Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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It's not even that. Hospitals were labeling deaths, as covid deaths.... WITHOUT detecting the virus. We know this, because some hospitals were getting money for Covid deaths, before the hospital even had tests available to verify patients had covid.

How can you label someone as dying of Covid.... when you don't even have a test to find out if they have Covid?

Well, easily.. You just call it a Covid death, and get paid by the government.
That is what I have been saying all along. The data is contaminated so any reliable statistical analysis is impossible. It's the old computer programmer's meme "Garbage in, Garbage out" these brain damaged TDSers drink up that garbage swill like mother's milk.
You both are trying sooooo hard to downplay this thing. Why? You realize your side of the argument results in more people literally dying right?

We're not trying.... We're looking at the facts. You are the one trying to up-play this, contrary to the facts.

We have done your plan. And it didn't prevent a single death. In fact, your freak out plan, likely killed more people than us stating the facts.

We know that ventilators killed people, even though Cuomo and the Democrats attacked Trump over supplying ventilators.

We know that Cuomo forcing known sick people back into nursing homes with the highest risk people in the country, resulted in more deaths. And the reason Cuomo did that, was because he wanted to keep hospital beds open for the millions of people everyone assumed from their freak out session, would be flooding into NYC hospitals.

So again... looking at the facts, not a partisan opinion.... your side of this argument has without question killed more people.
Yeah they are the ones trying,trying to get us to fall for their lies and Trying to avoid facts and not even addressing them,deflecting talking about something irrelevent to the facts we always present
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???

Actually I know a woman who works at a hospital. She has said, that does not know a single person anywhere who has Covid.

A lot of people have exposed the lies. For example, Sky News falsely reported the situation in Mexico City, they put out a hilariously melodramatic propaganda piece saying things like "the smoke billowing from the crematorium never ends..." And Jeff Berwick (from The Dollar Vigilante) who lives in Mexico went there in person to several places and asked people working at the hospitals and morgues how busy things were. You could see first-hand that the people working there were actually bored from inactivity, and when asked, they confirmed that those fearmongering propaganda stories were just that... propaganda.
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???

Actually I know a woman who works at a hospital. She has said, that does not know a single person anywhere who has Covid.
Same with my doctor friend,he has not seen ONE patient DIE from Covid,these trolls are too damn stupid to understand practically everybody that gets Covid recovers same as they do over a common cough the fact the death numbers from Covid are extremely low and the fact the flu virus is five times more deadly.

He says he has never seen anybody at the hospital die from Covid.
The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

You didn't say that. You said it was serious if they went to a hospital. The common cold, sends people to the hospital. Not even the flu... just the common cold.

As for in a single year.... Not relevant.

Per capita death rates are lower than the flu. Even the CDC shows that.

Besides that, we already know the death rates for Covid-19 are drastically over blown. We know that for a fact, because hospitals were paid more money if they claimed any given death was covid-19, and so they were labeling every single death they could as being a Covid death, even without even testing to see if the person had Covid.

So not worried about it.

Has Trump been hospitalized during his presidency for days due to a cold? What about the flu?

You were comparing the death rates of the flu and Covid. If you’re using the data from cdc, then you would realize the obvious truth that Covid is far more deadly. Im not sure what to make of your argument about 0.093 vs 0.1, but the deaths alone should be an indicator that you’re not interpreting that correctly.

Complaining about faulty numbers is just moving the goal posts. According to the cdc numbers that you posted, covid is far more deadly than the flu. It’s that simple.
That moron screwed up the stats to work for him. He claimed the fatality rate for the flu is 0.1 but it's really 0.001.

I got that number from Dr Fauci's statements before congress. He's lied before..... But lying to congress gets you prison time. So....
Lying to Congress only gets you prison time if you are a regular citizen like us,there’s one differerent law for politicians and highly vip people than there is for us,everybody in the world knows that,that politicians And vip people like Fauci,get away with crimes everyday we go to jail for.
You would not accept any amount evidence because your mind is closed.
why not post actual facts. the fact is the CDC itself states that deaths are direct or indirectly blamed on china flu. there is that. until you can get passed that fact, all your data is invalid.

BTW, the only reason counts go up is because healthy people are being tested. have healthy people tested for carrying the flu? This testing has never been done before. fact!!!!!!! fk you hate facts.

and more facts:

that's 188,000 of the 200,000 supposed china deaths. can't make up what liars you all are. you have no self respect.
Because in his sad existence,he has never had an interest in facts that don’t conform to the official narrative of his wonderful government he worships as the gospel
The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

You didn't say that. You said it was serious if they went to a hospital. The common cold, sends people to the hospital. Not even the flu... just the common cold.

