Trump and Melania test positive for COVID-19

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No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???
And no, more people are not dying from the Flu than covid in the US. 207,000 deaths from covid so far this year which many researchers say is low. On an annual basis it's 276,000/yr. The only flu that was more deadly than Covid was the Spanish Influenza which killed
Are you sure? Cause you can’t prove the numbers. There’s that
Yes, quite sure.
Excluding the Spanish Influenza, 1957 seems to be the year with the highest number of deaths from the flu, 117,000 well below the current 207,000 deaths from Covid which is for only for 7 months. Covid is both more contagious and more deadly than the flu.
The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

You didn't say that. You said it was serious if they went to a hospital. The common cold, sends people to the hospital. Not even the flu... just the common cold.

As for in a single year.... Not relevant.

Per capita death rates are lower than the flu. Even the CDC shows that.

Besides that, we already know the death rates for Covid-19 are drastically over blown. We know that for a fact, because hospitals were paid more money if they claimed any given death was covid-19, and so they were labeling every single death they could as being a Covid death, even without even testing to see if the person had Covid.

So not worried about it.

Has Trump been hospitalized during his presidency for days due to a cold? What about the flu?

You were comparing the death rates of the flu and Covid. If you’re using the data from cdc, then you would realize the obvious truth that Covid is far more deadly. Im not sure what to make of your argument about 0.093 vs 0.1, but the deaths alone should be an indicator that you’re not interpreting that correctly.

Complaining about faulty numbers is just moving the goal posts. According to the cdc numbers that you posted, covid is far more deadly than the flu. It’s that simple.

Because we have routine outbreaks of various flus and colds, that wipe out thousands of people constantly. Happens every year, and every decade we have at least one really bad cold season.

Never seen people lose their minds, and act insane, like the mindless left-wingers are today.

Now if you had come to me and said, we have a cold that is potentially lethal to people over the age of 70, and have pre-existing conditions, and we need to have them isolated and protected, with reasonable precautions.

That actually fits the evidence given. That would be a logical, and intelligent position, based on scientific data.

But to shut down movie theaters, so that 20 year olds who are more likely to be shot by other 20 year old than die of Covid, can avoid Covid.... is dumb.

To shut down schools, because you don't want kids, who are more likely to die from drowning in the bath tub than die of Covid, to avoid getting Covid.... is dumb.

Especially when you are too stupid to realize, those kids are simply not going to sit at home in their basements, and instead are going to run around outside playing with all the other kids anyway.

This is stupid. 90% of the population is being imposed upon, for the sake of less than 10% of population that is actually at risk.

Makes no sense whatsoever. Shouldn't we only lock down the people who are actually at real risk?

And again, we did it your way, and it didn't work. We did everything you idiots on the left demanded, and it didn't stop the virus.
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???

Actually I know a woman who works at a hospital. She has said, that does not know a single person anywhere who has Covid.
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
A president that can't protect himself, his family, nor his staff from the virus certainly can't protect the people. To have been successful, he would have had to care but he just didn't. He had one thing on his mind, winning an election. And as far as those that died, he expressed his feelings quite well, what will be will be.
Trump is no coward, and he has been teaching this nation how not to be a coward in the face of any threat. Standing tall is the American way, and especially in the face of your enemy. The Covid threat has been changing ever since it got here, and it has confused the most intelectual scholars, making them change from one minute to the next. Trump even got confused by it all, as so did the rest of us in the country. Heck we still can't decide id
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
If Biden is positive next, then what ??? Oh wait, Trump did it of course.

I can hear Biden now "he just stood there breathing on me like, like, like a great big ole bear, and I couldn't get out the door, it was so terrifying mommy, i mean sister, I mean awwwwww come on mannnnnn you know what I mean, uh wait who are you again ?"

