Trump admitted plot to "discredit" media - "so no one will believe them"


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it. Trump has proven that this tactic will work on weak minds.
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Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it.

that is the cry of defeat...all any of that proves is that the media has been rocked to its dishonest core by trump and they know people are catching on...does stahl have any proof this even happened [not that it would make a difference] or are we just expected to take her dishonest word for it?
Of course he did ;) He does this to all of his opponents and his base believes him no matter what. They're useful idiots as Stalin once said. lol

Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it. Trump has proven that this tactic will work on weak minds.


This just proves how irrelevant 60 minuets has become.. they have gone full tilt left wing moron...

Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it.

that is the cry of defeat...all any of that proves is that the media has been rocked to its dishonest core by trump and they know people are catching on...does stahl have any proof this even happened [not that it would make a difference] or are we just expected to take her dishonest word for it?

"Proof"? :rofl:

What, do you actually think every conversation everywhere is recorded?
The idiot trump is following the blueprint created by the Nazis. Not the white supremacists here in the U.S. today, but the original Nazis, Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, Martin Bormann, Joseph Goebbels, etc.

As he is unable, so far, to have his opponents imprisoned and/or executed, a strong program of propaganda to discredit them has been employed.

The decision to end net neutrality, to limit public access to reliable sources of information, in addition to his claims of fake news concerning actual facts being reported of his massive corruption, will soon be followed by the burning of books deemed threatening to the "state".

The fear he has for Robert Mueller is more than apparent, because he has so much to hide. Fortunately, through his own stupidity, that of his evil spawn the idiot trump jr., and now the big mouth of Rudy Giuliani, many admissions to criminal acts have been made.

The idiot trump's only hope is that of a Republican majority in the House after the 2018 mid-term elections. If that occurs, there is no amount of evidence Mueller can find to motivate the idiot trump's henchmen in the lower chamber to enact impeachment proceedings.

The level of corruption in the idiot trump's administration will skyrocket, as will his service to Vladimir Putin, the puppets' master.



Of course he did ;) He does this to all of his opponents and his base believes him no matter what. They're useful idiots as Stalin once said. lol

Yeah as the OP said it's not exactly new news. We (the responsible among us) have been screaming warnings from the rooftops about this dishonest troll-clown for three years and obedient Rumpbots are still in the fetal position going :lalala:

Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it. Trump has proven that this tactic will work on weak minds.

ROTFLMAO! I stopped trusting the lamestream media LOOOONG before President Trump ever came along....they are a fucking joke.
Of course he did ;) He does this to all of his opponents and his base believes him no matter what. They're useful idiots as Stalin once said. lol

Yeah as the OP said it's not exactly new news. We (the responsible among us) have been screaming warnings from the rooftops about this dishonest troll-clown for three years and obedient Rumpbots are still in the fetal position going :lalala:

What's really hilarious - they think they are genetically superior. We all get our news from "somewhere" - so where do they get their superior news?
Of course he did ;) He does this to all of his opponents and his base believes him no matter what. They're useful idiots as Stalin once said. lol

Actually, it was Lenin.

He felt liberals in America were easy to sucker with Marxist propaganda.

Essentially, he is right. Studies confirm, the more formal education you have, the more you tend to believe the fallacy of appeal to authority, w/o question. In the field a politics, economics and journalism, some authorities can, however, have agendas.

"The phrase "useful idiot" has often been attributed to Vladimir Lenin, although he is not documented as having ever used the phrase.[3] In a 1987 article for The New York Times, American journalist William Safire investigated the origin of the term, noting that a senior reference librarian at the Library of Congress had been unable to find the phrase in Lenin's works and concluding that absent new evidence, the term could not be attributed to Lenin.[3][4] Similarly, the Oxford English Dictionary in defining "useful idiot" says: "The phrase does not seem to reflect any expression used within the Soviet Union".[1]

In her book Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got it Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First, conservative author Mona Charen comments that "Lenin is widely credited with the prediction that liberals and other weak-minded souls in the West could be relied upon to be 'useful idiots' as far as the Soviet Union was concerned" and argues that although Lenin may never have used the phrase, it would have been consistent with his "cynical style".[5]"

Useful idiot - Wikipedia

Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media
Elites Push Government-funded "Public" Media

"The Pratt House Matrix and "Ruling Class Journalists"

Big Media has been the handmaiden to Big Government for decades. Now that the Internet and independent media are challenging the statist game plan, Big Media and Big Government are desperately seeking to formally legitimize their longstanding illicit affair. To longtime observers it is not in the least surprising that the key players in this perverse Big Government-Big Media-Big Foundation symbiosis seem to hale disproportionately from the membership roster of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Like the slime trail that leads to the slug, most of the major efforts to centralize, nationalize, and cartelize political and economic power over the past century can be traced back to the CFR and the matrix of corporations, foundations, think tanks, and universities its members dominate. So it is with the current push to have the federal government fund and control more and more of the media. Dr. Bollinger (of Columbia University and the Federal Reserve) is a CFR member. As are Alberto Ibarg?en, president and CEO of the Knight Foundation and Walter Isaacson, president and CEO of the Aspen Institute, key operatives leading the FOCAS campaign.

Listed as "FOCAS 2010 leaders and experts" are CFR members Marcus Brauchli (the Washington Post), Alberto Ibarg?en, (besides heading the Knight Foundation he is also chairman of both the World Wide Web Foundation and the Newseum in Washington, D.C.), Vivian Schiller (National Public Radio), Paul Steiger, (ProPublica), Ernest J. Wilson III (Annenberg School for Communication), Norman Ornstein (American Enterprise Institute), Charlie Firestone (Aspen Institute), Barbara Cochran and (University of Missouri School of Journalism).

