Trump administration memo calls for ending Michelle Obama's girls education program

The only reason I can think of for this is: vindictiveness and pettiness. It wasn't controversial, it had considerable private financial support. It targeted serious issues for girls in developing countries such as girls being forced into child marriages and having to leave school. Good grief. Is the Trump Ego so fragile it can't let a good program continue as "Let Girls Learn"?

Trump memo outlines end to Michelle Obama's girls education program -

The Trump administration is discontinuing a signature girls education initiative championed by former first lady Michelle Obama, according to officials.

The "Let Girls Learn" program, which she and President Barack Obama started in 2015 to facilitate educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries, will cease operation immediately, according to an internal document obtained by CNN.

While aspects of the initiative's programming will continue, employees have been told to stop using the "Let Girls Learn" name and were told that, as a program unto itself, "Let Girls Learn" was ending.
"Moving forward, we will not continue to use the 'Let Girls Learn' brand or maintain a stand-alone program," read an email sent to Peace Corps employees this week by the agency's acting director Sheila Crowley.

" 'Let Girls Learn' provided a platform to showcase Peace Corps' strength in community development, shining a bright light on the work of our Volunteers all over the world," Crowley wrote. "We are so proud of what 'Let Girls Learn' accomplished and we have all of you to thank for this success."


Hours after CNN reported on an internal document advising administration employees that the education initiative would not be maintained, the White House said the program had not changed.
"There have been no changes to the program," said Kelly Love, a White House spokeswoman, referring to the "Let Girls Learn" initiative, which Obama launched in 2015.

so what is going on?

Tina Tchen, who served as Obama's chief of staff during her time in the White House, said the end of "Let Girls Learn" was a disappointment given a global recognition that educating young women could help improve conditions across developing nations.

"We felt it was important to have a branded campaign that drew attention to those issues, and we found that when we did it, we had extraordinary support," Tchen said. "I think it's unfortunate to not continue with the branded campaign. We think that this is an issue that has bipartisan support, it's really not a Republican or Democratic issue."

Tchen said the benefits of the program, which drew upon private sector support as well as government dollars, outweighed the costs. She noted that a development program launched by President George W. Bush to combat global HIV/AIDS, PEPFAR, had been maintained and expanded by the Obama administration.

...In October of last year, the Obama administration attempted to reinforce "Let Girls Learn" ahead of a new administration. The White House announced $5 million in private sector commitments toward the programs administered under the "Let Girls Learn" banner, bringing the total financial pledges to more than $1 billion for programs in 50 countries.
It is a foreign aid program.

The Administration is eliminating foreign aid programming by the bushelbasket-full.

Now, if it had kept a similar Boys program but cut the Girls program, well, then you might have a ballgame.

Under present circumstances, however, I would not hold my breath over the prospect of this program surviving the cuts.

There are many worthwhile programs being slashed or terminated; re-tasking those funds for our own more immediate purposes.

Sounds like this will be one of them.

Sucks, I suppose, but elections have consequences.
Learning How to be REAL Fathers and Husbands

Is this being cut?
Apples and oranges.

You need a similar piece of programming - focused upon Boys and Education - and what you have served-up here is NOT such a program.

It is a program targeting men in developing nations and involves education.
Too much of a stretch, Coyote, and you know it.

It has to be Boys, not men.

It has to be mainstream Education, not life-skills that most civilized peoples impart to their young as a matter of communal habit during their formative years.

Try again; or not; doesn't matter.
The only reason I can think of for this is: vindictiveness and pettiness. It wasn't controversial, it had considerable private financial support. It targeted serious issues for girls in developing countries such as girls being forced into child marriages and having to leave school. Good grief. Is the Trump Ego so fragile it can't let a good program continue as "Let Girls Learn"?

Trump memo outlines end to Michelle Obama's girls education program -

The Trump administration is discontinuing a signature girls education initiative championed by former first lady Michelle Obama, according to officials.

The "Let Girls Learn" program, which she and President Barack Obama started in 2015 to facilitate educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries, will cease operation immediately, according to an internal document obtained by CNN.

While aspects of the initiative's programming will continue, employees have been told to stop using the "Let Girls Learn" name and were told that, as a program unto itself, "Let Girls Learn" was ending.
"Moving forward, we will not continue to use the 'Let Girls Learn' brand or maintain a stand-alone program," read an email sent to Peace Corps employees this week by the agency's acting director Sheila Crowley.

