Trump admitted plot to "discredit" media - "so no one will believe them"

Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it. Trump has proven that this tactic will work on weak minds.

Of course, and his supporters love that they've been given a free pass to ignore everything they don't like.

Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it. Trump has proven that this tactic will work on weak minds.

Of course, and his supporters love that they've been given a free pass to ignore everything they don't like.

As they're already doing in this thread.

Rump sells a lot of different kinds of snake oil but they're all based on the same thing -- self-delusion.
This wasn't a "journalism" story. It was an anecdote.

For instance today I went out and bought some groceries. Do I have proof? No. Do I "need" proof? What the fuck for?

And by the way it ain't "lashing out" when somebody relates a conversation they had at a dinner you weren't invited to just because you choose to be butthurt about what the story was.
lol...good story
Trump reportedly keeps a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf beside his bed. Hitler also tried to discredit and destroy the free press.

Of course he did ;) He does this to all of his opponents and his base believes him no matter what. They're useful idiots as Stalin once said. lol

Yeah as the OP said it's not exactly new news. We (the responsible among us) have been screaming warnings from the rooftops about this dishonest troll-clown for three years and obedient Rumpbots are still in the fetal position going :lalala:

What's really hilarious - they think they are genetically superior. We all get our news from "somewhere" - so where do they get their superior news?

When the WeakWhyte says "Genetically Superior", they only mean scraps and bits from mish-mosh Eurotrash stranglers."


Of course he did ;) He does this to all of his opponents and his base believes him no matter what. They're useful idiots as Stalin once said. lol

Yeah as the OP said it's not exactly new news. We (the responsible among us) have been screaming warnings from the rooftops about this dishonest troll-clown for three years and obedient Rumpbots are still in the fetal position going :lalala:
There is no way to hammer into the skulls of conservatives the record of corruption of Republican administrations.

The source of political knowledge of conservatives under the age of fifty are the Republican rewrites of history, and the mythology GOP leaders have created over decades. For this reason alone this vast number of conservatives will swear Reagan was the savior of the U.S. and that Nixon was railroaded out of office and innocent of any wrongdoing, as were the White House Plumbers and Watergate Seven. They have no first hand knowledge.

That conservatives live in an "alternate reality" is nothing new, alternative facts, as they are called presently, have been the history of the Republicans for the past century, ever since conservatism hijacked the Party of Lincoln.

The politicians offered us by the Democrats are not much better than the crooks put forth by the Republicans. But every now and then, the Democrats throw average Americans a bone, and do something that helps the nation as a whole.

The Republicans have brainwashed their gullible base, convincing them the one percent are the ONLY Americans deserving prosperity. That low wages, poor and dangerous working conditions must be accepted by all employees, and socialism works ONLY when government programs benefit the super-rich and Big Business, exclusively.

One need simply read the frequency with which conservatives cite how prosperity is reserved ONLY for the very rich who rely on workers, but NOT for the workers themselves. At the same time, conservatives will boast of the success of "trickle down". Another weird and contradictory aspect of the alternate reality where conservatives dwell.

Conservatives' contempt for American workers is understandable, but should only relate to the low intelligence level and limited skills of conservative workers themselves. The conservatives' disdain for education and educated individuals is an admission conservatives alone should not expect a livable wage or respect from their employers. It must not be permitted encompass all American working people.

Workers with high skill levels, superior expertise, and/or post graduate degrees necessary for highly technical employment, must NOT be held back due the collective inferiority complex of conservative workers, caused by their own history of substandard productivity.


Trump admitted that he attacks journalists so “no one will believe” them.

Veteran CBS journalist Lesley Stahl told a story about President Donald Trump that likely surprised few of her media colleagues at the Deadline Club Awards Dinner in New York on Monday evening.

According to Stahl, Trump told her that he continually “discredits” and “demeans” the press for a very specific reason: to sow uncertainty about the media so that “no one will believe” negative stories about him.

The “60 Minutes” reporter recalled what happened when she and her boss met with the then president-elect at Trump Tower after he eked out a surprise win in late 2016. Trump eventually started bashing the press in front of them.

“I said, ‘You know, that is getting tired. Why are you doing this? You’re doing it over and over. It’s boring and it’s time to end that,’” Stahl recounted in a talk with Judy Woodruff of “PBS Newshour” at the Deadline Club event, which honors excellence in journalism.

“And he said, ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me, no one will believe you,’” she continued.

More: '60 Minutes' Reporter Reveals Trump's Chilling Reason For Slamming The Press

I already knew that - but it's nice to hear it from a prominent journalist that Trump actually said it. Trump has proven that this tactic will work on weak minds.

saving this one for future reference, thank you.

love your new sig by the way :laugh:

Where do Trump supporters get their "credible" news? They're usually bashful about answering that question.
You know what else Hitler did before he committed genocide?

He seized guns from a population that had the right to bear arms. . . .

I will never understand how posters on this forum can be so logically inconsistent.

Trump never needed to discredit the media. They consistently prove that "fake news" is what they spew.

Just last week, they lied about what Trump said about "immigrants" when he was clearly talking about MS 13.


Busted again.
Trump is scared. He knows he's an illegitimate president. That's why he's in a panic about trying to discredit the free press and Mueller before that is proven to everyone - including his moron supporters.
Where do Trump supporters get their "credible" news? They're usually bashful about answering that question.

I'm not a "Trump" supporter, but my number one rule is not to depend on just one source, and number two, not to trust anything coming out of the Anglo-American establishment unless I can figure out their motive.

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