Trump and history and potential disaster

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
Ems Dispatch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The causus belli between Prussia and France was a little now regarded telegram. It was part of a bunch of traffic between Berlin and Paris over the succession of Spain. Napoleon got a little testy and gave the Prussians a nastygram.

The deal was, France wasn't ready, and Bismarck was itching for a fight. Within a year there was no longer a French empire and Paris was besiged.

That isn't possible now, but a lot worse things are. Do you want a universe where every day we have frightening people looking for a fight, and bull in a China shop Trump giving them one every day?
I like Trump and Trump carries his 'china shop' with him . With Trump , if he is elected there will / may be some exciting times 'BDeer' !!
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Every American military conflict in the bloody 20th century from WW1 (and then we did it again 25 years later) to WW2 to Korea and Vietnam happened during a democrat administration. The U.S. media actually circled the wagons and protected the Truman administration from criticism and insultingly called Korea "the forgotten war" and subsequently forgot about it. The truth is that Truman was a bean counting senator who didn't even have a college diploma. Democrats selected him to run on the ticket while the sitting VP was on vacation when FDR was dying late in WW2 because they could push him around. Truman sent Troops to Korea on an executive order while he was trying to downsize the freaking Military. American (U.N. troops) beat the NK hoard back over the border in less than a year and even captured the NK capital of Pyongyang but timid Truman couldn't control his own general and the mission was expanded. Under the Truman/MacArthur "leadership", Korea turned into a 3 year meat grinder and we ended up back where we started while NK remains a threat to the free world fifty years later.
Every American military conflict in the bloody 20th century from WW1 (and then we did it again 25 years later) to WW2 to Korea and Vietnam happened during a democrat administration. The U.S. media actually circled the wagons and protected the Truman administration from criticism and insultingly called Korea "the forgotten war" and subsequently forgot about it. The truth is that Truman was a bean counting senator who didn't even have a college diploma. Democrats selected him to run on the ticket while the sitting VP was on vacation when FDR was dying late in WW2 because they could push him around. Truman sent Troops to Korea on an executive order while he was trying to downsize the freaking Military. American (U.N. troops) beat the NK hoard back over the border in less than a year and even captured the NK capital of Pyongyang but timid Truman couldn't control his own general and the mission was expanded. Under the Truman/MacArthur "leadership", Korea turned into a 3 year meat grinder and we ended up back where we started while NK remains a threat to the free world fifty years later.
Truman has never been ranked lower than ninth best American president since Truman was first rated in 1962.
I know, I know Americas best historians are commies.
George Washington never attended college but went to surveyor school. Abe Lincoln never attended college.
Every American military conflict in the bloody 20th century from WW1 (and then we did it again 25 years later) to WW2 to Korea and Vietnam happened during a democrat administration. The U.S. media actually circled the wagons and protected the Truman administration from criticism and insultingly called Korea "the forgotten war" and subsequently forgot about it. The truth is that Truman was a bean counting senator who didn't even have a college diploma. Democrats selected him to run on the ticket while the sitting VP was on vacation when FDR was dying late in WW2 because they could push him around. Truman sent Troops to Korea on an executive order while he was trying to downsize the freaking Military. American (U.N. troops) beat the NK hoard back over the border in less than a year and even captured the NK capital of Pyongyang but timid Truman couldn't control his own general and the mission was expanded. Under the Truman/MacArthur "leadership", Korea turned into a 3 year meat grinder and we ended up back where we started while NK remains a threat to the free world fifty years later.
Truman has never been ranked lower than ninth best American president since Truman was first rated in 1962.
I know, I know Americas best historians are commies.
George Washington never attended college but went to surveyor school. Abe Lincoln never attended college.

