Trump - "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad....

I guess we will soon see if good ol' Trump survives even THIS latest tacit admission that he isn't fit to even run for mayor of Atlantic City....LOL
Trump has been whining in public today about being picked on for being a coward of low character. Seriously, the guy is publicly whining about how he has been treated for not showing courage and character. How is it possible people are following and supporting this brat. He is a 69 year old brat.
I guess we will soon see if good ol' Trump survives even THIS latest tacit admission that he isn't fit to even run for mayor of Atlantic City....LOL

You know what really blows my mind - even evangelicals are buying Trump's reality show shtick. That is major gullibility.
What if the question from that nut had been about Jews instead of Muslims?
I was unaware that we had issue with the Jews. are you telling us that you do?
Jews are not filthy animals that hump goats, rape women and children, throw gays off of buildings and want to see the destruction of the United States.
Please tell me how you find comparison between the Jewish people and the sand dwelling goat humpers that worship a false and perverted god.
No offense meant to anyone.

Yes, we have an issue with the Jews! Israel is the greatest threat to world peace!
how dare those bastards try to maintain their own country.

I agree - as they squat on stolen land.
That assumes somebody owned the land in the first place.

Truth is, natives came from another part of the world and walked here when there was a land bridge that allowed them to thousands of years ago. They're basically squatters themselves.

That's what Hitler told the Poles isn't it?
You know what really blows my mind - even evangelicals are buying Trump's reality show shtick. That is major gullibility.

For that, I "blame" least the color of his skin and his habit of actually winning at most of those things that he states that he would win.

The evangelicals, along with the residual racists in this country, have such deep-rooted hatred for Obama that anyone who seems able to tarnish his reputation (as Trump did with his birther stupidity) will quickly gain support.

The fact that McConnell, Boehner, McCain, Romney, all the established GOP'ers running for president are now despised by these fringe republican voters, is due to the reality that they have FAILED in beating back Obama.
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LMAO, my comment just before voting for McCain in the general election was: "I'm going to hold my nose and vote for commie lite instead of full blown commie". Nobody has an obligation to defend your dear leader, nobody.

Someday, when (and IF) you grow too can learn the difference between ATTACKING someone on policies, and DEFENDING them from strictly bigoted and racist comments that are easily and flatly refuted.

The guy said he thought your mulatto messiah is a muslim, nothing bigoted or racist about that. Muslims are told they are allowed to lie to further their agenda, there's no way to prove what your dear leader believes is there, there's no way to look into a persons mind, all you've got is the word of a man awarded liar of the year. Carry on.
The guy said he thought your mulatto messiah is a muslim, nothing bigoted or racist about that. Muslims are told they are allowed to lie to further their agenda, there's no way to prove what your dear leader believes is there, there's no way to look into a persons mind, all you've got is the word of a man awarded liar of the year. Carry on

I once thought you had a bit more brain cells than that, OKTX.....I guess I was wrong...Bigotry "trumps" objectivity.
Let Trump stop telling lies and fueling the birther conspiracy movement.

So explain why obama's own literary agency for years published a brochure saying he was born in kenya.. That's a smoking gun if i ever saw one.
John McCain defended Obama in similar circumstances in 2007.

Look where it got him!

Nobody likes a traitor. Jebby did the same thing yesterday. Said that obama is a christian and an american. Even if he believes it, why say it?
The guy said he thought your mulatto messiah is a muslim, nothing bigoted or racist about that. Muslims are told they are allowed to lie to further their agenda, there's no way to prove what your dear leader believes is there, there's no way to look into a persons mind, all you've got is the word of a man awarded liar of the year. Carry on

I once thought you had a bit more brain cells than that, OKTX.....I guess I was wrong...Bigotry "trumps" objectivity.

Really, what did I say that wasn't totally accurate?
What I find interesting, my friends, is that when a thread goes on long enough, SOME ultra right wingers SHED that very thin layer of decorum someone told them to adopt to get along in a society, and finally reveal who they are and their intrinsic belief in bigotry and racism.

You support affirmative action, the govt mandated persecution of white males and that means YOU are the champion of bigotry and racism. I don't know of any conservative who wants govt mandated persecution of blacks or muslims or anyone. We believe the govt should treat all races equally.

The white man came, he saw and he conquered, it's happened all over the world since the beginning of time

If the injuns had conquered europe, they wouldn't apologize. They'd say "proves you're inferior".

Why do white people apologize for their triumphs.?
Let Trump stop telling lies and fueling the birther conspiracy movement.
This is a non issue...
You libs are so desperate, now you're attacking conservatives for what they DON'T say...
Trump need not defend Obama.
No one would expect Obama to defend any non liberal.

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