Trump Admin's Early Failures Lead to This

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.
We'll never know how many deaths and how much suffering he's responsible for, but it's significant. And we know that he...
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED Trumpsters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to his sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that had to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when he knew goddamn well we were not

And it wouldn't have mattered one fucking bit!

Use your brain Mac, or at least what's left of it!

It wouldn't have mattered who was president and what measures were attempted, Americans last February, March, April would NEVER have been willing to comply with orders to mask up, stay at home, close all restaurants, etc etc etc.
God you people are so fucking stupid about this!!

You want to blame someone? Every American needs to go look in the fucking mirror!
I can understand why you'd want to dismiss what he did.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrpng.

Trump is out.

Now its up to Sleepy Joe- how have things improved in your view?
The genie is out of the bottle now. Better hope the vaccine is effective on the new strands or we are kinda fucked.

Sleepy Joe said he had a plan.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrpng.

Trump is out.

Now its up to Sleepy Joe- how have things improved in your view?
The genie is out of the bottle now. Better hope the vaccine is effective on the new strands or we are kinda fucked.

Sleepy Joe said he had a plan.
You know why the good lord allowed us to have plans?
You mean you broke with your CNN masters last year in not repeating the lie that Covid was all Trump's fault because he didn't stop travel in from Europe as well?
WTF ar you talking about?

I don't watch CNN so I do not know what they said.

If they said Trump failed on BOTH coasts then I agree with them. I have always said that and the fact that we had two different variants hit bears that out.

The original strain hit the west coast and an evolved strain came in from Europe and RAVAGED the Northeast.. And THAT one was allowed to fly in for SIX WEEKS before the Trump Admin did anything.

What is every other nation's excuse?
The effects HERE have been the worst in the world. And this is the nation that usually sees the LEAST effects of things like this...until Trump

BULLSHIT. Quit your lying. I looked at the data not that long ago, and the USA was way down the list on deaths per 100,000 people. Like around 30th. Anyone with a mote of scientific knowledge knows that coincidence does not mean correlation! Covid has happened here ONCE and just because it happen that one time under Trump does not prove connection anymore than saying all heroin users began life drinking milk, therefore milk must lead to heroin use!

But since you claim Trump was the lone variable then, I'll wait for you to prove it by showing me the correlation now that TRUMP IS GONE. Robinsegg Joe is in the driver's seat now.

LAST TIME your story was that the virus came here because Trump never cut off travel from Europe.
I very specifically did NOT say that.

I noted that the Trump Admin failed to properly deal with returnees from China and then waited six weeks to stop travel from Europe. And THEN did absolutely nothing AGAIN with folks returning from Europe.

They failed on BOTH fronts...
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.
Shutting down travel from China ONLY...along with his comments...made it racist

Had he done the right thing and shut down travel from Europe it would not have been...even with his racially charged comments.
You mean you broke with your CNN masters last year in not repeating the lie that Covid was all Trump's fault because he didn't stop travel in from Europe as well?
WTF ar you talking about?

I don't watch CNN so I do not know what they said.

If they said Trump failed on BOTH coasts then I agree with them. I have always said that and the fact that we had two different variants hit bears that out.

The original strain hit the west coast and an evolved strain came in from Europe and RAVAGED the Northeast.. And THAT one was allowed to fly in for SIX WEEKS before the Trump Admin did anything.

What is every other nation's excuse?
The effects HERE have been the worst in the world. And this is the nation that usually sees the LEAST effects of things like this...until Trump

BULLSHIT. Quit your lying. I looked at the data not that long ago, and the USA was way down the list on deaths per 100,000 people. Like around 30th. Anyone with a mote of scientific knowledge knows that coincidence does not mean correlation! Covid has happened here ONCE and just because it happen that one time under Trump does not prove connection anymore than saying all heroin users began life drinking milk, therefore milk must lead to heroin use!

But since you claim Trump was the lone variable then, I'll wait for you to prove it by showing me the correlation now that TRUMP IS GONE. Robinsegg Joe is in the driver's seat now.

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Dude..we have 5% of the world population and one QUARTER of the deaths. We have more than twice the infections and deaths as the next five nations.
Dude..we have 5% of the world population and one QUARTER of the deaths. We have more than twice the infections and deaths as the next five nations.

Aside from the fact that I don't believe that, it still doesn't prove a thing. In fact, I can make the case that the USA is intrinsically the MOST susceptible because it has so much travel coming in and out of the country! Your lack of scientific acumen is astounding. You no more know it was simply due to TRUMP, one man, than you know it wasn't due to our geographic location, economic patterns, all the riots last year, the particular strain variant here, or our various other policies or combination thereof!


