Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

Insults work when they're startlingly accurate.
Insults - with no accompanying factual / substantiated information - are a sign of a lack of intelligence and / or a lack of further 'ammo' in an intellectual 'battle' - a virtual 'white flag'.
LOL then you are blind On another note Trump calls the American congresswomen Omar anti semitic ?? In NC ??? Yes we know how folks in NC love blacks love jews love gays they want her to go back?? Are you fucking kidding me you racist POS?/

So you are still attempting to push your Socialist Democrat Masters' false narrative that anyone who says anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, Trump-Hating, Brother-Marrying, America-hating Americans (or non-Americans) should GTFO is a 'racist'....especially if they live in [Fill In The Name Of Any State Whose Citizens Say This]?!


Don't blame me for you not knowing what America stands for. Your support of this racist fear mongering POS in our WH makes me sick America weeps
I guess he is just not a very smart person and is too stupid to know that Cinci and Brooklyn are in American.
One can only marvel at his unrivaled ability to get hysterical lefties not only to step in shit but to wallow in it.

Stupid traitors ... every one of 'em.

He is good at getting people to join him in the shit pool, that is for sure.
HAAA HAAAA! YOU jump in every fucking day asshole!! HAAAA HAAAAAA!
too funny. Three+ decades of namecalling, badmouthing, hate-filled ignorance from the left, and now look at you cry like little bitches when its thrown back in your face.

View attachment 269906

(adding to my last post).....then again, 'getting a dose of one's own medicine' can be funny as hell, too.
You have a link to where a Dem crowd said to trump or any other of your scum send him back ?? Or throw him in jail and having a DEM president egging them on Face the gd truth Trump is a scumbag and he's yours
Insults work when they're startlingly accurate.
Insults - with no accompanying factual / substantiated information - are a sign of a lack of intelligence and / or a lack of further 'ammo' in an intellectual 'battle' - a virtual 'white flag'.

Wow. King of insults troll boy speaks. Thank you for your useless opinion on the matter. Spoken like a true deplorable. Good dog.
Trumps basis for his comments wasn't about Omar's or the other 3 national origin but their anti-American rhetoric and their ant-Semitism

Bullshit, if thats not the basis then he wouldn't be talking about how they should go back to their country.

And what fucking anti-American rhetoric?? There was no anti-American rhetoric except in our deplorable president's comments about how American citizens (and duly elected members of Congress) ought to go back to their countries of origin.
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Don't blame me for you not knowing what America stands for.

You are called out for attempting to push your Socialist Democrat Masters' false narrative that anyone who says anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, Trump-Hating, Brother-Marrying, America-hating Americans (or non-Americans) should GTFO is a 'racist' ... and then YOU try to accuse ANYONE of not knowing what 'America stands for'?!


Snowflake, no matter what your Socialist Democrat masters try to tell you, 'making fun of Democrat Politicians' and telling proven racist, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic, America-haters 'it is their right and that they should GTFO of the country if they hate it so much' is NOT a crime and it is NOT 'racist'...nor should it be. They are also NOT 'high crimes and misdemeanors', as the Socialist Democrats want so badly for them to be.

Those things are Americans exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech, whish IS one of the things America stands for and is about, lil' snowflake.

If you do not understand this then perhaps you should see someone about getting 'de-programmed'. .

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.
Republicans are officially Anti-Americans party.
Republicans are kneeling?
burning flags?
Wow. King of insults troll boy speaks. Thank you for your useless opinion on the matter. Spoken like a true deplorable. Good dog.

Again, Insults - with no accompanying factual / substantiated information - are a sign of a lack of intelligence and / or a lack of further 'ammo' in an intellectual 'battle' - a virtual 'white flag'.

Thank you so much for volunteering to demonstrate my point.
Don't blame me for you not knowing what America stands for.

You are called out for attempting to push your Socialist Democrat Masters' false narrative that anyone who says anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, Trump-Hating, Brother-Marrying, America-hating Americans (or non-Americans) should GTFO is a 'racist' ... and then YOU try to accuse ANYONE of not knowing what 'America stands for'?!


Snowflake, no matter what your Socialist Democrat masters try to tell you, 'making fun of Democrat Politicians' and telling proven racist, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic, America-haters 'it is their right and that they should GTFO of the country if they hate it so much' is NOT a crime and it is NOT 'racist'...nor should it be. They are also NOT 'high crimes and misdemeanors', as the Socialist Democrats want so badly for them to be.