His wife then says "sigh, here we go again, Joe you're the president, and yes you just got back from hunting bears".
If Biden got it from the debate then hell yeah it’s Trumps fault. Are you kidding?! I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. He’s been taking care of himself and being safe and then pompous jackass comes in full of disease and mocks him for wearing a mask. How do you not understand how this thing works yet?! Unbelievable!
How do you not know how freedom of choice works ??? Do you think that you need to hold Bidens feeble hand, and guide him to every choice he makes ?? That's what many are hoping for in a Biden presidency.
Hold his hand? What are you talking about. I see a responsible leader acting appropriately during a pandemic who is healthy and I see a pompous ass acting wreckless during a pandemic who is now in the hospital. Their choices speak for themselves
Well get ready for the lock down of the century if Biden becomes (gag), the POTUS. You think Hitler was bad ? You ain't seen nothing yet. This country will spin out of control, and then back into control but in a Nazi kind of way... The possibility of wars will break out from within. It's gonna be everything the leftist have dreamed of. Becareful what you ask for, because you just might get it, then what ??
We are 6 months in under your plan and POTUS just got infected. Where would we be if we did a Hitler style lock down for 3 weeks back in March? It would have been gone in April. Think about it
Oh bullshit, you can't prove nothing, like I said just a filthy liar.
I can prove you’re a complete dumbshit. Point out one of my lies and I’ll show you how foolish you are
Well full of speculation then... Almost the same thing depending on how you stand behind your speculation.
Trump is no coward. He's mentally incompetent. What sane person two days after being diagnosis with a deadly contagious disease would leave their hospital bed without being discharged to drive around the block exposing other for the sole purpose of waving at his fans. That is just plain nuts.
The same guy that would gas church goers to take a photo with a bible In front of a church. That’s who

They're claiming that those agents volunteered. I doubt it, they follow the orders of the C in C. This was classic Trump. He loathes his supporters, but the photo-op was just too much for him to resist.

Guess he thinks it made him look like a tough guy who was showing love to his flag waving minions. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's all about Donald, and if he'd known in advance that 3 of his agents would get the COVIDS - He'd have done it anyway.

Now, they all have to quarantine for 14 days. This president is in a word - Sad
His flag waving minions eh ??? So what are you mr. poopy head, an anti-American, a foreign agent maybe, hired by Hillary or the demoncrats to disrupt, disrupt, disrupt maybe ???
The flu routinely sends people to the hospitals every single year.

When is the last time the flu killed 214,000 Americans in a year? I'll wait.

You didn't say that. You said it was serious if they went to a hospital. The common cold, sends people to the hospital. Not even the flu... just the common cold.

As for in a single year.... Not relevant.

Per capita death rates are lower than the flu. Even the CDC shows that.

Besides that, we already know the death rates for Covid-19 are drastically over blown. We know that for a fact, because hospitals were paid more money if they claimed any given death was covid-19, and so they were labeling every single death they could as being a Covid death, even without even testing to see if the person had Covid.

So not worried about it.

Has Trump been hospitalized during his presidency for days due to a cold? What about the flu?

You were comparing the death rates of the flu and Covid. If you’re using the data from cdc, then you would realize the obvious truth that Covid is far more deadly. Im not sure what to make of your argument about 0.093 vs 0.1, but the deaths alone should be an indicator that you’re not interpreting that correctly.

Complaining about faulty numbers is just moving the goal posts. According to the cdc numbers that you posted, covid is far more deadly than the flu. It’s that simple.
That moron screwed up the stats to work for him. He claimed the fatality rate for the flu is 0.1 but it's really 0.001.

I got that number from Dr Fauci's statements before congress. He's lied before..... But lying to congress gets you prison time. So....
Warning - Do not believe a word Donald's hand-picked White House doctor says.
Believe it when the Walter Reed doctors hold a presser.

Wut? We can't believe Impeached Trump's doctors? Since when?



On top of his age, having a BMI of 31.5 means he's obese -- one of the high risk comorbidity factors. This may not end well for him.

Of the two....biden better watch himself...........
Biden has been watching himself. Being safe, following guidelines. Trump has mocked him and now the most protected guy in the world has got himself and many of his minions infected. Also put Biden and his family at risk during that debate and then failed to give him a heads up. I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. Trump is a damn fool, this situation highlights his complete incompetence.
A president that can't protect himself, his family, nor his staff from the virus certainly can't protect the people. To have been successful, he would have had to care but he just didn't. He had one thing on his mind, winning an election. And as far as those that died, he expressed his feelings quite well, what will be will be.
Trump is no coward, and he has been teaching this nation how not to be a coward in the face of any threat. Standing tall is the American way, and especially in the face of your enemy. The Covid threat has been changing ever since it got here, and it has confused the most intelectual scholars, making them change from one minute to the next. Trump even got confused by it all, as so did the rest of us in the country. Heck we still can't decide id
Bring on the HydroxyChloroquine!

