Trump Administration Admits Defeat on COVID-19, Surrenders as Failures

  • Pass a public mask law with a minimum dollar amount - $50, $100...whatever
  • Every Law Enforcement agency must enforce
  • Tickets must have bodycam proof
  • Law Enforcement agency gets 100% of the revenue - this will encourage compliance by police

Comrade Nazi, does the president pass laws?

So why didn't the Stalinists in the house under Fuhrer Piloshiti pass that law?

YOU Maoist pigs were the ONLY ones who could pass such a law, but you didn't.

The blood of 220,000 Americans is on YOUR HANDS - YOU killed all of them.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.
Trump: “young people are immune”
I think that is what the man said, alright. But, it is well known, he lies a lot. Looks like he lied again, for sure.
Flu kills more young people than COVID. FACTS. We don't lockdown for the flu.
Flue killed 200,000 Americans in 8 years prior to trump. Covid killed more that that in 8 months.
Bullshit. We are discussing YOUNG people. Average age of death from COVID is 78. Funny you keep ignoring that.
We can’t control it.
We aren’t even going to try.
You’ll have to live with it.
Have some hydroxychloroquine.

What a whaco. Meadows and McConnell are the reason for hold up on covid relief.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...

I think I will as its Murdock's papers and their fake news.


Ahmed, you didn't get the memo - the time for lying about the Laptop ended with the whistle blower, when he stepped forward and confirmed it.

Now you are to pretend that it doesn't matter, that it's just normal business.

Try and keep up, I know that's hard from over in Gaza.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.


What would you Communists have done different?

Lying about Wuhan polls well - so you lie.

Now Quid Pro Beijing Biden being BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by the people WHO UNLEASHED THIS ON THE WORLD seems pretty important.


Hunter Biden suggested the lists “could easily serve . . . as the foundation for the divvying up of territory both geographically and commercially” by their partner in the joint venture.

“I may be paranoid but having worked in. [sic] The lobbying industry for years these attempts to create focus at the outset always and I mean always ended in disaster,” the e-mail says.

“We should be thinking what we want to focus on and not who knows who as direction for focus in my opinion.”

The memos and e-mails are among more than 900 documents Bobulinski made public this week and outline plans for a company called Oneida Holdings to provide consulting services to a company called Hudson West IV.

The documents show Hudson West IV was controlled by Ye Jianming, then chair of CEFC China Energy Co., and “Director Zang,” an apparent reference to CEFC’s executive director, Zang Jian Jun.

Ye disappeared after being taken into custody by Chinese authorities in early 2018, and CEFC, which was China’s largest private energy company, went bankrupt this year, according to reports.


I get it, corruption is a BIG part of being a democrat. democrats go into politics to line their pockets with money taken from working people - it's the only reason they are there.

Tell me, do think you're going to get a slice of the action? Is that why you lie for the party?
Yah, yah, yah, if all else fails call the person you disagree with a communist and a liar, without proof or even naming the lies and proving it a lie. After all this the internet, and you are a trump supporter, right? Comes natural?
Yah, yah, yah, if all else fails call the person you disagree with a communist and a liar, without proof or even naming the lies and proving it a lie. After all this the internet, and you are a trump supporter, right? Comes natural?

You are a Communist and a liar - that isn't a question.

Joe Biden is bought and paid for by China, who unleashed the Wuhan virus on the world.

After the massive disaster that was the debate last Thursday, Don Lemon came up with the brilliant "well yeah, but 30% of people have already cast ballots, so it won't really hurt Biden."


Uh Don? That means 70% HAVE NOT CAST BALLOTS YET.

