Trump Admin's Early Failures Lead to This

LAST TIME your story was that the virus came here because Trump never cut off travel from Europe.
I very specifically did NOT say that.

I noted that the Trump Admin failed to properly deal with returnees from China and then waited six weeks to stop travel from Europe. And THEN did absolutely nothing AGAIN with folks returning from Europe.

They failed on BOTH fronts...
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.

No one called him racist. And he didn't shut anything down. He just restricted Chinese nationals from traveling here. 40K American citizens flew home in a panic through crowded blue city airports without much in the way of testing, distancing, and quarantining. No two week shelter in place to get our response together. Failure on all fronts.
You all called it racist you worthless asshole. Even bidumb did.

You people are as worthless as a dog turd in a fucking baggy.

No we didn't. And neither did anyone else, including Biden. I'm surprised you still parrot this lie almost a year after it was debunked.
He fucked up the response to the virus and it cost him the election. Let him go. There's no future with Trump. Only destruction and ruin. :)
Nobody called him a racist..or an Islamaphobe. They called him xenophobic

IT'S ALL THE SAME FUCKING THING! You idiot. It all points to the same thing.

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Foreigners are implied to mean people of other RACES.

Jack, you were BORN wrong. Are you sure you came out of the right hole? Every time, I prove you wrong with half my brain tied behind my back.
LAST TIME your story was that the virus came here because Trump never cut off travel from Europe.
I very specifically did NOT say that.

I noted that the Trump Admin failed to properly deal with returnees from China and then waited six weeks to stop travel from Europe. And THEN did absolutely nothing AGAIN with folks returning from Europe.

They failed on BOTH fronts...
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.

No one called him racist. And he didn't shut anything down. He just restricted Chinese nationals from traveling here. 40K American citizens flew home in a panic through crowded blue city airports without much in the way of testing, distancing, and quarantining. No two week shelter in place to get our response together. Failure on all fronts.
You all called it racist you worthless asshole. Even bidumb did.

You people are as worthless as a dog turd in a fucking baggy.

No we didn't. And neither did anyone else, including Biden. I'm surprised you still parrot this lie almost a year after it was debunked.
He fucked up the response to the virus and it cost him the election. Let him go. There's no future with Trump. Only destruction and ruin. :)
We will never believe you again. Watching parts of the nation totally destroyed is preferable.
You all called it racist you worthless asshole.
He fucked up the response to the virus and it cost him the election.

Is that why Jack that EVEN NOW, America is THIRD in Covid death rates with TEN other countries in at least a similar Covid death rate situation, all in the Western hemisphere? Were all their leaders also blamed and unelected?

Looks like the only ones who "did it right" were in China and Mongolia. Funny, the closer you get to China, the lower the death rate! Maybe you all should have just moved to China. :auiqs.jpg:

Nobody called him a racist..or an Islamaphobe. They called him xenophobic

IT'S ALL THE SAME FUCKING THING! You idiot. It all points to the same thing.

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Foreigners are implied to mean people of other RACES.

Jack, you were BORN wrong. Are you sure you came out of the right hole? Every time, I prove you wrong with half my brain tied behind my back.

You get as outraged as you want, Freaky. You're full of it as usual. No one called him a racist. Place the blame for the response to the virus where it belongs...with Trump.
Biden's gonna clean it up
Nobody called him a racist..or an Islamaphobe. They called him xenophobic

IT'S ALL THE SAME FUCKING THING! You idiot. It all points to the same thing.

View attachment 450303

Foreigners are implied to mean people of other RACES.

Jack, you were BORN wrong. Are you sure you came out of the right hole? Every time, I prove you wrong with half my brain tied behind my back.

You get as outraged as you want, Freaky. You're full of it as usual. No one called him a racist. Place the blame for the response to the virus where it belongs...with Trump.
Biden's gonna clean it up
No he ain't. But the media will report it much better at some point. When the Pravda orders come down from the elites.
No one called him racist.You people are as worthless as a dog turd in a fucking baggy.
You people are as worthless as a dog turd in a fucking baggy.

I'd argue Mike that a dog turd has MORE value than Jack! At least a dog turd can be dried and used as a smoldering fire starter in survival situations, or can be used to help fertilize a vegetable. If you plant Jack next to a corn or tomato plant, it'll just wither and die for lack of useful nutrition.
It’s a well known fact being around stupid kills crops. That’s why democrats can’t be farmers.
You're full of it as usual. No one called him a racist.

Hey, SHITHEAD, I just posted FOUR articles in five minutes, two calling Trump a RACIST, two calling him an Islamophobe.

Want me to link you to twenty more?

When they handed out brains, Jack, you got SHORTED.

All four of which had nothing to do with his travel "ban" on Chinese nationals at the beginning of the pandemic.
Nice moving of the goal posts there. Again, Freaky, you..are..full..of..shit! :)
All four of which had nothing to do with his travel "ban" on Chinese nationals

Jack, you are a CHILD. Another left wing mental defective. I play with you like a cat with a mouse. You are not even enough challenge for me to break sweat, you are like a 2 year old toddler struggling against his 260 pound father. You are no contest.

