Trump allowed Black homeless woman to live in Trump Tower for 8 years, rent free

Without fake news.....Republicans would have nothing to brag about at all
They fall for these fluff pieces and relay them repeatedly until they seem to appear to be true

FACT CHECK: Black Homeless Woman Says Trump Allowed Her to Live in Trump Tower Rent Free for Eight Years

Jennifer Rodstrom, a spokeswoman for Trump Hotels, confirmed to BuzzFeed that the claims are not real:

“There is no validity to the video,” said, who answered a BuzzFeed News request sent to a transition team spokesperson. “The woman depicted is not our guest.”

ROFLMAO! Snopes! ROFLMAO! A left wing blogger says its not true therefore its not ROFLMAO

As usual, snopes has provided it sources

You rely on a bogus YouTube video....why don't you provide actual Trump Hotel sources like snopes did?
Snopes is a libtard blogger....he has a slant and always has. I don't even bother opening ANY link to "snopes". I don't care if its real or not its irrelevant to me. Trump has helped MANY people. Just 2 I can think of is when he paid off a couples house that stopped to help him when his Limo broke down and another is when he helped Jennifer Hudson when her family was killed.

If you want to show a source is incorrect, you need to do it with FACTS. Show that the snopes findings on this matter are incorrect. It would be easy to do. Provide a source other than an Infowars....Yes
Don't need to. Only liberals find Snopes to be credible. Could the story be false? SURE. Find someone OTHER than Snopes that says so. Also I really don't care if it is. There ARE many stories that are fact about him helping others.

Actually you do need to
Claiming snopes is fake solely because its founders are liberal does not meet the standards of proof. If you disagree with any post on snopes, you are welcome to prove it wrong by providing evidence to the contrary....."They is Librals" is not proof

You do understand the source of your video is Infowars?
Why Conservatives have to make up stories about Trumps generosity

Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire

How miserly is The Donald?

From 1990 through 2009, Trump has personally donated a total of just $3.7 million to his foundation, which was incorporated in 1987. In fact, the billionaire is not even the largest contributor to his own charitable organization.

The real estate titan’s foundation has also banked $205,000 from media outlets and supermarket tabloids in return for exclusive photos (People magazine, for example, paid the foundation $150,000 in 2006 for the first shots of Trump’s newborn son Barron).

During the past two decades, the Trump foundation has made charitable contributions totaling a paltry $6.7 million.

Both the amount of money Trump has donated to his own foundation as well as the aggregate contributions made by the not-for-profit group are pitiful when compared to the philanthropy of other high-profile tycoons like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, David Geffen, or S.I. Newhouse.
Donald Trump doesn’t really give away money, and when he does, he benefits from it

Back in June, the paper ran a report covering many of the facts that were reiterated over the weekend, but went into more detail contrasting Trump’s promises of philanthropy with the reality. These included incidents stretching back into the 1980s, when Trump variously promised that the profits from his book “The Art of the Deal” and board game Trump: The Game would both go directly to charities. He even characterized the latter product as him simply working as an “agent of charities.”

All of the profits from the book and game went to, and stayed with, Trump himself.
After evicting 10,000 people in New York, who would have thought that the Trump legacy would go on to benefit millions. Post-eviction, the simple technique learned consists of two pairs of socks in between which is wrapped a cup of aluminum foil around the toes, shiny side inwards. Precious and light.
No matter what he did it'll never compare to the fucking hillary gave millions of blacks in Haiti.

Why am I not convinced that you give a fuck about even a single Haitian?

I cared enough not to steal millions from em...

You want to change the subject of this thread. Why is that?

Change a subject that shows Trump to be a nice guy?
Didnt think that one through did ya....

So you think giving one woman free rent makes up for all the people he cheated out of pay for work that had already been done?

Libs laugh at Fox News as a source but lap up buzzfeed as gospel. Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha
Why am I not convinced that you give a fuck about even a single Haitian?

I cared enough not to steal millions from em...

You want to change the subject of this thread. Why is that?

Change a subject that shows Trump to be a nice guy?
Didnt think that one through did ya....

So you think giving one woman free rent makes up for all the people he cheated out of pay for work that had already been done?

Libs laugh at Fox News as a source but lap up buzzfeed as gospel. Bwhahaha bwhahaha bwhahaha

Are you trying to say that wasn't Trump in the video, or that it was out of context? If so, please make you point.
What do we know?

1. Video was not shot in Trump Tower
2. Nobody at Trump Tower or the nearby hotel know who the woman is
3. Trump spokesmen have denied she lives there
4. Trump supporters are liars
from he OP:

(NaturalNews) Donald Trump allegedly invited a homeless black woman to stay at Trump Tower after she was found squatting in the building. Although the story is still unconfirmed,
MSM lying presstitutes didn't cover it.
Interesting, when KIllary invited a homeless black to live in her home?
Or how many $$$ gained by recount scum spent Jill Stein to homeless?

Donald Trump allegedly invited a homeless black woman to stay at Trump Tower after she was found squatting in the building. Although the story is still unconfirmed, this is just one of many instances where Trump has helped the less fortunate regardless of race or gender. The mainstream media are usually busy portraying Trump as a racist, bigot, or chauvinist. But Trump boasts a long and documented history of helping out — because it’s the right thing to do.

The homeless black woman reveals that, for eight years, she has been living in the Trump Tower for free. She says that she originally trespassed her way in before squatting in an empty room for the night. Police arrived the next day to address the situation. She was told she must leave the premises — or she would be subject to arrest.

“When I told them I would not go, they contacted Mr. Trump over the phone and he came down here. Instead of evicting me off the property, he said that I can stay and it’s been eight years I’ve been here,” she revealed. “Not only did he not evict me off the property, he made sure that I ate three meals a day by room service and that I get a delivery of fresh flowers every week.”

Trump allowed Black homeless woman to live in Trump Tower for 8 years, rent free
Mr Trump is a wonderful man, but I don't believe this story. If he helped some homeless person, he'd put them up in a hotel rather than his tower that rents for millions per floor. The affect is still the same. Someone was helped.
Trump is a billionaire

Billionaires do not help people one at a time. If he cared about homeless people, there would be hundreds of homeless shelters in NYC bearing the Trump name

Trump is one of the stingiest billionaires out there
Trump is a billionaire

Billionaires do not help people one at a time. If he cared about homeless people, there would be hundreds of homeless shelters in NYC bearing the Trump name

Trump is one of the stingiest billionaires out there

Learn the English language
anonymous: adjective

name is not known or not made public:

example: "The money was donated by an anonymous benefactor."

anonymous Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Trump is a billionaire

Billionaires do not help people one at a time. If he cared about homeless people, there would be hundreds of homeless shelters in NYC bearing the Trump name

Trump is one of the stingiest billionaires out there

Learn the English language
anonymous: adjective

name is not known or not made public:

example: "The money was donated by an anonymous benefactor."

anonymous Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

That's funny....You used the name Trump and anonymous in the same sentence
That's funny....You used the name Trump and anonymous in the same sentence
Yeah, I guess that is funny, isn't it!
The True Face of Democrats!


If you can point out a single democrat who supports that picture, I and many others will work tirelessly to kick them out of the party. If not, then STFU.

They support every racist group in this lies matter, la raza......racism is the core of the democrat party....
She must have been a fox... I wonder how many times he has groped her.

No matter what he did it'll never compare to the fucking hillary gave millions of blacks in Haiti.

Why am I not convinced that you give a fuck about even a single Haitian?

I cared enough not to steal millions from em...
If you had the chance you would.

Hardly... i'm not a democrat.

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