Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

IF you can't speak out against this racist trump you hate America
Please post the President's EXACT quote - and the link to back it up - where he specifically mentions by name any of the 4 Democrats or mentions color when he said America-haters can / should GTFO of the US.

Let me save you some time and trouble - HE NEVER DID!

Being the low-IQ, indoctrinated, sore-loser, reality-denying, TDS-suffering, Trump-hating, emotionally-manipulated snowflake SHEEP that you are, you just gobbled up the false narrative fed to you by your Socialist Democrat masters and have simply repeated it over and over ever since.

Trump made it very clear who he was talking about. He didn't have to mention them by name.

You are the one who suffers from TDS. It causes you to say stupid things. You are the low IQ puppet who parrots everything Trump says. If Trump said nothing, you would be in big trouble.
Trump made it very clear who he was talking about. He didn't have to mention them by name.
That's your OPINION, & that's called 'admitting the President NEVER called anyone by name or mentioned color', that the Squad LIED, and you Trump-haters support LIARS!
Trump made it very clear who he was talking about. He didn't have to mention them by name.
That's your OPINION, & that's called 'admitting the President NEVER called anyone by name or mentioned color', that the Squad LIED, and you Trump-haters support LIARS!
And your moron says he tried to stop the send her back people by speaking ?? Yeah after 13 seconds The man reveled in listening to the racist bigots........You really want a bigot in our WH ?? Bet you do
Trump made it very clear who he was talking about. He didn't have to mention them by name.
That's your OPINION, & that's called 'admitting the President NEVER called anyone by name or mentioned color', that the Squad LIED, and you Trump-haters support LIARS!
And your moron says he tried to stop the send her back people by speaking ?? Yeah after 13 seconds The man reveled in listening to the racist bigots........You really want a bigot in our WH ?? Bet you do
You mean he couldn't silence an entire stadium / arena for 201r whole seconds, Ed?!

Oh you poor sensitive snowflake

Trump made it very clear who he was talking about. He didn't have to mention them by name.
That's your OPINION, & that's called 'admitting the President NEVER called anyone by name or mentioned color', that the Squad LIED, and you Trump-haters support LIARS!
And your moron says he tried to stop the send her back people by speaking ?? Yeah after 13 seconds The man reveled in listening to the racist bigots........You really want a bigot in our WH ?? Bet you do
You mean he couldn't silence an entire stadium / arena for 201r whole seconds, Ed?!

Oh you poor sensitive snowflake

Bwaaa yourself McCain put up his hand when one of your ah's bashed Obama and said he was a good man Trump is a lowlife bigot and he's followed by the same
Trump made it very clear who he was talking about. He didn't have to mention them by name.
That's your OPINION, & that's called 'admitting the President NEVER called anyone by name or mentioned color', that the Squad LIED, and you Trump-haters support LIARS!
And your moron says he tried to stop the send her back people by speaking ?? Yeah after 13 seconds The man reveled in listening to the racist bigots........You really want a bigot in our WH ?? Bet you do
You mean he couldn't silence an entire stadium / arena for 201r whole seconds, Ed?!

Oh you poor sensitive snowflake

Bwaaa yourself McCain put up his hand when one of your ah's bashed Obama and said he was a good man Trump is a lowlife bigot and he's followed by the same
What's funny easy? Trump is a lowlife swine and you follow him like a puppy dog Shame on you
What's funny easy?
YOU are, Snowflake.

You have just been caught lying, hiding behind a dead Relublican, and schooled. You have been proven to be ignoranfly repeating lies told by racist, anti-Semitic, terrorist-supporting, lying, Far Left Extremists who called their own party Leader / Speaker a 'racist'.

Your side is still the side that is "bad mouthing" huge segments of America, while TRUMP is singling out assholes.

That is the point. That your point was completely wrong.

Trump is the asshole. Your side is the unpatriotic side because you think you define patriotism.

The dictionary defines Patriotism. It is love of Country.

When we see someone that obviously HATES America, it is ok to point that out.

My point stands, btw.

Trump attacks individual people, based on their behavior and character.

YOUR side is the one that is attacking large groups.
IF you can't speak out against this racist trump you hate America

I've seen no evidence TRump is racist. I see plenty that you libs are fucking assholes.
LOL then you are blind On another note Trump calls the American congresswomen Omar anti semitic ?? In NC ???
Yes we know how folks in NC love blacks love jews love gays they want her to go back?? Are you fucking kidding me you racist POS?/

So, to support your claim that Trump is "racist", you call the people of North Carolina "racist"?

My point here is, that you actually thought that that made sense as a supporting argument.

From the perspective of someone outside of your bubble, ALL of your side's claims of racism, look like that.

You make crazy assumptions and then use those crazy assumptions to support further "arguments" when you then use to support more crazy assumptions down the line, and on and on and on.

God bless Trump for not backing down to the yapping hyenas on the Left. He DOUBLSE down! That's why American loves him and will reelect him.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America
Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.

"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."

He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!
" . . . . . (SNIP)

When Trump attacked John McCain, he was attacking JOHN MCCAIN.