He took Hydroxichloroquine and erythromycin in May 20, 2020 as preventative maintenance. I guess it didn’t work.
You don't what he did, you only know what the media blows up your lying ass.
:lol: president Trump told the world himself, that he was doing hydroxychloroquine as a regiment, for preventative measures.

The press did not make it up, it was a corona virus press conference and Trump told the press himself...I watched it live.
It is only because he is the potus that he is sick,you obviously are clueless that he is sick now because of the strong possibility that he has been poisoned by the CiA and the corrupt media is passing it off as Covid related.hydroxyloroquine can’t be effective if someone is poisoning you.Lol.

every other patient not political as trump is,has been cured

if he dies,facts will emerge the government murdered him and the lies of it being from Covid will be exposedBy independent news sources not controlled by the corporate controlled media. in this day and age,you can’t assassinate a president in broad daylight anymore with multiple shooters and lie and cover up the facts For over thirty years anymore That it was a lone this day and age,there are too many cameras and cell phones.

Same as jfk,trump has been stepping on some powerful toes in Washington,he recently told the truth that no president ever has that wars are started for the defense contractors to make money.this is far too coincidental to happen at this time rightnow just shortly before the election especially sense for four years now the deep state trump has exposed,has been trying to get him out of office and has failed in every attempt.

oh and you mentioned him having the best of care at Walter reed hospital.actually that’s probably the worst place to go considering their history,I guess you are not aware how they participated in a phony autopsy report and coverup of the CIA,s murder of jfk.Lol

I am not so sure he even does have it,this could all be a clever ploy of his to get the sympathy vote from the undecided.

you mentioned

I thought you weren't a Trumper. :confused-84:
I’m not,I have been very critical of him in the past making lots of people mad around here but facts are facts and because of who the alternative is for potus,same as last time,I am voting for trump same as I did last time for the same reason because the alternative to Trump is five times worse.i hate to even think how many wars would be going on in the Mideast right now if the elite had their way and hitlery been elected as I feared would happen.

We had the most corrupt administration ever at the time under the clintons so it was a no brainer for me to vote for trump which was the first time I ever voted for a president sense I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same.i did so sense unlike every candidate in the past,trump was not a career politicians And I’m glad I did sense again,I hate toeven think of the thought of another Clinton in office, I will do so again as well ONLY because the alternative of Biden is five times worse the fact he went along with everything mass murdererKenyon president Obama did so again,same as last time,it’s a no brainer.

Now if the two choices were between trump and Gary Johnson,I would want nothing to do with trump But that’s not the choices obviously.

the fact that trump came out and told the truth that wars are started all the time so defense contractors can make money and he tore into our corrupt pentagon lately how they try and start wars around the world,I’m starting to like trump more and more now. I like him much better than all these evil motherfucker mass murdering monsters starting from Reagan all the way up to Obama I can say that much,that’s a no brainer especially sense he is the first president sense carter to NOT start any new wars for the elite.

only a fool would like all these trolls on this thread, would ignore how this is all too coincidental and too fishy that he just now gets this alleged deadly virus and Biden does not when he was near him recently just when the election is around the corner and hejust pissed off the elite a couple weeks ago telling the truth our corrupt government always starts wars so the defense contractors can profit from them.Does not take a genius to put two and two together that this is far too coincidental the timing of him getting this alleged deadly virus.he must be doing something right the fact he is starting to remind me a lot of our last great president jfk who was killed because he tried to stop wars from happening and also stepped on some very powerful toes in washington

There is a coup taking place again in Washington against a president obviously but this time they are not using bullets this time because they know even a stupid idiot would not fall for their lies again THIS time that a lone gunman did it,this is the modern way now to try and kill a president.
Trump got it because he he is running around like an idea ignoring all safety measures while Biden has acted safely and ironically has been mocked for weeks by Trump for doing so. Anybody with two eyes could see that Trump was playing with Fire so it was no surprise that he tested positive. All you out there that have been following his lead with the tough guy routine should learn a lesson from this
If Biden is positive next, then what ??? Oh wait, Trump did it of course.