" 'Let Girls Learn' provided a platform to showcase Peace Corps' strength in community development, shining a bright light on the work of our Volunteers all over the world," Crowley wrote. "We are so proud of what 'Let Girls Learn' accomplished and we have all of you to thank for this success."


Hours after CNN reported on an internal document advising administration employees that the education initiative would not be maintained, the White House said the program had not changed.
"There have been no changes to the program," said Kelly Love, a White House spokeswoman, referring to the "Let Girls Learn" initiative, which Obama launched in 2015.

so what is going on?

Tina Tchen, who served as Obama's chief of staff during her time in the White House, said the end of "Let Girls Learn" was a disappointment given a global recognition that educating young women could help improve conditions across developing nations.

"We felt it was important to have a branded campaign that drew attention to those issues, and we found that when we did it, we had extraordinary support," Tchen said. "I think it's unfortunate to not continue with the branded campaign. We think that this is an issue that has bipartisan support, it's really not a Republican or Democratic issue."

Tchen said the benefits of the program, which drew upon private sector support as well as government dollars, outweighed the costs. She noted that a development program launched by President George W. Bush to combat global HIV/AIDS, PEPFAR, had been maintained and expanded by the Obama administration.

...In October of last year, the Obama administration attempted to reinforce "Let Girls Learn" ahead of a new administration. The White House announced $5 million in private sector commitments toward the programs administered under the "Let Girls Learn" banner, bringing the total financial pledges to more than $1 billion for programs in 50 countries.
It is a foreign aid program.

The Administration is eliminating foreign aid programming by the bushelbasket-full.

Now, if it had kept a similar Boys program but cut the Girls program, well, then you might have a ballgame.

Under present circumstances, however, I would not hold my breath over the prospect of this program surviving the cuts.

There are many worthwhile programs being slashed or terminated; re-tasking those funds for our own more immediate purposes.

Sounds like this will be one of them.

Sucks, I suppose, but elections have consequences.
Learning How to be REAL Fathers and Husbands

Is this being cut?
Apples and oranges.

You need a similar piece of programming - focused upon Boys and Education - and what you have served-up here is NOT such a program.

Another example of the dumbass right.

You drive down the road & see a man holding a "Save the Whles" sign. You jump out & beat the guy with a 2x4 yelling "Why do you hate dolphins".

Many countries in the Middle East & Africa, girls do not have the opportunity to go to schools as the boys do.

I wish you assholes would get better informed.

The violence almost always comes from the left.
Not a dime for other countries. They aren't our problem. We have girls here. Some little girl in Appalachia might love to have a fashion education. Some worthwhile BOY might enjoy getting out a failing school, with failing teachers and an administration bent on child porn and have an education.

We aren't the world's piggy bank any more.
We do have an administration that has been accused of child rape & purposefully went into a teen dressing room to scope out under aged girls. Does that count?
The only reason I can think of for this is: vindictiveness and pettiness. It wasn't controversial, it had considerable private financial support. It targeted serious issues for girls in developing countries such as girls being forced into child marriages and having to leave school. Good grief. Is the Trump Ego so fragile it can't let a good program continue as "Let Girls Learn"?

Trump memo outlines end to Michelle Obama's girls education program -

The Trump administration is discontinuing a signature girls education initiative championed by former first lady Michelle Obama, according to officials.

The "Let Girls Learn" program, which she and President Barack Obama started in 2015 to facilitate educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries, will cease operation immediately, according to an internal document obtained by CNN.

While aspects of the initiative's programming will continue, employees have been told to stop using the "Let Girls Learn" name and were told that, as a program unto itself, "Let Girls Learn" was ending.
"Moving forward, we will not continue to use the 'Let Girls Learn' brand or maintain a stand-alone program," read an email sent to Peace Corps employees this week by the agency's acting director Sheila Crowley.

" 'Let Girls Learn' provided a platform to showcase Peace Corps' strength in community development, shining a bright light on the work of our Volunteers all over the world," Crowley wrote. "We are so proud of what 'Let Girls Learn' accomplished and we have all of you to thank for this success."


Hours after CNN reported on an internal document advising administration employees that the education initiative would not be maintained, the White House said the program had not changed.
"There have been no changes to the program," said Kelly Love, a White House spokeswoman, referring to the "Let Girls Learn" initiative, which Obama launched in 2015.

so what is going on?

Tina Tchen, who served as Obama's chief of staff during her time in the White House, said the end of "Let Girls Learn" was a disappointment given a global recognition that educating young women could help improve conditions across developing nations.