As for in a single year.... Not relevant.

Per capita death rates are lower than the flu. Even the CDC shows that.

Besides that, we already know the death rates for Covid-19 are drastically over blown. We know that for a fact, because hospitals were paid more money if they claimed any given death was covid-19, and so they were labeling every single death they could as being a Covid death, even without even testing to see if the person had Covid.

So not worried about it.

Has Trump been hospitalized during his presidency for days due to a cold? What about the flu?

You were comparing the death rates of the flu and Covid. If you’re using the data from cdc, then you would realize the obvious truth that Covid is far more deadly. Im not sure what to make of your argument about 0.093 vs 0.1, but the deaths alone should be an indicator that you’re not interpreting that correctly.

Complaining about faulty numbers is just moving the goal posts. According to the cdc numbers that you posted, covid is far more deadly than the flu. It’s that simple.

Because we have routine outbreaks of various flus and colds, that wipe out thousands of people constantly. Happens every year, and every decade we have at least one really bad cold season.

Never seen people lose their minds, and act insane, like the mindless left-wingers are today.

Now if you had come to me and said, we have a cold that is potentially lethal to people over the age of 70, and have pre-existing conditions, and we need to have them isolated and protected, with reasonable precautions.

That actually fits the evidence given. That would be a logical, and intelligent position, based on scientific data.

But to shut down movie theaters, so that 20 year olds who are more likely to be shot by other 20 year old than die of Covid, can avoid Covid.... is dumb.

To shut down schools, because you don't want kids, who are more likely to die from drowning in the bath tub than die of Covid, to avoid getting Covid.... is dumb.

Especially when you are too stupid to realize, those kids are simply not going to sit at home in their basements, and instead are going to run around outside playing with all the other kids anyway.

This is stupid. 90% of the population is being imposed upon, for the sake of less than 10% of population that is actually at risk.

Makes no sense whatsoever. Shouldn't we only lock down the people who are actually at real risk?

And again, we did it your way, and it didn't work. We did everything you idiots on the left demanded, and it didn't stop the virus.
What we don't routinely have is viral infection that kills 207,000 people in 7 months. On an annual basis that's 354,000 deaths/yr, the most deadly epidemic to hit the US in over a hundred years and it is not gone yet and won't be for several years.

The most vulnerable include millions of people who are obese, diabetic, and have various heart and lung disease as well older Americans. That's over 70 million people and most of these people are active, have jobs, and responsibilities.

Of course if the president had chosen to fight the epidemic based on science instead of politics, we would not be having this conversation today.
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
If Biden is positive next, then what ??? Oh wait, Trump did it of course.

I can hear Biden now "he just stood there breathing on me like, like, like a great big ole bear, and I couldn't get out the door, it was so terrifying mommy, i mean sister, I mean awwwwww come on mannnnnn you know what I mean, uh wait who are you again ?"

His wife then says "sigh, here we go again, Joe you're the president, and yes you just got back from hunting bears".
If Biden got it from the debate then hell yeah it’s Trumps fault. Are you kidding?! I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. He’s been taking care of himself and being safe and then pompous jackass comes in full of disease and mocks him for wearing a mask. How do you not understand how this thing works yet?! Unbelievable!
How do you not know how freedom of choice works ??? Do you think that you need to hold Bidens feeble hand, and guide him to every choice he makes ?? That's what many are hoping for in a Biden presidency.
Hold his hand? What are you talking about. I see a responsible leader acting appropriately during a pandemic who is healthy and I see a pompous ass acting wreckless during a pandemic who is now in the hospital. Their choices speak for themselves
Well get ready for the lock down of the century if Biden becomes (gag), the POTUS. You think Hitler was bad ? You ain't seen nothing yet. This country will spin out of control, and then back into control but in a Nazi kind of way... The possibility of wars will break out from within. It's gonna be everything the leftist have dreamed of. Becareful what you ask for, because you just might get it, then what ??
We are 6 months in under your plan and POTUS just got infected. Where would we be if we did a Hitler style lock down for 3 weeks back in March? It would have been gone in April. Think about it
You really typed that? You truly are a fucking idiot. Would have been gone in April? That has to be one of the dumbest statements you’ve ever made and that’s saying something. Do yourself favor and shut up. You’re embarrassing yourself.
Tell me what happens to the virus if everybody locked themselves in their homes for 3 weeks.
It sure as hell doesn’t just magically disappear like you claim. Go cower under your bed and keep lying. A virus will run its course despite your protests.
Why wouldn’t it magically disappear?
Now you’ve proven you’re nothing but an ignorant leftist shill. Italy did that and what happened? Viruses do not just magically disappear because you and your Dim masters say so. My God, you really are this stupid. STFU, and let adults talk.
If you want to talk to adults,don’t talk to the trump
The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

You didn't say that. You said it was serious if they went to a hospital. The common cold, sends people to the hospital. Not even the flu... just the common cold.