I can hear Biden now "he just stood there breathing on me like, like, like a great big ole bear, and I couldn't get out the door, it was so terrifying mommy, i mean sister, I mean awwwwww come on mannnnnn you know what I mean, uh wait who are you again ?"

His wife then says "sigh, here we go again, Joe you're the president, and yes you just got back from hunting bears".
If Biden got it from the debate then hell yeah it’s Trumps fault. Are you kidding?! I’d be fucking pissed if I were Biden. He’s been taking care of himself and being safe and then pompous jackass comes in full of disease and mocks him for wearing a mask. How do you not understand how this thing works yet?! Unbelievable!
How do you not know how freedom of choice works ??? Do you think that you need to hold Bidens feeble hand, and guide him to every choice he makes ?? That's what many are hoping for in a Biden presidency.
Hold his hand? What are you talking about. I see a responsible leader acting appropriately during a pandemic who is healthy and I see a pompous ass acting wreckless during a pandemic who is now in the hospital. Their choices speak for themselves
Well get ready for the lock down of the century if Biden becomes (gag), the POTUS. You think Hitler was bad ? You ain't seen nothing yet. This country will spin out of control, and then back into control but in a Nazi kind of way... The possibility of wars will break out from within. It's gonna be everything the leftist have dreamed of. Becareful what you ask for, because you just might get it, then what ??
We are 6 months in under your plan and POTUS just got infected. Where would we be if we did a Hitler style lock down for 3 weeks back in March? It would have been gone in April. Think about it
Oh bullshit, you can't prove nothing, like I said just a filthy liar.
I can prove you’re a complete dumbshit. Point out one of my lies and I’ll show you how foolish you are
Well full of speculation then... Almost the same thing depending on how you stand behind your speculation.
Trump is no coward. He's mentally incompetent. What sane person two days after being diagnosis with a deadly contagious disease would leave their hospital bed without being discharged to drive around the block exposing other for the sole purpose of waving at his fans. That is just plain nuts.
The same guy that would gas church goers to take a photo with a bible In front of a church. That’s who

They're claiming that those agents volunteered. I doubt it, they follow the orders of the C in C. This was classic Trump. He loathes his supporters, but the photo-op was just too much for him to resist.

Guess he thinks it made him look like a tough guy who was showing love to his flag waving minions. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's all about Donald, and if he'd known in advance that 3 of his agents would get the COVIDS - He'd have done it anyway.

Now, they all have to quarantine for 14 days. This president is in a word - Sad
His flag waving minions eh ??? So what are you mr. poopy head, an anti-American, a foreign agent maybe, hired by Hillary or the demoncrats to disrupt, disrupt, disrupt maybe ???
Most likely a chinese plant.
Trump’s COVID-19 diagnoses is the consequence of a WH engaged in reckless, irresponsible behavior during a pandemic – where the wearing of masks was shunned, social distancing not practiced, and the health and safety guidelines ignored.

As a result of this administration’s willful ignorance and utter incompetence, the president has been hospitalized, other WH staff have been likewise infected, and scores of other individuals have been placed at needless risk.

Indeed, we continue to receive reports of individuals who have come into contact with Trump being infected with COVID-19.

This administration is clearly incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Really? Like Denmark shunned masks? Sweden shunned masks?

You do realize that everything we know, suggests masks are not effective.... you know that, right?

Masks are not to protect the wearer. They are extremely useful in protecting people from the person wearing the mask. The most common means of transmission is frankly spittle. When you speak hundreds or even thousands of tiny droplets of spittle are launched. At least if you are human it is. The masks catch a hell of a lot of this spittle.