"We felt it was important to have a branded campaign that drew attention to those issues, and we found that when we did it, we had extraordinary support," Tchen said. "I think it's unfortunate to not continue with the branded campaign. We think that this is an issue that has bipartisan support, it's really not a Republican or Democratic issue."

Tchen said the benefits of the program, which drew upon private sector support as well as government dollars, outweighed the costs. She noted that a development program launched by President George W. Bush to combat global HIV/AIDS, PEPFAR, had been maintained and expanded by the Obama administration.

...In October of last year, the Obama administration attempted to reinforce "Let Girls Learn" ahead of a new administration. The White House announced $5 million in private sector commitments toward the programs administered under the "Let Girls Learn" banner, bringing the total financial pledges to more than $1 billion for programs in 50 countries.
It is a foreign aid program.

The Administration is eliminating foreign aid programming by the bushelbasket-full.

Now, if it had kept a similar Boys program but cut the Girls program, well, then you might have a ballgame.

Under present circumstances, however, I would not hold my breath over the prospect of this program surviving the cuts.

There are many worthwhile programs being slashed or terminated; re-tasking those funds for our own more immediate purposes.

Sounds like this will be one of them.

Sucks, I suppose, but elections have consequences.
Learning How to be REAL Fathers and Husbands

Is this being cut?
Apples and oranges.

You need a similar piece of programming - focused upon Boys and Education - and what you have served-up here is NOT such a program.

Another example of the dumbass right.

You drive down the road & see a man holding a "Save the Whles" sign. You jump out & beat the guy with a 2x4 yelling "Why do you hate dolphins".

Many countries in the Middle East & Africa, girls do not have the opportunity to go to schools as the boys do.

I wish you assholes would get better informed.
Calm yourself, Little Princess.

I did not say that I was in favor of the program being cut, did I?

I merely opined - for those capable of drawing the not-so-subtle inference - that in the present climate, you would need evidence of precise, relative bias, in order to stand a snowball's chance-in-hell of saving the thing, or at least getting it lumped into some other (of an increasingly narrow band of) programming for overseas consumption.

Poor, un-thinking, emoting little Snowflake.
Last edited:
Not a dime for other countries. They aren't our problem. We have girls here. Some little girl in Appalachia might love to have a fashion education. Some worthwhile BOY might enjoy getting out a failing school, with failing teachers and an administration bent on child porn and have an education.

We aren't the world's piggy bank any more.
We do have an administration that has been accused of child rape & purposefully went into a teen dressing room to scope out under aged girls. Does that count?


Does not signify.
The only reason I can think of for this is: vindictiveness and pettiness. It wasn't controversial, it had considerable private financial support. It targeted serious issues for girls in developing countries such as girls being forced into child marriages and having to leave school. Good grief. Is the Trump Ego so fragile it can't let a good program continue as "Let Girls Learn"?

Trump memo outlines end to Michelle Obama's girls education program -

The Trump administration is discontinuing a signature girls education initiative championed by former first lady Michelle Obama, according to officials.

The "Let Girls Learn" program, which she and President Barack Obama started in 2015 to facilitate educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries, will cease operation immediately, according to an internal document obtained by CNN.

While aspects of the initiative's programming will continue, employees have been told to stop using the "Let Girls Learn" name and were told that, as a program unto itself, "Let Girls Learn" was ending.
"Moving forward, we will not continue to use the 'Let Girls Learn' brand or maintain a stand-alone program," read an email sent to Peace Corps employees this week by the agency's acting director Sheila Crowley.

" 'Let Girls Learn' provided a platform to showcase Peace Corps' strength in community development, shining a bright light on the work of our Volunteers all over the world," Crowley wrote. "We are so proud of what 'Let Girls Learn' accomplished and we have all of you to thank for this success."


Hours after CNN reported on an internal document advising administration employees that the education initiative would not be maintained, the White House said the program had not changed.
"There have been no changes to the program," said Kelly Love, a White House spokeswoman, referring to the "Let Girls Learn" initiative, which Obama launched in 2015.

so what is going on?

Tina Tchen, who served as Obama's chief of staff during her time in the White House, said the end of "Let Girls Learn" was a disappointment given a global recognition that educating young women could help improve conditions across developing nations.

"We felt it was important to have a branded campaign that drew attention to those issues, and we found that when we did it, we had extraordinary support," Tchen said. "I think it's unfortunate to not continue with the branded campaign. We think that this is an issue that has bipartisan support, it's really not a Republican or Democratic issue."