As for in a single year.... Not relevant.

Per capita death rates are lower than the flu. Even the CDC shows that.

Besides that, we already know the death rates for Covid-19 are drastically over blown. We know that for a fact, because hospitals were paid more money if they claimed any given death was covid-19, and so they were labeling every single death they could as being a Covid death, even without even testing to see if the person had Covid.

So not worried about it.

Has Trump been hospitalized during his presidency for days due to a cold? What about the flu?

You were comparing the death rates of the flu and Covid. If you’re using the data from cdc, then you would realize the obvious truth that Covid is far more deadly. Im not sure what to make of your argument about 0.093 vs 0.1, but the deaths alone should be an indicator that you’re not interpreting that correctly.

Complaining about faulty numbers is just moving the goal posts. According to the cdc numbers that you posted, covid is far more deadly than the flu. It’s that simple.

Because we have routine outbreaks of various flus and colds, that wipe out thousands of people constantly. Happens every year, and every decade we have at least one really bad cold season.

Never seen people lose their minds, and act insane, like the mindless left-wingers are today.

Now if you had come to me and said, we have a cold that is potentially lethal to people over the age of 70, and have pre-existing conditions, and we need to have them isolated and protected, with reasonable precautions.

That actually fits the evidence given. That would be a logical, and intelligent position, based on scientific data.

But to shut down movie theaters, so that 20 year olds who are more likely to be shot by other 20 year old than die of Covid, can avoid Covid.... is dumb.

To shut down schools, because you don't want kids, who are more likely to die from drowning in the bath tub than die of Covid, to avoid getting Covid.... is dumb.

Especially when you are too stupid to realize, those kids are simply not going to sit at home in their basements, and instead are going to run around outside playing with all the other kids anyway.

This is stupid. 90% of the population is being imposed upon, for the sake of less than 10% of population that is actually at risk.

Makes no sense whatsoever. Shouldn't we only lock down the people who are actually at real risk?

And again, we did it your way, and it didn't work. We did everything you idiots on the left demanded, and it didn't stop the virus.
What we don't routinely have is viral infection that kills 207,000 people in 7 months. On an annual basis that's 354,000 deaths/yr, the most deadly epidemic to hit the US in over a hundred years and it is not gone yet and won't be for several years.

The most vulnerable include millions of people who are obese, diabetic, and have various heart and lung disease as well older Americans. That's over 70 million people and most of these people are active, have jobs, and responsibilities.

Of course if the president had chosen to fight the epidemic based on science instead of politics, we would not be having this conversation today.
Quit fighting the treatments and meds with all your sheeple buddies, (steady blaming a man), instead of looking towards science (only) for the proper solutions, then you might begin to get some respect. Won't happen though, because it's all political with you people (orange man bad, orange man bad).
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???
Well, congratulations you proved it's a hoax.

Of course you're not going to find corvid cases in emergency rooms for several reasons. First being they are segregated. In most large hospitals people that have tested positive for corvid are directed to a secondary entrance with a separate waiting area. The ERs have exam rooms designated for corvid patients and overflow rooms that are disinfected after a covid patient leaves.
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The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

You didn't say that. You said it was serious if they went to a hospital. The common cold, sends people to the hospital. Not even the flu... just the common cold.

As for in a single year.... Not relevant.

Per capita death rates are lower than the flu. Even the CDC shows that.

Besides that, we already know the death rates for Covid-19 are drastically over blown. We know that for a fact, because hospitals were paid more money if they claimed any given death was covid-19, and so they were labeling every single death they could as being a Covid death, even without even testing to see if the person had Covid.

So not worried about it.

Has Trump been hospitalized during his presidency for days due to a cold? What about the flu?

You were comparing the death rates of the flu and Covid. If you’re using the data from cdc, then you would realize the obvious truth that Covid is far more deadly. Im not sure what to make of your argument about 0.093 vs 0.1, but the deaths alone should be an indicator that you’re not interpreting that correctly.

