Trump - "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad....

This applies not only to Trump, but to you. Memorize it.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

So, you're calling Trump a "fool"........Now, we're making some progress. Thank you !!

No. That is you trying to twist the saying. You ever try being honest? Once in your life?
Trump could have been honest and said, I agree with that guy, or, I disagree with that guy. He could have said, I think Obama is a Muslim, or, I don't think Obama is a Muslim.
Intelligent people do not dignify such tripe with a response.
The guy that made the Muslim statement was probably planted by democrat operatives
If you think that something I said was funny, speak up, nat4900. Trump was wise not to lend that question any credence. If Trump (as off the hook as he is) thought Obama was a Muslim, I'm sure by now he would have made that very clear.

So, how does not correcting someone who calls Obama a Muslim in a question lead to "Trump thinks Obama is a Muslim?"

There is an important phrase in law (one that you should memorize)...

".............silence is acquiescence..........."
Who made up that bullshit?......
What I find interesting, my friends, is that when a thread goes on long enough, SOME ultra right wingers SHED that very thin layer of decorum someone told them to adopt to get along in a society, and finally reveal who they are and their intrinsic belief in bigotry and racism.
Right.. And you left wingers are pure as the newly fallen snow...Fuck off
The problem I have with what he said is that he used the word "morally". He wasn't making a moral decision, he was making a political one. That's misleading. Smart politics, but I wouldn't call it "moral".

The sanctimonious numskulls who are attacking him think it's a moral decision. Tell it to them.
Trump didn't have the balls or the character to do the right thing and tell the guy not to say those kind of things at his event. He should have told him that if he had real evidence of Muslim training camps he needed to go directly to law enforcement authorities and tell them about it, He should have told him that spreading rumors like that was wrong and he should have told him he didn't want it done at one of his events.Trump would never do that because if it doesn't involve whining or bragging about himself he is lost and confused.
Video: Muslims Training for Guerrilla Warfare in New York
"Trump - Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad...."

When someone intentionally starts a fire - are they morally obligated to help put it out?

So Obama is morally obligated to denounce the Black Lives Matters group for promoting the murder of police officers?
"Trump - Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad...."

When someone intentionally starts a fire - are they morally obligated to help put it out?

So Obama is morally obligated to denounce the Black Lives Matters group for promoting the murder of police officers?

Did Obama originate Black Lives Matter? Go BLM!!!!!
The Republican brand hits a new low. Is Trump the cause or the symptom?

The Pew Research Center regularly surveys Americans on their views of the two major political parties. Since January, those with a favorable opinion of the Republican party have dropped from 41 to 32 percent of the total.

The Republican brand hits a new low. Is Trump the cause or the symptom?

The Pew Research Center regularly surveys Americans on their views of the two major political parties. Since January, those with a favorable opinion of the Republican party have dropped from 41 to 32 percent of the total.


Trump should have instead said:

"I know that the idiot that asked that questions is a bigoted, xenophobic moron....BUT, he represents my base and, you know, I love my base...."

Why would he say that? Do you now many bigoted, xenophobic, morons are on this forum RIGHT NOW, represent the base of Obama supporters? Should Obama be required to say that every time he speaks too?

You people are constantly hypocritical. If you were up there, and some nut case supporter of yours said crazy things, you would never think you should be required to say "hey, that's my base and I love my base"..... but when it's someone you don't like... suddenly it's do as I say, not as I would do.

Hypocrites. All of you people.

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