It is your leaders that lumped large portions of the nation into a "basket" and attack them.

when trump bad mouths everyone mccain.....he is attacking America.

he attacks ALL Americans who are NOT his base!

conservatives are the most UNAmerican slime in the country.

It is your leaders that lumped large portions of the nation into a "basket" and attack them.

when trump bad mouths everyone mccain.....he is attacking America.
What's worse...that H. Clinton said that? Or that she was right?

That you are a fucktard.
you brain dead ignorant liberals fall right into Trumps trap
here you are defending an anti Semite American hating socialist that has the approval rating of 9%

Hey Dupe, they don’t hate America or jews, that’s just some bullshit Trump spews.

You ought to know to fact check that asshole.
are you fucking serious are you going to make me waste my time and list all the anti Semite anti American crap spewed by these four comunist radicals

because it would be a waste of time because no matter the proof no matter the facts you would deny deny deny

Disagreeing with Israeli policy does not make you a anti-Semite. Criticizing the US does not make you anti-American. You are anti-America.
and critizeing someone that happens to be a a minority doesn't make you a racist which you think it does

You are the fucking joke. You are the one who is anti-America. Americans overwhelmingly believe that holding America accountable is patriotic. You wouldn't recognize facts if they hit you in the face. Defend Trump at all costs.

Telling a minority to go back to where they came has nothing to do with policy discussions. That specific phrase when made to a minority can get you in big trouble with the EEOC. They mention that phrase by name. That is racist.
calling ICE detention centers Nazi concertation camp isnt holding anyone accountable its spewing outright hate hate that incited violence against one detention center
saying Politian's that support Israel because its all about the Benjamin's is spewing Anti Semitic hate
Saying the soldiers that died in Somalia murders is spewing hate for our military and those that died defending this country and others

your ignorance keeps you from understand the difference in criticizing polices and spewing venomous hate
Nope. He's singling out assholes.
He's not calling half of America deplorables

1/2 of america didn't vote for him. & get the quote right, lenny.... 1/2 of trump's basket that voted for him are deplorable. the other 1/2 got duped. if they still support him, then they are to be CONsidered to be deplorable now as well.

Your side is still the side that is "bad mouthing" huge segments of America, while TRUMP is singling out assholes.

That is the point. That your point was completely wrong.

nope... just the die hard basketdwelling, steak tartare eating, torch bearing, poorly educated trumpanzees that donny loves to manipulate.

Stripped of your asshole spin, you just agreed with me.

Are you that dishonest that you are lying about it, or so stupid that you really don't realize it?

Also, fuck you.

& y'all are a bunch of MAGA buttercuppy snowflakes.


I note you did not deny it, that you just admitted that I was right. You fucktard.
Trump is the asshole. Your side is the unpatriotic side because you think you define patriotism.

The dictionary defines Patriotism. It is love of Country.

When we see someone that obviously HATES America, it is ok to point that out.

My point stands, btw.

Trump attacks individual people, based on their behavior and character.

YOUR side is the one that is attacking large groups.
IF you can't speak out against this racist trump you hate America

I've seen no evidence TRump is racist. I see plenty that you libs are fucking assholes.
LOL then you are blind On another note Trump calls the American congresswomen Omar anti semitic ?? In NC ???
Yes we know how folks in NC love blacks love jews love gays they want her to go back?? Are you fucking kidding me you racist POS?/

So, to support your claim that Trump is "racist", you call the people of North Carolina "racist"?

My point here is, that you actually thought that that made sense as a supporting argument.

From the perspective of someone outside of your bubble, ALL of your side's claims of racism, look like that.

You make crazy assumptions and then use those crazy assumptions to support further "arguments" when you then use to support more crazy assumptions down the line, and on and on and on.
Did I hear a frenzy mad crowd supporting trump scream lock her up ,,,,and send her home?? You support a racist bigot That makes you one too
What's funny easy?
YOU are, Snowflake.

You have just been caught lying, hiding behind a dead Relublican, and schooled. You have been proven to be ignoranfly repeating lies told by racist, anti-Semitic, terrorist-supporting, lying, Far Left Extremists who called their own party Leader / Speaker a 'racist'.

And you support the highest office in our land that just happens to be a bigot and racist , a bully, lying. degenerate But that's what you deserve
Nope. He's singling out assholes.
He's not calling half of America deplorables

1/2 of america didn't vote for him. & get the quote right, lenny.... 1/2 of trump's basket that voted for him are deplorable. the other 1/2 got duped. if they still support him, then they are to be CONsidered to be deplorable now as well.

Your side is still the side that is "bad mouthing" huge segments of America, while TRUMP is singling out assholes.

That is the point. That your point was completely wrong.

Trump is the asshole. Your side is the unpatriotic side because you think you define patriotism.

The dictionary defines Patriotism. It is love of Country.

When we see someone that obviously HATES America, it is ok to point that out.

My point stands, btw.

Trump attacks individual people, based on their behavior and character.

