Trump - "Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad....

Good reply from trump. Let pussy obozo fight his own battles.

Donald Trump: I'm not 'obligated' to defend Obama -

sep 19 2015 Donald Trump on Saturday said it is not his job to correct supporters' claims about the President, defending his decision not to take issue with a man who disparaged Muslims and said President Barack Obama is not an American.

Trump did not dispute the man's allegations made at a town hall event this week, and added that if someone criticized him to Obama, there would be "no chance" the President would come to his defense.

"Am I morally obligated to defend the president every time somebody says something bad or controversial about him? I don't think so!" he tweeted Saturday morning.

This Trump supporter was full of hate, even stating that we have terrorist camps within the United States. When you instill hate in people it will typically end up very bad, like it did in this instance.

When Donald Trump isn't funny anymore.
So two yahoos from Southie in my hometown of Boston severely beat up a Hispanic homeless guy earlier this week. While being arrested, one of the brothers reportedly told police that "Donald Trump was right, all of these illegals need to be deported."

Donald Trump on Why He Hopes Kanye Runs for President »

When reporters confronted Trump, he hadn't yet heard about the incident. At first, he said, "That would be a shame." But right after, he went on: "I will say, the people that are following me are very passionate. They love this country. They want this country to be great again. But they are very passionate. I will say that."
Donald Trump Just Stopped Being Funny | Rolling Stone

Today Trump has notified us --that "He Loves Muslims"--and would absolutely put one in his cabinet.
Trump: I'd consider a Muslim for my Cabinet -

Trump is like the weather, constantly changing, if you wait 15 minutes you're never certain what's going to come out of his mouth--or what he will do.

His supporters never did their homework on this guy--he's all over the map on every single issue, like his support of Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill. And there's a whole bunch of other stuff out there, that says Donald Trump is no conservative.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

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Trump will be lucky to be in third place after saying what he did tonight...These people hate muslims.
Why would he say that? Do you now many bigoted, xenophobic, morons are on this forum RIGHT NOW, represent the base of Obama supporters?

Since you took the time to research this important topic, could you come up with a number?.....within 100 or so, either way.

To be "fair", Trump should not be "morally obligated" to say anything since he has NO morals (and neither does his faithful base.).
To be "fair", Trump should not be "morally obligated" to say anything since he has NO morals (and neither does his faithful base.).

The definition of STUPID is: Knowing the TRUTH, seeing the TRUTH, but still believing the Lies. That's a typical Donald Trump supporter, especially on this board. Because everyone else has given them links to show them that he is not who he is trying to portray himself as. He's one great ACTOR.

Donald Trump supported Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus bill, and there's a lot more out there that says in no way in hell is Trump a conservative. On this board they ignored it all. They went for the rhetoric, just like liberals went for Obama's rhetoric. It's the same exact hysterical--irrational--national behavior that put Barack Obama into the oval office.
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

I wonder... if nat will answer my challenge in the Bull Ring. Will he? Or will he press the funny button again?
The problem I have with what he said is that he used the word "morally". He wasn't making a moral decision, he was making a political one. That's misleading. Smart politics, but I wouldn't call it "moral".
The sanctimonious numskulls who are attacking him think it's a moral decision. Tell it to them.
Not moral, immoral or amoral, at best, i.e. your typical wingnut hypocrite.
To be "fair", Trump should not be "morally obligated" to say anything since he has NO morals (and neither does his faithful base.).

You mean like the far left that you follow religiously?

Like how Obama owes the people of Ferguson an apology by sending Sharpton to cause trouble over a false narrative?
The problem I have with what he said is that he used the word "morally". He wasn't making a moral decision, he was making a political one. That's misleading. Smart politics, but I wouldn't call it "moral".
The sanctimonious numskulls who are attacking him think it's a moral decision. Tell it to them.
Not moral, immoral or amoral, at best, i.e. your typical wingnut hypocrite.

The irony of those comment from a far0 left drone, whose morals are programmed by their rich white far left maters..
The problem I have with what he said is that he used the word "morally". He wasn't making a moral decision, he was making a political one. That's misleading. Smart politics, but I wouldn't call it "moral".
The sanctimonious numskulls who are attacking him think it's a moral decision. Tell it to them.
Not moral, immoral or amoral, at best, i.e. your typical wingnut hypocrite.

If it's not moral, immoral or amoral, then what are they attacking Trump for?

You're obviously an idiot.
If it's not moral, immoral or amoral, then what are they attacking Trump for?
Because he's a Republican. That's whole point. He's the one that cloaked his response in morality, when it's really all about politics. Why am I attacking him, because he's a hypocrite or did I already say that in my first sentence?
The problem I have with what he said is that he used the word "morally". He wasn't making a moral decision, he was making a political one. That's misleading. Smart politics, but I wouldn't call it "moral".
The sanctimonious numskulls who are attacking him think it's a moral decision. Tell it to them.
Not moral, immoral or amoral, at best, i.e. your typical wingnut hypocrite.

The irony of those comment from a far0 left drone, whose morals are programmed by their rich white far left maters..

English please.
Trump could have been honest and said, I agree with that guy, or, I disagree with that guy. He could have said, I think Obama is a Muslim, or, I don't think Obama is a Muslim.
Intelligent people do not dignify such tripe with a response.
The guy that made the Muslim statement was probably planted by democrat operatives

So a major article of faith on the Right, that Obama is a Muslim, is tripe?
What I find interesting, my friends, is that when a thread goes on long enough, SOME ultra right wingers SHED that very thin layer of decorum someone told them to adopt to get along in a society, and finally reveal who they are and their intrinsic belief in bigotry and racism.

Unlike the left who reveals theirs from the get go?
I will wait for the left wingers to defend Sarah or Bristol Palin before judging. :)
What I find interesting, my friends, is that when a thread goes on long enough, SOME ultra right wingers SHED that very thin layer of decorum someone told them to adopt to get along in a society, and finally reveal who they are and their intrinsic belief in bigotry and racism.

Unlike the left who reveals theirs from the get go?
I will wait for the left wingers to defend Sarah or Bristol Palin before judging. :)

Don't hold your breath, these hypocrites are a joke

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