Tchen said the benefits of the program, which drew upon private sector support as well as government dollars, outweighed the costs. She noted that a development program launched by President George W. Bush to combat global HIV/AIDS, PEPFAR, had been maintained and expanded by the Obama administration.

...In October of last year, the Obama administration attempted to reinforce "Let Girls Learn" ahead of a new administration. The White House announced $5 million in private sector commitments toward the programs administered under the "Let Girls Learn" banner, bringing the total financial pledges to more than $1 billion for programs in 50 countries.
It is a foreign aid program.

The Administration is eliminating foreign aid programming by the bushelbasket-full.

Now, if it had kept a similar Boys program but cut the Girls program, well, then you might have a ballgame.

Under present circumstances, however, I would not hold my breath over the prospect of this program surviving the cuts.

There are many worthwhile programs being slashed or terminated; re-tasking those funds for our own more immediate purposes.

Sounds like this will be one of them.

Sucks, I suppose, but elections have consequences.
Learning How to be REAL Fathers and Husbands

Is this being cut?
Apples and oranges.

You need a similar piece of programming - focused upon Boys and Education - and what you have served-up here is NOT such a program.

Another example of the dumbass right.

You drive down the road & see a man holding a "Save the Whles" sign. You jump out & beat the guy with a 2x4 yelling "Why do you hate dolphins".

Many countries in the Middle East & Africa, girls do not have the opportunity to go to schools as the boys do.

I wish you assholes would get better informed.

The violence almost always comes from the left.
Oh, but he-she-it IS a feisty little SnowFlake, isn't it? Just as cute as a button...
Some feedback on this...

Trump Axes Michelle Obama's Let Girls Learn Program, Twitter Goes Ballistic

“Donald can’t get anything accomplished so he tears down everyone else’s accomplishments like a grade school bully,” one commenter wrote.

“Will be replaced by Melania Trump’s, ‘Marry For Money’ program,” joked another.

And another pointed out that unlike the former first lady’s involvement in initiatives for healthier school lunches — which has also been targeted for elimination by the new administration — this program has gotten much less attention: “I bet everyone outraged by the Let Girls Learn news never even knew it existed…”

They tried healthier lunch programs, and what they found is that kids were throwing away good food or otherwise not eating until they left school and make it to Burger King.

Zero common sense from those two zeros who were in the white house.
The only reason I can think of for this is: vindictiveness and pettiness. It wasn't controversial, it had considerable private financial support. It targeted serious issues for girls in developing countries such as girls being forced into child marriages and having to leave school. Good grief. Is the Trump Ego so fragile it can't let a good program continue as "Let Girls Learn"?

Trump memo outlines end to Michelle Obama's girls education program -

The Trump administration is discontinuing a signature girls education initiative championed by former first lady Michelle Obama, according to officials.

The "Let Girls Learn" program, which she and President Barack Obama started in 2015 to facilitate educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries, will cease operation immediately, according to an internal document obtained by CNN.

While aspects of the initiative's programming will continue, employees have been told to stop using the "Let Girls Learn" name and were told that, as a program unto itself, "Let Girls Learn" was ending.
"Moving forward, we will not continue to use the 'Let Girls Learn' brand or maintain a stand-alone program," read an email sent to Peace Corps employees this week by the agency's acting director Sheila Crowley.

" 'Let Girls Learn' provided a platform to showcase Peace Corps' strength in community development, shining a bright light on the work of our Volunteers all over the world," Crowley wrote. "We are so proud of what 'Let Girls Learn' accomplished and we have all of you to thank for this success."


Hours after CNN reported on an internal document advising administration employees that the education initiative would not be maintained, the White House said the program had not changed.
"There have been no changes to the program," said Kelly Love, a White House spokeswoman, referring to the "Let Girls Learn" initiative, which Obama launched in 2015.

so what is going on?

Tina Tchen, who served as Obama's chief of staff during her time in the White House, said the end of "Let Girls Learn" was a disappointment given a global recognition that educating young women could help improve conditions across developing nations.

"We felt it was important to have a branded campaign that drew attention to those issues, and we found that when we did it, we had extraordinary support," Tchen said. "I think it's unfortunate to not continue with the branded campaign. We think that this is an issue that has bipartisan support, it's really not a Republican or Democratic issue."

