Trump and Harley-Davidson

Everyone knew the tariffs would not be good for business or workers.
And who will be next? CEO's are supposed to make money for share holders Dummy trump didn't plan well if at all

No, a CEO's job is to innovate and prepare his company for the future which Harley hasn't done. They're still building bikes that leak oil and have sketchy electronics and would get their hair singed off by any large displacemnt Jap bike on the market. Trump told them to hold steady but they panicked...not that any of this makes sense or a difference to a commie putz like yourself.
Everyone knew the tariffs would not be good for business or workers.

The problem is Trump speaks with no one. Everyone knows that no one is able to win a trade war. But he forces Europe to this idiotic "tit for tat"-game, because no one has any better solution.
Lying POS.
He talked to the SOBs at the G7, and they wouldn't listen, so they're paying a price for their arrogance now.

Trump mentioned that we should just get rid of all tariffs, and the EU motherfuckers acted like he farted.
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Tom Horn makes excuses that do not remove the real fact that CEO's are to make money for share holders.

H-D is doing just that by moving its production for European markets to Europe.
Tom Horn makes excuses that do not remove the real fact that CEO's are to make money for share holders.

H-D is doing just that by moving its production for European markets to Europe.

They're moving it to THAILAND you fucking simpleton....ever been to Thailand?....I did my 5 day in Bangkok and it's a filthy mess with 11 year old hookers....I slept for five days and headed back...Saigon was a paradise compared to that shithole.
Trump chides Harley-Davidson in tariff row

Donald Trump criticises Harley-Davidson for decision over tariffs"

So, Trump is criticizing Harley-Davidson for moving production to Europe where it won't suffer from debilitating tariffs in the EU or China.

These are the Tariffs that Trump managed to get imposed.

So why is he blaming a company for trying to remain profitable? He'd do the same thing in similar circumstance. He'd make his company more profitable over the desires of a different president.

That it's HIS POLICY that caused the company to move, and yet he's blaming the company, shows just how arrogant the guy is.

What a retard.

Obama policies caused this.
Trump is trying to reverse the trend.

FYI, Obama made sure that higher taxes and fees would force companies overseas, then he put the screws to them for doing it.
Obama to target 'inversion' firms moving HQ abroad to avoid US taxes
Precisely the opposite. Obama was targeting actions like walgreens tax dodge.
Tom Horn makes excuses that do not remove the real fact that CEO's are to make money for share holders.

H-D is doing just that by moving its production for European markets to Europe.

They're moving it to THAILAND you fucking simpleton....ever been to Thailand?....I did my 5 day in Bangkok and it's a filthy mess with 11 year old hookers....I slept for five days and headed back...Saigon was a paradise compared to that shithole.
Snap. The trap snapped on Tom's logic. Go back and read the article. CEO's are to make money for the stock holders. That will happen with the moving of the manufacturing from the US. Yes?
Trump chides Harley-Davidson in tariff row

Donald Trump criticises Harley-Davidson for decision over tariffs"

So, Trump is criticizing Harley-Davidson for moving production to Europe where it won't suffer from debilitating tariffs in the EU or China.

These are the Tariffs that Trump managed to get imposed.

So why is he blaming a company for trying to remain profitable? He'd do the same thing in similar circumstance. He'd make his company more profitable over the desires of a different president.

That it's HIS POLICY that caused the company to move, and yet he's blaming the company, shows just how arrogant the guy is.

What a retard.

Obama policies caused this.
Trump is trying to reverse the trend.

FYI, Obama made sure that higher taxes and fees would force companies overseas, then he put the screws to them for doing it.
Obama to target 'inversion' firms moving HQ abroad to avoid US taxes
Precisely the opposite. Obama was targeting actions like walgreens tax dodge.
Sure he was.
Everyone knew the tariffs would not be good for business or workers.
And who will be next? CEO's are supposed to make money for share holders Dummy trump didn't plan well if at all

No, a CEO's job is to innovate and prepare his company for the future which Harley hasn't done. They're still building bikes that leak oil and have sketchy electronics and would get their hair singed off by any large displacemnt Jap bike on the market. Trump told them to hold steady but they panicked...not that any of this makes sense or a difference to a commie putz like yourself.
Far better than being a trump ass kissin republican And HD's future will be fine once the moron is voted or kicked out
Obama attacked American business and you said nothing. Of course Obama was lying, because we have never had a more corporatist pro-Wall Street POTUS than he.
Obama did not try to destroy any American business.
WTF! Really? Is your memory that short?