After the debacle of Korea, Harry Truman couldn't even muster enough support in his own party to run for a 2nd full term and he bowed out of politics. The media writes the history books and the media created the myth of the alleged "feisty" little president when in fact Truman was a timid little bean counter who couldn't even stand up to his own general until it was too late for 38,000 American Troops killed because of an ego trip by a self absorbed general who never spent a single night in Korea and possibly suffered from an age related mental impairment. The media might have conveniently (and insultingly) forgot about the "forgotten war" but Americans didn't forget. As a matter of fact MacArthur thought he had the support of republicans for a presidential run but Korean Vets voiced their outrage and he ended up running as an independent knowing he would probably syphon votes from fellow Vet. Dwight Eisenhower.
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Every American military conflict in the bloody 20th century from WW1 (and then we did it again 25 years later) to WW2 to Korea and Vietnam happened during a democrat administration. The U.S. media actually circled the wagons and protected the Truman administration from criticism and insultingly called Korea "the forgotten war" and subsequently forgot about it. The truth is that Truman was a bean counting senator who didn't even have a college diploma. Democrats selected him to run on the ticket while the sitting VP was on vacation when FDR was dying late in WW2 because they could push him around. Truman sent Troops to Korea on an executive order while he was trying to downsize the freaking Military. American (U.N. troops) beat the NK hoard back over the border in less than a year and even captured the NK capital of Pyongyang but timid Truman couldn't control his own general and the mission was expanded. Under the Truman/MacArthur "leadership", Korea turned into a 3 year meat grinder and we ended up back where we started while NK remains a threat to the free world fifty years later.
Truman has never been ranked lower than ninth best American president since Truman was first rated in 1962.
I know, I know Americas best historians are commies.
George Washington never attended college but went to surveyor school. Abe Lincoln never attended college.

After the debacle of Korea, Harry Truman couldn't even muster enough support in his own party to run for a 2nd full term and he bowed out of politics. The media writes the history books and the media created the fake legacy of the alleged "feisty" little president when in fact Truman was a timid little bean counter who couldn't even stand up to his own general until it was too late for 38,000 American Troops killed because of an ego trip by a possibly age related mental impairment. The media might have conveniently (and insultingly) forgot about the "forgotten war" but Americans didn't forget. As a matter of fact MacArthur thought he had the support of republicans for a presidential run but Korean Vets hated him and he ended up running as an independent knowing he would probably syphon votes from fellow Vet. Dwight Eisenhower.
Many people write history books including whatever the media might be, but the histories written by the noted professional historians and accepted by the best historians as the cream of the crop are the ones I prefer. Those are the historians asked to rate the presidents, and new historians are asked each four years, since 1948,
Truman is the only president with the guts to fire MacArthur, and the guts to take back S. Korea and drop the bombs. Korea is the forgotten war because it was almost an aftermath of WWII, and people were tired of war.
Truman is still rated ninth best president by those noted historians.
Every American military conflict in the bloody 20th century from WW1 (and then we did it again 25 years later) to WW2 to Korea and Vietnam happened during a democrat administration. The U.S. media actually circled the wagons and protected the Truman administration from criticism and insultingly called Korea "the forgotten war" and subsequently forgot about it. The truth is that Truman was a bean counting senator who didn't even have a college diploma. Democrats selected him to run on the ticket while the sitting VP was on vacation when FDR was dying late in WW2 because they could push him around. Truman sent Troops to Korea on an executive order while he was trying to downsize the freaking Military. American (U.N. troops) beat the NK hoard back over the border in less than a year and even captured the NK capital of Pyongyang but timid Truman couldn't control his own general and the mission was expanded. Under the Truman/MacArthur "leadership", Korea turned into a 3 year meat grinder and we ended up back where we started while NK remains a threat to the free world fifty years later.
Truman has never been ranked lower than ninth best American president since Truman was first rated in 1962.
I know, I know Americas best historians are commies.
George Washington never attended college but went to surveyor school. Abe Lincoln never attended college.

After the debacle of Korea, Harry Truman couldn't even muster enough support in his own party to run for a 2nd full term and he bowed out of politics. The media writes the history books and the media created the fake legacy of the alleged "feisty" little president when in fact Truman was a timid little bean counter who couldn't even stand up to his own general until it was too late for 38,000 American Troops killed because of an ego trip by a possibly age related mental impairment. The media might have conveniently (and insultingly) forgot about the "forgotten war" but Americans didn't forget. As a matter of fact MacArthur thought he had the support of republicans for a presidential run but Korean Vets hated him and he ended up running as an independent knowing he would probably syphon votes from fellow Vet. Dwight Eisenhower.
Many people write history books including whatever the media might be, but the histories written by the noted professional historians and accepted by the best historians as the cream of the crop are the ones I prefer. Those are the historians asked to rate the presidents, and new historians are asked each four years, since 1948,
Truman is the only president with the guts to fire MacArthur, and the guts to take back S. Korea and drop the bombs. Korea is the forgotten war because it was almost an aftermath of WWII, and people were tired of war.
Truman is still rated ninth best president by those noted historians.