Tchen said the benefits of the program, which drew upon private sector support as well as government dollars, outweighed the costs. She noted that a development program launched by President George W. Bush to combat global HIV/AIDS, PEPFAR, had been maintained and expanded by the Obama administration.

...In October of last year, the Obama administration attempted to reinforce "Let Girls Learn" ahead of a new administration. The White House announced $5 million in private sector commitments toward the programs administered under the "Let Girls Learn" banner, bringing the total financial pledges to more than $1 billion for programs in 50 countries.
It is a foreign aid program.

The Administration is eliminating foreign aid programming by the bushelbasket-full.

Now, if it had kept a similar Boys program but cut the Girls program, well, then you might have a ballgame.

Under present circumstances, however, I would not hold my breath over the prospect of this program surviving the cuts.

There are many worthwhile programs being slashed or terminated; re-tasking those funds for our own more immediate purposes.

Sounds like this will be one of them.

Sucks, I suppose, but elections have consequences.
Learning How to be REAL Fathers and Husbands

Is this being cut?
Apples and oranges.

You need a similar piece of programming - focused upon Boys and Education - and what you have served-up here is NOT such a program.

Another example of the dumbass right.

You drive down the road & see a man holding a "Save the Whles" sign. You jump out & beat the guy with a 2x4 yelling "Why do you hate dolphins".

Many countries in the Middle East & Africa, girls do not have the opportunity to go to schools as the boys do.

I wish you assholes would get better informed.
Calm yourself, Little Princess.

I did not say that I was in favor of the program being cut, did I?

I merely opined - for those capable of drawing the not-so-subtle inference - that in the present climate, you would need evidence of precise, relative bias, in order to stand a snowball's chance-in-hell of saving the thing, or at least getting it lumped into some other (of an increasingly narrow band of) programming for overseas consumption.

Poor, un-thinking, emoting little Snowflake.
Nice try Trumpette but you clearly indicated that some how since the program was not including males & blah blah blah.

You were completely ignorant of the situation with girls & education ion these countries. Please just admit you were uninformed & don't embarrass yourself further by trying to Trump your way out of it.

Trump: A verb mean to weasel & squirm instead of admitting one's lack of knowledge on am issue.
It is a foreign aid program.

The Administration is eliminating foreign aid programming by the bushelbasket-full.

Now, if it had kept a similar Boys program but cut the Girls program, well, then you might have a ballgame.

Under present circumstances, however, I would not hold my breath over the prospect of this program surviving the cuts.

There are many worthwhile programs being slashed or terminated; re-tasking those funds for our own more immediate purposes.

Sounds like this will be one of them.

Sucks, I suppose, but elections have consequences.
Learning How to be REAL Fathers and Husbands

Is this being cut?
Apples and oranges.

You need a similar piece of programming - focused upon Boys and Education - and what you have served-up here is NOT such a program.

Another example of the dumbass right.

You drive down the road & see a man holding a "Save the Whles" sign. You jump out & beat the guy with a 2x4 yelling "Why do you hate dolphins".

Many countries in the Middle East & Africa, girls do not have the opportunity to go to schools as the boys do.

I wish you assholes would get better informed.

The violence almost always comes from the left.
Oh, but he-she-it IS a feisty little SnowFlake, isn't it? Just as cute as a button...
This from a dick who voted fr a lying, hate spewing bigoted POS. People of like thinking tend to stick together, right?
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The only reason I can think of for this is: vindictiveness and pettiness. It wasn't controversial, it had considerable private financial support. It targeted serious issues for girls in developing countries such as girls being forced into child marriages and having to leave school. Good grief. Is the Trump Ego so fragile it can't let a good program continue as "Let Girls Learn"?

Trump memo outlines end to Michelle Obama's girls education program -

The Trump administration is discontinuing a signature girls education initiative championed by former first lady Michelle Obama, according to officials.

The "Let Girls Learn" program, which she and President Barack Obama started in 2015 to facilitate educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries, will cease operation immediately, according to an internal document obtained by CNN.

While aspects of the initiative's programming will continue, employees have been told to stop using the "Let Girls Learn" name and were told that, as a program unto itself, "Let Girls Learn" was ending.
"Moving forward, we will not continue to use the 'Let Girls Learn' brand or maintain a stand-alone program," read an email sent to Peace Corps employees this week by the agency's acting director Sheila Crowley.

" 'Let Girls Learn' provided a platform to showcase Peace Corps' strength in community development, shining a bright light on the work of our Volunteers all over the world," Crowley wrote. "We are so proud of what 'Let Girls Learn' accomplished and we have all of you to thank for this success."


