watching the racist Democrats say "black lives matter", while they pay "protestors" to kill blacks and destroy all of their shit!!!

That's getting harder and harder to convince people.

Tucker Carlson's top writer resigns after secretly posting racist and sexist remarks in online forum
Oooooh, did a white person say something naughty again? Bitch, black people are beating white people to death in the streets. You have zero moral high ground.

And they will go to prison for a long time for that. No one will excuse their actions like you are doing.
Naughty words arent illegal, dipshit.

Defend racism any way you want I suppose.
Youre the one who would rather bitch about the ultra rare incidents of cops doing something wrong, rather than addressing the rampant and super common violence we see committed by the black community. YOU are the racist, not me.

As of yet, I've never been able to understand this argument. If it's ultra rare why is it so controversial to address it?
Because it's ultra rare, now please address the murder rates in black communities, black clubs, rapper gangsta hollywood, and in these drug dens across America... You know, all the stuff that sooner or later involves cops to try and slow it all down.

Ultra rare???? Hardly!! Cities over 100,000 in population paid out a quarter of a billion dollars last year in excessive force claims. That money comes out of taxpayers pockets. They paid out a similar amount in 2018 too. That well over a half billion dollars in two years, just for "excessive force" claims.

American police killed over 1500 people last year - 1004 by shooting them. The rest died in police custody. That's an average of 3 people per day. The French police were #2 with 26 people - 8 of them in terrorist attacks. British police killed 8 - and three of them were terrorists on London Bridge. I don't call the killing of three people per day, an "ultra rare" event.

Trump has suggested that police not be "so gentle" in arresting suspects. He cancelled the
Democrats are going to turn out in November. They're driven by nothing but HATE. We better not be complacent and sit at home or Biden's vp will be president in a year!

Democrats are being drive by love of country. Trump cultists think that a desire to have a decent, law abiding country and leaders who have their best interests are heart "hate".
Is THAT what you call burning down cities and murdering cops and innocent white folks?

No, you'd rather standing behind the looting of the Treasury by billions of dollars for Trump's supporters, friends and billionaires. The Catholic Church got millions in PPP loans. Kanye West gor $3 million. Big restaurant chains got $10 and $20 million. These are loans they are never going to have to pay back, but small business on main street are closing. Unable to open during the pandemic, too small to get a loan, their life's work is being wiped out.

The guy stealing sneakers is chump change comparied to billions looted from the treasury while you focused on civil unrest.
Excessive force caused by what ????? Are criminals innocent, and the cops are all guilty ??? Who is truly indirectly robbing the Treasury ??
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
They could just dump Trump in Nov. and elect Joe for President. Putting a mature sensible person with character could solve many problems.
Or we could just tell the governor that the state has to pay for the damage he allowed...

If the people don't like that, they need to demand that the governor DO HIS JOB and maintain order, or be removed...

Or risk the possibility of Trump declaring martial law, and sending in troops to restore order and protect people...

That is never going to happen. Trump Speaks Loudly and carries a small stick.
I'm actually hoping that Trump DOESN'T step in...

Let the Democrats destroy all of their shit, then enjoy the consequences of their stupidity!!!!
I love it when you Trumpettes admit your are all rascist fucks. You are so fucking stupidf that you don't even know you just admitted it.
Hell, we're not racist....

We're just watching the racist Democrats say "black lives matter", while they pay "protestors" to kill blacks and destroy all of their shit!!!

That's getting harder and harder to convince people.

Tucker Carlson's top writer resigns after secretly posting racist and sexist remarks in online forum
Oooooh, did a white person say something naughty again? Bitch, black people are beating white people to death in the streets. You have zero moral high ground.

And they will go to prison for a long time for that. No one will excuse their actions like you are doing.
Naughty words arent illegal, dipshit.

Defend racism any way you want I suppose.
Youre the one who would rather bitch about the ultra rare incidents of cops doing something wrong, rather than addressing the rampant and super common violence we see committed by the black community. YOU are the racist, not me.

As of yet, I've never been able to understand this argument. If it's ultra rare why is it so controversial to address it?
Because it's ultra rare, now please address the murder rates in black communities, black clubs, rapper gangsta hollywood, and in these drug dens across America... You know, all the stuff that sooner or later involves cops to try and slow it all down.

Ultra rare???? Hardly!! Cities over 100,000 in population paid out a quarter of a billion dollars last year in excessive force claims. That money comes out of taxpayers pockets. They paid out a similar amount in 2018 too. That well over a half billion dollars in two years, just for "excessive force" claims.

