Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state was simply an appeal to win voters.

As Trump spoke at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of his post-election “Thank You Tour,” some supporters began chanting “lock her up” ― a common refrain during the Republican convention and Trump’s campaign events.

“No, it’s okay,” Trump said as the crowd jeered a reference to Clinton. “Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care, right?”

More: Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

Everything about Trump is "just for show"...
President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state was simply an appeal to win voters.

As Trump spoke at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of his post-election “Thank You Tour,” some supporters began chanting “lock her up” ― a common refrain during the Republican convention and Trump’s campaign events.

“No, it’s okay,” Trump said as the crowd jeered a reference to Clinton. “Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care, right?”

More: Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

Everything about Trump is "just for show"...
That was obvious. When the FBI, said no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute the case, it was a done deal. Anyway, how could Trump prosecute Hillary for doing what his finalist for Secretary of State, David Petraeus actually did. Petraeus was found guilty of mishandling classified information and is now on probation. If Trump selects him, he will have to get permission from his probation officer to accept the job.
President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state was simply an appeal to win voters.

As Trump spoke at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of his post-election “Thank You Tour,” some supporters began chanting “lock her up” ― a common refrain during the Republican convention and Trump’s campaign events.

“No, it’s okay,” Trump said as the crowd jeered a reference to Clinton. “Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care, right?”

More: Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

Everything about Trump is "just for show"...

Sorry he let you down.

No not everything appears to be a show. He was also talking about KILLING the special interests that have been plaguing Washington for years. Such as ex politicians going to work for foreign companies or domestic companies
that they deal with while in office. IT Could just be, that Trump realizes there are some more important things to take care of. Going after Hillary would put the skids on helping Americans where they need the help. When money
starts coming back into the US, you'll see infrastructure being upgraded in these cities like Detroit and Chicago.
Hillary never would do any of this, as it turns out, she's just a 'Good O'l Boy' after all. If your really upset about her
escaping incarceration though, you should just invite her out to the Rez, and bury her neck deep in one of those red ant piles for an hour or two. Maybe time to handle things the real American way.
STFU buttercup...the u massa for the next 8 years :lmao:
Well, we'll see if Sessions agrees with Comey, won't we?

Of course he will. All the previous investigations were nothing more than an effort to discredit her for the election. The election is over. All that circus has already folded it's tent.
President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state was simply an appeal to win voters.

As Trump spoke at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of his post-election “Thank You Tour,” some supporters began chanting “lock her up” ― a common refrain during the Republican convention and Trump’s campaign events.

“No, it’s okay,” Trump said as the crowd jeered a reference to Clinton. “Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care, right?”

More: Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

Everything about Trump is "just for show"...

Of course it was. Anyone with a brain could understand that. sounded good!
Well, we'll see if Sessions agrees with Comey, won't we?

Of course he will. All the previous investigations were nothing more than an effort to discredit her for the election. The election is over. All that circus has already folded it's tent.

One of two things have to happen before a legal case is final, a jury verdict, or the statute of limitations expire. Neither have occurred in her case. Also the investigations into the foundation and pay to play are still ongoing. She's a long way from out of the woods at this point. Oh I almost forgot, the congressional referral for perjury is still pending.
President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state was simply an appeal to win voters.

As Trump spoke at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of his post-election “Thank You Tour,” some supporters began chanting “lock her up” ― a common refrain during the Republican convention and Trump’s campaign events.

“No, it’s okay,” Trump said as the crowd jeered a reference to Clinton. “Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care, right?”

More: Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

Everything about Trump is "just for show"...

Of course it was. Anyone with a brain could understand that. sounded good!

Never sounded good to me. Made up crap for political purposes is never good for the county.
Well, we'll see if Sessions agrees with Comey, won't we?

Of course he will. All the previous investigations were nothing more than an effort to discredit her for the election. The election is over. All that circus has already folded it's tent.

One of two things have to happen before a legal case is final, a jury verdict, or the statute of limitations expire. Neither have occurred in her case. Also the investigations into the foundation and pay to play are still ongoing. She's a long way from out of the woods at this point. Oh I almost forgot, the congressional referral for perjury is still pending.