Hours after CNN reported on an internal document advising administration employees that the education initiative would not be maintained, the White House said the program had not changed.
"There have been no changes to the program," said Kelly Love, a White House spokeswoman, referring to the "Let Girls Learn" initiative, which Obama launched in 2015.

so what is going on?

Tina Tchen, who served as Obama's chief of staff during her time in the White House, said the end of "Let Girls Learn" was a disappointment given a global recognition that educating young women could help improve conditions across developing nations.

"We felt it was important to have a branded campaign that drew attention to those issues, and we found that when we did it, we had extraordinary support," Tchen said. "I think it's unfortunate to not continue with the branded campaign. We think that this is an issue that has bipartisan support, it's really not a Republican or Democratic issue."

Tchen said the benefits of the program, which drew upon private sector support as well as government dollars, outweighed the costs. She noted that a development program launched by President George W. Bush to combat global HIV/AIDS, PEPFAR, had been maintained and expanded by the Obama administration.

...In October of last year, the Obama administration attempted to reinforce "Let Girls Learn" ahead of a new administration. The White House announced $5 million in private sector commitments toward the programs administered under the "Let Girls Learn" banner, bringing the total financial pledges to more than $1 billion for programs in 50 countries.
It is a foreign aid program.

The Administration is eliminating foreign aid programming by the bushelbasket-full.

Now, if it had kept a similar Boys program but cut the Girls program, well, then you might have a ballgame.

Under present circumstances, however, I would not hold my breath over the prospect of this program surviving the cuts.

There are many worthwhile programs being slashed or terminated; re-tasking those funds for our own more immediate purposes.

Sounds like this will be one of them.

Sucks, I suppose, but elections have consequences.
Learning How to be REAL Fathers and Husbands

Is this being cut?
Apples and oranges.

You need a similar piece of programming - focused upon Boys and Education - and what you have served-up here is NOT such a program.

It is a program targeting men in developing nations and involves education.
Too much of a stretch, Coyote, and you know it.

It has to be Boys, not men.

It has to be mainstream Education, not life-skills that most civilized peoples impart to their young as a matter of communal habit during their formative years.

Try again; or not; doesn't matter.

No. In order to be comparable it has to address a real need or problem. This program addresses a need that isn't a problem for boys in those parts of the world. Just like there are programs for educating child soldiers and prevent them from returning to conflict. No girls.
Great we have high school seniors graduating, and the can't read. But they definitely know being gay is okay. We don't need to teach other kids in other countries that.
Some feedback on this...

Trump Axes Michelle Obama's Let Girls Learn Program, Twitter Goes Ballistic

“Donald can’t get anything accomplished so he tears down everyone else’s accomplishments like a grade school bully,” one commenter wrote.

“Will be replaced by Melania Trump’s, ‘Marry For Money’ program,” joked another.

And another pointed out that unlike the former first lady’s involvement in initiatives for healthier school lunches — which has also been targeted for elimination by the new administration — this program has gotten much less attention: “I bet everyone outraged by the Let Girls Learn news never even knew it existed…”

They tried healthier lunch programs, and what they found is that kids were throwing away good food or otherwise not eating until they left school and make it to Burger King.

As I pointed out - that program had it's share of controversy.

Let Girls Learn did not.

Well I have a controversy right now: I scanned the article (couldn't read the entire thing because it was too boring and repetitive) and I could not see a taxpayer price on it. The closest I found was this paragraph:

In October of last year, the Obama administration attempted to reinforce "Let Girls Learn" ahead of a new administration. The White House announced $5 million in private sector commitments toward the programs administered under the "Let Girls Learn" banner, bringing the total financial pledges to more than $1 billion for programs in 50 countries.

Now unless I'm reading this wrong, this article suggests the American taxpayer is paying almost a billion dollars for people across the world. This is what we are doing when we are 20 trillion dollars in debt?

Another thorn in my side: Why is it Let Girls Learn and not all children learn including boys? It's not that it would make spending US tax dollars any better, but it would't implicate a vote buying motive behind it.
Ray, buddy, you can't read. So, when the government does its budget, they pledge money? Really Ray?

In many countries, girls don't get to go to school.

The government has to be involved one way or another or Trump wouldn't be able to stop anything. If this was Moochelles charity and it was privately funded, the President nor the government has anything to do with it.
Some feedback on this...