Don't you remember what he said about coal plants. Remember Hobby Lobby? Remember Chic-fil a?

He DESTROYED the bondholders of General Motors?

He regularly attacked insurance companies during the Obamacare debates.

He prevented Boeing from moving operations.

There is more but you have been told by the DNC Media that everything Trump is doing is different, and you bought the propaganda. LMFAO

Top 10 Obama Attacks on Capitalism | Human Events
After working hard to destroy American businesses such as Amazon, the Red Hen, all news media, the NFL, etc., Trump has now turned on former ally Harley Davidson, threatening to abuse the Presidency to destroy them.

'Never!': Trump fumes at Harley-Davidson in tariff tweetstorm
Cry me a river.Amazon was destroyed by radical leftards. Red Hen destroyed itself by being ignorant and uneducated., Harley Davidson dosent give a shit about the american people.
Amazon is fine, and Red Hen got the best advertising in their entire history. HD is probably finished though. How stupid of them to trust a Trump.
Red Hen fucked up badly, and now they are facing the backlash. Losing half their customers can't help much either, and the protests must be terrible for business. Their Yelp reviews just plummeted too.

Not all publicity, is good publicity.
The Red Hen owner was just forced to resign a local business group. But, if the left thinks this is good for business they should do more of it.
Trump forces HD to move EU production to overseas plants & then blames HD.

HD owners should be pissed at Trump for forcing this move & costing Americans jobs.

Trump is such an ass.
Trump is one big vindictive SOB. He acts like a little brat. Trump causes a problem, people react to the problem so they aren't hurt as bad by the problem Trump creates and then Trump punishes them.
How's brat-boy going to punish Mid Continent Nail Corp and the related companies that relied on Mid Continent, that also have to lay off workers?
What an incompetent loser, we have for president. And his failures are just starting. This wouldn't happen to someone who actually knows what they are doing.
Harley's are over priced and over hyped, but it's bad to see them offshoring.
Harleys have their own thing going on, so i dont think they are over hyped. But they are overpriced.
My wideglide is 18 years old and its still worth around 8 - 8500. If it wasnt custom, probably around 7 or so.
Thats expensive IMO. But at least they hold value! lol
I've never had one that wasn't a piece of crap. Course I've only had two.
Harley's are over priced and over hyped, but it's bad to see them offshoring.

Could be a head-fake to see what how the President responds but he sees it as a double-cross after he touted their bikes and had them into the White House last year. He ain't playing and maybe today they understand that. The EU's hand will fold by Christmas...they can't survive without selling into our market.
Maybe, but I think you are giving everyone concerned more credit than they deserve.

Our markets will be in the toilet by Christmas.
Obama attacked American business and you said nothing. Of course Obama was lying, because we have never had a more corporatist pro-Wall Street POTUS than he.
You got some examples to back that up, jimbob? A stable economy that limits negative externalities is something a money grubbing capitalist would disapprove of. But it would be great for the people.
Tom Horn

Funny? Do you think Donald Trump fights for the USA? If so then I would say this is funny. Narcissists are not calculable and no one has an intelligent answer to the stupidities of Donald Trump. And narcissists are much more dangerous than most people think.
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The problem is Trump speaks with no one. Everyone knows that no one is able to win a trade war. But he forces Europe to this idiotic "tit for tat"-game, because no one has any better solution.

Did this clown ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ fall off a turnip truck....what's he doing here?

You call me "clown"?

Trump cancelled TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). The EU liked to speak with him about his problems in context with tariffs - but looks he likes not to agree with the basic rules of the WTO. He never tried to speak with Europe. Europe waited a very long time with an reaction. The biggest player in context world economy is by the way not the USA - it is Europe. Although everyone is used to laugh about Europe - Europeans too - Trump and the USA could get really very very serious problems if you will continue this way of stupid confrontation. What do you think will happen if we Germans get problems? Do we close first our factories in Europe or in the USA? And if we close all business in the USA - what will win the USA? Our companies here in Germany have for example in the moment the problem that they don't know how to invest more than 500 billions. Do you think they will invest a part of this money in the USA now? Money is fearful - and Trump is dangerous.
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