Don't you fucking try to deflect again, you crawling vermicular worm. You said NO ONE called Trump a racist. You said NO ONE called him an islamaphobe over the travel bans, you said I was crazy and demented and in two minutes I posted TWO examples of EACH.

Now like the sub-human misfit you are, now you refuse to admit wrong, refuse to admit I was right, spin on your heels and you're off like a child again trying to deflect now to chinese nationals.

DON'T MAKE ME COME THERE and SPANK YOU JACK, I'll put you to bed wet with no supper. :21:
That was before the lefts messiah fauxie said we didnt need masks and piglosi was walking around china town liking peoples hands and spitting in childrens faces.
Gawd, you partisans are all the same.

Why don't you at least try and sound coherent? Are you always such an infantile idiot? No wonder you're a Trump cultist.

What part of his post damaged your prog-head most? His point was clear, the problem is your safe-space.

PROGS have problems with among other things cause and effect. In this example the same, only you can add numbers and timing too. The OP is presented as though COVID in USA is Trump's fault. Gee golly PROG, how many cases were there in the USA when Trump supposedly fucked this up? Oh yeah, hardly any, 10 months later millions.

But I get it, you're PROG, and even your link implies the "story" has led to over 400K deaths, boy are you guys fucked up........." There were no known deaths in America at that time from COVID-19. In the year since, the death toll has topped 433,000."

" The government’s mishandling of the 200 evacuees increased the risk of infection transmission to government personnel and “the American public as a whole,” special counsel Henry Kerner wrote in a letter Thursday to President Joe Biden following a probe overseen by his office."
And when he did shut it down you fucks started screaming how it was racist.
No one called him racist. Failure on all fronts.

FUCK YOU JACK. The hell they DIDN'T call him a racist. And they called him an Islamophobe, and I forget what else. Trump, the man who could do no right though he did most everything right.

Never mind no one had seen anything like this before, had no idea what to expect or how to balance it with social and economic needs and PUBLIC OPINION. But you fucking expected Trump to walk on water, and even THAT wouldn't have been good enough!

Trump could have been a MIND READER, he could have been CLAIRVOYANT, and still, just no making you happy. Now that Trump is out of office, NOW you shits are taking his advice and agreeing that the schools need to be open. What an asshole you are.

Let's see how Joe does now that he has the 100% support of Congress instead on 10% support of Congress.
Let's see how Joe does now that he has the 100% support of the media instead of 5% of the media.
Let's see how Joe does now that he has the 100% the benefit of the Trump Vaccine that Trump never had.

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Nobody called him a racist..or an Islamaphobe. They called him xenophobic, which really wasn't that big of a stretch. But it was more in reference to Trump always needing to find a scapegoat. Trump wasn't the right man for anything. Unless you count tweeting, golfing, and holding pep rallies. He was really good at doing those. But, when you needed a leader, someone who was serious about the job, someone who at least knew the right people to ask when things went sideways, Trump was nowhere to be found. He wasn't up to the task. Planning and then execution, Freaky. Two things his administration sucked at. He so wanted to stand up and take credit for delivering a "miracle" to the masses, but completely forgot all the planning that had to go in to actually delivering that miracle...which would have bought him a lot more re-election stock. No matter, he's gone. All done. Bye-bye. :)

"Nobody called him a racist..or an Islamaphobe. They called him xenophobic"

However, even Fauci was telling us in January into February that Covid did not represent a serious threat to Americans, as well as telling us NOT to wear a mask.

As far back a Feb 17 2020 he said that people who are infected should wear masks to protect others while saying those who are not infected don't need to wear masks because they don't offer that much protection from catching the virus.

The US has had TWICE the number of covid deaths as ANY country on the planet and two and a half times the infections.

We used to be the nation that was least affected by these kinds of things...before Trump
However, even Fauci was telling us in January into February that Covid did not represent a serious threat to Americans, as well as telling us NOT to wear a mask.

As far back a Feb 17 2020 he said that people who are infected should wear masks to protect others while saying those who are not infected don't need to wear masks because they don't offer that much protection from catching the virus.

He was still saying in March Americans did not need to waer masks.

Fact Check: Did Dr. Anthony Fauci Say There is No Need to Wear Masks Anymore?
BY SIEEKA KHAN JUN 15, 2020 02:30 PM EDT

Is there no need to wear a mask?
In March 2020, the show "60 Minutes" did an interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the leading members of President Donald Trump's coronavirus task force.

The interview is going around in social media again, and in the said interview, Dr. Fauci said that there is no need for people in the United States to wear a mask.

However, the clip is old and Dr. Fauci was just echoing what a lot of people have argued at that time, including the World Health Organization or WHO, the U.S Surgeon General and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC.

Dr. Fauci's views and the views of the said organizations have changed as the cases of COVID-19 in the country rises and more information about the disease became available.

In the clip that aired in March 2020, Dr. Fauci said that the Americans should not be walking around with masks, and they should think of healthcare providers who are needing face masks and those who are ill.

Fact Check: Did Dr. Anthony Fauci Say There is No Need to Wear Masks Anymore? | HNGN - Headlines & Global News

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