Trump administration memo calls for ending Michelle Obama's girls education program

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.
Foreign aid is one of the best investments of tax payer.

Foreign aid is designed to keep us out of war and have influence on other countries. This program does neither.

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.
Foreign aid is one of the best investments of tax payer.

Foreign aid is designed to keep us out of war and have influence on other countries. This program does neither.
Foreign aid will not keep us out of war and today it is not attended to do so. Foreign aid is a powerful tool in American diplomacy. It's the carrot and military power is the stick. Whether it's help from an African country with the kidnapping of an American citizen or attaining military fly over rights, foreign aid is our most powerful diplomatic tool.

"If you don't fund the State Dept. fully, then I need to buy more ammunition".
General James Mattis
Secretary of Defense

Correct, and that helps keep us out of war.

Our wonderful tax dollars go to having leverage in other countries when they are considering something that may be against our interests.
Maintaining foreign aid reminds me of why we let my granddaughter drive a car to school each day. We need something to take away from her if she screws up.
Some feedback on this...

Trump Axes Michelle Obama's Let Girls Learn Program, Twitter Goes Ballistic

“Donald can’t get anything accomplished so he tears down everyone else’s accomplishments like a grade school bully,” one commenter wrote.

“Will be replaced by Melania Trump’s, ‘Marry For Money’ program,” joked another.

And another pointed out that unlike the former first lady’s involvement in initiatives for healthier school lunches — which has also been targeted for elimination by the new administration — this program has gotten much less attention: “I bet everyone outraged by the Let Girls Learn news never even knew it existed…”

They tried healthier lunch programs, and what they found is that kids were throwing away good food or otherwise not eating until they left school and make it to Burger King.

Republican parenting at its best.

Ray to kid: Eat your green beans.
Ray's kid: No
Ray: OK have a dough nut instead.
Government :Eat your green beans.
Student: I hate green beans! I have chocolate bars in my locker!
Government: then throw your green beans away like everybody else; it's taxpayers money so don't worry about it.

This is sofa king stupid. Who knew that prior to Michelle Obama's efforts, kids always ate every vegetable.

They didn't stupid. That's the point. Kids will eat what's appealing to them just like adults, and probably even more so.

It was about as dumb of an idea as DumBama's when he forced restaurants to put calorie count on all their items in menus. It didn't make one fat kid skinnier, but it made you libs think he actually did something.
First parents have to teach their kids to eat good food by serving it and reserving trips to fast food places as a treat and not a regular place to eat. Then, serving more healthy foods at school makes real sense. That's not to say that schools should load up the lunchroom menu with Twinkies, ice cream, and frys.

What a lot people don't realize is that most school districts consider the school lunch room as one of the few places in the school where they can make money. That seems to be the goal of many directors of food service. The lost of soft drink machines, and high fat and sugar laden food means lower sales. And thus, the healthy menu is not necessarily a welcome change in many school districts.
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

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Better to fund bombs then education.
Funny how Obama could fund education overseas but not help education here....very interesting!

Funny. If it were true.

7 Education Initiatives Led by Michelle Obama - The Edvocate
Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Funny how Obama could fund education overseas but not help education here....very interesting!

Funny. If it were true.

7 Education Initiatives Led by Michelle Obama - The Edvocate
Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
1. The wall STOPS the 99 BILLION we spend every year on illegals the wall is a one time HUGE price then a little upkeep.
2.You morons should try a new word because EVERYONE knows "comprehensive immigration reform" is nothing more than MORE amnesty. Try again.
Great we have high school seniors graduating, and the can't read. But they definitely know being gay is okay. We don't need to teach other kids in other countries that.
Bigoted POS.

We should teach our children that people like you are disgusting ignorant fucks.
At least I know which bathroom to use.
I thought it was up to the government to tell you.
I don't rely on goverment.
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
1. The wall STOPS the 99 BILLION we spend every year on illegals the wall is a one time HUGE price then a little upkeep.
2.You morons should try a new word because EVERYONE knows "comprehensive immigration reform" is nothing more than MORE amnesty. Try again.
Immigration reform does not mean amnesty. The most important parts of immigration reform would include:
Changing visa requirements
Criminalizing certain parts of the law
Enhancing E verify
Path to citizenship that is not amnesty.
Increasing the penalty for hireling illegals
Make the exceptions to deportation specific
Clarify detention requirements
Revise the appeal process

If detainees had immigration lawyers, it would be almost impossible to deport the number of people we deport with our current laws.
Can you fucking liberals get your stories straight? If "America first" is a lie as you say, wouldn't the OP's message support America first? Let's be honest fuckers, you're snowflakes and protest everything. Other than that, there's no reason tax-payers should be supporting FEMALE (usual liberal discrimination) in other countries.

