Trump and fake

Kind of sums Trump up, complaining about fake news, and then basically coming out with so much fake stuff.

Like trying to ban immigrants from countries where there has never been a problem, while allowing the problems that do exist, like guns and crime in the US continue without even a mention.

Like going on about how many people went to his inauguration, when everyone knows not so many people went.

There's never been a problem in Libya, Syria, or Somalia?

What did you miss about what I wrote?

Why don't you take a vacation to one of those countries?

Is this a deliberate strategy on your part, or are you really just unaware that you're talking complete crap?

You're the one that said the are countries "where there has never been a problem". So, enough with the crap already.

To be honest, if you can't figure out what was meant, then what's the point? The context of the sentence should have been a big give away.

How many Somalis have caused problems in the US?
How many Syrians?
How many Libyans?
There's never been a problem in Libya, Syria, or Somalia?

What did you miss about what I wrote?

Why don't you take a vacation to one of those countries?

Is this a deliberate strategy on your part, or are you really just unaware that you're talking complete crap?

You're the one that said the are countries "where there has never been a problem". So, enough with the crap already.

To be honest, if you can't figure out what was meant, then what's the point? The context of the sentence should have been a big give away.

How many Somalis have caused problems in the US?
How many Syrians?
How many Libyans?

How many Americans died by Libyans? How about the four at Benghazi?

Plenty of Syrians have committed attacks in Europe.

Somalia has been a hell hole for decades now. Ask Richard Phillips how nice and civil Somalis are.

We know these places are all hotbeds for terrorism. You want to wait for some horrific attack to happen on "US soil", because all the terror attacks happening in those countries and in Europe aren't enough for you.

Sorry, but normal humans can see the dangers of importing people from those countries. We're better off leaving them there, unless they can really be vetted.
What did you miss about what I wrote?

Why don't you take a vacation to one of those countries?

Is this a deliberate strategy on your part, or are you really just unaware that you're talking complete crap?

You're the one that said the are countries "where there has never been a problem". So, enough with the crap already.

To be honest, if you can't figure out what was meant, then what's the point? The context of the sentence should have been a big give away.

How many Somalis have caused problems in the US?
How many Syrians?
How many Libyans?

How many Americans died by Libyans? How about the four at Benghazi?

Plenty of Syrians have committed attacks in Europe.

Somalia has been a hell hole for decades now. Ask Richard Phillips how nice and civil Somalis are.

We know these places are all hotbeds for terrorism. You want to wait for some horrific attack to happen on "US soil", because all the terror attacks happening in those countries and in Europe aren't enough for you.

Sorry, but normal humans can see the dangers of importing people from those countries. We're better off leaving them there, unless they can really be vetted.

Americans died in Libya because THEY WENT TO LIBYA. We're not talking about Americans going around the world, causing problems in other countries and getting themselves killed, are we? Get with the program. Jeez, this is like talking to a forgetful 5 year old.

We're talking about allowing non-Americans into the USA, and you'd think that you're not stopping Libyans getting into the US so that Americans in fucking Libya don't get themselves shot.
Kind of sums Trump up, complaining about fake news, and then basically coming out with so much fake stuff.

Like trying to ban immigrants from countries where there has never been a problem, while allowing the problems that do exist, like guns and crime in the US continue without even a mention.

Like going on about how many people went to his inauguration, when everyone knows not so many people went.

Like trying to ban immigrants from countries where there has never been a problem,

How ignorant of currant news are you?

You must be a special kind of stupid..
Why don't you take a vacation to one of those countries?

Is this a deliberate strategy on your part, or are you really just unaware that you're talking complete crap?

You're the one that said the are countries "where there has never been a problem". So, enough with the crap already.

To be honest, if you can't figure out what was meant, then what's the point? The context of the sentence should have been a big give away.

How many Somalis have caused problems in the US?
How many Syrians?
How many Libyans?

How many Americans died by Libyans? How about the four at Benghazi?

Plenty of Syrians have committed attacks in Europe.

Somalia has been a hell hole for decades now. Ask Richard Phillips how nice and civil Somalis are.

We know these places are all hotbeds for terrorism. You want to wait for some horrific attack to happen on "US soil", because all the terror attacks happening in those countries and in Europe aren't enough for you.

Sorry, but normal humans can see the dangers of importing people from those countries. We're better off leaving them there, unless they can really be vetted.

Americans died in Libya because THEY WENT TO LIBYA. We're not talking about Americans going around the world, causing problems in other countries and getting themselves killed, are we? Get with the program. Jeez, this is like talking to a forgetful 5 year old.

We're talking about allowing non-Americans into the USA, and you'd think that you're not stopping Libyans getting into the US so that Americans in fucking Libya don't get themselves shot.

Quit embarrassing yourself

Why don't you take a vacation to one of those countries?

Is this a deliberate strategy on your part, or are you really just unaware that you're talking complete crap?

You're the one that said the are countries "where there has never been a problem". So, enough with the crap already.