Picture it this way. Omaha Beach on D-day. We have all seen the pictures and movies. We can barely imagine the horror of that day. Now imagine that day with half as many machine guns firing on our troops. More troops get off the beach alive right? So if everyone is wearing a mask the reduction in produced droplets of spittle infected with COVID is at least cut in half.

These are similar to the masks worn by the surgical team in a sterile environment trying to remove your head from your ass. Why don’t they shrug and say it is no use since the masks do not stop the virus particles?

Masks are not to protect the wearer. They are extremely useful in protecting people from the person wearing the mask.

Then you didn't read the article. The whole point of the article was that they tested a person who had Covid-19, and were sick, and they had the mask on.

What they found is that Covid-19 was still released into the environment. The masks did nothing. That was whole entire point of the article, if you had read it. There was zero evidence that even surgical masks prevented the spread, let alone the N95.

As for your link.... did you read your link? It's ridiculous. "but that nearly all these droplets were blocked when the mouth was covered by a damp washcloth."

Really? Damp washclothes? First, no kidding. Having a damp cloth over your mouth, like you are being water boarded, does reduce covid-19 dropplets being released.

Please show me the number of people wearing damp face masks? I'll help you out. The number is somewhere below one.

No one is walking around with damp face masks, so using that as a reason to say masks work is idiotic.

Another study of people who had influenza or the common cold found that wearing a surgical mask significantly reduced the amount of these respiratory viruses emitted in droplets and aerosols.

Which begs a huge question if you read the data. According to this data, influenza is getting through the masks far more than Common Cold Covid. (notice they did not test Covid-19 specifically, just other corona illnesses).

So influenza is getting through the mask.... but influenza is far less contagious than Covid-19, which the mask prevents. Yet we already know Covid is far more contagious than influenza.

See a problem there sparky? Influenza is making it through the masks, but influenza is less contagious than Covid-19. That means one of two things... either the primary method of transmission is not through coughing and breathing, thus the masks are pointless, or the test is bad, and they are simply not detecting the virus being transmitted. Because we know for a fact that Covid-19 is far more contagious, and yet Influenza according to that research is more contagious.

A recent study published in Health Affairs, for example, compared the COVID-19 growth rate before and after mask mandates in 15 states and the District of Columbia. It found that mask mandates led to a slowdown in daily COVID-19 growth rate, which became more apparent over time. The first five days after a mandate, the daily growth rate slowed by 0.9 percentage-points compared to the five days prior to the mandate; at three weeks, the daily growth rate had slowed by 2 percentage-points.

Now this is ridiculous. This is just shockingly dumb.

You know what else happened at exactly the same time as the mask mandates? And I mean the EXACT SAME TIME....? The lock down. Stopping large meetings, and large social gatherings.

I don't know of a single state anywhere, that has zero lock down, zero restrictions, but promoted mask wearing alone.

So how do you even think you can tease out the effects of the lock down, and separate them from the effects of the mask wearing?

Of course you can't. Of course you can't! It is impossible. If they even attempt to claim they can, they are liars.

How do I know this? Denmark. Denmark actually discouraged use of masks. I don't see the Denmark had drastically higher death rates, or infection rates, than the rest of Europe, or the US.

So no. Dumb dumb dumb article.
First of all the study was focusing on a hospital environment, not usage by the general public. There is a huge difference. The study was making a comparison N95 respirator masks and surgical masks, certainly not what the general public wears. The viral load in covid 19 wards is far far greater than that of your neighborhood grocery or local restaurants so the masks to be used by the public do not need to be same as in hospitals. Since the viral load in retail establishments is likely to very low, a mask with only 40% or 50% efficiently is sufficient to drop the concentration of the virus to such low level that infection becomes very unlikely. Anything the public does to reduce concentration levels of the virus in public places will reduce infection and save lives.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The study upon which this article was based has since been retracted by the Annals of Internal Medicine. Here is the Retraction Notice.
Correct, masks don’t work

The Mask wearing mantra, is the modern day equivalent to having child practice hiding under their desk in the 1960s for possible nuclear attacks.

Does absolutely nothing, but it's a nice placebo for ignorant people who want to freak out.

