Trump and corruption, time to take them out in handcuffs


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Impossible to believe how they are protected by the establishment. They lie straight up and act sanctimonious about it. There is true evil in the world, watch the video.

It's only a matter of time Trump resigns before being impeached and convicted.
And the losing began after he won.

No wall. No chance of a wall. No chance of Mexico paying for a wall.

Dreamers staying and getting citizenship.

A scaled down travel ban based on origin and not religion.

A tax bill that is Congress' doing not Trump.

Mueller now interviewing the Trump family and inner circle, indictments and confessions and pleas happening.

Bad Trump Bad Trump
whatchu gonna do
When Bad Boy Mueller
comes for you?
And the losing began after he won.

No wall. No chance of a wall. No chance of Mexico paying for a wall.

Dreamers staying and getting citizenship.

A scaled down travel ban based on origin and not religion.

A tax bill that is Congress' doing not Trump.

Mueller now interviewing the Trump family and inner circle, indictments and confessions and pleas happening
The wall is going to be built and illegal border crossings are way down...

Mexico is paying for the wall by it's citizens taking up less jobs for Americans to do...

The travel ban was never religion based, it was nation based and he just got the go ahead from the courts...

The president does not do tax plans congress does but the GOP led congress will get it passed by Christmas...
And the courts are changing daily as judges retire and are filled by Trump's people...

Looks good to me...
Impossible to believe how they are protected by the establishment. They lie straight up and act sanctimonious about it. There is true evil in the world, watch the video.

You believe than Nancy Grace Wannabe?
Barry Hussein actually used the IRS to punish and intimidate political enemies and then he used "executive privilege" to keep the IRS chief from testifying. Establishment republicans failed to react. The ironically named "fairness doctrine" was intended to be an end run around the 1st Amendment by forcing right wing radio to broadcast left wing propaganda. It didn't even fly with honest democrats but Hussein doubled down and used federal agencies to intimidate and investigate an innocent FOX reporter. The establishment republicans were afraid to react. The crazy federal plan to send 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico allegedly resulted in the deaths of an estimated two to three hundred innocent Mexican civilians and at least one U.S. Border Patrol Officer. It should have resulted in indictments in the administration for manslaughter but alas, the establishment republicans chickened out when the left wing media came to Hussein's defense and nobody was even fired. Trump is the best thing that happened to the stagnant political establishment in a freaking century but the crazy angry left and the chickenshit establishment right is afraid of what they might end up with when the swamp is drained.
Barry Hussein actually used the IRS to punish and intimidate political enemies and then he used "executive privilege" to keep the IRS chief from testifying. Establishment republicans failed to react. The ironically named "fairness doctrine" was intended to be an end run around the 1st Amendment by forcing right wing radio to broadcast left wing propaganda. It didn't even fly with honest democrats but Hussein doubled down and used federal agencies to intimidate and investigate an innocent FOX reporter. The establishment republicans were afraid to react. The crazy federal plan to send 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico allegedly resulted in the deaths of an estimated two to three hundred innocent Mexican civilians and at least one U.S. Border Patrol Officer. It should have resulted in indictments in the administration for manslaughter but alas, the establishment republicans chickened out when the left wing media came to Hussein's defense and nobody was even fired. Trump is the best thing that happened to the stagnant political establishment in a freaking century but the crazy angry left and the chickenshit establishment right is afraid of what they might end up with when the swamp is drained.
To sum up how they got away with it in one word, establishment.
Barry Hussein actually used the IRS to punish and intimidate political enemies and then he used "executive privilege" to keep the IRS chief from testifying. Establishment republicans failed to react. The ironically named "fairness doctrine" was intended to be an end run around the 1st Amendment by forcing right wing radio to broadcast left wing propaganda. It didn't even fly with honest democrats but Hussein doubled down and used federal agencies to intimidate and investigate an innocent FOX reporter. The establishment republicans were afraid to react. The crazy federal plan to send 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico allegedly resulted in the deaths of an estimated two to three hundred innocent Mexican civilians and at least one U.S. Border Patrol Officer. It should have resulted in indictments in the administration for manslaughter but alas, the establishment republicans chickened out when the left wing media came to Hussein's defense and nobody was even fired. Trump is the best thing that happened to the stagnant political establishment in a freaking century but the crazy angry left and the chickenshit establishment right is afraid of what they might end up with when the swamp is drained.

So you admit republican politicians are stupid and incompetent. Why do you keep voting for such idiots?.
And the losing began after he won.

No wall. No chance of a wall. No chance of Mexico paying for a wall.

Dreamers staying and getting citizenship.

A scaled down travel ban based on origin and not religion.

A tax bill that is Congress' doing not Trump.

Mueller now interviewing the Trump family and inner circle, indictments and confessions and pleas happening
The wall is going to be built and illegal border crossings are way down...

Mexico is paying for the wall by it's citizens taking up less jobs for Americans to do...

The travel ban was never religion based, it was nation based and he just got the go ahead from the courts...

The president does not do tax plans congress does but the GOP led congress will get it passed by Christmas...
And the courts are changing daily as judges retire and are filled by Trump's people...

Looks good to me...
No chance of a wall, no chance of Mexico paying for a wall that won't be built; Trump has nothing to with the tax bill; Dreamers are staying; a scaled down travel Ban.

It will look better when Trump, as he will, resigns.
Barry Hussein actually used the IRS to punish and intimidate political enemies and then he used "executive privilege" to keep the IRS chief from testifying. Establishment republicans failed to react. The ironically named "fairness doctrine" was intended to be an end run around the 1st Amendment by forcing right wing radio to broadcast left wing propaganda. It didn't even fly with honest democrats but Hussein doubled down and used federal agencies to intimidate and investigate an innocent FOX reporter. The establishment republicans were afraid to react. The crazy federal plan to send 3,000 illegal weapons to drug cartels in Mexico allegedly resulted in the deaths of an estimated two to three hundred innocent Mexican civilians and at least one U.S. Border Patrol Officer. It should have resulted in indictments in the administration for manslaughter but alas, the establishment republicans chickened out when the left wing media came to Hussein's defense and nobody was even fired. Trump is the best thing that happened to the stagnant political establishment in a freaking century but the crazy angry left and the chickenshit establishment right is afraid of what they might end up with when the swamp is drained.
To sum up how they got away with it in one word, establishment.

So you admit republican politicians are stupid and incompetent
Most of them are corrupt too but at least the media investigates and exposes the republicans they look the other way with democrat wrong doing...
The swamp has members from both parties...we used to refer to them as the lifetime politician or the politically entrenched and liberals used to be very weary of you all love them...the longer they have been there and the bigger waste of a space they are the more the libs like them...1960 hippy's are rolling in their grave asking how liberals got to be so establishment...
So you admit republican politicians are stupid and incompetent
Most of them are corrupt too but at least the media investigates and exposes the republicans they look the other way with democrat wrong doing...
The swamp has members from both parties...we used to refer to them as the lifetime politician or the politically entrenched and liberals used to be very weary of you all love them...the longer they have been there and the bigger waste of a space they are the more the libs like them...1960 hippy's are rolling in their grave asking how liberals got to be so establishment...

And the right spouts their Christian credentials while voting for a child molester. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
After losing everything, It’s normal to see the left grasp onto anything that gives them hope.


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