Trump Axes Michelle Obama's Let Girls Learn Program, Twitter Goes Ballistic

“Donald can’t get anything accomplished so he tears down everyone else’s accomplishments like a grade school bully,” one commenter wrote.

“Will be replaced by Melania Trump’s, ‘Marry For Money’ program,” joked another.

And another pointed out that unlike the former first lady’s involvement in initiatives for healthier school lunches — which has also been targeted for elimination by the new administration — this program has gotten much less attention: “I bet everyone outraged by the Let Girls Learn news never even knew it existed…”

They tried healthier lunch programs, and what they found is that kids were throwing away good food or otherwise not eating until they left school and make it to Burger King.

Republican parenting at its best.

Ray to kid: Eat your green beans.
Ray's kid: No
Ray: OK have a dough nut instead.

So then what we do is:

Government :Eat your green beans.
Student: I hate green beans! I have chocolate bars in my locker!
Government: then throw your green beans away like everybody else; it's taxpayers money so don't worry about it.
Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.
Foreign aid is one of the best investments of tax payer.

Foreign aid is designed to keep us out of war and have influence on other countries. This program does neither.

How do you know it doesnt? Too many years people won't take the long view.

Right, I can see it now. "Iran, you better quit building nukes, or we will withdraw our Let Girls Learn money."
Well, it wasn't a very long article so it shouldn't have been that strenuous.

That's the point, it was not all that long, but was strenuous.

My read on that is "total financial pledges" more then 1 billion. That typically means pledges from other countries to support the initiative.

So we are both assuming now, aren't we? Seems to me that CNN didn't want to mention actual taxpayer cost, but instead made only one ambiguous mention of costs.

Then find the actual taxpayer cost and post it.

Why isn't it all children? There are plenty of initiatives and aid programs that address all children in developing countries. Girls face particular problems and drop out of education, are denied education or forced into child marriages at a much higher rate then boys. Unlike boys - in many countries there gender alone is the reason for different treatment.

Okay, so wouldn't it be beneficial to educate both genders to stop the problem instead of one?

That could be happening - through other programs. Why can't a program address a particular need? Must it be all encompassing? There are millions of programs and initiatives around the world and within this country targeting specific areas, populations, needs. Is this a bad thing?

This is vote buying and nothing more. You stated that few of us ever knew of the program, and that is true. I never heard of it until now,. But if Trump started a similar program called Educate Boys Now, I bet the entire country would hear about it--and not in a positive way either. It would be called sexist, bigoted, and an insult to women around the world.

It's not vote buying in the least. It's addressing a very real problem.

Oh...and here are some more initiatives and programs that address specific problems.
Boys Farm Character and Responsibility Program
My Brother’s Keeper: A New White House Initiative to Empower Boys and Young Men of Color
Shaun Harper leading new national initiative to help boys and men of color succeed | Penn GSE
Educating Boys for Success
Welcome to Raising Boys
A Bold Initiative for Children - Action Plan on Children in Adversity
Working with Men and Boys to End Violence Against Women and Girls
Learning How to be REAL Fathers and Husbands

Most of your links have nothing to do with taxpayer funded programs. The others are (like the girl program) about minorities instead of gender. A few were Obama's programs and have nothing to do with Republicans.

But hey........I give you credit for trying.

"I'd like to teach the world to perfect harmony!" But not when you are 20 trillion in debt. This is a non-necesary program that needs to be eliminated by the government, and continue on using private donations such as yours which I'm willing to bet you never sent a dime to.
I didn't realize they had to have something to do with Republicans, they were examples of programs, some of which were programs which target boys, some of whom are not minority and targeted ONLY boys not girls.

If we are trillions on debt we do the need a wall or massive tax cuts for the wealthy. Deficits are not what is driving this.

After having millions come here from another country, take our jobs, lower our American wages, turning us into a bilingual country, thousands of Americans dying from drug overdoses every year, I would say yes, the wall is more important right now.
Funny how Obama could fund education overseas but not help education here....very interesting!

Funny. If it were true.

7 Education Initiatives Led by Michelle Obama - The Edvocate
Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.
Foreign aid is one of the best investments of tax payer.

Foreign aid is designed to keep us out of war and have influence on other countries. This program does neither.

Funny how Obama could fund education overseas but not help education here....very interesting!

Funny. If it were true.

7 Education Initiatives Led by Michelle Obama - The Edvocate
Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.
Foreign aid is one of the best investments of tax payer.