Thanks again Trump, you're doing a GREAT job.
Can you fucking liberals get your stories straight? If "America first" is a lie as you say, wouldn't the OP's message support America first? Let's be honest fuckers, you're snowflakes and protest everything. Other than that, there's no reason tax-payers should be supporting FEMALE (usual liberal discrimination) in other countries.

Thanks again Trump, you're doing a GREAT job.
Wow, Trumpette ignorance has no boundaries.

Lets pull bacl all our foreign aid so Russia & China can step in. Let them get all the trade deals. Let them make allies

Meanwhile the ignorant Trump thinks the US can survive as an island.
Great we have high school seniors graduating, and the can't read. But they definitely know being gay is okay. We don't need to teach other kids in other countries that.
Bigoted POS.

We should teach our children that people like you are disgusting ignorant fucks.
At least I know which bathroom to use.
I thought it was up to the government to tell you.
I don't rely on goverment.
So you can fly? Obviously you don;t drive on highways. Dumbass.
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
1. The wall STOPS the 99 BILLION we spend every year on illegals the wall is a one time HUGE price then a little upkeep.
2.You morons should try a new word because EVERYONE knows "comprehensive immigration reform" is nothing more than MORE amnesty. Try again.

Everyone also knows the illegals pay a shit load of taxes. And they don't cry about it like your ilk.
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
1. The wall STOPS the 99 BILLION we spend every year on illegals the wall is a one time HUGE price then a little upkeep.
2.You morons should try a new word because EVERYONE knows "comprehensive immigration reform" is nothing more than MORE amnesty. Try again.

You're incapable of thinking outside the box beyond the wall. It's hugely costly (est 25 billion dollars) Mexico isn't paying for it - WE are. It has big affects on trade in the communities it cuts through and the property it divides, affects natural animal migrations There is no good reason for it - according to the Pew Research Center, the overall flow illegal immigration between US and Mexico is at its smallest since the 1990s and the number of apprehensions at the border is at its lowest since 1973. We've invested in high tech and more border control agents and that's a heck of a lot better than wall.
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
1. The wall STOPS the 99 BILLION we spend every year on illegals the wall is a one time HUGE price then a little upkeep.
2.You morons should try a new word because EVERYONE knows "comprehensive immigration reform" is nothing more than MORE amnesty. Try again.

You don't think people can climb a wall?

It's a moronic idea that amounts to a spectacular land grab, ignores the region's geography, "would cut the entire state of Texas off from the Rio Grande River and essentially cede access to the river and its reservoirs, and all of the land from the river to the wall, to Mexico", it would have a negative impact on the border economies, shopping, routine travel etc.....but feeeeeels makes you feeeeeeeel safe from those hordes of dirty people who refuse to speak English right?
Great we have high school seniors graduating, and the can't read. But they definitely know being gay is okay. We don't need to teach other kids in other countries that.
Bigoted POS.

We should teach our children that people like you are disgusting ignorant fucks.
At least I know which bathroom to use.
I thought it was up to the government to tell you.
I don't rely on goverment.
So you can fly? Obviously you don;t drive on highways. Dumbass.
Without taxes there is no government. They rely on us.
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
1. The wall STOPS the 99 BILLION we spend every year on illegals the wall is a one time HUGE price then a little upkeep.
2.You morons should try a new word because EVERYONE knows "comprehensive immigration reform" is nothing more than MORE amnesty. Try again.

You don't think people can climb a wall?

It's a moronic idea that amounts to a spectacular land grab, ignores the region's geography, "would cut the entire state of Texas off from the Rio Grande River and essentially cede access to the river and its reservoirs, and all of the land from the river to the wall, to Mexico", it would have a negative impact on the border economies, shopping, routine travel etc.....but feeeeeels makes you feeeeeeeel safe from those hordes of dirty people who refuse to speak English right?
Sure they can but a LARGE wall is a lot hard to get over than a few tiny strands of barbed wire. Enforcing our laws is already having a HUGE affect and a wall will do so even more. Imagine trying to drag bundles of drugs over a wall!? HA! You leftist anti Americans NEED and WANT illegals for a voting bloc we all know WHY you want them here. You are also anti white and LOVE the decline of White America and the browning of America. Leftists deserve to be locked in prisons AWAY from the policy making of America.
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Funny how Obama could fund education overseas but not help education here....very interesting!

Funny. If it were true.