Quid Pro is tanking.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.
Trump: “young people are immune”
I think that is what the man said, alright. But, it is well known, he lies a lot. Looks like he lied again, for sure.
Flu kills more young people than COVID. FACTS. We don't lockdown for the flu.
Flue killed 200,000 Americans in 8 years prior to trump. Covid killed more that that in 8 months.
Bullshit. We are discussing YOUNG people. Average age of death from COVID is 78. Funny you keep ignoring that.
Look Azog, you are the one that asked me to name one. Don't throw a dumbassed gauntlet like that down to me. You know, I'll simply pull up the stories and I only used the united state, not the world. I know that younger people have a better chance. Never said they didn't. I just do not agree with trumpers acting everybody else does not matter. I don't want to catch it from a young person, just because they don't give a $hit due to their survival rate. You didn't enjoy it at 39 either, did you? Lucky to be 39, eh? Tough shit for the mid 40s, 50s, 60s, and above. It is mind over matter. You are not one and survived and do not mind, so the Americans older and with things that come normally to being older do not matter. It does not speak well of you Azog.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

ALL three of the links say they died of COVID-19 COMPLICATIONS, which suggest an underlying health issue.

The CDC have showed that only 6% of all China Virus related deaths, was from the virus infection itself.

Remember, under H1N1 reporting, ONLY deaths where Swine Flu was the PRIMARY CAUSE OF DEATH were counted. Funny how that changed with Wuhan, where any death with the virus present is counted.

Using the same counting methodology used with H1N1 under Obama, only 12,000 people have died in America from COVID-19. Using the methodology of counting for Covid - 486,000 died from H1N1

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

Such a weak argument. Not to sound cruel but shit happens... Where is your outrage about things like this due to the common cold or flu?
How do you know your kids do not have an "un-diagnosed" problem. A conservative take cautious steps to cover all the bases, just in case everybody else is right. You like to gamble?
Pussies like the OP put me on ignore because I prove counterpoints. Democrats only want echo chambers. Worst kinds of people. And that avatar is pathetic. This is what you support, White. Again, the flu is deadlier for kids and we don't close schools during flu season. There is nothing we can do about this virus sans let it run its course and use therapeutics. Average age of death is 78. WTF?!!?!?
They have closed the schools locally here in years past as flu was on rapid spread, but they opened within a few days. Flu is not the same. More people should do the flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine that do not. Luckily they do not spread as easily and more people in the herd are protected or flu might catch up with Covid. When safe and effective, I will get the shot.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.
Trump: “young people are immune”
I think that is what the man said, alright. But, it is well known, he lies a lot. Looks like he lied again, for sure.
Flu kills more young people than COVID. FACTS. We don't lockdown for the flu.
Flue killed 200,000 Americans in 8 years prior to trump. Covid killed more that that in 8 months.
Bullshit. We are discussing YOUNG people. Average age of death from COVID is 78. Funny you keep ignoring that.
Look Azog, you are the one that asked me to name one. Don't throw a dumbassed gauntlet like that down to me. You know, I'll simply pull up the stories and I only used the united state, not the world. I know that younger people have a better chance. Never said they didn't. I just do not agree with trumpers acting everybody else does not matter. I don't want to catch it from a young person, just because they don't give a $hit due to their survival rate. You didn't enjoy it at 39 either, did you? Lucky to be 39, eh? Tough shit for the mid 40s, 50s, 60s, and above. It is mind over matter. You are not one and survived and do not mind, so the Americans older and with things that come normally to being older do not matter. It does not speak well of you Azog.
Turned 40. My point is if you feel unsafe then stay home. But I should not have to because you don’t feel safe. Cure cannot be worse than the disease. If you’re in Trumps shoes what do you do differently?

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.

