Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state was simply an appeal to win voters.

As Trump spoke at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of his post-election “Thank You Tour,” some supporters began chanting “lock her up” ― a common refrain during the Republican convention and Trump’s campaign events.

“No, it’s okay,” Trump said as the crowd jeered a reference to Clinton. “Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care, right?”

More: Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

Everything about Trump is "just for show"...

Ya think? ...the left and ultra right were such gulible morons.
Those 4 dead americans were used by slimy hypocrites pretending to care for them.
Those "slimey hypocrites" ensured that those men did not die in vain and saw to it that a price was paid for the scumbags who lied about the reasons for their murder because of a political agenda. There was no person more directly responsible than the Beast and perhaps Susan Rice.

It was a job well done.
The videos from Trump's campaign were good show, a sharp contrast to the dullness and lightly attended affairs we saw from Hillary for the most part of her campaign. And while "Lock her up," was a good and effective battle cry, I would think most knew not to take Trump all too serious on this one.
There will be a lot of people who are pretty pissed off about this, whether they say it publicly or not.

They wanted her in jail, literally, and they figured he was the one candidate who would do it.
No, it was pretty much making a point, and a valid one: Hillary is a sleaze.
There will be a lot of people who are pretty pissed off about this, whether they say it publicly or not. They wanted her in jail, literally, and they figured he was the one candidate who would do it..
No, it was pretty much making a point, and a valid one: Hillary is a sleaze.
Well, I can never tell when partisans are being honest.

There should be some kind of code word said up front, so that we know when to take this stuff seriously.

Or hand gestures, something like that. Maybe a wink of the eye.
There will be a lot of people who are pretty pissed off about this, whether they say it publicly or not. They wanted her in jail, literally, and they figured he was the one candidate who would do it..
No, it was pretty much making a point, and a valid one: Hillary is a sleaze.
Well, I can never tell when partisans are being honest.

There should be some kind of code word said up front, so that we know when to take this stuff seriously.

Or hand gestures, something like that. Maybe a wink of the eye.
We can often infer from content and use our own analytical skills. Hillary in jail is a just and delightful thought, but if you've been around the block a few times you'd realize it is completely unrealistic
There will be a lot of people who are pretty pissed off about this, whether they say it publicly or not. They wanted her in jail, literally, and they figured he was the one candidate who would do it..
No, it was pretty much making a point, and a valid one: Hillary is a sleaze.
Well, I can never tell when partisans are being honest.

There should be some kind of code word said up front, so that we know when to take this stuff seriously.

Or hand gestures, something like that. Maybe a wink of the eye.
We can often infer from content and use our own analytical skills. Hillary in jail is a just and delightful thought, but if you've been around the block a few times you'd realize it is completely unrealistic
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort.
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort.
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort. .
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
It just plays into what I've believed all along: There is no reason to believe a thing that a partisan says.

My concern is that we have real problems that need to be addressed, and blatant, rampant, open, constant dishonesty isn't usually the way to fix problems.

And by the way, I also don't believe for a moment that there aren't plenty of Trumpsters in those rallies who were taking this "Lock Her Up" thing seriously.
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort. .
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
It just plays into what I've believed all along: There is no reason to believe a thing that a partisan says.

My concern is that we have real problems that need to be addressed, and blatant, rampant, open, constant dishonesty isn't usually the way to fix problems.

And by the way, I also don't believe for a moment that there aren't plenty of Trumpsters in those rallies who were taking this "Lock Her Up" thing seriously.
Leave Hillary in the noose we put her will take care of itself....
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort. .
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
It just plays into what I've believed all along: There is no reason to believe a thing that a partisan says.

My concern is that we have real problems that need to be addressed, and blatant, rampant, open, constant dishonesty isn't usually the way to fix problems.

And by the way, I also don't believe for a moment that there aren't plenty of Trumpsters in those rallies who were taking this "Lock Her Up" thing seriously.
I'm going to break something to you here Mac. I hope you're sitting down for this one.

There is no Santa Clause, not even an Easter Bunny!

It is Hillary Clinton...right? We all know she is a criminal.
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort. .
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
It just plays into what I've believed all along: There is no reason to believe a thing that a partisan says.

My concern is that we have real problems that need to be addressed, and blatant, rampant, open, constant dishonesty isn't usually the way to fix problems.

And by the way, I also don't believe for a moment that there aren't plenty of Trumpsters in those rallies who were taking this "Lock Her Up" thing seriously.
I'm going to break something to you here Mac. I hope you're sitting down for this one.

There is no Santa Clause, not even an Easter Bunny!

You may want to tell that to the Trumpsters who will be disappointed by this development.

And please, let's not call them "sophisticated" again.
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort. .
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
It just plays into what I've believed all along: There is no reason to believe a thing that a partisan says.

My concern is that we have real problems that need to be addressed, and blatant, rampant, open, constant dishonesty isn't usually the way to fix problems.

And by the way, I also don't believe for a moment that there aren't plenty of Trumpsters in those rallies who were taking this "Lock Her Up" thing seriously.
Leave Hillary in the noose we put her will take care of itself....
You're wrong Oweby. She put herself into the noose. The question is if we kick out the bucket she's standing on.
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort. .
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
It just plays into what I've believed all along: There is no reason to believe a thing that a partisan says.