Complaining about faulty numbers is just moving the goal posts. According to the cdc numbers that you posted, covid is far more deadly than the flu. It’s that simple.

Because we have routine outbreaks of various flus and colds, that wipe out thousands of people constantly. Happens every year, and every decade we have at least one really bad cold season.

Never seen people lose their minds, and act insane, like the mindless left-wingers are today.

Now if you had come to me and said, we have a cold that is potentially lethal to people over the age of 70, and have pre-existing conditions, and we need to have them isolated and protected, with reasonable precautions.

That actually fits the evidence given. That would be a logical, and intelligent position, based on scientific data.

But to shut down movie theaters, so that 20 year olds who are more likely to be shot by other 20 year old than die of Covid, can avoid Covid.... is dumb.

To shut down schools, because you don't want kids, who are more likely to die from drowning in the bath tub than die of Covid, to avoid getting Covid.... is dumb.

Especially when you are too stupid to realize, those kids are simply not going to sit at home in their basements, and instead are going to run around outside playing with all the other kids anyway.

This is stupid. 90% of the population is being imposed upon, for the sake of less than 10% of population that is actually at risk.

Makes no sense whatsoever. Shouldn't we only lock down the people who are actually at real risk?

And again, we did it your way, and it didn't work. We did everything you idiots on the left demanded, and it didn't stop the virus.
What we don't routinely have is viral infection that kills 207,000 people in 7 months. On an annual basis that's 354,000 deaths/yr, the most deadly epidemic to hit the US in over a hundred years and it is not gone yet and won't be for several years.

The most vulnerable include millions of people who are obese, diabetic, and have various heart and lung disease as well older Americans. That's over 70 million people and most of these people are active, have jobs, and responsibilities.

Of course if the president had chosen to fight the epidemic based on science instead of politics, we would not be having this conversation today.
Quit fighting the treatments and meds with all your sheeple buddies, (steady blaming a man), instead of looking towards science (only) for the proper solutions, then you might begin to get some respect. Won't happen though, because it's all political with you people (orange man bad, orange man bad).
As usual, I read your reply and find nothing that has any relation to my post.
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???
Well, congratulations you proved it's a hoax.

Of course you're not going to find corvid cases in emergency rooms for several reasons. First being they are segregated. In most large hospitals people that have tested positive for corvid are directed to a secondary entrance with a separate waiting area. The ERs have exam rooms designated for corvid patients and overflow rooms that are disinfected after a covid patient leaves.
Another internet "medical expert."
You've been sold a rotten product.
And you bought it a full retail.

Yeah, some INSIST on worshipping at the alter of government misinformation. Sad. CNN and MSNBC. Real "experts"
And don't hand me your but...but....but....."the CDC says".......

You obviously lack any skills to disseminate the truth from propaganda

Just wondering buttercup is that top pic above recent?
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???

Actually I know a woman who works at a hospital. She has said, that does not know a single person anywhere who has Covid.

A lot of people have exposed the lies. For example, Sky News falsely reported the situation in Mexico City, they put out a hilariously melodramatic propaganda piece saying things like "the smoke billowing from the crematorium never ends..." And Jeff Berwick (from The Dollar Vigilante) who lives in Mexico went there in person to several places and asked people working at the hospitals and morgues how busy things were. You could see first-hand that the people working there were actually bored from inactivity, and when asked, they confirmed that those fearmongering propaganda stories were just that... propaganda.
you took everyone to school in this post,they can only cry in

Just wondering buttercup is that top picture from the previous page taken recently as this video was? Would not surprise me in the least.i have no doubt all those hundreds in that pic are all fit and as healthy as can

it indeed has been proven time and time again to be fearmongering,thousands in Germany that are awake to this hoax same as we are.all protested in the streets with maybe a couple or so wearing masks,nobodyfrom that crowd has died from Covid and the reason we know that is there are over a thousand doctors in Germany that have spoken out they have not seen anybody die from it and that after that demonstration,nobody in that crowd had any serious health problems.

based on a conversation I had with misterbeal buttercup,I tend to agree with you about trump,that he is not what trump supporters think he is the fact he is on record as being pro vaccine,I’m hoping that he was just saying that because he is playing their game but now don’t think he is what they think he is either.