Those things are Americans exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech, whish IS one of the things America stands for and is about, lil' snowflake.

If you do not understand this then perhaps you should see someone about getting 'de-programmed'. .
it's almost like they have no idea what protesting is.
Don't blame me for you not knowing what America stands for.

You are called out for attempting to push your Socialist Democrat Masters' false narrative that anyone who says anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, Trump-Hating, Brother-Marrying, America-hating Americans (or non-Americans) should GTFO is a 'racist' ... and then YOU try to accuse ANYONE of not knowing what 'America stands for'?!


Snowflake, no matter what your Socialist Democrat masters try to tell you, 'making fun of Democrat Politicians' and telling proven racist, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic, America-haters 'it is their right and that they should GTFO of the country if they hate it so much' is NOT a crime and it is NOT 'racist'...nor should it be. They are also NOT 'high crimes and misdemeanors', as the Socialist Democrats want so badly for them to be.

Those things are Americans exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech, whish IS one of the things America stands for and is about, lil' snowflake.

If you do not understand this then perhaps you should see someone about getting 'de-programmed'. .
Anti Semitic????????? President speaks to his base in NC We know how NC people love Jews gays blacks lol
Democrats are officially the anti-American party.
Republicans are officially Anti-Americans party.
Republicans are kneeling?

they are bending over & grabbing their ankles for donny.
You sound jealous ha

you sound desperate. haaaaaaaaaaa.....................
it's called reasonable. DTS mate.
Don't blame me for you not knowing what America stands for.

You are called out for attempting to push your Socialist Democrat Masters' false narrative that anyone who says anti-Semitic, terrorist supporting, Trump-Hating, Brother-Marrying, America-hating Americans (or non-Americans) should GTFO is a 'racist' ... and then YOU try to accuse ANYONE of not knowing what 'America stands for'?!


Snowflake, no matter what your Socialist Democrat masters try to tell you, 'making fun of Democrat Politicians' and telling proven racist, terrorist-supporting, anti-Semitic, America-haters 'it is their right and that they should GTFO of the country if they hate it so much' is NOT a crime and it is NOT 'racist'...nor should it be. They are also NOT 'high crimes and misdemeanors', as the Socialist Democrats want so badly for them to be.

Those things are Americans exercising their Constitutional Right of Free Speech, whish IS one of the things America stands for and is about, lil' snowflake.

If you do not understand this then perhaps you should see someone about getting 'de-programmed'. .
Anti Semitic????????? President speaks to his base in NC We know how NC people love Jews gays blacks lol
you do? are you a kkk member?
Wow. King of insults troll boy speaks. Thank you for your useless opinion on the matter. Spoken like a true deplorable. Good dog.

Again, Insults - with no accompanying factual / substantiated information - are a sign of a lack of intelligence and / or a lack of further 'ammo' in an intellectual 'battle' - a virtual 'white flag'.

Thank you so much for volunteering to demonstrate my point.

Any time! I'm here for you. :04:
you sound desperate. haaaaaaaaaaa.....................
Trump 2020


Projecting? Lol

<pfffft> projection is an artform that donny has mastered & you are his grasshoppa.
fat donnie certainly is.
We know how NC people love Jews gays blacks lol

Speaking of ignorant and racist.....

Please, Ed, tell us how YOU know North Carolinians hate Jews, gays, and black people....and do provided evidence to substantiate your racist generalization of everyone in NC...

(I see your Socialist Democrat Masters did a really great job indoctrinating you with 'hate' and false narratives...)
fat donnie certainly is.

Since President Trump's approval rating climbed to 72% in the last 3 days, after anti-Semitic Dems - who called their own Speaker a 'racist' - led the Democratic Party into condemning the President for 'racist' remarks, despite their admission he never called anyone by name and did not mention color, it looks like the majority of Americans agree with him --

If you hate this country so much you can and probably should GTFO.

(How does Trump's 72% job approval rating look from all the way down at the Dems' / Congress' 18% approval rating? Bwuhahahahaha....)
I guess he is just not a very smart person and is too stupid to know that Cinci and Brooklyn are in American.
One can only marvel at his unrivaled ability to get hysterical lefties not only to step in shit but to wallow in it.

Stupid traitors ... every one of 'em.

He is good at getting people to join him in the shit pool, that is for sure.
HAAA HAAAA! YOU jump in every fucking day asshole!! HAAAA HAAAAAA!


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