The election is over. The right will just forget it now. It was never more than political crap anyway.
Well, we'll see if Sessions agrees with Comey, won't we?

Of course he will. All the previous investigations were nothing more than an effort to discredit her for the election. The election is over. All that circus has already folded it's tent.

One of two things have to happen before a legal case is final, a jury verdict, or the statute of limitations expire. Neither have occurred in her case. Also the investigations into the foundation and pay to play are still ongoing. She's a long way from out of the woods at this point. Oh I almost forgot, the congressional referral for perjury is still pending.

The election is over. The right will just forget it now. It was never more than political crap anyway.

From your mouth to your dear leaders floppy ears, if he thinks the way you do maybe he won't try to pardon her. I always said she may regret her statement that "no ones too big to jail".
Does it ever occur to you self-deluded half-wit liberal cocksuckers that we know Donald Trump has load of bullshit in him...but we voted for him anyway--partly because the other choice was Depraved....and partly because we understand him.

We understand that he is going to try to do things for America, instead of for the Globe.

It may be short-sighted. It may be selfish.

But, if the Globe wants to be like America, let them forsake Marx, and try, in their own countries, the Jeffersonian Principals that made America the Globe's greatest society so far in history.

I am not going to compare Trump to Winston Churchill....except in one regard.....In the mid to late 1930's the Brits were absolutely sure that Churchill was bat shit crazy. They laughed at the New England/New York Assholes laughed at Reagan...until they got desperate...and then, they took a chance on Crazy.

When faced with Hillary Clinton as an alternative, America took a chance on Crazy.

Maybe it will work out like it did for the Brits.
Of course it was all just for show - just like all the birther crap - but the poorly educated bought it hook, line and sinker. Probably the same bunch of neanderthal clowns who enjoy fake wrestling.
Does it ever occur to you self-deluded half-wit liberal cocksuckers that we know Donald Trump has load of bullshit in him...but we voted for him anyway--partly because the other choice was Depraved....and partly because we understand him.

We understand that he is going to try to do things for America, instead of for the Globe.

It may be short-sighted. It may be selfish.

But, if the Globe wants to be like America, let them forsake Marx, and try, in their own countries, the Jeffersonian Principals that made America the Globe's greatest society so far in history.

I am not going to compare Trump to Winston Churchill....except in one regard.....In the mid to late 1930's the Brits were absolutely sure that Churchill was bat shit crazy. They laughed at the New England/New York Assholes laughed at Reagan...until they got desperate...and then, they took a chance on Crazy.

When faced with Hillary Clinton as an alternative, America took a chance on Crazy.

Maybe it will work out like it did for the Brits.

At least you admit a vote for Trump was crazy. I guess that is a start.
Of course it was all just for show - just like all the birther crap - but the poorly educated bought it hook, line and sinker. Probably the same bunch of neanderthal clowns who enjoy fake wrestling.

It is well established that the most poorly educated class of American society is the Black American--particularly in the rotting cities controlled for generations by Democrats. Don't dare play the Race Card on me for saying this....the Blacks say so themselves...they complain about it all the time. And the next worst are the immigrants....many of whom cannot speak the language of the Country....two groups which form the core and Majority of the Democratic Party.

Really the only thing to be said about you Bolshevik's constant claim that the poorly educated are the ones who voted for Trump is that you are poorly educated....also slow evidenced by the fact that you are about to put a Muslim Bigot in charge of your whole Party.

President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state was simply an appeal to win voters.

As Trump spoke at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of his post-election “Thank You Tour,” some supporters began chanting “lock her up” ― a common refrain during the Republican convention and Trump’s campaign events.

“No, it’s okay,” Trump said as the crowd jeered a reference to Clinton. “Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care, right?”

More: Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

Everything about Trump is "just for show"...

Everything about Trump is a SHOW--LOL. Was there anyone really stupid enough to believe that Hillary Clinton would end up in jail?-- Well, I guess there apparently were. But you would have to be so dumb you wouldn't be able to keep your jaws together--LOL

It is amazing the lengths Trump cultists will go to support their denial.

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