7 Education Initiatives Led by Michelle Obama - The Edvocate
Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?

LOL, you are a phony baloney. You couldn't cut your way out of a wet paper bag with a razor. You are a non tax paying whiner, who wants everyone else to pay your way, it is more than obvious; along with quite a few others on here.

Get a clue YOUNGUN, we don't owe you ANYTHING, nothing! In fact, we don't even owe your whiny rearend a J-O-B! We don't owe you a higher education, we don't owe you healthcare, and we don't owe you money from OUR taxes, because you dropped a few babies. We don't even owe you a safe space.

This is AMERICA, get off your deadbeat ass and make it yourself. If you can't, you are a pathetic human being, because scores of people off the boat make it in business and pave their own way, and all YOU can do is stick your hand out and ask for a gift from the rest of us; not because you need one, but because you people are L-A-Z-Y!

I don't give a damn what sex you are, what color you are, or what religion you belong to. If you think you are owed something by we the taxpayers, you are a lazy, useless, piece of human debris! And if you think we need to fund some goofy program because you say so, then you are an out of touch, wet behind the ears, LAZY, non tax paying, taker!

Now go pout in the corner kid, you bother me!
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
1. The wall STOPS the 99 BILLION we spend every year on illegals the wall is a one time HUGE price then a little upkeep.
2.You morons should try a new word because EVERYONE knows "comprehensive immigration reform" is nothing more than MORE amnesty. Try again.

You don't think people can climb a wall?

It's a moronic idea that amounts to a spectacular land grab, ignores the region's geography, "would cut the entire state of Texas off from the Rio Grande River and essentially cede access to the river and its reservoirs, and all of the land from the river to the wall, to Mexico", it would have a negative impact on the border economies, shopping, routine travel etc.....but feeeeeels makes you feeeeeeeel safe from those hordes of dirty people who refuse to speak English right?

Do you live in Texas Coyote? Or are you surmising this? And you do know most of Texas is for it, and you are in the minority. Oh wait, that is correct. When lefties are in control of the government, they tell us all what to do. When they lose because we don't like what they want us to do, they become the minority, but still tell everyone what to do because they are so BRILLIANT!

You really are wet behind the ears, aren't you!
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
1. The wall STOPS the 99 BILLION we spend every year on illegals the wall is a one time HUGE price then a little upkeep.
2.You morons should try a new word because EVERYONE knows "comprehensive immigration reform" is nothing more than MORE amnesty. Try again.

You don't think people can climb a wall?

It's a moronic idea that amounts to a spectacular land grab, ignores the region's geography, "would cut the entire state of Texas off from the Rio Grande River and essentially cede access to the river and its reservoirs, and all of the land from the river to the wall, to Mexico", it would have a negative impact on the border economies, shopping, routine travel etc.....but feeeeeels makes you feeeeeeeel safe from those hordes of dirty people who refuse to speak English right?

Zackly. "feeeeeeels good" is the entire M.O. As the Rump "University" playbook put it --- "You don't sell solutions; you sell feelings". And for that there's a buyer born every minute.

The basic fact remains, the idea of teeming hordes continually hopping across the border in a giganitc game of whack-a-mole is just another illusion made up to play the gullible like a three-dollar banjo, and they line up to get played. Which tells us nothing about illegal immigration but speaks volumes about human psychology.
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

Sent from my iPad using

Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

Pathetic red state welfare queen.

You want to cut spending? How about STARTING with not ADDING to it with a stupid wall. How about comprehensive immigration reform?
1. The wall STOPS the 99 BILLION we spend every year on illegals the wall is a one time HUGE price then a little upkeep.
2.You morons should try a new word because EVERYONE knows "comprehensive immigration reform" is nothing more than MORE amnesty. Try again.

You're incapable of thinking outside the box beyond the wall. It's hugely costly (est 25 billion dollars) Mexico isn't paying for it - WE are. It has big affects on trade in the communities it cuts through and the property it divides, affects natural animal migrations There is no good reason for it - according to the Pew Research Center, the overall flow illegal immigration between US and Mexico is at its smallest since the 1990s and the number of apprehensions at the border is at its lowest since 1973. We've invested in high tech and more border control agents and that's a heck of a lot better than wall.
Which supports my theory that after congress refuses to fund this white elephant, Trump will announce that his policies have stopped illegal immigration, millions of illegal immigrants are headed south and there is now no need for a wall.
"Adolescent girls (only) in developing countries"? You gotta be kidding. The first thing we need to do is to insure that the money we send to developing countries regarding "adolescent girls" isn't used to sell adolescent girls into slavery. The Hussein administration forgot about that part.

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