Trump and Harley-Davidson

Harley's American customers are aging Boomers who in a few years won't be able to even swing a leg over a hog, much less ride one. In the rest of the world, their ONLY advantage is being the American icon of motorcycles.
So let's see if I've got this right.

Because Harley Davidson's target market is largely a group of people for whom you personally clearly have little respect - aging Americans - that makes it okay for an American President to attack the company as it tries to protect itself financially?

And are you aware that the same group of people for whom you have so little respect - aging Americans - is also the target of the Regressive Left, as it celebrates their increasing deaths every year?

Do you really want to run with this spin, just to protect Trump?

Hey dumbass....I'm 70 and after two years you haven't figured that out yet? You also clearly know nothing about Harley Davidson and it's customers. Guys my age started buying the Harley they'd always admired but never dared buy in their youth. So they retired and started riding...and crashing and getting killed. I raced motocross and flat-track back in the day and had an expert AMA license. Today I know better than to take a motorcycle out into's just a matter of when you'll get clobbered. Harley hit the panic switch a few months back and Trump is holding them to their word which means if they leave, they'll pay what they saved in slave wages in tariffs. Next time you step to me, know who the fuck you're talking to.
I think I know what I'm talking to.

You're going to defend/spin for/attack for Trump, and that's that.

That's up to you.
After working hard to destroy American businesses such as Amazon, the Red Hen, all news media, the NFL, etc., Trump has now turned on former ally Harley Davidson, threatening to abuse the Presidency to destroy them.

'Never!': Trump fumes at Harley-Davidson in tariff tweetstorm
Harley said they may move some operations overseas. They must have some real idiots in upper management to come up with that idea when we have a President that has said we will start punishing companies that do just that.

The President wants to keep the American workers in Harley employed, it’s the idiotic decision makers he is warning.
Harley won’t employ them when they disappear.
The only thing I have to say to this is I call bullshit.
I do not believe HD is going to move major operations to Europe because of proposed tariffs. It may certainly have sealed the deal, or been the final blow to make them go ahead and do it.... but the real reason is declining sales in the U.S. with rising sales in the EU.
After working hard to destroy American businesses such as Amazon, the Red Hen, all news media, the NFL, etc., Trump has now turned on former ally Harley Davidson, threatening to abuse the Presidency to destroy them.

'Never!': Trump fumes at Harley-Davidson in tariff tweetstorm

I already posted this by the way doofus.
Yours was probably stupid and drenched with your mental instability.

LMFAO. your such a doofus !
President Trump warned Harley-Davidson on Tuesday that if the company follows through on moving production of motorcycles sold in Europe overseas, “it will be the beginning of the end” — while saying the American icon would not be able to “sell back into the U.S. without paying a big tax.”

Trump Warns Harley-Davidson of ‘Big Tax’ If It Sells Back to US

Well if they don't do it fk uhmm hopefully them trying to be smartasses and prove their loyal devotions to being anti american pricks screw them too.

Trump has no authority to do that.
They wont last as many wont purchase them if not made in USA anyway....bikers are very loyal Trump voters
Count the tattoos. How many are Harley, how many are Trump?

Trumpians are scrambling to rationalize this move. And they are looking ridiculous as they fail to see the cause. Here's a hint: it ain't Harley.
I have no words
Neither do we. We already posted our opinions on the other 15 threads this morning.
If this isn't definitive proof that the economy isn't a direct result of the president at the time, i don't know what is.
Wasn’t he just at Harley a couple months ago bragging about what he’s done ?
Trump chides Harley-Davidson in tariff row

Donald Trump criticises Harley-Davidson for decision over tariffs"

So, Trump is criticizing Harley-Davidson for moving production to Europe where it won't suffer from debilitating tariffs in the EU or China.

These are the Tariffs that Trump managed to get imposed.

So why is he blaming a company for trying to remain profitable? He'd do the same thing in similar circumstance. He'd make his company more profitable over the desires of a different president.

That it's HIS POLICY that caused the company to move, and yet he's blaming the company, shows just how arrogant the guy is.

And the moron doesn't know that a CEO must do the BEST that he can for stockholders? Is trump that much an idiot?
After working hard to destroy American businesses such as Amazon, the Red Hen, all news media, the NFL, etc., Trump has now turned on former ally Harley Davidson, threatening to abuse the Presidency to destroy them.

'Never!': Trump fumes at Harley-Davidson in tariff tweetstorm
Cry me a river.Amazon was destroyed by radical leftards. Red Hen destroyed itself by being ignorant and uneducated., Harley Davidson dosent give a shit about the american people.
Amazon is fine, and Red Hen got the best advertising in their entire history. HD is probably finished though. How stupid of them to trust a Trump.
Red Hen fucked up badly, and now they are facing the backlash. Losing half their customers can't help much either, and the protests must be terrible for business. Their Yelp reviews just plummeted to.

Not all publicity, is good publicity.
Red Hen will profit bigly from the Trump admin’s assault. It’s in Hillary country and the left’s new favorite restaurant.
I doubt that, so far everything Trump has bashed isnt do well at all. It's the left wing nut jobs that are giving him his power.
Trump threatening a CEO who only wants the best for his company and share holders??Put the pos in jail if he retaliates...
In a series of tweets, Donald Trump is threatening to tax Harley-Davidson and hoping they go out of business.

Trump threatens Harley-Davidson with taxes ‘like never before’ and predicts its eventual collapse

I have no words for this idiocy.

Be nice if you had no words. Stop meddling in our politics. We have the traitors loyal to foreign interests on the run here.
yes and soon Mueller will expose your traitors ,,,but my money is on people like you still supporting them ,,cause they're yours

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