American police killed over 1500 people last year - 1004 by shooting them. The rest died in police custody. That's an average of 3 people per day. The French police were #2 with 26 people - 8 of them in terrorist attacks. British police killed 8 - and three of them were terrorists on London Bridge. I don't call the killing of three people per day, an "ultra rare" event.

Trump has suggested that police not be "so gentle" in arresting suspects. He cancelled the
Democrats are going to turn out in November. They're driven by nothing but HATE. We better not be complacent and sit at home or Biden's vp will be president in a year!

Democrats are being drive by love of country. Trump cultists think that a desire to have a decent, law abiding country and leaders who have their best interests are heart "hate".
Is THAT what you call burning down cities and murdering cops and innocent white folks?

No, you'd rather standing behind the looting of the Treasury by billions of dollars for Trump's supporters, friends and billionaires. The Catholic Church got millions in PPP loans. Kanye West gor $3 million. Big restaurant chains got $10 and $20 million. These are loans they are never going to have to pay back, but small business on main street are closing. Unable to open during the pandemic, too small to get a loan, their life's work is being wiped out.

The guy stealing sneakers is chump change comparied to billions looted from the treasury while you focused on civil unrest.
Excessive force caused by what ????? Are criminals innocent, and the cops are all guilty ??? Who is truly indirectly robbing the Treasury ??


Elon Musk becomes 7th richest on Earth as worth increases £5 billion in one day

Has he ever made even a penny on anything yet?
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
The governor did NOTHING to control the riots. If MAINE wants to send aid to Minnesota, that's your business, not ours



Obama was one of the best leaders the country has ever seen. That you fools continue to deny it, shows how clueless you really are.

Saved the world's economy. Best economic numbers since the Great Depressions.

I guess you figure none of us lived through the Obama/Biden years eh ?? Now stop your lying.

You watched FOX News all the way through. You've been lied to for so long by everyone you've trusted, you don't have the first clue about truth or lies.
Say, that reminds me...have you ever responded to my post detailing Canada's shameful and despicable treatment of First Nations peoples in response to your laughable claim that Canada treats minorities better than does the US?
America is now officially a banana republic.
Yes, ant the rioters have made it so
Our nation began with riots in Boston and we have had them ever since. They are American as apple pie. Donald Trump has made America a banana republic with his continuous never-ending scandals.
It's called "If you throw a tantrum and tear up your shit, you do without"...

When you were growing up and did that, did your parents rush out and replace it, where you could throw another tantrum and do it again???

Or did they make you learn not to do stupid shit???
Yeah, and 16 million for what ????

Most of the problem can be cleaned up with a little elbow grease involved. Probably came up short on a government give away program or will divert it to busing the voters uh I mean destroyers to the polls come November. I wouldn't trust a Democrat for as far as I could throw one. Well they best get innovative, and get off their aces to begin cleaning up.
They could just dump Trump in Nov. and elect Joe for President. Putting a mature sensible person with character could solve many problems.
Or we could just tell the governor that the state has to pay for the damage he allowed...

If the people don't like that, they need to demand that the governor DO HIS JOB and maintain order, or be removed...

Or risk the possibility of Trump declaring martial law, and sending in troops to restore order and protect people...

That is never going to happen. Trump Speaks Loudly and carries a small stick.
I'm actually hoping that Trump DOESN'T step in...

Let the Democrats destroy all of their shit, then enjoy the consequences of their stupidity!!!!
I love it when you Trumpettes admit your are all rascist fucks. You are so fucking stupidf that you don't even know you just admitted it.
Hell, we're not racist....

We're just watching the racist Democrats say "black lives matter", while they pay "protestors" to kill blacks and destroy all of their shit!!!

That's getting harder and harder to convince people.

Tucker Carlson's top writer resigns after secretly posting racist and sexist remarks in online forum
Oooooh, did a white person say something naughty again? Bitch, black people are beating white people to death in the streets. You have zero moral high ground.

And they will go to prison for a long time for that. No one will excuse their actions like you are doing.
Naughty words arent illegal, dipshit.

Defend racism any way you want I suppose.
Youre the one who would rather bitch about the ultra rare incidents of cops doing something wrong, rather than addressing the rampant and super common violence we see committed by the black community. YOU are the racist, not me.

As of yet, I've never been able to understand this argument. If it's ultra rare why is it so controversial to address it?
Because it's ultra rare, now please address the murder rates in black communities, black clubs, rapper gangsta hollywood, and in these drug dens across America... You know, all the stuff that sooner or later involves cops to try and slow it all down.

