Trump already restoring socialism to its proper alignment.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Don't be scared...just be a legitimate human.
Under Democratic government the tail wags the dog...loonys, immigrants and bottom feeders have a greater influence than do the people that make America great and most importantly make America...AMERICAN. Imagine if the worst players on a football team dictated the plays and execution..haha
That's already changing...big time...THANK YOU TRUMP!
Good quality hard working REAL American's are already taking great pride in being American again...they're getting involved again, they're fed up, they're taking a stand and motivated to take America back. This scares the shit out of anyone who's illegitimate...and you know what that means.
I'm not real sure what Trump will get done politically speaking but I know exactly where he'll steer this country socially...and I like it!
Democrats have given a voice to everyone who doesn't matter while silencing anyone who's the Liberal way...right? Bottom up socialism at it's finest.
Isn't it time we call it as it is and socially shame and condemn the piece of shits among us...Liberals have made them victims and made excuses for them long enough.
Shit...low-life bottom feeders feel successful because Liberals tell them: "you're an awesome success just for being you and breathing oxygen...who cares that you're socially and financially dependent on hard working REAL American's." Damn you nut-jobs!
Things are changing real fast....Welcome legitimate citizens....Welcome to the renewed and revived AMERICA!
This scares the shit out of anyone who's illegitimate...and you know what that means.

No, please explain..
This scares the shit out of anyone who's illegitimate...and you know what that means.

No, please explain..

I know what you'd like to set up here...but there's really no way to put a not so clever Liberal spin on it. Frame it however makes you feel good...but you know exactly what it means.
Here's your bipartisan proper alignment:

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized expense for the “job creator” class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

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