My concern is that we have real problems that need to be addressed, and blatant, rampant, open, constant dishonesty isn't usually the way to fix problems.

And by the way, I also don't believe for a moment that there aren't plenty of Trumpsters in those rallies who were taking this "Lock Her Up" thing seriously.
Leave Hillary in the noose we put her will take care of itself....
You're wrong Oweby. She put herself into the noose. The question is if we kick out the bucket she's standing on.
She will seize eventually and fall off the need to pay the process any attention....
Yes. It is a stretch to think that millions of people could believe things that aren't true and use that belief to make a voting decision.

Things like Trump promising to jail Clinton. Things like Trump building a wall and deporting all undocumented immigrants. Things like Hillary Clinton being crooked or on her death bed.

Who'd believe these things? Why....clearly intelligent people who have America's best interests at heart, that's who.

Straight up......Clinton didn't earn her negative approval rating. She wasn't able to overcome it.....but she shouldn't have had to. Gullible people.....and lots of people who didn't invest enough time.....perceive her to be dishonest and corrupt. Meathead has so clearly stated in this thread....that perception is all that matters.
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort. .
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
It just plays into what I've believed all along: There is no reason to believe a thing that a partisan says.

My concern is that we have real problems that need to be addressed, and blatant, rampant, open, constant dishonesty isn't usually the way to fix problems.

And by the way, I also don't believe for a moment that there aren't plenty of Trumpsters in those rallies who were taking this "Lock Her Up" thing seriously.
I'm going to break something to you here Mac. I hope you're sitting down for this one.

There is no Santa Clause, not even an Easter Bunny!

You may want to tell that to the Trumpsters who will be disappointed by this development.

And please, let's not call them "sophisticated" again.
The "sophistication" I referred to was about you and in the conditional.
Yes. It is a stretch to think that millions of people could believe things that aren't true and use that belief to make a voting decision.

Things like Trump promising to jail Clinton. Things like Trump building a wall and deporting all undocumented immigrants. Things like Hillary Clinton being crooked or on her death bed.

Who'd believe these things? Why....clearly intelligent people who have America's best interests at heart, that's who.

Straight up......Clinton didn't earn her negative approval rating. She wasn't able to overcome it.....but she shouldn't have had to. Gullible people.....and lots of people who didn't invest enough time.....perceive her to be dishonest and corrupt. Meathead has so clearly stated in this thread....that perception is all that matters.
And it helped that Hillary was crooked and corrupt....:lol:
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort. .
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
It just plays into what I've believed all along: There is no reason to believe a thing that a partisan says.

My concern is that we have real problems that need to be addressed, and blatant, rampant, open, constant dishonesty isn't usually the way to fix problems.

And by the way, I also don't believe for a moment that there aren't plenty of Trumpsters in those rallies who were taking this "Lock Her Up" thing seriously.
I'm going to break something to you here Mac. I hope you're sitting down for this one.

There is no Santa Clause, not even an Easter Bunny!

You may want to tell that to the Trumpsters who will be disappointed by this development.

And please, let's not call them "sophisticated" again.
The "sophistication" I referred to was about you and in the conditional.
Ah, okay. I'm just not as sophisticated as a Trumpster, stipulated.

I do know enough not to believe partisans, though, and that includes Trumpsters' spin to cover their disappointment. Here's what is actually happening:

‘Hillary for Prison’ Crew Turns on Donald Trump

Trump told the Times, regarding his supporters, “I don’t think they’ll be disappointed.”

He thought wrong.

Many of Trump’s more high-profile fans, surrogates, and allies are angry about this about-face and insist “Crooked Hillary”—as Trump dubbed her throughout the campaign—be locked up.

“I’m hearing from people who are livid at Hillary, they’re still mad,” Rush Limbaugh, the famous conservative talk show host, said on Tuesday afternoon. “There are a lot of people who really thought that when Trump said ‘You oughta be in jail,’ that they agreed with that and thought that she should be!”

“Whoa! I thought we elected [Donald Trump] president,” Ann Coulter, conservative pundit and one of Trump’s most loyal media boosters, tweeted in response to the news. “Did we make him the FBI, & DOJ? His job is to pick those guys, not do their jobs.

“As happy as I am that our long national nightmare’s over, NO president [should] be blocking investigators from doing their jobs. #EqualUnderLaw,” she continued.

Coulter wasn’t alone in her frustration. Calls to imprison Clinton, wasn’t a passing idea in the Trump campaign—it was a central tenet. After all, this reversal comes after a long campaign during which Trump and his allies and his surrogates had made “LOCK HER UP!” chants and “Hillary for Prison” swag staples of Trump rallies.

“BROKEN PROMISE,” declared Breitbart—a far-right website previously run by Stephen Bannon, Trump’s incoming White House chief strategist.

Former tea-party congressman Joe Walsh, who tweeted in July that “Hillary Clinton should be in prison,” didn’t seem too pleased, either.

“When he said ‘Lock her up’ what he really meant was ‘Help her heal,’” Walsh tweeted sarcastically on Tuesday.


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