Ultra rare???? Hardly!! Cities over 100,000 in population paid out a quarter of a billion dollars last year in excessive force claims. That money comes out of taxpayers pockets. They paid out a similar amount in 2018 too. That well over a half billion dollars in two years, just for "excessive force" claims.

American police killed over 1500 people last year - 1004 by shooting them. The rest died in police custody. That's an average of 3 people per day. The French police were #2 with 26 people - 8 of them in terrorist attacks. British police killed 8 - and three of them were terrorists on London Bridge. I don't call the killing of three people per day, an "ultra rare" event.
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
The governor did NOTHING to control the riots. If MAINE wants to send aid to Minnesota, that's your business, not ours



Obama was one of the best leaders the country has ever seen. That you fools continue to deny it, shows how clueless you really are.

Saved the world's economy. Best economic numbers since the Great Depressions.

I guess you figure none of us lived through the Obama/Biden years eh ?? Now stop your lying.

You watched FOX News all the way through. You've been lied to for so long by everyone you've trusted, you don't have the first clue about truth or lies.
Say, that reminds me...have you ever responded to my post detailing Canada's shameful and despicable treatment of First Nations peoples in response to your laughable claim that Canada treats minorities better than does the US?

What post? Never saw it. I would also remind you that your nation MURDERED over one million native Americans. And now you're trying to deprive them of voting rights.

However, I have commented frequently on the shameful treatment of natives peoples in Canaa. We didn't systematically try to murder them all like you did but we did tremendous harm, and yes there deaths from small pox and other diseases. The Residential Schools were an especially shameful chapter and we're still dealing with the fallout and problems they created. Children died from the abuse.

But here is the difference. Nobody in Canada says "this isn't happening", "this never happened", or these people are "stupid and lazy". In regard to the substance abuse, poverty and unemployment that is the result of the Residential Schools horrors, Canada has paid reparations and tried to undo some of the harm caused.

We've taken these problems seriously, but we have not moved quickly enough. What has the USA done to attone for the legacy of genocide, slavery, segregation and discrimmination that is the blood soaked history of your nation?
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
The governor did NOTHING to control the riots. If MAINE wants to send aid to Minnesota, that's your business, not ours



Obama was one of the best leaders the country has ever seen. That you fools continue to deny it, shows how clueless you really are.

Saved the world's economy. Best economic numbers since the Great Depressions.

I guess you figure none of us lived through the Obama/Biden years eh ?? Now stop your lying.

You watched FOX News all the way through. You've been lied to for so long by everyone you've trusted, you don't have the first clue about truth or lies.
Say, that reminds me...have you ever responded to my post detailing Canada's shameful and despicable treatment of First Nations peoples in response to your laughable claim that Canada treats minorities better than does the US?

What post? Never saw it. I would also remind you that your nation MURDERED over one million native Americans. And now you're trying to deprive them of voting rights.

However, I have commented frequently on the shameful treatment of natives peoples in Canaa. We didn't systematically try to murder them all like you did but we did tremendous harm, and yes there deaths from small pox and other diseases. The Residential Schools were an especially shameful chapter and we're still dealing with the fallout and problems they created. Children died from the abuse.

But here is the difference. Nobody in Canada says "this isn't happening", "this never happened", or these people are "stupid and lazy". In regard to the substance abuse, poverty and unemployment that is the result of the Residential Schools horrors, Canada has paid reparations and tried to undo some of the harm caused.

We've taken these problems seriously, but we have not moved quickly enough. What has the USA done to attone for the legacy of genocide, slavery, segregation and discrimmination that is the blood soaked history of your nation?
You never saw it?

Well, that's handy.

What has the United States done? Well, we ended slavery, for one thing. Maybe you heard about that. We codified equal rights into law (despite opposition from Democrats).

But no one's ever rationally explained to me why I'm responsible for things I've never done to people who are long dead.
and that's precisely why trump is the most corrupt president and admin in all of our history!!! SAD

sad he's such a creep!
The governor did NOTHING to control the riots. If MAINE wants to send aid to Minnesota, that's your business, not ours



Obama was one of the best leaders the country has ever seen. That you fools continue to deny it, shows how clueless you really are.

Saved the world's economy. Best economic numbers since the Great Depressions.

I guess you figure none of us lived through the Obama/Biden years eh ?? Now stop your lying.
Eviudebntly not.

The mere idea you think Trump is a better President than Obama is proof of what a fucking idiot you are.

When the second quarter numbers come out, it will be official. We are in the Trump Recessiomn. Wow, ain't thart making America Great, right?

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