It goes on and on. Another significant voice in the government-media merger choir is Geoffrey Cowan (CFR), co-author of the USC/Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism 2010 study, Public Policy and Funding the News. Cowan, who headed the Voice Of America under President Clinton, is director of the Center on Communication Leadership & Policy, dean emeritus of the USC Annenberg School and USC University Professor, and holds the Annenberg Family Chair in Communication Leadership.

The CFR's "Profile of the Membership" in its 2008 Annual Report lists 398 members as journalists, correspondents, and editors. That includes members such as:

Michael P. Hirsh (Newsweek)
Jim Hoagland (Washington Post)
Fareed Zakaria (Time, CNN)
Thomas Friedman (New York Times)
Erin Burnett (CNBC)
Ethan Bronner (New York Times)
Paula Zahn (Discovery cable channel)
Heather Nauert (Fox News)
Norman Podhoretz (Commentary magazine)
Tom Brokaw (NBC)
Lesley Stahl (CBS)
Andrea Michell (NBC)
Elaine Sciolino (New York Times)
Diane Sawyer (ABC)
Deroy Murdock (Scripps Howard News Service and National Review Online)
David Ignatius (Washington Post)
Alan S. Murray (Wall Street Journal)
Jim Lehrer (PBS)
Margaret Warner (PBS)

Judy Woodruff (PBS)
Christopher Dickey (Newsweek)
Mortimer Zuckerman (U.S. News & World Report)

The above list barely scratches the surface of the elite media folks tied to Pratt House, the New York headquarters of the Council, located at 58 East 68th Street in Manhattan. The nearly 400 "Journalists, Correspondents, and Editors" counted on the CFR rolls does not include the many additional CFR members who are the executive officers of major media corporations. They may or may not be publicly well known but they are the bosses of the more visible members of the Fourth Estate. These include CFR members such as:

Michael Bloomberg (Mayor of New York City, founder/owner Bloomberg L.P.)

Rupert Murdoch (chairman, CEO News Corporation)

Jeffrey Bewkes (Chairman, CEO of Time Warner, in which capacity he oversees Time, CNN, TNT, HBO, TBS, Warner Bros., etc.)

Christopher Isham (CBS News vice president), and Barry Diller (IAC/InterActiveCorp and Washington Post).

In addition to the above-mentioned individual members there are CFR Corporate Members, which are major financial supporters of the CFR and its programs and agenda. The media organizations that have become CFR Corporate Members include Time Warner, ABC Inc., Bloomberg, News Corporation, General Electric (NBC Universal), Google, Thomson Reuters, and the Washington Post."


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Lakhota... I sure do not like your sick left wing agenda.

Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it. Trump has proven that this tactic will work on weak minds.

No "plot" needed. The media did it to themselves with their false reporting and lying.
"Good ol' Two Scoops, attack the media and make the weak minds believe you. It's good my puppet takes lead from my Russian Mob playbook!"

Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it. Trump has proven that this tactic will work on weak minds.

The press makes people not believe them through their own actions. Trump's 2 cents only completes the dollar. the other 98 cents is on them.
Of course he did ;) He does this to all of his opponents and his base believes him no matter what. They're useful idiots as Stalin once said. lol

Yeah as the OP said it's not exactly new news. We (the responsible among us) have been screaming warnings from the rooftops about this dishonest troll-clown for three years and obedient Rumpbots are still in the fetal position going :lalala:

What's really hilarious - they think they are genetically superior. We all get our news from "somewhere" - so where do they get their superior news?

Twitter, mainly. And Fecesbook.

With supporting roles by Dimbart, Sean Inanity, Alex John Brinkley Jones, and Dr. Harold Bornstein, who I can unequivocally state is an astonishing letter-writer.
Of course he did ;) He does this to all of his opponents and his base believes him no matter what. They're useful idiots as Stalin once said. lol

Yeah as the OP said it's not exactly new news. We (the responsible among us) have been screaming warnings from the rooftops about this dishonest troll-clown for three years and obedient Rumpbots are still in the fetal position going :lalala:

What's really hilarious - they think they are genetically superior. We all get our news from "somewhere" - so where do they get their superior news?

When the WeakWhyte says "Genetically Superior", they only mean scraps and bits from mish-mosh Eurotrash stranglers."

What, do you actually think every conversation everywhere is recorded?
of course not, and if you are going to lie then definitely not, that way if you are going to go public with the lie you demand the lie be believed...journalists are liars on a daily basis, they are bias and believe themselves to be above the law, when they are challenged they lash out the way stahl does...there is nothing honest about the news anymore, what is going on with trump is the natural evolutionary process from that behavior...they consider trump to be the worst kind of animal, the kind that fights back...I imagine the entire liberal establishment feels that way.
What, do you actually think every conversation everywhere is recorded?
of course not, and if you are going to lie then definitely not, that way if you are going to go public with the lie you demand the lie be believed...journalists are liars on a daily basis, they are bias and believe themselves to be above the law, when they are challenged they lash out the way stahl does...there is nothing honest about the news anymore, what is going on with trump is the natural evolutionary process from that behavior...they consider trump to be the worst kind of animal, the kind that fights back...I imagine the entire liberal establishment feels that way.

This wasn't a "journalism" story. It was an anecdote.

For instance today I went out and bought some groceries. Do I have proof? No. Do I "need" proof? What the fuck for?

And by the way it ain't "lashing out" when somebody relates a conversation they had at a dinner you weren't invited to just because you choose to be butthurt about what the story was.

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