Actually. Hiding under the desk was a good idea. Let me explain. Nothing would save you from a ground zero attack. If you are there. You are dead. No question. But outside that area is where shock wave damage is incurred. The worst thing you can do is stand there and stare at the light and mushroom cloud.

When I was in the Army during the tail end of the Cold War we trained for Nukes. The training was to lay down head towards the flash Rifle under your body. Hands over your ears, eyes tightly closed. Face down of course. We had Dosimeters in those days. After the shockwave passed stay down. The reverse wave was coming.

It would not save us from Radiation. If we were ground zero we were dead. But outside that zone we improved our odds of survival by limiting the blast damage we would take.

So hiding under the desk to allow the blast wave to pass over you increased the odds of survival. Not guaranteed them. Just increased them. We tell the kids to do much the same thing with an active shooter or bomb don’t we? Get down. Stay down. A nuke is not a giant extinction ball. Each of the effects covers a finite area.

The further away from the blast point you go the better your odds of survival increase. Especially if you are low, and not looking at the blast in stunned disbelief.

Laying on the ground, or even hiding under your desk improves your odds. Nothing will ever make it a guarantee. But it can be higher.

Yup. I saw Blast From The Past. I'm up to speed on all this.
Mask, mask, mask, and there are so many cracks in the testing system that it ain't even funny .. There is no way to achieve perfect quarantine. People get tested, then the wait is what 3 days for results ?? Ok during those 3 days they might somehow contact the thing even though quarantining for 3 days where ever they think that it's not while awaiting the results. So when the test results do finally come back, wouldn't the negative that the old test might bring forth, actually change over the waiting period to possibly a positive without the person realizing it ??? Other words you can't hide from a microbe period. The only sure way to get a handle on the thing as far as testing goes, is to have test that give instant results on the spot. Asymptomatic are the worst in the situation, because they carry the germ, but have no symptoms. A vaccine is the only hope in resolving the issue period, but the left fought the battle of delay, delay, delay, hard because Trump is in power. They don't want him to be credited with anything, so it mattered not to them upon how many would suffer. Funny how vaccines fell off the chart for a while. The reporting should be none stop on the progress. Trump had to tell us about all the wonderful New therapeutic treatments and such from his bedside. We should be briefed by the medical industry constantly about this thing. No politics allowed.
Control of communicable viral diseases is not an exact science. Controlling an epidemic is all about reducing the likelihood of infection thus reducing the presence of the virus. Almost all the tools used to control the virus such as masks, social distancing, testing, contact tracing, and quarantining, and vaccines provide limited protection for the person involve but they reduces the presence of the virus. This is what makes controlling an epidemic so hard. People want to protect themselves not others. Had we been able to achieve a high level of compliance with social distancing and mask wearing, back in April and May, the virus would be under control today. If we had enough testing/contact tracing/quarantining to cover most of the population, the virus would be gone in a month or so.

In America we have been waging a political battle against the virus and ignoring medical science. You might win a election that way, but you will not defeat the virus.
Everything you just posted. You made it up.

One example: "Tell us more about how covid isn't serious even though you were hospitalized over it."

Trump never said Covid was not serious. That is a blatant lie as is the rest of your nasty screed.

Oh please. Trump has been minimizing the seriousness of this virus and he's even on tape admitting to that. Here are several of his quotes minimizing the seriousness of the virus.

"This is a flu. This is like a flu."

“I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”

“Now, and this is just my hunch, and — but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this. Because a lot people will have this and it's very mild.”

“If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”

"I intended to always play it down."
Everyone is this way until they get it, then they're made believers of the best kind. The thing is this, we are all lost in the weeds trying to blame each other or politicizing the thing, meanwhile China got away with an attack on our country with no repercussions. Strong tariffs or sanction's should be levied against Chinese goods in order to pay for the damages and resources to fix what they have since broken. Blaming Trump is petty, anti-American, outright disgusting, and it shows how desperate the leftist are in the situation.
The is no evidence that China purposefully released the virus in their own country and your statement that it was an attack on America is just a conspiracy theory. Just because the virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan is no reason to conclude it was an attack on America or the rest of world.