To be honest, if you can't figure out what was meant, then what's the point? The context of the sentence should have been a big give away.

How many Somalis have caused problems in the US?
How many Syrians?
How many Libyans?

How many Americans died by Libyans? How about the four at Benghazi?

Plenty of Syrians have committed attacks in Europe.

Somalia has been a hell hole for decades now. Ask Richard Phillips how nice and civil Somalis are.

We know these places are all hotbeds for terrorism. You want to wait for some horrific attack to happen on "US soil", because all the terror attacks happening in those countries and in Europe aren't enough for you.

Sorry, but normal humans can see the dangers of importing people from those countries. We're better off leaving them there, unless they can really be vetted.

Americans died in Libya because THEY WENT TO LIBYA. We're not talking about Americans going around the world, causing problems in other countries and getting themselves killed, are we? Get with the program. Jeez, this is like talking to a forgetful 5 year old.

We're talking about allowing non-Americans into the USA, and you'd think that you're not stopping Libyans getting into the US so that Americans in fucking Libya don't get themselves shot.

It was just for 90 days mental midget so we could re evaluate Homeland Security..
Why don't you take a vacation to one of those countries?

Is this a deliberate strategy on your part, or are you really just unaware that you're talking complete crap?

You're the one that said the are countries "where there has never been a problem". So, enough with the crap already.

To be honest, if you can't figure out what was meant, then what's the point? The context of the sentence should have been a big give away.

How many Somalis have caused problems in the US?
How many Syrians?
How many Libyans?

How many Americans died by Libyans? How about the four at Benghazi?

Plenty of Syrians have committed attacks in Europe.

Somalia has been a hell hole for decades now. Ask Richard Phillips how nice and civil Somalis are.

We know these places are all hotbeds for terrorism. You want to wait for some horrific attack to happen on "US soil", because all the terror attacks happening in those countries and in Europe aren't enough for you.

Sorry, but normal humans can see the dangers of importing people from those countries. We're better off leaving them there, unless they can really be vetted.

Americans died in Libya because THEY WENT TO LIBYA. We're not talking about Americans going around the world, causing problems in other countries and getting themselves killed, are we? Get with the program. Jeez, this is like talking to a forgetful 5 year old.

We're talking about allowing non-Americans into the USA, and you'd think that you're not stopping Libyans getting into the US so that Americans in fucking Libya don't get themselves shot.

We went into Libya? We had an embassy/consulate there. Libya has been overrun by batshit crazy Sunnis thanks to Obama declaring regime change for Qaddafi and bombing the government forces during the rebellion. Now it's a complete hellhole, another wonderful 'victory' for the Obama foreign policy. There is no reason we should take in Libyans.

All of those countries are war zones or are openly hostile to the US. If they want refuge they can go to any other country in the world. You people act like if they can't get into America they will die.
Is this a deliberate strategy on your part, or are you really just unaware that you're talking complete crap?

You're the one that said the are countries "where there has never been a problem". So, enough with the crap already.

To be honest, if you can't figure out what was meant, then what's the point? The context of the sentence should have been a big give away.

How many Somalis have caused problems in the US?
How many Syrians?
How many Libyans?

How many Americans died by Libyans? How about the four at Benghazi?

Plenty of Syrians have committed attacks in Europe.

Somalia has been a hell hole for decades now. Ask Richard Phillips how nice and civil Somalis are.

We know these places are all hotbeds for terrorism. You want to wait for some horrific attack to happen on "US soil", because all the terror attacks happening in those countries and in Europe aren't enough for you.

Sorry, but normal humans can see the dangers of importing people from those countries. We're better off leaving them there, unless they can really be vetted.

Americans died in Libya because THEY WENT TO LIBYA. We're not talking about Americans going around the world, causing problems in other countries and getting themselves killed, are we? Get with the program. Jeez, this is like talking to a forgetful 5 year old.

We're talking about allowing non-Americans into the USA, and you'd think that you're not stopping Libyans getting into the US so that Americans in fucking Libya don't get themselves shot.

We went into Libya? We had an embassy/consulate there. Libya has been overrun by batshit crazy Sunnis thanks to Obama declaring regime change for Qaddafi and bombing the government forces during the rebellion. Now it's a complete hellhole, another wonderful 'victory' for the Obama foreign policy. There is no reason we should take in Libyans.

All of those countries are war zones or are openly hostile to the US. If they want refuge they can go to any other country in the world. You people act like if they can't get into America they will die.

You don't remember bombing Libya huh?

Yes, Obama was wrong to do what he did. However he's not the only one responsible for the mess there.

Yes, the countries are openly hostile towards the US, but often refugees are ESCAPING the country for a reason.

Trump is banning people going into the US who HELPED THE US, RISKED THEIR LIVES FOR THE US in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Nice one, we know how much he hates PoWs, well now he hates those friends of the US who helped the US. Nice. Making enemies wherever they go.

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