I am thrilled that he came out and told the truth that no president ever has that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit,but at the same time,until he comes out and starts talking about the truth who was behind the jfk assassination and demands a new investigation into 9/11 by independent investigators,I justdon’t think he is for us as people believe him to be.If he was,he should have come out and talked about how the CDC is inflating the numbers,that the flu virus is five times more deadly and how hospitals are taking payoffs ruling practically every death as Covid related.

until he does that, I just don’t care about trump.i will always prefer him over biden and Harris,only an idiot would not,but I don’t think he is that much more against government corruption anymore than the dems are.

man love that video,I wish I could have been there,these awake americans are my kind of people,they understand this is all part of the new world order agenda that clinton bush and Obama have all spoken of to depopulate the world.i wish I personally knew all those Awake people.weboth know not any of those people with those masks off,have any serious health problems nor related toCovid or will in the future either.
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You mean how foolish you are to ignore patriotic whistle blowing experts doctors who if they don’t conform to the government,they lose their jobs for being brave to expose their lies,how foolish of you to ignore that the CDc themselves admitted the numbers are inflated,only going by everything the idiot box in the living room tells you,foolish indeed.dont you ever get tired of showing how biased and closed minded you are thst your being lied to by the government as they have for decades to us? Foolish indeed of you that you are correct
it's all a theat. if a business doesn't care if one wears a mask or not, they lose their license. It's there business, not the local fks. Businesses are only conforming because of the threat of being put out of business. real fking nice huh?
Very true,I am lucky in the fact I am friends with my doctor,I see him outside of the hospital,not just for checkups at the hospital where he works.we do things together.He sees the light as we do,he knows same as we do the msm media is nothing but a tool for the government.He tells me all his doctors are onboard with us that this virus is a hoax,that the numbers are inflated,and knows the truth as we do,the yearly flu virus is five times more deadly and has killed much more people than Covid by leaps and bounds.he also knows masks would be useless against An alleged deadly virus as our corrupt government is brainwashing people to believe.

An alleged deadly virus as the msm media makes it out to be and if he had HIS way,he would not wear one but he HAS to to keep his job or he would lose it if he did not conform to our corrupt authority.
The doctors that have come forward and exposed the corruption of hospitals,those people are hero’s of his same as they are for me.
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???

Actually I know a woman who works at a hospital. She has said, that does not know a single person anywhere who has Covid.

A lot of people have exposed the lies. For example, Sky News falsely reported the situation in Mexico City, they put out a hilariously melodramatic propaganda piece saying things like "the smoke billowing from the crematorium never ends..." And Jeff Berwick (from The Dollar Vigilante) who lives in Mexico went there in person to several places and asked people working at the hospitals and morgues how busy things were. You could see first-hand that the people working there were actually bored from inactivity, and when asked, they confirmed that those fearmongering propaganda stories were just that... propaganda.

that video was so awesome I had to watch it twice,these braindead dem lovers wont watch it of course.again you sooooooo much owned the sorry asses of the dem lovers here who keep tooting the horn of the governments version of events,that’s why they are evading your post same as they evaded all my factual posts on this thread cause same as it was with all my posts,they know they are licked by you and have been
You would not accept any amount evidence because your mind is closed.
why not post actual facts. the fact is the CDC itself states that deaths are direct or indirectly blamed on china flu. there is that. until you can get passed that fact, all your data is invalid.

BTW, the only reason counts go up is because healthy people are being tested. have healthy people tested for carrying the flu? This testing has never been done before. fact!!!!!!! fk you hate facts.

and more facts:

that's 188,000 of the 200,000 supposed china deaths. can't make up what liars you all are. you have no self respect.
Covid 19 may be listed as an immediate cause of death in which case it will be considered a covid death or it may be listed last in the sequence of conditions that lead up to the death; that is, it started the chain of events that lead to the death (Underlying Cause of Death). This will also be listed as a Covid death.

However, just because a patient has covid 19 and dies does not mean it will listed as a covid death. For example:
Suppose the immediate cause of death of a covid patient is Acute myocardial infarction
The chain of events that lead to the myocardial infarction was Coronary artery thrombosis which was caused by Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Disease and since it initiated the chain of events that lead to the death it will be considered the underlying cause of death. The fact that the person had Covid 19 would not be relevant in determining cause of death.

Doctors do not guess at the cause of death. It is documented in the medical records via diagnostic tests and monitoring which clearly show the progression of the disease and each diagnosis that leads to the death. There is one time in which covid deaths might be disputed and that would be in the first weeks of the disease in which misstates were made. However most of those mistakes point a higher number of covid deaths not lower.
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