The CDC's own map proves you wrong. Both England and Italy have MORE deaths per population as of now (red arrows), so what's your big fat stupid explanation for that? How did Trump pull THAT off? Further, there are TEN other countries (smaller, pink arrows), that are in our ballpark to very similar to us. All in the western hemisphere. In fact, curiously, the closer you get to where Wuhan ORIGINATED, THE LOWER THE DEATH COUNT! Only one in Mongolia and only three in China? You know the population there?

So either a lot of countries are LYING, or they instituted DRACONIAN methods which would NEVER be tolerated in the USA. And perhaps that's the biggest factor: not Trump but the fact that people in this country simply will not put up with nor allow a government to, savagely lock people away to die to lower the risk to another.

Take your "Trump Theory" and stuff it up your butt.
LAST TIME your story was that the virus came here because Trump never cut off travel from Europe.
I very specifically did NOT say that.

I noted that the Trump Admin failed to properly deal with returnees from China and then waited six weeks to stop travel from Europe. And THEN did absolutely nothing AGAIN with folks returning from Europe.

They failed on BOTH fronts...
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.

No one called him racist. And he didn't shut anything down. He just restricted Chinese nationals from traveling here. 40K American citizens flew home in a panic through crowded blue city airports without much in the way of testing, distancing, and quarantining. No two week shelter in place to get our response together. Failure on all fronts.
Trump certainly is to blame, but so are the scientists and government bureaucrats that you and your kind continue to demand Americans listen to. Dumb Joe says he’ll listen to the scientific community. The very same people who screwed up to begin with.
The people you denigrate were constrained influenced and installed by Trump.

Birx for instance (not a paragon of virtue to begin with) just stated that charts and information that were being put out by the Trump Admin just appeared out of nowhere.

And we know that the Trump Admin was inserting political operatives into the communications shops of agencies like the CDC.
No. You think Trump some evil genius, while repeatedly calling him dumb. You can’t have it both ways. He’s a dumb buffoon who couldn’t possibly have controlled the government’s response.

I suspect Trump had little to do with the multiple failures of the government’s health agencies. Blaming him for our government’s failure to control the virus, is pure idiocy. It is common to partisan Ds though.

All those folks returned from China throughout last Feb and spread the virus. The Trump Admin KNEW how dangerous that was (we know this from he Woodward tapes). The CDC knew how to deal with this kind of thing (as they had during the Ebola crisis)

And yet they did virtually everything wrong.
We'll never know how many deaths and how much suffering he's responsible for, but it's significant. And we know that he...
  • LIED to the American public about the severity of a deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on us
  • ATTACKED our best health and science officials when they were just trying to do their damn jobs
  • MOCKED Americans who were just trying to protect themselves and their loved ones with masks and social distancing
  • THANKED Trumpsters who gathered in indoor spaces without masks, creating super-spreader events
  • MAINTAINED an environment of not taking the virus seriously, which obviously spread to his sheep, no doubt spreading the virus further
  • IGNORED health safety protocols at the fucking WHITE HOUSE, turning it into a fucking COVID HOT SPOT that had to be FUMIGATED
  • LIED AGAIN to the American public by constantly saying "we're turning the corner on the virus", even when he knew goddamn well we were not

And it wouldn't have mattered one fucking bit!

Use your brain Mac, or at least what's left of it!

It wouldn't have mattered who was president and what measures were attempted, Americans last February, March, April would NEVER have been willing to comply with orders to mask up, stay at home, close all restaurants, etc etc etc.
God you people are so fucking stupid about this!!

You want to blame someone? Every American needs to go look in the fucking mirror!
I can understand why you'd want to dismiss what he did.

I'm not dismissing it, Trump was horrible in the way he handled his Covid press conferences. The dour bored look on his face, the way he failed miserably at making an emotional connection with the American people concerning Covid. His downplaying of the seriousness.
However, even Fauci was telling us in January into February that Covid did not represent a serious threat to Americans, as well as telling us NOT to wear a mask. Trump obviously was not concerned early on as much as he should have when his so-called #1 expert was giving him such information.

But this is all irrelevant. Do you honestly believe Americans would have been willing to SUDDENLY alter their routines and habits DRAMATICALLY as would have been necessary to stem this crisis starting last March or April?
If the president had been Biden, and last April he ordered all schools closed (yeah I know he couldn't have legally did that) ordered restaurants closed, told all Americans to wear masks, stay 6' away from one another, and told them to not have family gatherings, and basically to stay home, do you honestly believe Americans would have went along with that back then?

