Trump Allegedly Urged Comey To Consider Jailing Journalists

Actually, that was the quote of your cyber pal

Nope that was a Dale original.


Dream on asshole.

Once gain, your ass gets kicked......I would think you would be use to this by now......(snicker)

"You Dream on Assholes" is purely a Dale Smith original statement. Just look:

You dream on assholes

The VOR, post: 17273123, member: 29807"]Dream on asshole.[/QUOTE]
If this is true then Trump is on the same level as Putin and Erdogan of Turkey. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is at grave risk...

This man needs to be removed.

Not the one from the Huffington Post.
Huffington Post is not the source, dummy.
LOL......anyone they would use as a source is better? LMAO.....good one.
You just got bitch-slapped. Now tuck your tail between your legs and slink away snowflake.

VOR, learn the magical and wondrous advantages of what a "comma" does for a totally changes the meaning of a sentence.

Allow me to give you an example.......

#1 "Let's eat mom", what this sentence implies is that cannibalism is at play here.....
#2 "Let's eat, mom" what that implies is that mom is being invited to dine with her sons and/or daughters......

See how that changes the complexion of a sentence? No need to ":thank" me because I am a "giver"'s what I do.

Lol. Fuckin' Dale.

Crappy PhotoShop job.

Leave it to a LibProg to make fun of mentally challenged folk.

Brown-skinned ones, no less.
If this is true then Trump is on the same level as Putin and Erdogan of Turkey. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is at grave risk...

This man needs to be removed.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! "Freedom Of Speech"...."Freedom Of The Press" is at grave risk when you have the lamestream media lying their asses off while alternative media is being censored and attacked....that's "free speech" and "free media" to you?????? Your ilk are only for the type of "speech" that you want are only for the type of media that spews the same type of pablum that fits your commie agenda.........opposing opinions, data and facts are not welcome in your little commie world, Mattie.....
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Back to the topic you fucking morons...

I didn't know it was illegal to print leaked information according to the link. So Trump is not doing anything wrong

If this is true then Trump is on the same level as Putin and Erdogan of Turkey. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is at grave risk...

This man needs to be removed.

Read the link, it's illegal to print leaked information.

If this is true then Trump is on the same level as Putin and Erdogan of Turkey. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press is at grave risk...

This man needs to be removed.

Now, all you need is a majority in the Senate and the House.

Something which you pissed away in November 2016 by standing alongside an invasion force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than your own countrymen.

Something which you pissed away in November 2016 by making it possible for a self-identifying AquaLung to go into the bathroom to eye little girls with bad intent.

Something which you pissed away in November 2016 by throwing American Labor under the bus by trying to shove TPP down our throats.

Something which you pissed away in November 2016 by throwing one of your own (Bernie Sanders) under the bus in the Primaries.

Something which you pissed away in November 2016 by leaning too heavily upon Blacks and Hispanics and deluding yourselves you didn't need White America.

Something which you pissed away in November 2016 by labeling your opponents as Baskets of Deplorables.

Something which you pissed away in November 2016 by fielding a terrible, arrogant, ruling-elites, corrupt candidate who was already a One-Time Loser.

You $hitheads never learn, do you?

Wake us up when you've got that majority in the House and the Senate, and then we can talk about how you're gonna drive Drumpf from office.

Trump could walk into a hospital full of babies and burn the place down and you wouldn't be pissed off. You don't care about our laws or our country...
We should all be thankful for the mainstream media. Otherwise, we wouldn't know jack shit about Trump's shenanigans.

Trump Allegedly Urged Comey To Consider Jailing Journalists

Trump has done everything he can do to silence the media in this country--but he's such a dumbass. No President was ever dumb enough to make enemies out of the 2 most powerful agencies in this country--the media and Intelligence agencies--and the blowback is here and we're watching it everyday.

The more he calls them "fake" news--the more they're going to write and report. The more he insults the intelligence coming out of intelligence agencies--the more he implicates himself as being guilty of wrong doing and the more they're going to dig to find out what he's hiding.:dig:

This is our Democracy--and Trump is the biggest threat to it. James Clapper stated that.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post


The Free Press in this country is there for a reason. To keep people informed so they can make intelligent--informed decisions on who they vote for. Now they're going to remove the one President that never belonged in the Oval office in the first place.

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We should all be thankful for the mainstream media. Otherwise, we wouldn't know jack shit about Trump's shenanigans.

Trump Allegedly Urged Comey To Consider Jailing Journalists

Trump has done everything he can do to silence the media in this country--but he's such a dumbass. No President was ever dumb enough to make enemies out of the 2 most powerful agencies in this country--the media and Intelligence agencies--and the blowback is here and we're watching it everyday.

The more he calls them "fake" news--the more they're going to write and report. The more he insults the intelligence coming out of intelligence agencies--the more he implicates himself as being guilty of wrong doing and the more they're going to dig to find out what he's hiding.:dig:

This is our Democracy--and Trump is the biggest threat to it. James Clapper stated that.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post


I get it. You believe he is a liberal cartoon caricature. I will challenge some of his methods and views, but I do admit he is an outsider that has zero political experience. I'll stand by his side.
We should all be thankful for the mainstream media. Otherwise, we wouldn't know jack shit about Trump's shenanigans.

Trump Allegedly Urged Comey To Consider Jailing Journalists

Trump has done everything he can do to silence the media in this country--but he's such a dumbass. No President was ever dumb enough to make enemies out of the 2 most powerful agencies in this country--the media and Intelligence agencies--and the blowback is here and we're watching it everyday.

