Trump administration says Obama officials used too much science

Science hates Republicans

They create findings just to piss them off

I am not sure about that, but there is no question that Repubs hate science. Mostly because science takes education and they hate education above most things.

Nice Try, Goodbud, now here are the facts without the spin:

The Clean Water Act is the voiced opinion of just one person (Justice Kennedy) and is this soft and fuzzy document prone to massive interpretation and abuse. The word "science" has been inserted here to replace what much science has become instead: politics. The Clean Water Act is a euphemism for a regulation that has been used and to become a mindless, ruthless government hatchet to menace, terrorize, seize and destroy private property everywhere with "science" today becoming whatever the government needs it to be to achieve their ends. All the Trump Administration is really doing is putting back into it the legal considerations to balance the equation again as to how far the government goes in telling others what they can do with their own land.

Put simply for your simplistic mind: Trump is taking power out of the hands of big government and putting it back into the hands of the people---- what he RAN ON.


The Clean Water Act isn't the "voiced opinion" of 1 person. It was passed by Congress and signed into law by Nixon. Republicans recently have become the pro-pollution party.

I hope you enjoy on nice tall glass of sewage water for breakfast today.

Go suck my ass, creep. I never said I wasn't for a clean, healthy environment, moron! But the whole clean water thing started and hinged on the opinions and writings of ONE MAN---- Justice Kennedy. Try learning a little about what you speak before you make an even bigger jackass out of yourself.

SUPREME COURT: With Kennedy's exit, tide turns on Clean Water Rule

But you did say the Clean Water Act was the "voiced opinion of 1 person." That is obviously false.
Oh, yes, I'm sure that's exactly what the Trump administration said. You bet.

Nice Try, Goodbud, now here are the facts without the spin:

The Clean Water Act is the voiced opinion of just one person (Justice Kennedy) and is this soft and fuzzy document prone to massive interpretation and abuse. The word "science" has been inserted here to replace what much science has become instead: politics. The Clean Water Act is a euphemism for a regulation that has been used and to become a mindless, ruthless government hatchet to menace, terrorize, seize and destroy private property everywhere with "science" today becoming whatever the government needs it to be to achieve their ends. All the Trump Administration is really doing is putting back into it the legal considerations to balance the equation again as to how far the government goes in telling others what they can do with their own land.

Put simply for your simplistic mind: Trump is taking power out of the hands of big government and putting it back into the hands of the people---- what he RAN ON.


The Clean Water Act isn't the "voiced opinion" of 1 person. It was passed by Congress and signed into law by Nixon. Republicans recently have become the pro-pollution party.

I hope you enjoy on nice tall glass of sewage water for breakfast today.

Go suck my ass, creep. I never said I wasn't for a clean, healthy environment, moron! But the whole clean water thing started and hinged on the opinions and writings of ONE MAN---- Justice Kennedy. Try learning a little about what you speak before you make an even bigger jackass out of yourself.

SUPREME COURT: With Kennedy's exit, tide turns on Clean Water Rule

But you did say the Clean Water Act was the "voiced opinion of 1 person." That is obviously false.

You're obviously another USMB idiot. Try doing a little research, fool. With Kennedy leaving, the entire "Clean Water" issue is liable to collapse. He literally DEFINED clean water. Don't waste my time and fucking argue semantics with me.

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