Trump is not being blamed for the virus. He's being blamed for a lack of leadership in controlling it. Practically every nation on earth has been hit by the virus. Some nations such as South Korea were able to control the spread of the versus with minimum loss of life and impact on the economy. Other nations such as the US failed miserably in their efforts to control the virus. The failure in almost every case lies with the inability of the central government to deal with the threat rapidly within the first 30 days following the first outbreak. In the US during January and February, the president was downplaying the virus and actually opposing the efforts of the pandemic response team. It wouldn't be until the end of March when we had over 4,000 deaths, over 30,000 new cases a day, and active cases were in most of the states would the administration be ready to deal with the virus. It was then impossible to stop the virus. The Trump administration had wasted those few months fighting a pollical battle when it should have been fighting a battle against the virus.
There’s no evidence of anything. You can’t prove shit from shitola dude.
You would not accept any amount evidence because your mind is closed.
And no, more people are not dying from the Flu than covid in the US. 207,000 deaths from covid so far this year which many researchers say is low. On an annual basis it's 276,000/yr. The only flu that was more deadly than Covid was the Spanish Influenza which killed
Are you sure? Cause you can’t prove the numbers. There’s that
Yes, quite sure.
Excluding the Spanish Influenza, 1957 seems to be the year with the highest number of deaths from the flu, 117,000 well below the current 207,000 deaths from Covid which is for only for 7 months. Covid is both more contagious and more deadly than the flu.
accept there's this...

Estimates of excess deaths can provide information about the burden of mortality potentially related to the COVID-19 pandemic, including deaths that are directly or indirectly attributed to COVID-19

There is this as I said.
You would not accept any amount evidence because your mind is closed.
why not post actual facts. the fact is the CDC itself states that deaths are direct or indirectly blamed on china flu. there is that. until you can get passed that fact, all your data is invalid.

BTW, the only reason counts go up is because healthy people are being tested. have healthy people tested for carrying the flu? This testing has never been done before. fact!!!!!!! fk you hate facts.

and more facts:

that's 188,000 of the 200,000 supposed china deaths. can't make up what liars you all are. you have no self respect.
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Mask, mask, mask, and there are so many cracks in the testing system that it ain't even funny .. There is no way to achieve perfect quarantine. People get tested, then the wait is what 3 days for results ?? Ok during those 3 days they might somehow contact the thing even though quarantining for 3 days where ever they think that it's not while awaiting the results. So when the test results do finally come back, wouldn't the negative that the old test might bring forth, actually change over the waiting period to possibly a positive without the person realizing it ??? Other words you can't hide from a microbe period. The only sure way to get a handle on the thing as far as testing goes, is to have test that give instant results on the spot. Asymptomatic are the worst in the situation, because they carry the germ, but have no symptoms. A vaccine is the only hope in resolving the issue period, but the left fought the battle of delay, delay, delay, hard because Trump is in power. They don't want him to be credited with anything, so it mattered not to them upon how many would suffer. Funny how vaccines fell off the chart for a while. The reporting should be none stop on the progress. Trump had to tell us about all the wonderful New therapeutic treatments and such from his bedside. We should be briefed by the medical industry constantly about this thing. No politics allowed.
Control of communicable viral diseases is not an exact science. Controlling an epidemic is all about reducing the likelihood of infection thus reducing the presence of the virus. Almost all the tools used to control the virus such as masks, social distancing, testing, contact tracing, and quarantining, and vaccines provide limited protection for the person involve but they reduces the presence of the virus. This is what makes controlling an epidemic so hard. People want to protect themselves not others. Had we been able to achieve a high level of compliance with social distancing and mask wearing, back in April and May, the virus would be under control today. If we had enough testing/contact tracing/quarantining to cover most of the population, the virus would be gone in a month or so.

In America we have been waging a political battle against the virus and ignoring medical science. You might win a election that way, but you will not defeat the virus.
Now see this is the problem right here folks. This flop figures that he is smart enough to try and make himself look like he knows what's going on (all pure speculation), and then he really shows his political bullcrap motivation when he attempts to attribute it to Trump. Why they expose themselves like this is a mystery, because it shows just how partisan they really are. Sick human beings. Their attacks against medicines, treatments, and a fast track vaccine to be released by some of the most proffesional companies in the world while people died by the thousands ought to lay the picture out perfectly to everyone.
No, you're going to continue to listen to PROPAGANDA.
Obviously it works on many.
How many Hopital Emergency Rooms have you visited this year? They are EMPTY. The photos of packed ER's are FAKE.