The guts to fire MacArthur? Is that what passes for history among "professional historians"? America lost 38,000 Americans in an insane expansion of the mission in Korea with exhausted Troops and fragile supply lines in an area of the world known for brutal winters. MacArthur insulted Truman when he demanded that the president leave the White House to meet him at Wake Island to discuss Korean war strategy because he was just too damned busy to leave his palace in Japan. It was a slick move that put Truman on the defensive in crucial details about Korea. MacArthur's "intelligence" was manufactured by a sycophant general and had little or no basis in reality. MacArthur further insulted Truman by appearing in a casual uniform and failing to salute the president. Truman finally fired MacArthur after the mission turned chaotic and MacArthur made wild public threats to use nuclear weapons on China.
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Every American military conflict in the bloody 20th century from WW1 (and then we did it again 25 years later) to WW2 to Korea and Vietnam happened during a democrat administration. The U.S. media actually circled the wagons and protected the Truman administration from criticism and insultingly called Korea "the forgotten war" and subsequently forgot about it. The truth is that Truman was a bean counting senator who didn't even have a college diploma. Democrats selected him to run on the ticket while the sitting VP was on vacation when FDR was dying late in WW2 because they could push him around. Truman sent Troops to Korea on an executive order while he was trying to downsize the freaking Military. American (U.N. troops) beat the NK hoard back over the border in less than a year and even captured the NK capital of Pyongyang but timid Truman couldn't control his own general and the mission was expanded. Under the Truman/MacArthur "leadership", Korea turned into a 3 year meat grinder and we ended up back where we started while NK remains a threat to the free world fifty years later.
Truman has never been ranked lower than ninth best American president since Truman was first rated in 1962.
I know, I know Americas best historians are commies.
George Washington never attended college but went to surveyor school. Abe Lincoln never attended college.

After the debacle of Korea, Harry Truman couldn't even muster enough support in his own party to run for a 2nd full term and he bowed out of politics. The media writes the history books and the media created the fake legacy of the alleged "feisty" little president when in fact Truman was a timid little bean counter who couldn't even stand up to his own general until it was too late for 38,000 American Troops killed because of an ego trip by a possibly age related mental impairment. The media might have conveniently (and insultingly) forgot about the "forgotten war" but Americans didn't forget. As a matter of fact MacArthur thought he had the support of republicans for a presidential run but Korean Vets hated him and he ended up running as an independent knowing he would probably syphon votes from fellow Vet. Dwight Eisenhower.
Many people write history books including whatever the media might be, but the histories written by the noted professional historians and accepted by the best historians as the cream of the crop are the ones I prefer. Those are the historians asked to rate the presidents, and new historians are asked each four years, since 1948,
Truman is the only president with the guts to fire MacArthur, and the guts to take back S. Korea and drop the bombs. Korea is the forgotten war because it was almost an aftermath of WWII, and people were tired of war.
Truman is still rated ninth best president by those noted historians.

The guts to fire MacArthur? Is that what passes for history among "professional historians"? America lost 38,000 Americans in an insane expansion of the mission in Korea with exhausted Troops and fragile supply lines in an area of the world known for brutal winters. MacArthur insulted Truman when he demanded that the president leave the White House to meet him at Wake Island to discuss Korean war strategy because he was just too damned busy to leave his palace in Japan. It was a slick move that put Truman on the defensive in crucial details about Korea. MacArthur's "intelligence" was manufactured by a sycophant general and had little or no basis in reality. MacArthur further insulted Truman by appearing in a casual uniform and failing to salute the president. Truman finally fired MacArthur after the mission turned chaotic and MacArthur made wild public threats to use nuclear weapons on China.
So did MacArthur fire Truman or did Truman fire MacArthur?
Every American military conflict in the bloody 20th century from WW1 (and then we did it again 25 years later) to WW2 to Korea and Vietnam happened during a democrat administration. The U.S. media actually circled the wagons and protected the Truman administration from criticism and insultingly called Korea "the forgotten war" and subsequently forgot about it. The truth is that Truman was a bean counting senator who didn't even have a college diploma. Democrats selected him to run on the ticket while the sitting VP was on vacation when FDR was dying late in WW2 because they could push him around. Truman sent Troops to Korea on an executive order while he was trying to downsize the freaking Military. American (U.N. troops) beat the NK hoard back over the border in less than a year and even captured the NK capital of Pyongyang but timid Truman couldn't control his own general and the mission was expanded. Under the Truman/MacArthur "leadership", Korea turned into a 3 year meat grinder and we ended up back where we started while NK remains a threat to the free world fifty years later.
Truman has never been ranked lower than ninth best American president since Truman was first rated in 1962.
I know, I know Americas best historians are commies.
George Washington never attended college but went to surveyor school. Abe Lincoln never attended college.

