Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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But again, if Corona is hitting everyone, whether they follow the rules or not, then it isn't Karma. It's just bad ineffective rules, that do nothing
Or it’s a virus. I’m 64 and in my lifetime no one has cured a cold! Much less prevented it.
The common cold is caused by a virus in the coronavirus family, the same family that contains SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid 19. . You can prevent it in exactly same way you do prevent covid 19. Wash your hands, social distance, and wear a mask.. Since the common cold is less serious most of us don't follow these preventive measures. However, if a person really wants avoid a cold they should follow the covid 19 guidelines. People that have very compromised immune systems do.
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???

Actually I know a woman who works at a hospital. She has said, that does not know a single person anywhere who has Covid.
Same with my doctor friend,he has not seen ONE patient DIE from Covid,these trolls are too damn stupid to understand practically everybody that gets Covid recovers same as they do over a common cough the fact the death numbers from Covid are extremely low and the fact the flu virus is five times more deadly.

He says he has never seen anybody at the hospital die from Covid.
Don't let the facts slow you down. Ignoring the facts has done wonders for Trump
"Super spreader"

You cultists were warned ...

Yep, they were hugging and kissing and almost zero face masks at the Super-Spreader Rose Garden ram-job event.

Well, congratulations you proved it's a hoax.

Of course you're not going to find corvid cases in emergency rooms for several reasons. First being they are segregated. In most large hospitals people that have tested positive for corvid are directed to a secondary entrance with a separate waiting area. The ERs have exam rooms designated for corvid patients and overflow rooms that are disinfected after a covid patient leaves.

You obviously don't know the first thing about this HOAX other than the hysteria sold to you by CNN and MSNBC.
Procedure vary somewhat, but there are Federal guidelines on treating covid19 patients and I have been in emergency rooms
and yes they do bring those patients there. Many hospitals are using ICU overflow, but they must FIRST go to ER where they are tested then processed.
It could be regular flu or 100 things.....they are not going to transport you directly to a special unit as you say until they test you.

Got some baaaaaaad news for ya......

The world is NOT coming to an end over covid19
It's not even that. Hospitals were labeling deaths, as covid deaths.... WITHOUT detecting the virus. We know this, because some hospitals were getting money for Covid deaths, before the hospital even had tests available to verify patients had covid.

How can you label someone as dying of Covid.... when you don't even have a test to find out if they have Covid?

Well, easily.. You just call it a Covid death, and get paid by the government.
That is what I have been saying all along. The data is contaminated so any reliable statistical analysis is impossible. It's the old computer programmer's meme "Garbage in, Garbage out" these brain damaged TDSers drink up that garbage swill like mother's milk.
You both are trying sooooo hard to downplay this thing. Why? You realize your side of the argument results in more people literally dying right?

We're not trying.... We're looking at the facts. You are the one trying to up-play this, contrary to the facts.

We have done your plan. And it didn't prevent a single death. In fact, your freak out plan, likely killed more people than us stating the facts.

We know that ventilators killed people, even though Cuomo and the Democrats attacked Trump over supplying ventilators.

We know that Cuomo forcing known sick people back into nursing homes with the highest risk people in the country, resulted in more deaths. And the reason Cuomo did that, was because he wanted to keep hospital beds open for the millions of people everyone assumed from their freak out session, would be flooding into NYC hospitals.

So again... looking at the facts, not a partisan opinion.... your side of this argument has without question killed more people.
Yeah they are the ones trying,trying to get us to fall for their lies and Trying to avoid facts and not even addressing them,deflecting talking about something irrelevent to the facts we always present
I hear you say these things and laugh because every time I ask for you to be specific and state what you think I’m lying or inaccurate about all I get is spin and deflection. I’ll back up everything I say. Do you have the smarts to engage in a real discussion or do you only have empty insults to fling?
However, just because a patient has covid 19 and dies does not mean it will listed as a covid death. For example:
Suppose the immediate cause of death of a covid patient is Acute myocardial infarction
The chain of events that lead to the myocardial infarction was Coronary artery thrombosis which was caused by Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease and since it initiated the chain of events that lead to the death it will be considered the underlying cause of death. The fact that the person had Covid 19 would not be relevant in determining cause of death.
but that's exactly what was mandated and done. So you agree the numbers are faked. and then come in here to argue its a killer. cars are killers and people drive them. at least thanks for being man enough to admit I was right.
But again, if Corona is hitting everyone, whether they follow the rules or not, then it isn't Karma. It's just bad ineffective rules, that do nothing
Or it’s a virus. I’m 64 and in my lifetime no one has cured a cold! Much less prevented it.
The common cold is caused by a virus in the coronavirus family, the same family that contains SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid 19. . You can prevent it in exactly same way you do prevent covid 19. Wash your hands, social distance, and wear a mask.. Since the common cold is less serious most of us don't follow these preventive measures. However, if a person really wants avoid a cold they should follow the covid 19 guidelines. People that have very compromised immune systems do.
are you saying that every administration before Trump never had the CDC push out these guidelines to prevent the flu and colds? wow, neglect. you can catch a cold in many different fashions, one is a beat up immune system. Being weak, being cold. One can catch a cold by simply not bundling up in the cold.

BTW, you are correct, it is all in the coronavirus family. been around since forever. ain't going nowhere just because people want it gone. thanks again for at least admitting that it isn't the killer you once posted it was.
What we don't routinely have is viral infection that kills 207,000 people in 7 months. On an annual basis that's 354,000 deaths/yr, the most deadly epidemic to hit the US in over a hundred years and it is not gone yet and won't be for several years.
well first off, you don't have that now either as you pointed out in another post.

