Trump Allies Sought Ukraine Gas Deal

Every single day, Donald Trump ensures no Republican anywhere will be able to stand on a moral leg about ANYTHING. Ever.

Anyone who defends the actions of this illiterate, ignorant, scumbag is complicit in this.
The Republican party to which I belonged was one which believed in fiscal austerity. Not doubling the federal deficit to a trillion dollars.

That was the "pre 1998 GOP" of Newt, Reagan, and Milton Freidman.

The "post 1998 GOP" has been just as bad, if not worse, than the Dems on stealing from the taxpayer.

The "post 1998 GOP" has a one sentence platform...

The US exists to serve, fund, defend, and expand Israel until Fraud Jesus floats down from the clouds....
Every single day, Donald Trump ensures no Republican anywhere will be able to stand on a moral leg about ANYTHING. Ever.

This from a big big supporter of Bill SEX PREDATOR Clinton, FemiNazi Fuhrer Hillary, and the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief....
Every single day, Donald Trump ensures no Republican anywhere will be able to stand on a moral leg about ANYTHING. Ever.

This from a big big supporter of Bill SEX PREDATOR Clinton, FemiNazi Fuhrer Hillary, and the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief....
Wrong, dumbass. I was never a supporter of the Clintons, retard.

Is this the best you idiots can do?
I told you pseudocons your benchmarks would come back to bitch slap you in the face.

As Rudy Giuliani was pushing Ukrainian officials last spring to investigate one of Donald Trump’s main political rivals, a group of individuals with ties to the president and his personal lawyer were also active in the former Soviet republic.

Their aims were profit, not politics. This circle of businessmen and Republican donors touted connections to Giuliani and Trump while trying to install new management at the top of Ukraine’s massive state gas company. Their plan was to then steer lucrative contracts to companies controlled by Trump allies, according to two people with knowledge of their plans.

Their plan hit a snag after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko lost his reelection bid to Volodymyr Zelenskiy, whose conversation with Trump about former Vice President Joe Biden is now at the center of the House impeachment inquiry of Trump.

Profit, not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal
It's called capitalism. Why don't you Democrats like capitalism?
It's called cronyism.

And until Trump, I was a Republican my entire life. Unlike Trump.

You join an illustrious bunch of GOPers until Trump including JoeB and Jake Starkey.

The Republican party to which I belonged was one which believed in fiscal austerity. Not doubling the federal deficit to a trillion dollars.

The Republican party to which I belonged believed in moral personal behavior. Not a thrice married, pussy grabbing, serial adulterer who uses illegal campaign contributions to pay off his porn star mistress.

The Republican party to which I belonged did not believe in sucking up to a KGB thug.

The Republican party to which I belonged did not believe in smacking our allies around while falling in love with North Korean dictators.
The Republican party to which you belonged is no better than the Democrat party to which you NOW belong.


Quit kidding yourself. They are all different sides of the same fucking coin.

How many times have you voted third party?

Did you vote for Hillary?

I told you pseudocons your benchmarks would come back to bitch slap you in the face.

As Rudy Giuliani was pushing Ukrainian officials last spring to investigate one of Donald Trump’s main political rivals, a group of individuals with ties to the president and his personal lawyer were also active in the former Soviet republic.

Their aims were profit, not politics. This circle of businessmen and Republican donors touted connections to Giuliani and Trump while trying to install new management at the top of Ukraine’s massive state gas company. Their plan was to then steer lucrative contracts to companies controlled by Trump allies, according to two people with knowledge of their plans.

Their plan hit a snag after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko lost his reelection bid to Volodymyr Zelenskiy, whose conversation with Trump about former Vice President Joe Biden is now at the center of the House impeachment inquiry of Trump.

Profit, not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal
It's called capitalism. Why don't you Democrats like capitalism?
It's called cronyism.

And until Trump, I was a Republican my entire life. Unlike Trump.

You join an illustrious bunch of GOPers until Trump including JoeB and Jake Starkey.

The Republican party to which I belonged was one which believed in fiscal austerity. Not doubling the federal deficit to a trillion dollars.

The Republican party to which I belonged believed in moral personal behavior. Not a thrice married, pussy grabbing, serial adulterer who uses illegal campaign contributions to pay off his porn star mistress.

The Republican party to which I belonged did not believe in sucking up to a KGB thug.

The Republican party to which I belonged did not believe in smacking our allies around while falling in love with North Korean dictators.
You are a prig.
I voted a straight Republican ticket from 1980 to 2004. With a single exception. In 1988, Bill Buckley asked us Connecticut conservatives to vote for Joe Lieberman in order to oust the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker. And we did so.