Such a weak argument. Not to sound cruel but shit happens... Where is your outrage about things like this due to the common cold or flu?
How do you know your kids do not have an "un-diagnosed" problem. A conservative take cautious steps to cover all the bases, just in case everybody else is right. You like to gamble?
Pussies like the OP put me on ignore because I prove counterpoints. Democrats only want echo chambers. Worst kinds of people. And that avatar is pathetic. This is what you support, White. Again, the flu is deadlier for kids and we don't close schools during flu season. There is nothing we can do about this virus sans let it run its course and use therapeutics. Average age of death is 78. WTF?!!?!?
They have closed the schools locally here in years past as flu was on rapid spread, but they opened within a few days. Flu is not the same. More people should do the flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine that do not. Luckily they do not spread as easily and more people in the herd are protected or flu might catch up with Covid. When safe and effective, I will get the shot.
Flu is deadlier for young people and I have never seen a school close. Average age of death is 78 due to COVID and 78.8 otherwise. Lockdowns don’t work. Already posted a link.


Standard Disclaimer: This is why people acknowledge that you are a liar.
I would like to see the source of that claim too. I've never seen it made before.

But we all know there is a political strategy in keeping America locked down while Trump is in office.
We'll see if it pays off.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.
Trump: “young people are immune”
I think that is what the man said, alright. But, it is well known, he lies a lot. Looks like he lied again, for sure.
Flu kills more young people than COVID. FACTS. We don't lockdown for the flu.
Flue killed 200,000 Americans in 8 years prior to trump. Covid killed more that that in 8 months.
Bullshit. We are discussing YOUNG people. Average age of death from COVID is 78. Funny you keep ignoring that.
Look Azog, you are the one that asked me to name one. Don't throw a dumbassed gauntlet like that down to me. You know, I'll simply pull up the stories and I only used the united state, not the world. I know that younger people have a better chance. Never said they didn't. I just do not agree with trumpers acting everybody else does not matter. I don't want to catch it from a young person, just because they don't give a $hit due to their survival rate. You didn't enjoy it at 39 either, did you? Lucky to be 39, eh? Tough shit for the mid 40s, 50s, 60s, and above. It is mind over matter. You are not one and survived and do not mind, so the Americans older and with things that come normally to being older do not matter. It does not speak well of you Azog.

This is rich when YOU ignore the fact that the Annual flu season kills more people under age 18, than China virus did this year.

The vast majority of China Virus deaths are over the age of 45 (200,000, 96.6% of the total) are mostly due to underlying health problems.

Just over 7,000 deaths between the ages of one and 44.

Just around 425 people died at age 18 and lower.

The annual Flu season always kills over a 1,000 kids every year.
It was never not going to spread until herd immunity was reached.

Lockdowns are worthless, face diapers are worthless.

Grow the fuck up and learn to live with it.
Not going to learn to live with hundreds dead every day. You will comply with lawful orders to mask.
Right... because lunatic lefties tell us to? Who is going to enforce that when we say no? You and the BLM amifa beta boys? What will you say when 2020 ends & all cause deaths show the "pandemic" was in reality just a dempanic? :slap:
  • Pass a public mask law with a minimum dollar amount - $50, $100...whatever
  • Every Law Enforcement agency must enforce
  • Tickets must have bodycam proof
  • Law Enforcement agency gets 100% of the revenue - this will encourage compliance by police
Fuck you fascist pig you can mandate until you die we are free people try to force us like slaves and we will shoot your fascist ass.
I think Synth is counting on LEO's being so compromised in his authoritarian world that they will be reduced
to giving tickets for non compliance in wearing masks and giving parking tickets.
If funding is dependent upon compliance they will comply. If their Chief or Sheriff order them to comply they will comply or be fired.
Wow! You sure are one to pull authority from the state and give it to the federal government.
Friggin authoritarian, aren't you, tiger?
The virus doesn’t recognize States Rights, and you all have proven yourselves frauds on States Rights, so we’re good.
I'll take that as a win, thank you for your deflection, tiger.
It's not a deflection and you get no win. The Federal government has a long history of using funding to coerce State compliance on any number of issues and conservatives have always been in favor of it. Trump even withheld funding from Governors who didn't praise him enough, or criticized him. So drop the act.
It was never not going to spread until herd immunity was reached.

Lockdowns are worthless, face diapers are worthless.