After the debacle of Korea, Harry Truman couldn't even muster enough support in his own party to run for a 2nd full term and he bowed out of politics. The media writes the history books and the media created the fake legacy of the alleged "feisty" little president when in fact Truman was a timid little bean counter who couldn't even stand up to his own general until it was too late for 38,000 American Troops killed because of an ego trip by a possibly age related mental impairment. The media might have conveniently (and insultingly) forgot about the "forgotten war" but Americans didn't forget. As a matter of fact MacArthur thought he had the support of republicans for a presidential run but Korean Vets hated him and he ended up running as an independent knowing he would probably syphon votes from fellow Vet. Dwight Eisenhower.
Many people write history books including whatever the media might be, but the histories written by the noted professional historians and accepted by the best historians as the cream of the crop are the ones I prefer. Those are the historians asked to rate the presidents, and new historians are asked each four years, since 1948,
Truman is the only president with the guts to fire MacArthur, and the guts to take back S. Korea and drop the bombs. Korea is the forgotten war because it was almost an aftermath of WWII, and people were tired of war.
Truman is still rated ninth best president by those noted historians.

The guts to fire MacArthur? Is that what passes for history among "professional historians"? America lost 38,000 Americans in an insane expansion of the mission in Korea with exhausted Troops and fragile supply lines in an area of the world known for brutal winters. MacArthur insulted Truman when he demanded that the president leave the White House to meet him at Wake Island to discuss Korean war strategy because he was just too damned busy to leave his palace in Japan. It was a slick move that put Truman on the defensive in crucial details about Korea. MacArthur's "intelligence" was manufactured by a sycophant general and had little or no basis in reality. MacArthur further insulted Truman by appearing in a casual uniform and failing to salute the president. Truman finally fired MacArthur after the mission turned chaotic and MacArthur made wild public threats to use nuclear weapons on China.
So did MacArthur fire Truman or did Truman fire MacArthur?

Granted the conflict in Korea was a legitimate effort to protect the U.S. allies in South Korea from being overrun by a communist hoard. Harry Truman apparently didn't trust the other two parts of the U.S. government and he issued a presidential edict that bypassed congress and sent Troops to Korea. That made Korea Truman's war. The little bean counter was busy trying to downsize the American Military and it was clear that he didn't have a clue about it. He appointed a freaking WW1 veteran to supervise the American adventure in Korea and MacArthur never spent even a single night in Korea preferring to more luxurious digs in Japan while relying on sycophantic "intelligence" from General Ned Almond that wasn't worth a damn. Truman authorized the mission so it was Truman's war and he failed miserably but thanks to the sycophant democrat party media he was re-invented and the Korean war became the "the forgotten war".
Korea may have been the last conflict in which we achieved our goal.
Yada yada yada Korea. I didn't mean to hijack the topic which was apparently to insinuate that Donald Trump would be an instrument of debacle in the modern world if elected. Every military adventure in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Woodie Wilson told Americans that he would never send them to fight in a foreign war and he or his wife (after he suffered a stroke) sent Americans to save France from the Hun. About 25 years later another democrat who made sure America was unprepared for war sent Troops to Europe to save France from the Hun. Harry Truman bypassed congress and sent Troops to Korea which made it Truman's war and we lost an estimated 38,000 in three years. LBJ used a fake crisis to send Troops to Vietnam and then set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war and we lost about 49,000 in about 8 years and the radical left with their minions in the media managed to blame the whole thing on Tricky Dick Nixon.

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