Then the dumb fools went and elected Weicker as governor! Whereupon he instituted the first state income tax.
I told you pseudocons your benchmarks would come back to bitch slap you in the face.

As Rudy Giuliani was pushing Ukrainian officials last spring to investigate one of Donald Trump’s main political rivals, a group of individuals with ties to the president and his personal lawyer were also active in the former Soviet republic.

Their aims were profit, not politics. This circle of businessmen and Republican donors touted connections to Giuliani and Trump while trying to install new management at the top of Ukraine’s massive state gas company. Their plan was to then steer lucrative contracts to companies controlled by Trump allies, according to two people with knowledge of their plans.

Their plan hit a snag after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko lost his reelection bid to Volodymyr Zelenskiy, whose conversation with Trump about former Vice President Joe Biden is now at the center of the House impeachment inquiry of Trump.

Profit, not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal
It's called capitalism. Why don't you Democrats like capitalism?
It's called cronyism.

And until Trump, I was a Republican my entire life. Unlike Trump.

You join an illustrious bunch of GOPers until Trump including JoeB and Jake Starkey.

The Republican party to which I belonged was one which believed in fiscal austerity. Not doubling the federal deficit to a trillion dollars.

The Republican party to which I belonged believed in moral personal behavior. Not a thrice married, pussy grabbing, serial adulterer who uses illegal campaign contributions to pay off his porn star mistress.

The Republican party to which I belonged did not believe in sucking up to a KGB thug.

The Republican party to which I belonged did not believe in smacking our allies around while falling in love with North Korean dictators.
The Republican party to which you belonged is no better than the Democrat party to which you NOW belong.


Quit kidding yourself. They are all different sides of the same fucking coin.

How many times have you voted third party?

Did you vote for Hillary?

I don't belong to the Democratic party, fool. I am now a registered independent. I support neither party.

I did not vote for Hillary. Fuck no. Nor did I vote for Trump. I wrote in Ted Cruz to honor my mother who died just before the election. She supported Cruz.
I was never a supporter of the Clintons, retard

I voted a straight Republican ticket from 1980 to 2004. With a single exception. In 1988, Bill Buckley asked us Connecticut conservatives to vote for Joe Lieberman in order to oust the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker. And we did so.

Joe "I'll say whatever I can say to manipulate a US war with Iran, because all I care about is ISRAEL" Lieberman....

So, you left the GOP over Lowell Weicker??

Did you support W?

Did you support W's socializing senior drugs?

What about No Child Left Behind and all the rest of the BIG GOVERNMENT BIG SPENDING W did?
I was never a supporter of the Clintons, retard

I voted a straight Republican ticket from 1980 to 2004. With a single exception. In 1988, Bill Buckley asked us Connecticut conservatives to vote for Joe Lieberman in order to oust the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker. And we did so.

Joe "I'll say whatever I can say to manipulate a US war with Iran, because all I care about is ISRAEL" Lieberman....

So, you left the GOP over Lowell Weicker??

Did you support W?

Did you support W's socializing senior drugs?

What about No Child Left Behind and all the rest of the BIG GOVERNMENT BIG SPENDING W did?
No, I left the Republican party over Donald Trump.

I remained a Republican until Trump. I stopped voting at the federal level in 2006 after I saw the Republican Party double the federal debt under Bush. Just like they doubled the deficit under Trump.
I told you pseudocons your benchmarks would come back to bitch slap you in the face.

As Rudy Giuliani was pushing Ukrainian officials last spring to investigate one of Donald Trump’s main political rivals, a group of individuals with ties to the president and his personal lawyer were also active in the former Soviet republic.

Their aims were profit, not politics. This circle of businessmen and Republican donors touted connections to Giuliani and Trump while trying to install new management at the top of Ukraine’s massive state gas company. Their plan was to then steer lucrative contracts to companies controlled by Trump allies, according to two people with knowledge of their plans.

Their plan hit a snag after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko lost his reelection bid to Volodymyr Zelenskiy, whose conversation with Trump about former Vice President Joe Biden is now at the center of the House impeachment inquiry of Trump.

Profit, not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal

rick perry is involved with it too. In fact he wanted to get Ukraine to increase their board to include friends of his from Houston. An oil executive and a private equity company executive.

Looks to me like they went in there to get control of Ukraine's energy.

Perry pressed Ukraine on corruption, energy company changes

From the article:

The names that Perry floated for potential new board members included Robert Bensh, a Houston oil executive currently with Pelicourt LLC, as well as Michael Bleyzer, head of a private equity firm based in Houston, the source familiar with the board discussions said.
I notice none of you have anything to say about the second post in this topic.

Trump and Giuliani are Putin lackeys.