Foreign aid is designed to keep us out of war and have influence on other countries. This program does neither.
Foreign aid will not keep us out of war and today it is not attended to do so. Foreign aid is a powerful tool in American diplomacy. It's the carrot and military power is the stick. Whether it's help from an African country with the kidnapping of an American citizen or attaining military fly over rights, foreign aid is our most powerful diplomatic tool.

"If you don't fund the State Dept. fully, then I need to buy more ammunition".
General James Mattis
Secretary of Defense
The only reason I can think of for this is: vindictiveness and pettiness. It wasn't controversial, it had considerable private financial support. It targeted serious issues for girls in developing countries such as girls being forced into child marriages and having to leave school. Good grief. Is the Trump Ego so fragile it can't let a good program continue as "Let Girls Learn"?

Trump memo outlines end to Michelle Obama's girls education program -

The Trump administration is discontinuing a signature girls education initiative championed by former first lady Michelle Obama, according to officials.

The "Let Girls Learn" program, which she and President Barack Obama started in 2015 to facilitate educational opportunities for adolescent girls in developing countries, will cease operation immediately, according to an internal document obtained by CNN.

While aspects of the initiative's programming will continue, employees have been told to stop using the "Let Girls Learn" name and were told that, as a program unto itself, "Let Girls Learn" was ending.
"Moving forward, we will not continue to use the 'Let Girls Learn' brand or maintain a stand-alone program," read an email sent to Peace Corps employees this week by the agency's acting director Sheila Crowley.

" 'Let Girls Learn' provided a platform to showcase Peace Corps' strength in community development, shining a bright light on the work of our Volunteers all over the world," Crowley wrote. "We are so proud of what 'Let Girls Learn' accomplished and we have all of you to thank for this success."


Hours after CNN reported on an internal document advising administration employees that the education initiative would not be maintained, the White House said the program had not changed.
"There have been no changes to the program," said Kelly Love, a White House spokeswoman, referring to the "Let Girls Learn" initiative, which Obama launched in 2015.

so what is going on?

Tina Tchen, who served as Obama's chief of staff during her time in the White House, said the end of "Let Girls Learn" was a disappointment given a global recognition that educating young women could help improve conditions across developing nations.

"We felt it was important to have a branded campaign that drew attention to those issues, and we found that when we did it, we had extraordinary support," Tchen said. "I think it's unfortunate to not continue with the branded campaign. We think that this is an issue that has bipartisan support, it's really not a Republican or Democratic issue."

Tchen said the benefits of the program, which drew upon private sector support as well as government dollars, outweighed the costs. She noted that a development program launched by President George W. Bush to combat global HIV/AIDS, PEPFAR, had been maintained and expanded by the Obama administration.

...In October of last year, the Obama administration attempted to reinforce "Let Girls Learn" ahead of a new administration. The White House announced $5 million in private sector commitments toward the programs administered under the "Let Girls Learn" banner, bringing the total financial pledges to more than $1 billion for programs in 50 countries.
The memo says the functions of the program will continue but it will not be knows as Let Girls Learn or operate as a stand alone program. Your post exemplifies part of what is wrong with the Democratic Party today, it is all about slogans instead of substance.
If they could, RWNJs would stop the education of US girls. Why? Because it's Michelle Obama. If this was Melania teaching Porn For Fun And Profit, the RWNJs would be lining up to applaud it.

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Better to fund bombs then education.
Funny how Obama could fund education overseas but not help education here....very interesting!

Funny. If it were true.

7 Education Initiatives Led by Michelle Obama - The Edvocate
Could have spent those MILLIONS spent overseas here....they didn't.

The money the US spends on foreign aid is actually very small - something like 1/10 of a percent of the overall budget.

I got a question for you 2 whiny leftists----->do either of you actually pay taxes to the federal government? Don't lie; and if you say you do, we won't believe it anyway!

You people are PATHETIC, you really are. Any lefty cause whatever it is, needs funding. And any time a Republican goes to defund something, it is racist, sexist, etc.

Why don't you two stellar examples of toilet paper, tell the rest of us where to cut the budget. Go ahead, and it can't be defense because that is the one thing the government is supposed to do. I know, how about FARM SUBSIDIES! OK, tell your Democrats to demand it. Go ahead! You lead!

I know, how about we lower S.S.! Again, Democrats lead, show us your gonads! Show us you are NOT afraid! When we say.......lets stop ILLEGAL immigration to cut down on our outlays, you scream!

So go ahead, tell us what to cut. We already want to get rid of Obysmalcare. Got anything else you want to add to it?

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