Trump admits he set President Biden up for failure with the Afghanistan withdrawal...

He did. That is literally the surrender agreement we are talking about.

You really don't know anything about it, do you?

And naturally, being the traitorous pile of shit he is, he harmed America and americans by sabotaging it to get personal satisfaction, after getting his fat ass voted out of office.
You're a lying idiot.
Trump had a plan for withdrawal from Afghanistan sitting on his desk the day he took office, courtesy of the guy who sat there before him

All that was left was to negotiate with the Taliban and get them to agree on "no active conflict" with American forces, while we withdrew.

He got around to it Feb 2020. So for 18 months, the Taliban -- now free from US aerial and grojnd attacks, per the Trump.surrender agreement -- got stronger and planned their takeover.

Biden's contribution to their swift takeover was a troop withdrawal in April, 2021. We no longer had eyes and ears inside the Afghan military.
He did. That is literally the surrender agreement we are talking about.

You really don't know anything about it, do you?

And naturally, being the traitorous pile of shit he is, he harmed America and americans by sabotaging it to get personal satisfaction, after getting his fat ass voted out of office.
Trump did sign the agreement that led to the withdrawal, but he had wanted to execute the withdrawal during his time in office.

That didn't happen. What happened instead is that Biden entered office. Trump obviously wanted to stay in office for a second term, and then the withdrawal could have been managed by him.

Since Trump wasn't in office at the time of the actual withdrawal, it was up to Biden to execute a plan. The agreement did not specifically state that the Taliban would receive our equipment. That would be a pretty dumb agreement.

In order to believe that Trump set this up for failure, you'd have to assume that Trump signed the agreement nearly a year before the election and planned to lose, so that Biden could enter office, screw it up, and then Trump could get re-elected in 2024. That would be some serious 4D chess, but not even remotely plausible.
Poorly planned, rushed and disastrous. Your ignorance is noted.

Ever read a history book?
Ever pick up a history book?
Of course not.

Rushed? 20 years is rushed? Do you know how stupid you sound?

Indeed, there is ignorance noted here but it sure as hell is not mine.
Name me any withdrawal in the history warfare that did not incur casualties.
You can go back to prehistoric times and not find a one.
You idiot comment is noted.
Withdrawal from most conflicts does not involve leaving operational equipment behind, particularly higher end military tech.

Some of what was left behind wasn't that advanced, but the standard protocol is to destroy what you can't take with you. This has been done under most administrations with previous withdrawals. This was not done with Afghanistan, and the way that the airport was handled in Kabul was particularly bad.

To try and blame Trump for the many mistakes in this withdrawal is pretty ridiculous.
Trump didn't let the Taliban take over. That happened on Sleepy Joe's watch.
BULLSHIT - the Taliban broke every single agreement (aside from attacking US bases directly) from the day that idiot had held his talks with them.
For more then a year - he received daily reports about these breaches - what did he do? - Fucking NOTHING, but pulling out US Forces right down to 2500.

And then propagating cock and bull to his MAGA crowd - about senile Biden 'supposedly" having messed it up.

If you don't know WTF you talk about - then simply don't post !!!
The decision to abandon Baghram was disastrous. And that Biden's decision.
Sec. Lloyd Austin: (23:40)

"So let me take each in turn. Retaining Bagram would’ve required putting as many as 5,000 US troops in harms way just to operate and defend it. And it would’ve contributed little to the mission that we’ve been assigned and that was to protect and defend the embassy, which was some 30 miles away. That distance from Kabul also rendered Bagram of little value in the evacuation. Staying at Bagram even for counter-terrorism purposes meant staying at war in Afghanistan, something that the president made clear that he would not do."

Military Leaders, Gen. Milley Testify on Afghanistan Exit: Full Hearing Transcript | Rev Blog

It was part of the plan the President ask them to come up with. He accepted their plan and gave them what ever they needed. AIso recall, Benedict Donald ordered the troop level to be reduced to 2,500 by Jan 15th just days before Joe Biden's inauguration.
Some of what was left behind wasn't that advanced, but the standard protocol is to destroy what you can't take with you. This has been done under most administrations with previous withdrawals. This was not done with Afghanistan
Our generals disagree with that. The US Military says it retrograded all the equipment that they couldn't take with them which is standard protocol. The weapons we gave to the Afghan Army were abandoned.

