Trump Ain't Going Anywhere....

Let's say Herr Mueller decides to indict him for obstruction or perjury....good luck getting past his SS detail to arrest him. And remember, we own the FBI and DOJ now.:icon_sjung:

Your vermin would have to impeach a sitting President before he can face a criminal charge. That takes 67 votes in the Senate and you don't even have 50. So it ends right there. But let's say he did get impeached but before the Senate votes, he pardons himself.....or Pence does it'll never put #45 away. So this whole exercise can't be aimed at the 2018 midterms since you've already lost those, and by 2020 he'll have another 4 years of immunity. By then Pelosi's botoxication will have her calling him "Eisenhower" instead of "Bush", Chuck U. Schumer will have been hacked to death by Dreamers with machetes, and Adam Schiff will be found incoherent in a highway restroom pulling up his knickers and babbling about "collusion". In other words, Trump ain't going anywhere other than being carved into Mt.Rushmore. :twirl:

...Tom Horn hate to burst the fantasy session but this has ACTUALLY already happened before...ever hear of Nixon?

Republicans are going to impeach Trump faster than you can say "they probably like Pence more anyway"
The Democrat Party Colluded with The KGB and Putin to Nullify an Election.

Hey dumbass, a couple of things:

1. Impeachment and removal of Trump DOES NOT nullify election, it makes Pence the president.

2. There was a interception of Putin's direct order to sabotage Hillary's campaign, who was public enemy #1 in Russia since enactment of economically crippling sanctions against them. Also intercepted is high level celebrations when Trump won, although it was also VERY public.


3. KGB was disbanded in 1991 after a failed coup against Gorbachev.

When are you going to quit your loony toons fantasies and begin to connect with reality? First step is always to begin to recognize a problem, which in your case should very easy given how you are WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG AND WRONG AGAIN
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...Tom Horn hate to burst the fantasy session but this has ACTUALLY already happened before...ever hear of Nixon?

Republicans are going to impeach Trump faster than you can say "they probably like Pence more anyway"

Nixon actually committed obstruction, dumbass....Trump has not. We've all seen how WaPo got Nixon but watched quietly while Clinton and then Obama violated their oath of office time and again and came out AGAINST the Nunes/Gowdy memo. They and NYTimes are little more than the old Soviet Izvestiya party rag and suckers like you believe every lie they tell.
There was a interception of Putin's direct order to sabotage Hillary's campaign, who was public enemy #1 in Russia since enactment of economically crippling sanctions against them. Also intercepted is high level celebrations when Trump won, although it was also VERY public.

...Tom Horn hate to burst the fantasy session but this has ACTUALLY already happened before...ever hear of Nixon?

Republicans are going to impeach Trump faster than you can say "they probably like Pence more anyway"

Nixon actually committed obstruction, dumbass....Trump has not.

That's just an assertion you pulled out of your politico ass.

In his first SOTU Nixon, to the loud applause from tools like you, was claiming no wrong doing and calling for an end to the investigation.

I'll take Mueller's investigation conclusions on what really happened.
There was a interception of Putin's direct order to sabotage Hillary's campaign, who was public enemy #1 in Russia since enactment of economically crippling sanctions against them. Also intercepted is high level celebrations when Trump won, although it was also VERY public.


Vladimir Putin gave direct instructions to help elect Trump, report says

U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win

Though I don't know why I bother with your fetch requests, you'll just throw up nutter denials.

CBS quoting the Washington Post....seriously? :badgrin:

Like I said waste of time to even entertain your bullshit. No one is home.

Anyone familiar with Russia and it's politics knows that the regime and people (glued to Putin vision that was pumping anti-Clinton propaganda daily during election) there HATE Clinton and celebrated Trump victory.

Suggestion that Kremlin somehow tried to HELP Clinton is insane lunacy of the first degree.
Let's say Herr Mueller decides to indict him for obstruction or perjury....good luck getting past his SS detail to arrest him. And remember, we own the FBI and DOJ now.:icon_sjung:

Your vermin would have to impeach a sitting President before he can face a criminal charge. That takes 67 votes in the Senate and you don't even have 50. So it ends right there. But let's say he did get impeached but before the Senate votes, he pardons himself.....or Pence does it'll never put #45 away. So this whole exercise can't be aimed at the 2018 midterms since you've already lost those, and by 2020 he'll have another 4 years of immunity. By then Pelosi's botoxication will have her calling him "Eisenhower" instead of "Bush", Chuck U. Schumer will have been hacked to death by Dreamers with machetes, and Adam Schiff will be found incoherent in a highway restroom pulling up his knickers and babbling about "collusion". In other words, Trump ain't going anywhere other than being carved into Mt.Rushmore. :twirl:
I was afraid Nancy would swallow her teeth during the SOTU address.
She'll be shitting herself in the 'sun room' in a few months.
In his first SOTU Nixon, to the loud applause from tools like you, was claiming no wrong doing and calling for an end to the investigation.

Wrong again dumbass.....when Nixon gave his first SOTU I was just back from Vietnam, getting shrapnel dug out of my neck and knee and laughing about Tricky Dick's "secret plan" to end that war. You should write a book about what you don't know instead of wasting our time here,.
In his first SOTU Nixon, to the loud applause from tools like you, was claiming no wrong doing and calling for an end to the investigation.

Wrong again dumbass.....when Nixon gave his first SOTU I was just back from Vietnam, getting shrapnel dug out of my neck and knee and laughing about Tricky Dick's "secret plan" to end that war. You should write a book about what you don't know instead of wasting our time here,.

I was wrong on which SOTU it was, but correct about partisans like you applauding Nixon's demands that investigation should end.

Nixon in 1974 SOTU: Watergate probe should end - CNN Video

TODAY, Nixon's obstructions seem obviously true, but to Nixonians back in the day it was as obviously NOT TRUE as Tump's obstruction to Trumpsters today.

There is no reasonable, impartial person today that would say with any certainty that Trump didn't obstruct justice, especially considering he very publicly admitted that Comey's firing had to do with Russian interference investigation.
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