Second, the flu has killed tens of millions of people. coronavirus is the same threat today it was 150 years ago. no difference. You are of the misconception that somehow it's been eliminated. nope, never has and never will.
Well, congratulations you proved it's a hoax.

Of course you're not going to find corvid cases in emergency rooms for several reasons. First being they are segregated. In most large hospitals people that have tested positive for corvid are directed to a secondary entrance with a separate waiting area. The ERs have exam rooms designated for corvid patients and overflow rooms that are disinfected after a covid patient leaves.

You obviously don't know the first thing about this HOAX other than the hysteria sold to you by CNN and MSNBC.
Procedure vary somewhat, but there are Federal guidelines on treating covid19 patients and I have been in emergency rooms
and yes they do bring those patients there. Many hospitals are using ICU overflow, but they must FIRST go to ER where they are tested then processed.
It could be regular flu or 100 things.....they are not going to transport you directly to a special unit as you say until they test you.

Got some baaaaaaad news for ya......

The world is NOT coming to an end over covid19
I know enough to understand it is not a hoax as do the families of the 210,000 dead.
Well, congratulations you proved it's a hoax.

Of course you're not going to find corvid cases in emergency rooms for several reasons. First being they are segregated. In most large hospitals people that have tested positive for corvid are directed to a secondary entrance with a separate waiting area. The ERs have exam rooms designated for corvid patients and overflow rooms that are disinfected after a covid patient leaves.

You obviously don't know the first thing about this HOAX other than the hysteria sold to you by CNN and MSNBC.
Procedure vary somewhat, but there are Federal guidelines on treating covid19 patients and I have been in emergency rooms
and yes they do bring those patients there. Many hospitals are using ICU overflow, but they must FIRST go to ER where they are tested then processed.
It could be regular flu or 100 things.....they are not going to transport you directly to a special unit as you say until they test you.

Got some baaaaaaad news for ya......

The world is NOT coming to an end over covid19
I know enough to understand it is not a hoax as do the families of the 210,000 dead.

And this is the first proof of your ignorance.
210,000 dead from covid19 ? Ya sure?
And the death rate from every other normal cause suddenly dropped to historical lows......
keep your chin up, you're always their useful idiot.
Well, congratulations you proved it's a hoax.

Of course you're not going to find corvid cases in emergency rooms for several reasons. First being they are segregated. In most large hospitals people that have tested positive for corvid are directed to a secondary entrance with a separate waiting area. The ERs have exam rooms designated for corvid patients and overflow rooms that are disinfected after a covid patient leaves.

You obviously don't know the first thing about this HOAX other than the hysteria sold to you by CNN and MSNBC.
Procedure vary somewhat, but there are Federal guidelines on treating covid19 patients and I have been in emergency rooms
and yes they do bring those patients there. Many hospitals are using ICU overflow, but they must FIRST go to ER where they are tested then processed.
It could be regular flu or 100 things.....they are not going to transport you directly to a special unit as you say until they test you.

Got some baaaaaaad news for ya......

The world is NOT coming to an end over covid19
I know enough to understand it is not a hoax as do the families of the 210,000 dead.

And this is the first proof of your ignorance.
210,000 dead from covid19 ? Ya sure?
And the death rate from every other normal cause suddenly dropped to historical lows......
keep your chin up, you're always their useful idiot.
I very much doubt that we have accurate statistics on every other normal cause of death over the last 7 months. The CDC is doing good to have them for the previous year. I'm not going to get into a long explanation of how corvid deaths are determined and why they are accurate but you can read about it in the links below.
I very much doubt that we have accurate statistics on every other normal cause of death over the last 7 months. The CDC is doing good have them for the previous year. I'm not going to get into a long explanation of how corvid deaths are determined and why they accurate but you can read about it in the links below.
From your link:
"If COVID–19 played a role in the death, this condition should be specified on the death certificate."

The rest of those guidelines are so convoluted any data produced is highly suspect, IMO. Like you, I'm not going to go into long explanations either, maybe you should actually read the links you post.
Trump has truly jumped the shark. This is not the behavior of a sane person. No wonder he's down 14 points in the polls to Biden.

Who did you just compare him too ??? Biden ??? Trump's got more sense up under his little finger nail, then Biden has in his whole entire body. Trump got him so angry, the poor fella had to result to name calling in the debate... LOL.

Biden was probably hoping for the old guy sympathy vote after that exchange. Trump probably thought kidding me right ?
Will Trump be flown back to Walter Reed within a week? I wouldn't be surprised.
Praying for illness I see
That's how deplorable these people are. They are truly hell bound. What is a man that gains the whole world, yet loses his own soul ? What will a man give in exchange for his soul ??? Some come purdy cheap these days.
Will Trump be well enough for the 2nd presidential debate on October 15? Trump is waaay behind Biden in the polls. I'm currently listening to Biden's Gettysburg speech. It's awesome.
Will Trump be well enough for the 2nd presidential debate on October 15? Trump is waaay behind Biden in the polls. I'm currently listening to Biden's Gettysburg speech. It's awesome.
I'm sure Trump will drag himself up there if he can walk. The problem with all this stupidity or bravery depending on your point of view, is it's not resonating with the voters. 70% see this as a problem of his own making. You don't get points for shooting yourself in the foot.
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