Trump adviser Peter Navarro refuses to say if the Biden probe came up during China trade talks

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Joe and Hunter Biden Scandal
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Joe and Hunter Biden Scandal - Gingrich 360

"Tuesday, when Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared, “no one is above the law,” her target was President Donald Trump – but she did far more damage to former Vice President Joe Biden.

Democrats are very excited by a few words in a phone call between the President of the United States and the new, reform-oriented anti-corruption President of Ukraine. Those words asked to open the investigation and to get at the truth.

Most Americans will ignore an attack on investigating corruption as just politics.

However, when Americans learn how deeply involved Hunter Biden was in China and Ukraine while his father was vice president, they will see a scandal involving a lot of money which is easy to understand and easy to condemn."

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