You wouldn't know propaganda if it tackled you.

I’ve been to the hospital once since this thing started. Not to an emergency room.

I didn’t have you pegged as a conspiracy theorist. I thought you were better than that.

Ok. Go ahead and tell me your version of this. Everything. The others conspiracy theorists here haven’t been very convincing but I at least respect your positions, so enlighten me.

“They” are fabricating numbers and posting fake pictures of full emergency rooms. Who is doing this, why are they doing this, how many of them are involved in this? Tell me all about this web of propaganda that you’re claiming.

Let’s hear it. You have the microphone.


I was hard pressed to find Covid19 cases.

Where's your "conspiracy" ???

That's it?

You think this entire thing is made up and complete propaganda because you visited numerous major hospital emergency rooms? Sorry, but I was expecting more from you if you're claiming that this global pandemic is just propaganda.

Ok though. Let me hear you out. Tell me more about this investigation that you did. Approximately ow many major hospitals did you visit? You say you were hard-pressed to find covid cases, but how exactly did you attempt to collect that information?

Let us know all about this investigation that you did which lead you to believe that this whole thing is propaganda. I'm willing to hear you out. Others, not so much. But I'll hear what you have to say on this.
His flag waving minions eh ??? So what are you mr. poopy head, an anti-American, a foreign agent maybe, hired by Hillary or the demoncrats to disrupt, disrupt, disrupt maybe ???

Yes Doggie, I'm a card carrying AntiFa member! :laugh:
Because we have routine outbreaks of various flus and colds, that wipe out thousands of people constantly. Happens every year, and every decade we have at least one really bad cold season.

Never seen people lose their minds, and act insane, like the mindless left-wingers are today.

Maybe they were acting different because the flus and colds never kill Americans like covid has. Using the numbers from the CDC, which you were doing, you must admit that covid is far more deadly than the flu or a cold.

Seems like we're going around in circles here.

If you're referencing the CDC numbers, then you need to admit that covid is more deadly than the flu.
His flag waving minions eh ??? So what are you mr. poopy head, an anti-American, a foreign agent maybe, hired by Hillary or the demoncrats to disrupt, disrupt, disrupt maybe ???

Yes Doggie, I'm a card carrying AntiFa member! :laugh:
Good grief. So your up on the FBI terror watch list eh ?? I took your comment to be specious, but who knows you just might be.
Now see this is the problem right here folks. This flop figures that he is smart enough to try and make himself look like he knows what's going on (all pure speculation), and then he really shows his political bullcrap motivation when he attempts to attribute it to Trump. Why they expose themselves like this is a mystery, because it shows just how partisan they really are. Sick human beings. Their attacks against medicines, treatments, and a fast track vaccine to be released by some of the most proffesional companies in the world while people died by the thousands ought to lay the picture out perfectly to everyone.
flop really has no self respect. I've explained to him post after post, but he fails to follow factual information like the plague he's so scared of.
Ok though. Let me hear you out. Tell me more about this investigation that you did. Approximately ow many major hospitals did you visit? You say you were hard-pressed to find covid cases, but how exactly did you attempt to collect that information?
how many did you visit to prove they were full? see both can play that stupid game. you got nothing. we saw hospitals empty, we saw nursing staffs laid off for the lack of patients. fk dude, in chiraq, they converted McCormick Place, one of the biggest convention centers into a hospital, 29 total patients. 29 fking patients. and, those 29 were not critical. Wasn't there a medical ship docked outside NY to take on allllllll of those sick people? none, not fking one went there. All documented. Nurses out of work around the country, cause they didn't get the sick people. feel free anytime to post one hospital that peaked emergency room traffic. one!!!!

Why do you work so hard to make shit up? Perpetuate a hoax? make people lose their jobs? you ain't much of, if any, an American.
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