Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

The president should probably not be able to "pardon" criminals at all. It's quite shady if you ask me.

Sometimes Courts make mistakes that can't be undone. Sometimes Juries find innocent people guilty.

Executives need the power of the Pardon.

Of course, like EVERYTHING else dimocrap scum get hold of, they'll abuse it.

Look at the number of Pardons handed out by President.

But you gotta take the good with the bad in a democratic Republic. It's how we roll.

Well, it's how Republicans roll.... dimocraps? Not so much
President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state was simply an appeal to win voters.

As Trump spoke at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of his post-election “Thank You Tour,” some supporters began chanting “lock her up” ― a common refrain during the Republican convention and Trump’s campaign events.

“No, it’s okay,” Trump said as the crowd jeered a reference to Clinton. “Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care, right?”

More: Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

Everything about Trump is "just for show"...
Butt hurt:butthurt. Adjective. (comparative more butthurt, superlative most butthurt) (slang) Overly annoyed, bothered or bugged because of a perceived insult; needlessly offended.
How could he pardon her? You can't pardon people who haven't been convicted of any crimes???

Okay...... Well -- Yes he can.

It's called a 'Blanket Pardon'

It's been talked about ad nauseam all over the place. Ford gave Nixon a Blanket Pardon
I thought you couldn't be pardoned in the USA without any convinction... :dunno:

Ford only got away with it, because any prosecutor had then been put on notice that if they obtained a Nixon conviction, Ford wold then pardon him anyway. Ford, BTW, lost his bid for reelection because of it.
Well, we'll see if Sessions agrees with Comey, won't we?

Of course he will. All the previous investigations were nothing more than an effort to discredit her for the election. The election is over. All that circus has already folded it's tent.

One of two things have to happen before a legal case is final, a jury verdict, or the statute of limitations expire. Neither have occurred in her case. Also the investigations into the foundation and pay to play are still ongoing. She's a long way from out of the woods at this point. Oh I almost forgot, the congressional referral for perjury is still pending.
She is not going to be charged with anything as long she doesn't run for office. If she had announced that she would not run in 2016, the House investigation would have dried up for for lack of interest and there would have been no FBI investigation. The House Government and Oversight Committee has now shifted it's focusing on Trump and his vast financial entanglements.
You are probably right, but that does not make it right.

It is naive to think the elites are subject to the same level of law enforcement as the rest of us. Clearly she is above the law and this is an indication that justice in American is not blind.
I agree but that is the norm. Presidents, and other in top positions have always been granted great leeway in handling classified information. Often it's there decision that classified the information and in many instances there decision that declassifies it. Presidents and their appointees have often leaked classified information, sometimes for specific purpose other times by accident. I remember accounts of President Reagan's carelessness with the handling classified documents. The old saying with rank comes privilege. And some of that privilege is to bend rules.
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Maybe the left will be surprised when A.G. Jeff Sessions indicts Hillary and her husband for violations related to the "Clinton Foundation". We will just have to wait and see and Jan 20th can't come soon enough.
The republican war against the Clintons will be suspended at least until the next election rolls around. They always do. The new administration is going to have a lot more important things to do than waste their time on the Clintons.
With an Exxon Sec. of State, I would not be surprised if Trump found it in our best interest to go to war with Saudi Arabia.
With an Exxon Sec. of State, I would not be surprised if Trump found it in our best interest to go to war with Saudi Arabia.
It seems he has assembled a war cabinet.

Teddy Roosevelt: "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
Donald Trump: " Grab'em by the pu**y."
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President-elect Donald Trump on Friday acknowledged his threat to imprison Hillary Clinton for using a private email server during her time as secretary of state was simply an appeal to win voters.

As Trump spoke at a rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, as part of his post-election “Thank You Tour,” some supporters began chanting “lock her up” ― a common refrain during the Republican convention and Trump’s campaign events.

“No, it’s okay,” Trump said as the crowd jeered a reference to Clinton. “Forget it. That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care, right?”

More: Trump Admits His Threat To Lock Up Hillary Was Just For Show

Everything about Trump is "just for show"...

We all knew that. It was Clinton supporters who made hay about the claim, or were they stupid enough to think he was serious? Jonathan Gruber was correct in his assessment of these people.

Yes, I'm sure of it. That's why he repeated it at every available opportunity.
Well, I definitely realized that, which is why the whole meme seemed like wasted effort.
If you are sophisticated enough to understand that Hilary was not going to be locked up, then I am surprised you call the meme a wasted effort when it was in fact very successful in reinforcing and reminding of the larger meme of "Crooked Hillary".
That makes no sense whatsoever. How can it reinforce anything if it's transparent rhetoric?
You're only reinforcing the point that Trump's rhetoric appeals to the more simple among us.
In that respect, it garnered him a lot of votes.
Those 4 dead americans were used by slimy hypocrites pretending to care for them.
Those "slimey hypocrites" ensured that those men did not die in vain and saw to it that a price was paid for the scumbags who lied about the reasons for their murder because of a political agenda. There was no person more directly responsible than the Beast and perhaps Susan Rice.

It was a job well done.
Pretzel "logic".

That's what you get when defending the indefensible.
Well, we'll see if Sessions agrees with Comey, won't we?

Of course he will. All the previous investigations were nothing more than an effort to discredit her for the election. The election is over. All that circus has already folded it's tent.

One of two things have to happen before a legal case is final, a jury verdict, or the statute of limitations expire. Neither have occurred in her case. Also the investigations into the foundation and pay to play are still ongoing. She's a long way from out of the woods at this point. Oh I almost forgot, the congressional referral for perjury is still pending.

The investigation into the Clinton Foundation for pay for play is a waste of time and taxpayers' money, and now that Clinton has lost, there is no point to it. Republicans have made no secret that their Benghazi investigations, which taxpayers paid for, were politically motivated to slander Clinton and damage her candidacy.
Well, we'll see if Sessions agrees with Comey, won't we?

Of course he will. All the previous investigations were nothing more than an effort to discredit her for the election. The election is over. All that circus has already folded it's tent.

One of two things have to happen before a legal case is final, a jury verdict, or the statute of limitations expire. Neither have occurred in her case. Also the investigations into the foundation and pay to play are still ongoing. She's a long way from out of the woods at this point. Oh I almost forgot, the congressional referral for perjury is still pending.

The investigation into the Clinton Foundation for pay for play is a waste of time and taxpayers' money, and now that Clinton has lost, there is no point to it. Republicans have made no secret that their Benghazi investigations, which taxpayers paid for, were politically motivated to slander Clinton and damage her candidacy.

So you're willing to forgive corrupt crooks as long as their your crooks, got it. I guess we're not a nation of laws after all.

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