Trump Admits That He Didn't Know if the Vaccines Would Work

Not good enough. Trump always puts a little disclaimer on his shit, like "peacefully" when he sicced his horde onto the Capitol.
I do not see that to be a disclaimer. Trump at no point called for violence at the Capitol. In fact the violence came primarily at the hands of the cops. The same kind of cops that kill black guys.

Bidens cult voters are why we are involved in two wars, lost a war in Afghanistan and more than likely lose more of them, such as in Gaza.
So that is why Trump is president today? Trump was told by experts vaccines get approved in from 9 to 10 years, and not in months. Trump took action realizing some vaccine protection is better than no vaccine protection. I got the shots and thank Trump every time this comes up.

He is not POTUS today. I got the first 2, had no issues. Have not gotten any more

Trump Admits That He Didn't Know if the Vaccines Would Work​

No one knew if they would work. They weren’t fully tested. The mistake many made was to believe the so-called “experts”, who were fully vested in the political narrative instead of the scientific method.
He is not POTUS today. I got the first 2, had no issues. Have not gotten any more
I got my last CV19 shot around 30 days ago. My DO MD explained it would offer protection vs not getting the shot and risking being infected.
Knowing what you know now, would you get another if the MSM reports a COVID spike?

I am not sure, I am not even a fan of flu shots.

I have COPD, it is well under control but it and COVID do not play well. I got the first two on the advice of my wife, an RN, as she was working in the COVID unit dealing with those that were hit the hardest and she saw first hand what it could do to a person.

I would likely do it if my wife recommended it, I have a good amount of faith in her!
"We also put billions and billions of dollars, ten billion, to produce the vaccines before we knew they were going to work. It was called a calculated bet or a calcuated risk, we took a risk."

The man admits he didn't know if the vaccines, which his supporters now call the "clot shot" would work and he took a calculated risk on your health and the health of everyone else. Remember that his administration sold these vaccines as 100% safe and effective.

This is yet ANOTHER position this man has taken (the list has gotten really long) that runs counter to what his supporters claim to believe in. Will he get a pass on this too? Judging by the applause he received at the ACU, I'm guessing so.

I’m not a Trump supporter but it’s as obvious now as it was then, the vax is a fraud. He’s not too smart (obviously) to have ever thought Big Pharma could develop a safe and effective vaccine for a coronavirus.
You should follow the advice of your doctor.


I am not sure, I am not even a fan of flu shots.

I have COPD, it is well under control but it and COVID do not play well. I got the first two on the advice of my wife, an RN, as she was working in the COVID unit dealing with those that were hit the hardest and she saw first hand what it could do to a person.

I would likely do it if my wife recommended it, I have a good amount of faith in her!
I considered getting one when my brother had a bad case of COVID and was being heavily propagandized by healthcare footsoldiers, but am glad to say that neither of us fell for it. We are both currently healthy and haven’t had any problems from COVID since developing natural immunity.
I considered getting one when my brother had a bad case of COVID and was being heavily propagandized by healthcare footsoldiers, but am glad to say that neither of us fell for it. We are both currently healthy and haven’t had any problems from COVID since developing natural immunity.

You do you, I will stick with trusting the person I married who also happens to have actual first hand experience dealing with the worst hit COVID patients
I considered getting one when my brother had a bad case of COVID and was being heavily propagandized by healthcare footsoldiers, but am glad to say that neither of us fell for it. We are both currently healthy and haven’t had any problems from COVID since developing natural immunity.
Wow, look, it gave the Madcow an Adam's Apple!
No wait, she had that before Covid.....
You do you, I will stick with trusting the person I married who also happens to have actual first hand experience dealing with the worst hit COVID patients
We will never know the answer, but I can guarantee you that I’m happier about my decision to not get the jab than you are for having gotten it…. twice.
I sincerely hope you’re one of the people who does not get myocarditis or any other clotting problems.
We will never know the answer, but I can guarantee you that I’m happier about my decision to not get the jab than you are for having gotten it…. twice.

That is a stupid thing to say, why would I be "less happy" about my decision than you are yours?

I sincerely hope you’re one of the people who does not get myocarditis or any other clotting problems.

It has been more than years, I am really not worried and unlike you do not eat up all the anti-Vax propaganda.

Why did you leave out this quote?

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly," Trump told Bartiromo.

"It is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine and it is something that works," he said.


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