YOUR side is the one that is attacking large groups.

trump has attacked 'democrats' as a whole... calling them his enemy.

lol... 'hates america'....


I bet he didn't. LInk please.
Nope. He's singling out assholes.
He's not calling half of America deplorables

1/2 of america didn't vote for him. & get the quote right, lenny.... 1/2 of trump's basket that voted for him are deplorable. the other 1/2 got duped. if they still support him, then they are to be CONsidered to be deplorable now as well.

Your side is still the side that is "bad mouthing" huge segments of America, while TRUMP is singling out assholes.

That is the point. That your point was completely wrong.

Trump is the asshole. Your side is the unpatriotic side because you think you define patriotism.

The dictionary defines Patriotism. It is love of Country.

When we see someone that obviously HATES America, it is ok to point that out.

My point stands, btw.

Trump attacks individual people, based on their behavior and character.

YOUR side is the one that is attacking large groups.
Face it Correll Trump knows he's not bringing more voters into his fold He's just trying to build disunity among Dems

I have no really considered this from a political tactical POV.

But I can certainly imagine the every shrinking BLue Dog Dems, seeing their party rally around people like AOC and coming to our "fold".
The dictionary defines Patriotism. It is love of Country.

When we see someone that obviously HATES America, it is ok to point that out.

My point stands, btw.

Trump attacks individual people, based on their behavior and character.

YOUR side is the one that is attacking large groups.
IF you can't speak out against this racist trump you hate America

I've seen no evidence TRump is racist. I see plenty that you libs are fucking assholes.
LOL then you are blind On another note Trump calls the American congresswomen Omar anti semitic ?? In NC ???
Yes we know how folks in NC love blacks love jews love gays they want her to go back?? Are you fucking kidding me you racist POS?/

So, to support your claim that Trump is "racist", you call the people of North Carolina "racist"?

My point here is, that you actually thought that that made sense as a supporting argument.

From the perspective of someone outside of your bubble, ALL of your side's claims of racism, look like that.

You make crazy assumptions and then use those crazy assumptions to support further "arguments" when you then use to support more crazy assumptions down the line, and on and on and on.
Did I hear a frenzy mad crowd supporting trump scream lock her up ,,,,and send her home?? You support a racist bigot That makes you one too

Your failure to address what i said, despite hitting the "Reply" button is noted.

YOu are nothing but a race baiting asshole. You lose. FUck you.
1/2 of america didn't vote for him. & get the quote right, lenny.... 1/2 of trump's basket that voted for him are deplorable. the other 1/2 got duped. if they still support him, then they are to be CONsidered to be deplorable now as well.

Your side is still the side that is "bad mouthing" huge segments of America, while TRUMP is singling out assholes.

That is the point. That your point was completely wrong.

nope... just the die hard basketdwelling, steak tartare eating, torch bearing, poorly educated trumpanzees that donny loves to manipulate.

Stripped of your asshole spin, you just agreed with me.

Are you that dishonest that you are lying about it, or so stupid that you really don't realize it?

Also, fuck you.

& y'all are a bunch of MAGA buttercuppy snowflakes.


I note you did not deny it, that you just admitted that I was right. You fucktard.

lol... i calls 'em like i sees 'em. truth hurts don't it.
Hey Dupe, they don’t hate America or jews, that’s just some bullshit Trump spews.

You ought to know to fact check that asshole.
are you fucking serious are you going to make me waste my time and list all the anti Semite anti American crap spewed by these four comunist radicals

because it would be a waste of time because no matter the proof no matter the facts you would deny deny deny

Disagreeing with Israeli policy does not make you a anti-Semite. Criticizing the US does not make you anti-American. You are anti-America.
and critizeing someone that happens to be a a minority doesn't make you a racist which you think it does

You are the fucking joke. You are the one who is anti-America. Americans overwhelmingly believe that holding America accountable is patriotic. You wouldn't recognize facts if they hit you in the face. Defend Trump at all costs.

Telling a minority to go back to where they came has nothing to do with policy discussions. That specific phrase when made to a minority can get you in big trouble with the EEOC. They mention that phrase by name. That is racist.
calling ICE detention centers Nazi concertation

Cool story bro, but she never called it Nazi concentration camp.
Your side is still the side that is "bad mouthing" huge segments of America, while TRUMP is singling out assholes.

That is the point. That your point was completely wrong.

nope... just the die hard basketdwelling, steak tartare eating, torch bearing, poorly educated trumpanzees that donny loves to manipulate.

Stripped of your asshole spin, you just agreed with me.

Are you that dishonest that you are lying about it, or so stupid that you really don't realize it?

Also, fuck you.

& y'all are a bunch of MAGA buttercuppy snowflakes.


I note you did not deny it, that you just admitted that I was right. You fucktard.

lol... i calls 'em like i sees 'em. truth hurts don't it.

The truth is that you admitted I was right.

Your side is the one that smears and marginalizes large groups of Americans and set them against each other,

while Trump is singling out individual players, based on their individual actions.

Your side are the divisive assholes, not Trump.

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