Withdrawal from most conflicts does not involve leaving operational equipment behind, particularly higher end military tech.

Some of what was left behind wasn't that advanced, but the standard protocol is to destroy what you can't take with you. This has been done under most administrations with previous withdrawals. This was not done with Afghanistan, and the way that the airport was handled in Kabul was particularly bad.

To try and blame Trump for the many mistakes in this withdrawal is pretty ridiculous.

I did not blame Trump. I said he along with Obama and Bush did not want to suffer the political blowback. Joe said screw it, we all know we have to get out.
As to the equipment, by the time Biden took over we had no way to save it. Trump had drawn down the forces far too low to be able to.

And also you are wrong, equipment is always left behind.

This is a big problem in America today. So few know a damned thing but have strong opinions.
As many of us have been saying for years. the Afghanistan thing was set up to make Joe Biden look bad,

An impossible problem with impossible goals on an impossible timeline. All set up by trump, who finally admits it on video.

Wow, what a bunch of commie propaganda. xiden refused to follow Trump's blueprint, that's why he failed, and no amount of out of context quotes will change that.

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Withdrawal from most conflicts does not involve leaving operational equipment behind, particularly higher end military tech.

Some of what was left behind wasn't that advanced, but the standard protocol is to destroy what you can't take with you. This has been done under most administrations with previous withdrawals. This was not done with Afghanistan, and the way that the airport was handled in Kabul was particularly bad.

To try and blame Trump for the many mistakes in this withdrawal is pretty ridiculous.
Nonsense - the USA didn't destroy any military equipment when "evacuating" themselves out of Vietnam. (except dumping their own helicopters off their carriers) Since they beheld the ignorant and errant belief, that the ARVN would be able to make use of it and prevent the Communist takeover.

The exact same ignorant/errant misjudgement was held by Trump and Biden - that the ANA would be able to make use of it, and thus prevent a takeover by the Taliban.
Withdrawal from most conflicts does not involve leaving operational equipment behind, particularly higher end military tech.

Some of what was left behind wasn't that advanced, but the standard protocol is to destroy what you can't take with you. This has been done under most administrations with previous withdrawals. This was not done with Afghanistan, and the way that the airport was handled in Kabul was particularly bad.

To try and blame Trump for the many mistakes in this withdrawal is pretty ridiculous.
Nonsense. You don’t take busted up trucks and humvees. You get PEOPLE out

And Biden did
Wow, what a bunch of commies propaganda. xiden refused to follow Trump's blueprint, that's why he failed, and no amount of out of context quotes will change that.

There was no fucking blueprint
Our generals disagree with that. The US Military says it retrograded all the equipment that they couldn't take with them which is standard protocol. The weapons we gave to the Afghan Army were abandoned.

Do you really think they would incriminate themselves? I'm sure there are any number of excuses they have for their actions, but the truth remains.

I did not blame Trump. I said he along with Obama and Bush did not want to suffer the political blowback. Joe said screw it, we all know we have to get out.
As to the equipment, by the time Biden took over we had no way to save it. Trump had drawn down the forces far too low to be able to.

And also you are wrong, equipment is always left behind.

This is a big problem in America today. So few know a damned thing but have strong opinions.
Some equipment is left behind, but not on the scale that was present in Afghanistan. Keep trying to blame Trump's troop numbers though.
Nonsense - the USA didn't destroy any military equipment when "evacuating" themselves out of Vietnam. (except dumping their own helicopters off their carriers) Since they beheld the ignorant and errant belief, that the ARVN would be able to make use of it and prevent the Communist takeover.

The exact same ignorant/errant misjudgement was held by Trump and Biden - that the ANA would be able to make use of it, and thus prevent a takeover by the Taliban.
Vietnam is precisely what this withdrawal was compared to, because of how much worse it was than most other withdrawals.

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