Grow the fuck up and learn to live with it.
Not going to learn to live with hundreds dead every day. You will comply with lawful orders to mask.
Right... because lunatic lefties tell us to? Who is going to enforce that when we say no? You and the BLM amifa beta boys? What will you say when 2020 ends & all cause deaths show the "pandemic" was in reality just a dempanic? :slap:
  • Pass a public mask law with a minimum dollar amount - $50, $100...whatever
  • Every Law Enforcement agency must enforce
  • Tickets must have bodycam proof
  • Law Enforcement agency gets 100% of the revenue - this will encourage compliance by police
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
However you wish to view it. People said the same thing when they introduced seat belts. Do you threaten to shoot the cops who give you a ticket for not wearing one?

You’re not smart. :lol:
The seat belt analogy is an irrelevance, suitable only for low-info nose pickers like you.

So go suck a bag of dicks, petty tyrant.
Thank you for this win. Outstanding! :lol:
The one who needs to self-declare victory is the loser....Loser.

You are a puny little thug and an irrelevancy.
More wins! :lol:

Maybe you'll be in my league some day, son. But not today.

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.
More meaningless panic porn.

Those are the 0.05% of total infections....Exceptions aren't the norm.
BS. If he had not challenged me to find just one, I would not have looked up and posted stopping with 3. Panic porn my ass. Trumpers are all panic right now and looking at their defense of their toad king is indeed a dirty thing to watch, very akin to porn.
The fact remains that the death rate for otherwise healthy young people is 0.05%......That is undeniable to anyone who has been paying attention.

You are a petty demagogue and peddler of panic porn.
What's the death rate for the grandparents who live with them?

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.
More meaningless panic porn.

Those are the 0.05% of total infections....Exceptions aren't the norm.
BS. If he had not challenged me to find just one, I would not have looked up and posted stopping with 3. Panic porn my ass. Trumpers are all panic right now and looking at their defense of their toad king is indeed a dirty thing to watch, very akin to porn.
The fact remains that the death rate for otherwise healthy young people is 0.05%......That is undeniable to anyone who has been paying attention.

You are a petty demagogue and peddler of panic porn.
What's the death rate for the grandparents who live with them?
What's the death rate of seniors exposed because the idiot governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Massachusetts ordered commievirus cases into their nursing homes?

HEY - IGNORE the Biden Corruption Scandal - LOOK OVER HERE...
Yep, we and our supporters screwed the country on containment and control of the biggest, most infectious, deadliest pandemic in 100 years, so all we got is a last minute scandal about Biden's kid. Everybody likes scandal to divert attention, so vote for us and we will give you more. Good luck on the virus, as you will get no leadership from us. It is election year. Winning more important than people dying.
What would you have done differently? The places where strict lockdowns took place had the most spread? Can you name one pro, college or HS athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world? Just one. Thank you.

College football player dies of COVID-19 complications 'Chad was beloved by all his teammates': Davidson County basketball player, 19, dies from COVID-19 complications
Puyallup High School graduate dies of COVID-19 complications

Eli Sevener played football and baseball and graduated in 2019.

Here are a few example of what you asked about. Why concentrate on young athletes? Middle aged and older Americans not worth your concern? Makes you sound like a trump supporter.
More meaningless panic porn.

Those are the 0.05% of total infections....Exceptions aren't the norm.
BS. If he had not challenged me to find just one, I would not have looked up and posted stopping with 3. Panic porn my ass. Trumpers are all panic right now and looking at their defense of their toad king is indeed a dirty thing to watch, very akin to porn.
The fact remains that the death rate for otherwise healthy young people is 0.05%......That is undeniable to anyone who has been paying attention.

You are a petty demagogue and peddler of panic porn.
What's the death rate for the grandparents who live with them?
What's the death rate of seniors exposed because the idiot governors in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Massachusetts ordered commievirus cases into their nursing homes?
Your desperate deflections warm my heart.

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