Trump Admin's Early Failures Lead to This

That was before the lefts messiah fauxie said we didnt need masks and piglosi was walking around china town liking peoples hands and spitting in childrens faces.
Gawd, you partisans are all the same.
...and everyone knew about this virus from the beginning. Typical lib Monday morn qb

Tell lesh it is the China Virus
Trump certainly knew. We have him on TAPE you dumass.
Wat did he say exactly. Fight like hell for our rights....................LOLOL

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.
We'll never know how many deaths and how much suffering he's responsible for, but it's significant. And we know that he...
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED Trumpsters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to his sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that had to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when he knew goddamn well we were not
Get better soon.
And you couldn't deny one thing. You have been conned by a buffoon.
If that is true, then we were conned for decades by a lot of buffoons. To me, Trump was in the middle between your buffoons and those who voted for him. We see now that the globalism of the prog Party is apparent. The price increases are now becoming built in. And we will see it at some point.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.

Your link states "Ultimately, no repatriated Americans were knowns to test positive for COVID-19." :itsok:
So how did the virus GET here dumfuk?

It's not my problem that you didn't read the article you linked...Cuomo said it got here from Europe, maybe you should check that out and get back with us.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.

We watched it all happen on the news.

All those people coming back from China with no masks, no social distancing and nothing to find out if they had the virus and quarantine them if they did have it. They were all packed into small spaces in the airport when they returned.

It spread like wildfire with trump doing nothing to stop it.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.

We watched it all happen on the news.

All those people coming back from China with no masks, no social distancing and nothing to find out if they had the virus and quarantine them if they did have it. They were all packed into small spaces in the airport when they returned.

It spread like wildfire with trump doing nothing to stop it.

Trump spent the first 6 months denying it was even a problem. We all heard the audio of him telling Woodward he was "playing it down" and then, by summer, he said it would just "go away someday", like clouds in the sky. Later, when forced to confront this deadly pandemic, he suggested injecting bleach.

Trump was a "force multiplier" for COVID-19
LAST TIME your story was that the virus came here because Trump never cut off travel from Europe.
I very specifically did NOT say that.

I noted that the Trump Admin failed to properly deal with returnees from China and then waited six weeks to stop travel from Europe. And THEN did absolutely nothing AGAIN with folks returning from Europe.

They failed on BOTH fronts...

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.
Trump certainly is to blame, but so are the scientists and government bureaucrats that you and your kind continue to demand Americans listen to. Dumb Joe says he’ll listen to the scientific community. The very same people who screwed up to begin with.

Trump certainly is to blame, but so are the scientists and government bureaucrats that you and your kind continue to demand Americans listen to. Dumb Joe says he’ll listen to the scientific community. The very same people who screwed up to begin with.
The people you denigrate were constrained influenced and installed by Trump.

Birx for instance (not a paragon of virtue to begin with) just stated that charts and information that were being put out by the Trump Admin just appeared out of nowhere.

And we know that the Trump Admin was inserting political operatives into the communications shops of agencies like the CDC.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.
We'll never know how many deaths and how much suffering he's responsible for, but it's significant. And we know that he...
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED Trumpsters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to his sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that had to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when he knew goddamn well we were not
Get better soon.
And you couldn't deny one thing. You have been conned by a buffoon.
Get better soon.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.
Trump certainly is to blame, but so are the scientists and government bureaucrats that you and your kind continue to demand Americans listen to. Dumb Joe says he’ll listen to the scientific community. The very same people who screwed up to begin with.


Masks. The only people who need masks are those who are already infected to keep from exposing others. The masks sold at drugstores aren't even good enough to truly protect anyone, Fauci said.
I very specifically did NOT say that.

You mean you broke with your CNN masters last year in not repeating the lie that Covid was all Trump's fault because he didn't stop travel in from Europe as well? I thought that was the Left's favorite argument for coaxing voters to remove Trump from office!

You mean you broke with your CNN masters last year in not repeating the lie that Covid was all Trump's fault because he didn't stop travel in from Europe as well?
WTF ar you talking about?

I don't watch CNN so I do not know what they said.

If they said Trump failed on BOTH coasts then I agree with them. I have always said that and the fact that we had two different variants hit bears that out.

The original strain hit the west coast and an evolved strain came in from Europe and RAVAGED the Northeast.. And THAT one was allowed to fly in for SIX WEEKS before the Trump Admin did anything.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.

We watched it all happen on the news.

All those people coming back from China with no masks, no social distancing and nothing to find out if they had the virus and quarantine them if they did have it. They were all packed into small spaces in the airport when they returned.

It spread like wildfire with trump doing nothing to stop it.

Trump spent the first 6 months denying it was even a problem. We all heard the audio of him telling Woodward he was "playing it down" and then, by summer, he said it would just "go away someday", like clouds in the sky. Later, when forced to confront this deadly pandemic, he suggested injecting bleach.

Trump was a "force multiplier" for COVID-19
Get better soon.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.
We'll never know how many deaths and how much suffering he's responsible for, but it's significant. And we know that he...
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED Trumpsters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to his sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that had to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when he knew goddamn well we were not

And it wouldn't have mattered one fucking bit!

Use your brain Mac, or at least what's left of it!

It wouldn't have mattered who was president and what measures were attempted, Americans last February, March, April would NEVER have been willing to comply with orders to mask up, stay at home, close all restaurants, etc etc etc.
God you people are so fucking stupid about this!!

You want to blame someone? Every American needs to go look in the fucking mirror!

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrpng.

Trump is out.

Now its up to Sleepy Joe- how have things improved in your view?
The genie is out of the bottle now. Better hope the vaccine is effective on the new strands or we are kinda fucked.
You mean you broke with your CNN masters last year in not repeating the lie that Covid was all Trump's fault because he didn't stop travel in from Europe as well?
WTF ar you talking about?

I don't watch CNN so I do not know what they said.

If they said Trump failed on BOTH coasts then I agree with them. I have always said that and the fact that we had two different variants hit bears that out.

The original strain hit the west coast and an evolved strain came in from Europe and RAVAGED the Northeast.. And THAT one was allowed to fly in for SIX WEEKS before the Trump Admin did anything.

What is every other nation's excuse?

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.

It was intentionally released. You don't have the slightest clue. Had nothing to do with trump and everything to do with china developing this in wuhan.
It wouldn't have mattered who was president and what measures were attempted, Americans last February, March, April would NEVER have been willing to comply with orders to mask up, stay at home, close all restaurants, etc etc etc.
I was shocked at how ready people in NY were to lock down in March. But they did...with only a hundred or so cases and several deaths. But they did it.

Having Trump downplaying the virus (and he admitted he did that) certainly contributed to the resistance of the rest of the country and we're still suffering the consequences of that
You mean you broke with your CNN masters last year in not repeating the lie that Covid was all Trump's fault because he didn't stop travel in from Europe as well?
WTF ar you talking about?

I don't watch CNN so I do not know what they said.

If they said Trump failed on BOTH coasts then I agree with them. I have always said that and the fact that we had two different variants hit bears that out.

The original strain hit the west coast and an evolved strain came in from Europe and RAVAGED the Northeast.. And THAT one was allowed to fly in for SIX WEEKS before the Trump Admin did anything.

What is every other nation's excuse?
The effects HERE have been the worst in the world. And this is the nation that usually sees the LEAST effects of things like this...until Trump

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