Trump and his taxes are off to the Sup Ct.

No. Under NY state law if Trump, or any Trump and Sons executive (Cohen?), listed payoffs to Stormy or McDougle as a "legal expense" on a Trump personal or business tax form …. it's illegal.

It's less pathetic than deposing a sitting president over whether an adult woman consensually gave him a bj for no financial benefit.

So how come they're asking for his returns back to 2011? your theory is garbage.
Good question. I think initially NY state only asked for back to 2015, but when Trump refused to comply with the federal subpoena going back to 2011, they asked for that too.

But Trump lost on the federal Mazar's subpoena today too. So it probably doesn't matter.
Trump's longtime accounting firm must provide financial records to Congress, appeals court rules
Moscow Mitch has already packed the supreme court. Now we will see if the supreme court that Moscow Mitch put in place will do their job and let the law prevail or will they prove themselves to be a political body. My confidence is very low on the honesty of the two justices that were forced through the senate by Moscow Mitch..

The nickname "Moscow Mitch" makes about as much sense as anything else you libtards can throw together. It is a testament to your stupidity.
No. Under NY state law if Trump, or any Trump and Sons executive (Cohen?), listed payoffs to Stormy or McDougle as a "legal expense" on a Trump personal or business tax form …. it's illegal.

It's less pathetic than deposing a sitting president over whether an adult woman consensually gave him a bj for no financial benefit.

So how come they're asking for his returns back to 2011? your theory is garbage.
Good question. I think initially NY state only asked for back to 2015, but when Trump refused to comply with the federal subpoena going back to 2011, they asked for that too.

But Trump lost on the federal Mazar's subpoena today too. So it probably doesn't matter.
Trump's longtime accounting firm must provide financial records to Congress, appeals court rules

I always find these arguments odd in that the requirement is only to maintain 7 years of federal tax returns.
Federal appeals court rejects Trump's bid to block House subpoena for his tax returns

I wouldn't put anything past the Gang of Five, but could we really have a dem potus civilly sued for something unrelated to his official acts and a gop potus who can avoid a subpoena in a criminal investigation of whether his payoffs to whores violated state tax laws?
This is not a move to get Trump's tax returns to the House. They have clearance to review IRS records, but they are not allowed to disclose those records.

This is simply a move to MAKE THEM PUBLIC so the Dems can make hay over his deductions and effective tax rate.

It really is as pathetic as it sounds.


No. Under NY state law if Trump, or any Trump and Sons executive (Cohen?), listed payoffs to Stormy or McDougle as a "legal expense" on a Trump personal or business tax form …. it's illegal.

It's less pathetic than deposing a sitting president over whether an adult woman consensually gave him a bj for no financial benefit.

Wouldn't the state of NY already have his state tax returns, dumbass?
Dems will lose this too. Consider their pathetic selves......

The ONLY reason they want access to Trump's finances is they hope and pray they'll find something, ANYTHING that raises another false sense of impeachment. It has absolutely nothing to do with what Trump's done. Trump is guilty for breathing.

Right generally prevails over wrong. It's why the left loses so often, despite their corruption and competitive advantage.
They already have his financial statements.l.
His financial statements are exaggerations and lies.

That's one of the reasons he doesn't want his tax return released.

"I was paid somewhere between two and eleventy-million dollars for my likeness on a matchbook cover."
That's most likely the reason. Trump is a vain motherfucker, if anything. Not being perceived as the richest man in the universe would bruise his HUGE ego.

The problem is that they have seen his tax records. House members have that clearance, but it is illegal for them to MAKE THEM PUBLIC so they have to find a way to do it so we can all see how Trump over-inflated his rich-as-fuck persona.

It is a pretty pathetic, tabloid-smear-type move. Total mud slinging. Nothing more.

Sure....then there's the assholes you fuckers vote for.

  • Nancy Pelosi - Thinks she's the real POTUS
  • Hillary Clinton - Thinks she's the with their heads..left the WH worth over $220 million
  • Barack Obama - Wishes he was still president and thinks he's the smartest person in any room
  • AOC - Thinks everyone else is racist
  • Rashida Tlaib - Terrorist motherfucker
  • Ilhan Omar - Somali refugee and Manchurian Candidate
No. Under NY state law if Trump, or any Trump and Sons executive (Cohen?), listed payoffs to Stormy or McDougle as a "legal expense" on a Trump personal or business tax form …. it's illegal.

It's less pathetic than deposing a sitting president over whether an adult woman consensually gave him a bj for no financial benefit.

So how come they're asking for his returns back to 2011? your theory is garbage.
Good question. I think initially NY state only asked for back to 2015, but when Trump refused to comply with the federal subpoena going back to 2011, they asked for that too.

But Trump lost on the federal Mazar's subpoena today too. So it probably doesn't matter.
Trump's longtime accounting firm must provide financial records to Congress, appeals court rules

What was New York state doing in 2011,2012,2013,2014,2015?

Why do they wait till now?
Federal appeals court rejects Trump's bid to block House subpoena for his tax returns

I wouldn't put anything past the Gang of Five, but could we really have a dem potus civilly sued for something unrelated to his official acts and a gop potus who can avoid a subpoena in a criminal investigation of whether his payoffs to whores violated state tax laws?

Good question.

But you can bet Whoresuch and the Beer Boy are going to show their loyalty to Donald when this lands in their lap.


Just so we can be clear with regard to your motive and all...which of the following ‘group(s)’ do you fit within?
Be honest...Don’t be shy now.
Pole Puffer
Rug Muncher
Chicks With Dicks
White Guilt Whacko
Lowlife Degenerate
Drug Addict
My confidence is very low on the honesty of the two justices that were forced through the senate by Moscow Mitch..

Of course it is. Trump could nominate SCOTUS justices off a hand-picked list prepared by Obama, Schumer and Pelosi, and you'd still feel that way just because they were nominated by Trump.

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