The more he calls them "fake" news--the more they're going to write and report. The more he insults the intelligence coming out of intelligence agencies--the more he implicates himself as being guilty of wrong doing and the more they're going to dig to find out what he's hiding.:dig:

This is our Democracy--and Trump is the biggest threat to it. James Clapper stated that.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post


The Free Press in this country is there for a reason. To keep people informed so they can make intelligent--informed decisions on who they vote for. Now they're going to remove the one President that never belonged in the Oval office in the first place.

Robert Gates said on 60 Minutes Trump is doing a fine job.
We should all be thankful for the mainstream media. Otherwise, we wouldn't know jack shit about Trump's shenanigans.

Trump Allegedly Urged Comey To Consider Jailing Journalists

Trump has done everything he can do to silence the media in this country--but he's such a dumbass. No President was ever dumb enough to make enemies out of the 2 most powerful agencies in this country--the media and Intelligence agencies--and the blowback is here and we're watching it everyday.

The more he calls them "fake" news--the more they're going to write and report. The more he insults the intelligence coming out of intelligence agencies--the more he implicates himself as being guilty of wrong doing and the more they're going to dig to find out what he's hiding.:dig:

This is our Democracy--and Trump is the biggest threat to it. James Clapper stated that.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post


I get it. You believe he is a liberal cartoon caricature. I will challenge some of his methods and views, but I do admit he is an outsider that has zero political experience. I'll stand by his side.

Well you're going to be standing with him all the way up until impeachment day. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor in the Oval Office.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Trump fires FBI director James Comey -

Analysis | Trump sharing highly classified information with Russia shows his extreme hubris

We should all be thankful for the mainstream media. Otherwise, we wouldn't know jack shit about Trump's shenanigans.

Trump Allegedly Urged Comey To Consider Jailing Journalists

Trump has done everything he can do to silence the media in this country--but he's such a dumbass. No President was ever dumb enough to make enemies out of the 2 most powerful agencies in this country--the media and Intelligence agencies--and the blowback is here and we're watching it everyday.

The more he calls them "fake" news--the more they're going to write and report. The more he insults the intelligence coming out of intelligence agencies--the more he implicates himself as being guilty of wrong doing and the more they're going to dig to find out what he's hiding.:dig:

This is our Democracy--and Trump is the biggest threat to it. James Clapper stated that.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post


I get it. You believe he is a liberal cartoon caricature. I will challenge some of his methods and views, but I do admit he is an outsider that has zero political experience. I'll stand by his side.

Well you're going to be standing with him all the way up until impeachment day. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor in the Oval Office.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Trump fires FBI director James Comey -

Analysis | Trump sharing highly classified information with Russia shows his extreme hubris


Lol. Got to love the left. They follow orders well. They are doing exactly what the Russians want them to do. Create discord and division using mindless propaganda. The bed wetting snowflakes have no idea how badly they are being played.
We should all be thankful for the mainstream media. Otherwise, we wouldn't know jack shit about Trump's shenanigans.

Trump Allegedly Urged Comey To Consider Jailing Journalists

Trump has done everything he can do to silence the media in this country--but he's such a dumbass. No President was ever dumb enough to make enemies out of the 2 most powerful agencies in this country--the media and Intelligence agencies--and the blowback is here and we're watching it everyday.

The more he calls them "fake" news--the more they're going to write and report. The more he insults the intelligence coming out of intelligence agencies--the more he implicates himself as being guilty of wrong doing and the more they're going to dig to find out what he's hiding.:dig:

This is our Democracy--and Trump is the biggest threat to it. James Clapper stated that.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post


I get it. You believe he is a liberal cartoon caricature. I will challenge some of his methods and views, but I do admit he is an outsider that has zero political experience. I'll stand by his side.

Well you're going to be standing with him all the way up until impeachment day. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor in the Oval Office.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Trump fires FBI director James Comey -

Analysis | Trump sharing highly classified information with Russia shows his extreme hubris


Lol. Got to love the left. They follow orders well. They are doing exactly what the Russians want them to do. Create discord and division using mindless propaganda. The bed wetting snowflakes have no idea how badly they are being played.

Well as they say--trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


It's one thing to be stupid about something--it's quite another circumstance when you insist on remaining stupid.
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We should all be thankful for the mainstream media. Otherwise, we wouldn't know jack shit about Trump's shenanigans.

Trump Allegedly Urged Comey To Consider Jailing Journalists

Trump has done everything he can do to silence the media in this country--but he's such a dumbass. No President was ever dumb enough to make enemies out of the 2 most powerful agencies in this country--the media and Intelligence agencies--and the blowback is here and we're watching it everyday.

The more he calls them "fake" news--the more they're going to write and report. The more he insults the intelligence coming out of intelligence agencies--the more he implicates himself as being guilty of wrong doing and the more they're going to dig to find out what he's hiding.:dig:

This is our Democracy--and Trump is the biggest threat to it. James Clapper stated that.
James Clapper: U.S. government “under assault” by Trump after Comey firing – The Denver Post


I get it. You believe he is a liberal cartoon caricature. I will challenge some of his methods and views, but I do admit he is an outsider that has zero political experience. I'll stand by his side.

Well you're going to be standing with him all the way up until impeachment day. This country is not going to tolerate a Traitor in the Oval Office.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Trump fires FBI director James Comey -

Analysis | Trump sharing highly classified information with Russia shows his extreme hubris


Lol. Got to love the left. They follow orders well. They are doing exactly what the Russians want them to do. Create discord and division using mindless propaganda. The bed wetting snowflakes have no idea how badly they are being played.

Well as they say--trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


It's one thing to be stupid about something--it's quite another circumstance when you insist on remaining stupid.

Coming from a leftard such as yourself? You will never see the irony of that statement.

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