HELL NO, they wouldn't have!!!
The only way any of these measures would have happened, was by occurring slowly. Not in a million years could you have gotten enough cooperation early on to have made a difference in the spread. This isn't China, or even Europe. Americans do not fall in line like the rest of the world does to government demands. Once Covid got a start, it was going to spread like wildfire, PERIOD!
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.
No one called him racist. Failure on all fronts.

FUCK YOU JACK. The hell they DIDN'T call him a racist. And they called him an Islamophobe, and I forget what else. Trump, the man who could do no right though he did most everything right.

Never mind no one had seen anything like this before, had no idea what to expect or how to balance it with social and economic needs and PUBLIC OPINION. But you fucking expected Trump to walk on water, and even THAT wouldn't have been good enough!

Trump could have been a MIND READER, he could have been CLAIRVOYANT, and still, just no making you happy. Now that Trump is out of office, NOW you shits are taking his advice and agreeing that the schools need to be open. What an asshole you are.

Let's see how Joe does now that he has the 100% support of Congress instead on 10% support of Congress.
Let's see how Joe does now that he has the 100% support of the media instead of 5% of the media.
Let's see how Joe does now that he has the 100% the benefit of the Trump Vaccine that Trump never had.

Robins Egg.jpg
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.
Shutting down travel from China ONLY...along with his comments...made it racist

Had he done the right thing and shut down travel from Europe it would not have been...even with his racially charged comments.
You’d have bitched about that too. And you still ignore what the democrats were doing and saying at the time. You’re a typical democrat bitch.
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.
Shutting down travel from China ONLY...along with his comments...made it racist

Had he done the right thing and shut down travel from Europe it would not have been...even with his racially charged comments.

It wouldn't have mattered which country travel was banned from, you people would have called it "nationalistic" and "xenophobic"!
You know it, as well as anyone with half a brain. You gives would have pitched a fit.
In fact thanks to your party's platform of the absurd overuse of terms like "racist", "anti-immigrant", "xenophobic", "nationalist" etc, everyone is scared to death with being labeled one of these terms, they cave, and thus we now have the out of control Covid situation that we do.
LAST TIME your story was that the virus came here because Trump never cut off travel from Europe.
I very specifically did NOT say that.

I noted that the Trump Admin failed to properly deal with returnees from China and then waited six weeks to stop travel from Europe. And THEN did absolutely nothing AGAIN with folks returning from Europe.

They failed on BOTH fronts...
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.

No one called him racist. And he didn't shut anything down. He just restricted Chinese nationals from traveling here. 40K American citizens flew home in a panic through crowded blue city airports without much in the way of testing, distancing, and quarantining. No two week shelter in place to get our response together. Failure on all fronts.
You all called it racist you worthless asshole. Even bidumb did.

You people are as worthless as a dog turd in a fucking baggy.
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.
No one called him racist. Failure on all fronts.

FUCK YOU JACK. The hell they DIDN'T call him a racist. And they called him an Islamophobe, and I forget what else. Trump, the man who could do no right though he did most everything right.

Never mind no one had seen anything like this before, had no idea what to expect or how to balance it with social and economic needs and PUBLIC OPINION. But you fucking expected Trump to walk on water, and even THAT wouldn't have been good enough!

Trump could have been a MIND READER, he could have been CLAIRVOYANT, and still, just no making you happy. Now that Trump is out of office, NOW you shits are taking his advice and agreeing that the schools need to be open. What an asshole you are.

Let's see how Joe does now that he has the 100% support of Congress instead on 10% support of Congress.
Let's see how Joe does now that he has the 100% support of the media instead of 5% of the media.
Let's see how Joe does now that he has the 100% the benefit of the Trump Vaccine that Trump never had.

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Nobody called him a racist..or an Islamaphobe. They called him xenophobic, which really wasn't that big of a stretch. But it was more in reference to Trump always needing to find a scapegoat. Trump wasn't the right man for anything. Unless you count tweeting, golfing, and holding pep rallies. He was really good at doing those. But, when you needed a leader, someone who was serious about the job, someone who at least knew the right people to ask when things went sideways, Trump was nowhere to be found. He wasn't up to the task. Planning and then execution, Freaky. Two things his administration sucked at. He so wanted to stand up and take credit for delivering a "miracle" to the masses, but completely forgot all the planning that had to go in to actually delivering that miracle...which would have bought him a lot more re-election stock. No matter, he's gone. All done. Bye-bye. :)
No one called him racist.You people are as worthless as a dog turd in a fucking baggy.
You people are as worthless as a dog turd in a fucking baggy.

I'd argue Mike that a dog turd has MORE value than Jack! At least a dog turd can be dried and used as a smoldering fire starter in survival situations, or can be used to help fertilize a vegetable. If you plant Jack next to a corn or tomato plant, it'll just wither and die for lack of useful nutrition.

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