Trump cannot stand that everyone knows he would not be president without Putin's help. And so he chases after imaginary conspiracy theories in order to protect Putin.
You would be happier if Trump nuked Putin right

Ya think loser
I was never a supporter of the Clintons, retard

I voted a straight Republican ticket from 1980 to 2004. With a single exception. In 1988, Bill Buckley asked us Connecticut conservatives to vote for Joe Lieberman in order to oust the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker. And we did so.

Joe "I'll say whatever I can say to manipulate a US war with Iran, because all I care about is ISRAEL" Lieberman....

So, you left the GOP over Lowell Weicker??

Did you support W?

Did you support W's socializing senior drugs?

What about No Child Left Behind and all the rest of the BIG GOVERNMENT BIG SPENDING W did?
No, I left the Republican party over Donald Trump.

I remained a Republican until Trump. I stopped voting at the federal level in 2006 after I saw the Republican Party double the federal debt under Bush. Just like they doubled the deficit under Trump.
You should thank Trump for getting you out of that ass wipe party. They are full of big-government, one-world-order stooges beholden to the military/industrial complex who have no interest in your individual liberty.

I notice none of you have anything to say about the second post in this topic.

Trump and Giuliani are Putin lackeys.

Trump cannot stand that everyone knows he would not be president without Putin's help. And so he chases after imaginary conspiracy theories in order to protect Putin.
You would be happier if Trump nuked Putin right
I can tell you are a pseudocon just by the way you manufacture bullshit with such ease.
I told you pseudocons your benchmarks would come back to bitch slap you in the face.

As Rudy Giuliani was pushing Ukrainian officials last spring to investigate one of Donald Trump’s main political rivals, a group of individuals with ties to the president and his personal lawyer were also active in the former Soviet republic.

Their aims were profit, not politics. This circle of businessmen and Republican donors touted connections to Giuliani and Trump while trying to install new management at the top of Ukraine’s massive state gas company. Their plan was to then steer lucrative contracts to companies controlled by Trump allies, according to two people with knowledge of their plans.

Their plan hit a snag after Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko lost his reelection bid to Volodymyr Zelenskiy, whose conversation with Trump about former Vice President Joe Biden is now at the center of the House impeachment inquiry of Trump.

Profit, not politics: Trump allies sought Ukraine gas deal

rick perry is involved with it too. In fact he wanted to get Ukraine to increase their board to include friends of his from Houston. An oil executive and a private equity company executive.

Looks to me like they went in there to get control of Ukraine's energy.

Perry pressed Ukraine on corruption, energy company changes

From the article:

The names that Perry floated for potential new board members included Robert Bensh, a Houston oil executive currently with Pelicourt LLC, as well as Michael Bleyzer, head of a private equity firm based in Houston, the source familiar with the board discussions said.
Trump is now trying to blame Perry for his phone call to Zelensky. Perry's under the bus.

The Colluder-in-Chief has no loyalty to anyone but himself.
I was never a supporter of the Clintons, retard

I voted a straight Republican ticket from 1980 to 2004. With a single exception. In 1988, Bill Buckley asked us Connecticut conservatives to vote for Joe Lieberman in order to oust the liberal Republican Lowell Weicker. And we did so.

Joe "I'll say whatever I can say to manipulate a US war with Iran, because all I care about is ISRAEL" Lieberman....

So, you left the GOP over Lowell Weicker??

Did you support W?

Did you support W's socializing senior drugs?

What about No Child Left Behind and all the rest of the BIG GOVERNMENT BIG SPENDING W did?
No, I left the Republican party over Donald Trump.

I remained a Republican until Trump. I stopped voting at the federal level in 2006 after I saw the Republican Party double the federal debt under Bush. Just like they doubled the deficit under Trump.
You should thank Trump for getting you out of that ass wipe party. They are full of big-government, one-world-order stooges beholden to the military/industrial complex who have no interest in your individual liberty.

At this point in time, they are beholden to a wannabe dictator who, in turn, is beholden to a KGB thug.
Oh my gawd....

some businessmen tried to set up a deal with Ukraine for natural gas....

The horrors!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, just imagine if you had your kid steal money from a US foreign aid package.....

I mean, if this is the "outrage," the hypocrisy of Democrats is absolutely galactic....

Actually no. Rick Perry went there to get two of his cronies in Houston on their board.

It's not about a deal for natural gas. It's about putting American oil and business men on that board.
I notice none of you have anything to say about the second post in this topic.

Trump and Giuliani are Putin lackeys.

Trump cannot stand that everyone knows he would not be president without Putin's help. And so he chases after imaginary conspiracy theories in order to protect Putin.
You would be happier if Trump nuked Putin right
I can tell you are a pseudocon just by the way you manufacture bullshit with such ease.
Deplorable to you

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